Alice in Wonderland

What did you think of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

  • Loved it!!!!!

  • Ehhhhh it was Ok

  • Not a fan

  • Haven't seen it yet, but are planning to

  • No intrest on seeing it

  • Tim Burton movies are not my thing!

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If I'm a redheaded ninja, does that make me a Gin-
Jan 5, 2010
Hey everyone, so Question.....Are you or have you seen the new Alice in Wonderland? I have been an Alice fan since I was little. While other little girls wanted to be princesses I wanted to be Alice! Wonderland became my day dream place. I spent alot of time there. Even as an adult Wonderland has always been my happy place....Don't laugh, its gotten me through 1 Med-free childbirth and 1 med-full childbirth! I saw it yesterday. I just had surgery (ta-ta reduction) so I was unable to see it sooner. I was worried about the fact that I Was already on Pain meds so adding more weirdness might have made me more of a crazy person! So anyways, I enjoyed the movie. Dh and DD (8) did too. We have always been fans of Tim Burtons work so we knew Wonderland was going to be amazing. Some people have said that the movie was too dark and others didnt like the style. What did you think? Also, did anyone catch Alice on SYFY? If you havent but you like sci-fi movies this is a must! We DVR'd it and watched it so much that DH bought it for me the day it was released! What a nice guy! SO anyways, I cant wait to hear what you thought of the movie and what-not!!!!!!!!

OK..... I love Tim Burton..... and Johnny Depp..... and Alice in Wonderland. So needless to say, I thought it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was suprised that it was a more serious than it was funny.

Also, I saw it in IMAX 3-D. It was my first time seeing a movie in IMAX 3-D.... and it definately did not disappoint!!! It was way better than what I thought and imagined. There was great acting and a great special effects!!!

I really want to see it again!!!! Even with the $14.75 price tag!!!!
I wasn't too big a fan of it. I just love the original movie so much and I've been reading an Alice/Mad hatter fan fic called When Curiosity Meets Insanity so the movie was alot of change for me. I did enjoy it but wouldn't go see it again. It is my favorite Tim Burton movie though, and I've heard other people say that as well.

"I love my fat boys" hehe
I've heard alot of people say that Tim ruined the movie and that they loath all of his work. I personally think he is brilliant. While I do wish that the movie had been a little "lighter", I liked how he stuck a little more to the book than in the Disney version. I am going to see it again this week and I already know that this is one to buy on Blu-Ray!
My five-year old really liked the movie. Her two favorite characters were the Red Queen and the White Queen.

I personally voted for "Tim Burton movies aren't my thing." He's just too dark for my taste. Honestly, I didn't like this version of Alice -- although I thought the girl who played Alice was very good. And, of course, Helena Bonham Carter is brilliant -- but the character was just too over-the-top creepy for me.

ETA: I just saw on IMDB that the girl who played Alice is playing Jane Eyre in a movie coming out in 2011. I think she will make an excellent Jane Eyre!
Did anyone else catch where the Red Queen couldn'd pronounce "R"'s? They did an interview with Helena and she said that she did that on purpose to make the Red Queen funny to children instead of scary! I thought that was brilliant. Every time I heard her say "R"'s in the movie I couldnt help but to laugh. I would look over and DD who is 8 would chuckle too!
Me and DD watched it on Mothers Day and tbh i was a little hesitant on letting her see it as she is only 4, but wow we was both blown again. I'm not a Tim Burton or Johnny Depp fan but we loved it, my DD also commented after the film that i was silly for suggesting that it was a little bit scary because she was not scared at all.
I saw it in 3D last week and I definitely want to go back and see it in IMAX 3D. I tried on Saturday night, but it was sold out when I got there. I'll just need to try again soon.
DH and I are going to see Alice tonight and can't decide whether to pay extra for 3D. We did for Avatar but not sure if it is necessary for Alice. What do you all think?
We saw it in 2D this time. I am on pain meds and DD just got new glasses so we werent sure if we could survive 3D this go-round. IMHO, 2D was fantastic. We are planning 3D this weekend so we will have the chance to see both. For the most part, Alice is a movie that I think most people will end up seeing twice so I say try them both!!!!!!!!!
I chose loved it, but was between Ehhh and loved it. It was a beautiful movie from the picture perspective, but it just wasn't a great movie. Loved the 3D and the way you felt like you were in the movie with them, but some things just didn't fit.

I said I didn't want to see it again, but I think I do and will buy it when it comes out, just not sure I will like it in 2D.
I chose loved it, but was between Ehhh and loved it. It was a beautiful movie from the picture perspective, but it just wasn't a great movie. Loved the 3D and the way you felt like you were in the movie with them, but some things just didn't fit.

I said I didn't want to see it again, but I think I do and will buy it when it comes out, just not sure I will like it in 2D.

I saw it in 2d and really did i think i was in the movie without the 3d effects.
DH was sweet and went to see Alice with me so I didn't have to go alone. My 2 teens did not want to go as they could not get away from the idea that it was a film for little kids. We went on a Sunday afternoon and splurged on the 3D version. The theater was mostly full of adults- very few children. I wonder if the high ticket price for 3D is too much for families?
Anyway, to our surprise, DH really enjoyed it! I found it far less creepy than I expected (except for the part where Alice walks over the white heads in the moat) and it was a very clever sequel with a satisfying ending.
i personally loved it! i thought it was really good, and i liked the new story line. BUT, i do prefer the 1951 version. nothing beats it!:love:
I thought it was okay, I didn't expect too much of the movie for some reason. I usually love Tim Burton movies too. I never cared a lot for the animated Alice in Wonderland anyway.

I didn't like the Red or White Queen at all, but I thought Alice and the Hatter were good.

We saw it in 3D though and I hate 3D, so maybe I'll be able to focus more when we have it on dvd.
I loved it. I'm already working on my Hatter costume for Halloween. I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, so I knew I would love the movie. Actually, for a Tim Burton movie, I thought it was rather normal.
DH was sweet and went to see Alice with me so I didn't have to go alone. My 2 teens did not want to go as they could not get away from the idea that it was a film for little kids. We went on a Sunday afternoon and splurged on the 3D version. The theater was mostly full of adults- very few children. I wonder if the high ticket price for 3D is too much for families?
Anyway, to our surprise, DH really enjoyed it! I found it far less creepy than I expected (except for the part where Alice walks over the white heads in the moat) and it was a very clever sequel with a satisfying ending.

Funny. I saw it this afternoon in 3D and the theatre was FULL of little kids. There were two little girls sitting in our row who definitely didn't like the movie, one or both of them cried through most of it. To be fair, they were too young for Alice, I'd say they were five and six. Why don't parents do a little research before taking their kids to the movies? :confused3

That aside, I liked the movie mostly. I thought the beginning was a little slow.
Once Alice got to Wonderland I enjoyed the imagery, I thought the Red Queen's castle was very cool, but my favorite character was Ann Hathaway as the White Queen, I loved the way she played her. All in all I'm glad I saw it, but it wasn't my favorite Disney movie by any means. Or even my favorite Tim Burton movie, that still is Nightmare Before Christmas.
Picky literature nerd here. I saw the previews and thought, "Burton isn't getting it. He thinks he can just make things look surreal and strange and, there you have it: Wonderland." Carroll's stories are so much more than a land of curious beings. Wonderland is merely the setting; Alice's journey is the focus. There's so much clever wordplay involved in the books. Carroll really was a brilliant author.

My fellow English-major friends who saw it gave it overwhelmingly negative reviews. I'll watch it on Tivo perhaps, but for now, it doesn't appeal to me. And Avril Lavigne's theme song for it makes me gnash my teeth in outrage. :( That's a different rant, though!
I liked it for what it was. Although, I think (and this is just my personal opinion) Burton would have made it better had he put Johnny Depp as the captain of the ship Alice sailed off in at the end of the movie. Now that would have been brilliant!


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