"Always Remember"


Able to leap a double stroller in a single bound!
May 15, 2005
I wrote this because so many people, especially young people the age of my kids, only hear "Never Forget" as a war cry. I wanted them to realize that to me, it also means "Always Remember."

I will never forget….

(The evil that men can do.)

..the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, the Field, Flight 11, Flight 175, Flight 77 and Flight 93.

..the horrific images from that day, played out against the bright blue September sky.

…the shocked, bewildered and grieving faces of people around the world…and the shades of gray near Ground Zero that distilled all people into one.

(The broken hearts of the families.)

…2,996 human beings lost their lives:

…246 people lost on the four planes

…2,606 people in New York City in the towers and on the ground

…125 people at the Pentagon

…19 hijackers - which no matter their intent and the result of their actions, I count their mothers’ hearts among the broken

(The Heroes.)

…the First Responders; heroes that gave their lives attempting rescue on that long September day.

…the “working Joe” heroes; the men and women who reported to their every day lives that day…and then gave their lives attempting to rescue their coworkers and those in need.

…the passengers on Flight 93 - who very likely gave their lives to save hundreds more.

…people from New York, New Jersey, the U.S. and from around the world - lining the route to Ground Zero to cheer for the firemen, police, national guard, and all the search-and-rescue crews as those groups went in to comb the rubble for survivors, and then for recovery.

…the clergy from every denomination that set up prayer stations for the comfort of responders, S&R crews and the families of the missing.

(The Unity of our Nation.)

…the vigils held around the country - and around the world.

…Americans showing their support with flags and ribbons, and sharing “Where were you….?”

…the Flight for Freedom; comprised of 1,000 people from Oregon and SW Washington, who descended on NYC 3 weeks after the attacks. From the depths of despair, individuals rallied in spirit and action, coming together to support the victim's families, their co-workers and communities. This was the first group to travel to New York, lending both moral and economic support to a community in need.

…the pennies collected by school children to help the families of the people lost.

(The Rebuilding.)

…that a peaceful memorial now stands at Ground Zero.

…that a memorial for personal, quiet reflection now stands at the Pentagon.

…that a place in Pennsylvania was a common field one day and a place of honor forever on the next.

…that our nation overcame even this tragedy. I will always remember those that were lost and always be grateful to those that searched to find the missing and to help heal the collective heart of America.
I agree. In fact many people were writing never forget on their fb pages and I wrote always remember for the same reason!!


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