Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

I will get back on this diet after tomorrow....I will get back on this diet after tomorrow....I will get back on this diet after tomorrow..... right now I don't even want to talk about what I have eaten. The words Goey Butter Cookies are three very dangerous words!

amanda.........what are you waiting for? why are you not getting on track tomorrow?..........only you can honor your self not keep lying to can be that person that you wanna be........come CAN do not keep making excuses!!!!!! are you sure low carb is right for you?.......i just keep seeing you post about having snacky carbs things lately and tiredness, as i have read back thru your journal........
Amanda, I can relate! My eating choices the past couple days have been anything BUT low-carb. Once we stray, it can be so hard to kick those sugar cravings again, but WE CAN DO IT!

Come on, Amanda! Today will be a healthier eating day for me! Wanna join me?? I'd LOVE to have some company on the low-carb bandwagon! Today will be tough even if we eat low-carb. That nasty carby junk will call to us. We have to resist!! In a day or two, we'll both feel SOOOO much better and we can LAUGH at all that carby junk food!!!

Are you with me, Amanda???? :sunny:
amanda.........what are you waiting for? why are you not getting on track tomorrow?..........only you can honor your self not keep lying to can be that person that you wanna be........come CAN do not keep making excuses!!!!!! are you sure low carb is right for you?.......i just keep seeing you post about having snacky carbs things lately and tiredness, as i have read back thru your journal........

Hi Deb and thanks for the post. The reason why I am waiting until tomorrow to really get back on track was because we had a holiday party tonight and we served Lasagna and salad. I had to make something that would feed a whole lot of people and Lasagna is sort of a tradition. I am getting back on track completely tomorrow.

Low Carb is certainly working better for me then WW ever did - because I actually lose weight. Also I plan on starting to work out again because I want to boost my energy for our trip in February. And that is perfect motivation to help me get up in the morning and work out. I have been tired on the Low Carb diet but I think that is because I also haven't been taking my daily vitamin - well that stops now!

Thanks for the post!

Doe I'm with ya starting tomorrow! I had to entertain this evening and the menu was filled with carbs. But I stocked up in my fridge with different veggies and meats so that I can be on track this week.

Goals for 12/29 to 1/3

Workout at least 4 days this week for 30 minutes
Stay on track only taking in 30 carbs a day
Drink Water
Take Vitamins
Start packing list for WDW

amanda....i was worried you would be mad at me for what i werent........thanks! i understand why you were waiting til monday.....sounds like you have a great plan for the week......let's go girl!!!!!!! only have a few weeks til akl.

i just realized that we live pretty close to each other........kewl!
Littleduck - it takes a whole lot more to make me angry! And hey look! A fellow Missourian! :)

Didn't do bad yesterday - not great - but better then I would usually do. My menu for yesterday was:

B: nothing - I need to get some egg muffins made.
L: George Forman some Fish with Cajun Seasonings. Cooked Cauliflower to real tender and tried to "mash" them with butter and cheddar cheese.
D: Chicken Nachos. Lots of cheese and chicken but bad about the chips.

Stuck with diet soda all day and drank about 4 glasses of water.

Today I am doing better:

B: Nothin - really need to get those muffins made
L: Cheeseburger on the George Froma (no bun) and celery sticks with cream cheese.
D: Plan is to go to Buffalo Wild Wings I will order 10 chicken wings with medium sauce and will avoid the onion rings and potatoe chips. Diet Soda will be my beverage.
S: Low Carb Vanilla Ice Cream
E: I plan on doing some form of exercise tonight I just don't know what.

I've drank 4 glasses of water and only 1 diet soda so far today.

So far so good. I had an extra soda at work so I drank dinner with my chicken wings tonight and didn't mind it one bit. I've stuck to my plan for today except for the exercise. I am debating on what form I want to do. I think I might just do a simple routine tonight and then enjoy my ice cream. There is so much that needs to be done around my house that is just staring me in the face at the moment. Augh.

Amanda, I'm glad to see you're back on track! I am too - was cheat-free yesterday and working on another cheat-free day today! We can do this!

Enjoy your night out tonight, but make sure you pick healthy food to eat, OK?? ::yes:: :D
A bit depressed today because my company is trying to screw me at the moment. Augh. I'm not going to get a commission check for this month which means that techinically we have no money to go to WDW. Thankfully our Credit Cards are down to zero balances so we can use those for disney and pay them when we get back - but I am just so aggravated right now.

Yesterday was good - I followed everything I said except for working out I just had to much house work to do.

Todays plan

B: Protein Smoothie - 9 carbs - very yummy and easy to make.
L: Heading to Subway to try one of these new low carb wraps. I can't wait! :)
D: We are going out to eat with my SIL to a Mexican resturant I think. I am going to order fajitas and eat it without the tortilla.

It is 11a.m. here and no soda yet and I have drank about 1 glass of water. I need to work on drinking more water today.

A bit depressed today because my company is trying to screw me at the moment. Augh. I'm not going to get a commission check for this month which means that techinically we have no money to go to WDW. Thankfully our Credit Cards are down to zero balances so we can use those for disney and pay them when we get back - but I am just so aggravated right now.

Yesterday was good - I followed everything I said except for working out I just had to much house work to do.

Todays plan

B: Protein Smoothie - 9 carbs - very yummy and easy to make.
L: Heading to Subway to try one of these new low carb wraps. I can't wait! :)
D: We are going out to eat with my SIL to a Mexican resturant I think. I am going to order fajitas and eat it without the tortilla.

It is 11a.m. here and no soda yet and I have drank about 1 glass of water. I need to work on drinking more water today.

A bit depressed today because my company is trying to screw me at the moment. Augh. I'm not going to get a commission check for this month which means that techinically we have no money to go to WDW. Thankfully our Credit Cards are down to zero balances so we can use those for disney and pay them when we get back - but I am just so aggravated right now.

Yesterday was good - I followed everything I said except for working out I just had to much house work to do.

Todays plan

B: Protein Smoothie - 9 carbs - very yummy and easy to make.
L: Heading to Subway to try one of these new low carb wraps. I can't wait! :)
D: We are going out to eat with my SIL to a Mexican resturant I think. I am going to order fajitas and eat it without the tortilla.

It is 11a.m. here and no soda yet and I have drank about 1 glass of water. I need to work on drinking more water today.

:hyper: I am PROUD of me!:hyper:
I got off work early today (Happy New Year) and when I got home I went for a walk! I walked for 30 minutes and even jogged a portion of the way. I feel fabulous!

We are no longer doing Mexican for dinner tonight (no more tempting carbs) and are going to Texas Roadhouse where I can finds lots of low carb stuff.

I am having a fabulous day!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc Happy New Year!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Good morning, Amanda, and welcome to the first day of the January Cheat Free Challenge! You're going to do this with the help of your WISH friends Doreen, Deb, Lisa Zeraspride, and me!

Take it one day at a time and you can do anything!

Good luck on this journey,
Plan for today:

B: Egg, Sausage, and Cheese muffins (Yum) and 2 carbs. Coffee with flavored cream (5carbs)

L: Grilled fish w/cajun seasonings (0 carbs), Cauliflower with Cheese (1 carb).

D: I'm thinking we might do cheese nd sausage. Or I have some polish sausage I can cook up and eat that with veggies.

E: Going for a walk - my thighs are really really sore from yesterday!

Other things to do:
Go to Target and buy storage containers
Take Christmas decorations down and fill with above mentioned Storage Containers

Yesterday I didn't do as well as I would have liked. I had a perfect strawberry margarita at Applebees which I'm sure was pretty loaded with carbs. Dinner was a Bourbon Street Steak which was AWESOME! I had them remove the potatoe fries and give me grilled veggies instead. I did have 2 mozzarella sticks but drank water after I was done with my drink. At my SIL house I had 2 small vanilla cookies (ya know the kind ya give kids they are so good!) So it wasn't a complete disaster because my big meal was all within limits. I ate every ounce of that steak to and it was cooked perfect!


So far so good today! :) I even stuck with my lunch plan. Got the storage containers all packed and DH is taking down the final decoration which is the tree. I swept and mopped the kitchen and bathrooms today. I think I might skip exercising tonight because of all the housework I have been doing. If I do get in the exercise I think I will concentrate on arms and abs since my legs are still killing me.

Here is my menu from today:
B: Egg Muffin - 1; flavored coffee - 5 carbs
L: Grilled Fish - 0; Cauliflower with Cheese - 2 carbs
S: 5 small pretzel sticks and 2 crackers - 5carbs
D: Polish Sausage and Greenbeans - 6 carbs/2carbs
S: About a cup and a half of low car ice cream - 10 carbs

Which means I consumed 31 carbs today - 1 carb over my goal - however since I did so much housework today and drank all of my water I am hoping this will still count as a cheat free day. I checked my protein power bood and it doesn't say anything about increasing carbs for days when you exercise.

~Amanda are definitely cheat free today!!!!!!!! least i am gonna say so.........put that clippie up!

kewl that you ran a bit..........i hope you are able to do cardio tomorrow......that soreness is a good thing...are you gonna do the half marathon too?

come on let's do this......cheat free tomorrow too!!!!!
:sunny: Good morning, Amanda! Here's a few rays to shine down on you as you motor on toward another cheat free day! :sunny:

Here's how I look at things: you know in your heart if your day was cheat free or not. To me, one carb is not a big deal. The big deal is if you were true to yourself and tried your best to live a healthy life. If you had that one carb and were feeling sneaky and guilty about it, then that would be a cheat, but if you said,
"hey, I've earned it through extra physical activity plus I've had all my water," then it's OK. You're your own conscience in this healthy living game, and ultimately YOU'RE the only one you answer to!

So, celebrate your cheat free day and continue to move onward and downward!

We can do this, Amanda!
Amanda, Happy 2004!!

I think Erin is right. Let your conscience be your guide. I don't think 1 extra carb on a day that was full of physical activity is going to matter! If it were me, I'd call it cheat free! Now where's your cute little cheat free bear clippie?? If you need help getting it in your signature, PM me. :D

Do I have to wait until the half-marathon to meet you, Amanda? It looks like we'll be at WDW during the same time in Feb. and I'll need to keep up my training - let me know if you want to meet for a training run or maybe we can meet for a meal with our DHs! :p Le Cellier has great steaks! DH and I will arrive on Thurs. 2/5 and fly out on Mon. 2/9.

Sorry to hear things at work are a hassle. DH and I have learned not to rely on his bonus money, because so often he doesn't get any! His bonus check is tied to the division's profits (usually great) minus any expenses (usually tons!). It's all outside his control, of course. :rolleyes:

Have a great healthy living, cheat-free day, Amanda!! :sunny:
Thanks everyone for the answers I am going to consider yesterday cheat free because in all honesty I didn't feel like a cheated. :) I am off work today and watching my 2 year old nephew for about 3 or 4 hours this afternoon. Here is the plan:

B: egg muffin - 1 carb
L: Left over Pork Sausage and Greenbeans 3/2

A soon as I am done posting I am going to go for my walk/run :) Tonight we are going to friends to watch the Ohio State Football game. We usually do burgers on days like this. I think I will bring some Sausage and Cheese as something to snack on during the game and I may offer to bring a big salad to eat with dinner. I want to stay low on the carbs today and drink lots and lots of water. Soda will be Pepsi One for me - no alcohol.

I haven't put my bear clippie in yet because it always makes me feel pressured. If I can go 7 days cheat free then I'll put him up!


Okay so for lunch I stuck to the plan although I did add a piece of American cheese because I was extra hungry this afternoon. I guess from walking/running this morning. Man that 20 minutes is tough but I did it. Not sure if I will do it again tomorrow or on Sunday - will depend on our schedule a bit. My nephew is here for another 45 minutes and then I'm taking a nap! :)

For dinner DH and I headed to subway. I was going to make Taco Salad then realized I didn't have 2 or 3 ingredients that I would need and I was starting to crave a wrap very badly. So off we went. I had the Chicken Bacon wrap again for 8 carbs. Wonderfully delicious! Carb intake for today:

B: 1, L: 6, D: 8 Misc. - 3

I am no allowing myself anymore for the day I am taking Beef Sausage and cheese to the football game party tonight so that I will have non carb things to snack on. I am also taking a 2 liter of diet soda and will drink some more water. I had 8 glasses of water today so I am very pleased with that. I was going to not run tomorrow but DH says that it is going to get very cold on Sunday so I am going to run tomorrow that way I'll get in my 3 times of working out for this week.


Had 2 buckeyes tonight at party. Buckeyes are mostly peanut butter coated with semi sweet chocolate coating. Had 12 carbs left from today, plus running - don't feel completely guilty about carbs but not feeling good about myself either. Avoided crackers, regular soda, beer, and chips. Not worth beating myself up over it though.

Plan for tomorrow:

Running 20 to 30 minutes
not going anywhere so should be able to stay on target.

It is raining here this morning. I'm going to wait about an hour to see if it clears up so that I can go running. Stupid rain. If not I think I might do a pilates tape to stretch myself out and work the ab muscles. I am really sore today in my upper back and biceps. Probably has more to do with picking up my almost 3 nephew several times yesterday veersus the running or it might be a combination of both.

I weighed myself this morning here are my current stats 165/162/140

B: Egg Muffin - 1 carb and a cup of coffee - 5 carbs = 6carbs
L: Grilled Fish, Cauliflower w/cheese - 2carbs = 2carbs
D: More then likely Taco Salad without the shell (Yummy) - I haven't figured the carbs yet.
S: Making some Sugar Free Jello this morning since I think that is why I keep slipping just a little - no guilt free snacks.

I may have to go to the store today to stock up on cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, and eggs.



Total change of plans today. Augh. Breakfast ended up being a protein shake and 2 slices of bacon - 11 carbs. We went to a coffee house with some friends and I did have a few sips of DH's Hot Chocolate but otherwise avoided the flavored coffee situation. One of the ladies got a double chocolate muffin - warmed up - and offered us a bite I refused although I have to admit it was hard. When we left DH asked me why I seemed so depressed and I started to explain how frustrating it is to not eat sweet foods right now. When we got home I was going to make me a cup of my hot apple cider but then realized I didn't purchase the sugar free kind with only 4 carbs. One cup of this stuff is loaded with 20 carbs. Double Augh! So I did make myself a coffee at home for 5 carbs. DH and I took a very long nap this afternoon and slept right through lunch when we woke up we were starving and I made tacos. I had one in a shell because it was 6.5 carbs (pretty low I thought) and then made a small taco salad. Total for today 22.5 carbs so I have about 7.5 carbs for this evening should I choose to use them.

Never did get to run because it is still gross here today. Which is probably a good thing since my muscles are not happy with me right now. I have to steam clean the carpet in my walk in closet because of a cat accident - that will be my activity for tonight.

amanda......great job over the past 2 days, considering all those social outings.....i have some sugar free jello waiting for me tonite too.........have you tried, if you can have cottage cheese, this recipe for something sweet? it is soooooooo good!

1/2 c cottage cheese
2 T skim milk
2 T sf choc pudding mix

put in the blender.........just like choc mousse.......i also like sf pistachio and butterscotch.

just another idea for ya........
I had to give in and eat something sweet. I had a leftover piece of cheesecake that my mother left here. I cut off all the graham cracker and then ate just the cheesecake part of it. I figure it had to be lower in carbs without the crust on it. And after words my mind finally stopped with the constant obsessing of food. It was either the cheesecake or chocolate - I figured there was less carbs in the cheese cake. I had 7.5 carbs left over for today so I am hoping that I am still okay as far as going over the 30 carbs.



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