"Always look on the bright side of life . . . "

Deb in IA

Knows that KIDS are better
Aug 18, 1999
Saw "Spamalot" on stage last night - it was HILARIOUS!!! We loved it!!

We are Monty Python fans, and loved Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

While the musical deviated a bit from the movie, it still has all my favorite parts:

"Bring out yer dead!"
"But I'm not dead yet!"
I'm feeling better . . . "

"We are the knights who say . . . . NII!!"
"Bring us a shrubbery!"

And some new favorites:

King Arthur, to the Lady of the Lake (Guinevere): I thought you were a fairy!
Guinevere: No, that's Lancelot.

King Arthur, to Patsy: Why didn't you tell me you are a Jew?
Patsy: That's not the sort of thing you say to a heavily-armed Christian

I also loved the jabs at Andrew Lloyd Webber . . .

Anyone else here fans of Monty Python, or of Spamalot?

(And yes, I know that "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" is actually from "Life of Brian", but it was used at the end of Spamalot.)
I'm a fan of Spamalot and Monty Python. DH heard me giggling yesterday and came out to investigate and caught me watching Flying Circus--there were several great episodes that I hadn't seen in awhile. :thumbsup2
I saw it twice as well, once in Vegas and once in L.A. VERY funny! I'm a big Python fan, in general, so loved seeing this stage incarnation of their greatest movie.
Deb, glad to see a Dis review on Spamalot. I am thinking about getting DH tickets to the St. Louis performance in '11. He LOVES Monty Python... I like it some bits much more than others. Meaning of Life was my favorite...

Were the bunnies in Spamalot? The bunnies crack me up...:)
Deb, glad to see a Dis review on Spamalot. I am thinking about getting DH tickets to the St. Louis performance in '11. He LOVES Monty Python... I like it some bits much more than others. Meaning of Life was my favorite...

Were the bunnies in Spamalot? The bunnies crack me up...:)

Oh yes. Beware of the killer bunnies!!! ;)

DH will probably like Spamalot if he is a Monty Python fan. It got a standing ovation here.
"It's only a flesh wound"

I love "run away, run away" and how they are making the horse sounds with coconuts (in the movie).
I :love: Monty Python and Spamalot (have the soundtrack), but it seems I'm just not supposed to see the show. I had tickets back in 2007...my date backed out at the last minute and in the end, I was unable to go myself. Got tickets again in 2008...First the show was canceled, but the venue switched my tickets to a different night. The night before that, however, there was a huge storm; the venue called me 2 hours before showtime to tell me that they still were without power, and since it was the last night, they were refunding my money :sad1:

I do wish I could have seen the original cast (Tim Curry, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce)...that must have been awesome!

"Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"
I :love: Monty Python and Spamalot (have the soundtrack), but it seems I'm just not supposed to see the show. I had tickets back in 2007...my date backed out at the last minute and in the end, I was unable to go myself. Got tickets again in 2008...First the show was canceled, but the venue switched my tickets to a different night. The night before that, however, there was a huge storm; the venue called me 2 hours before showtime to tell me that they still were without power, and since it was the last night, they were refunding my money :sad1:

I do wish I could have seen the original cast (Tim Curry, Hank Azaria, David Hyde Pierce)...that must have been awesome!

"Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!"

Keep trying! You will totally love this show!

This is our second time to try to see it. The first time was in 2008, and our venue ended up getting flooded in the Iowa floods that summer.

Here is their current touring schedule:

I would have loved to see the original Broadway cast too! I love Tim Curry. And Mike Nichols is an awesome director!
I saw Spamalot with the original cast and have to say that it's one of my most impressive memories. :laughing: Tim Curry (love of my life), David Hyde Pierce, and Hank Azaria were downright hysterical. I was even the lucky one who pulled the Grail out from under my seat and got to take a picture on stage with them! Seriously. I like that picture more than probably my wedding pictures. :laughing:

I absolutely LOVE Monty Python and the Spamalot musical. IMO, it beats out all the musicals I've ever seen: Wicked, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Movin' Out, Rent, Into the Woods, etc. I've seen many and Spamalot will always be my favorite!!

Just a genius production.
I saw Spamalot with the original cast and have to say that it's one of my most impressive memories. :laughing: Tim Curry (love of my life), David Hyde Pierce, and Hank Azaria were downright hysterical. I was even the lucky one who pulled the Grail out from under my seat and got to take a picture on stage with them! Seriously. I like that picture more than probably my wedding pictures. :laughing:


Lucky you!!! :worship:
For DH's birthday in January I'm thinking of taking DH to NY to see a show or two - Spamalot is definitely on my list! I'm a huge Monty Python fan and from what I've seen of the show on Youtube, it looks great!
I saw Spamalot in spring 2009 and I loved it. I was a huge fan of Monty Python anyways but Spamalot just made my love stronger. I listen to the soundtrack at least once a week. My favorite song is "You Won't Succeed on Broadway".


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