Adventure is Out There! A Year of Disney Update 2/2

Catching up! For some reason your TR never showed up on my watched threads or alerts.:confused3

. Too bad I forgot about curls and humidity, they lasted through the parking lot before they were flat. Sigh.
:rotfl: If only THAT were my problem! 30 minutes in the florida humidity and my hair goes straight to fro town! :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

It was during one of the jerky turns during the ride that I realized that this was a problem when I came off the ground a few inches and starting tipping backwards! I grabbed the rail, but it was a scary moment. :scared1:
Oh my! :eek:

Is it me? Or does the imagination song rival Small World for hardest to get out of your head?
But it's just such a fun song!
Topiaries Around the World

The :butterfly butterflies were pretty, but difficult to photograph sorry guys. I recommend a walk through the butterflies though esp if your sans kiddos and you can linger.

When we came out we saw this perfect little fairy house. I want to live in it.

And a lovely Tinkerbell :tinker:

Now it was time to wonder the World Showcase looking at the pretty garden stuff!

I stopped for a picture with gardener Mickey & Minnie with Spaceship Earth in the background, but things were super wonky. There appeared to be 2 disorganized lines. People seemed to be running up in no particular order and the PP was just taking pictures with whatever she was handed and NOT her camera. :confused3

Not the best pictures of the trip, but I was just happy to have gotten a turn.

We strolled along and popped into a few gift shops. DCuz was looking for a gift for her MIL. She was highly entertained by the jars of moonshine for sale. I wonder if folks just buy those and crack them open and stroll through Epcot?
How cute are these! I think Mickey & Minnie make adorable garden gnomes.

We walked through the herbs and cacti next. We have a set-up like this at home. DH built it after we rode the Land. Yay science!

Next we spotted Bambi and his friends!

When we got to England we found Tick Tock Croc & Capt Hook!

In France we saw Belle & Beast

As we were turning back towards future world to get to lunch we saw Cinderella and her prince.

We had lunch reservations at Coral Reef.

I like how it's back in its own little corner off the main drag. The decor is fun too.

Don't eat these! :rotfl2:

Seriously though I felt obligated to order fish even though the thing that sounded good was the steak.
I got the Mahi

It was pretty, but bland. I was totally bummed. I waited like 20min for our server to reappear so I could ask for a lime and then like 20 more mins to get them, but once I added lime juice to my fish it was much better.

Look! Another picture of Dcuz! TWO in one trip, that's totally a record. She got the salmon and reported that it was ok. We both regretted not getting the steak.

MM got mac and cheese.
And the special glowing ariel cup.

It was so fancy, but the juice inside was gross. We had to swap it for water.

Overall, we were disappointed in lunch, but I'd totally eat there again and order something different.

Ugh...sorry lunch was a dissapointment...but there it's probably mostly about the atmosphere anyway...the mac and cheese looked not bad too lol
Ugh...sorry lunch was a dissapointment...but there it's probably mostly about the atmosphere anyway...the mac and cheese looked not bad too lol

Yeah. it's pretty in there...I've actually been back since then and it was much better.
Back Around the World

Anna & Elsa

(these pictures may be out of order my notes kindda taper off here)


Lady & the Tramp in Italy

Spaceship Earth over the water

Somewhere in there MM conked out so we just wondered through gift shops for a bit. Then I decided it was high time with get a picture of MM with Snow White Dcuz's FAVORITE. So, we took a still sleeping MM over to Germany and hopped in line by the wishing well. While we were waiting a little girl said I looked like Pocahontas, sigh. I can see it now. I wish I'd had some kind of dog accessory though.

MM woke up in line & just adored Snow White

And of course I got one too

We had a nice chat for sure and I know she mentioned something about my outfit, but I can't recall what now.

Then we decided to stop for snacks and head out.

Bye Mickey, See Ya Real Soon! (like 20ish days later so stay tuned!)

Running Away Without Kids For a Whole Weekend!

Dcuz, N & I attempted for months to get a group of moms together to go to WDW for the whole weekend without kids as a Mothers Day gift to ourselves. In the end, it was just the 2 of us, but we didn't mind a bit!

N and I had even booked a "Keys to the Kingdom" tour for our second day! We were thrilled.

Hitting the Road :car:

We discussed transportation early on and decided to take advantage of the Enterprise weekend special $9.99 a day if you rent Rent Fri-Mon so $40 something after tax for the whole weekend. N picked up the rental car and headed my way early Friday morning. I got my kids off to school and threw some last minute things in my bag and we were off!

N decided not to do any Disneybounding this trip, but she sent me pictures of the shirts she was packing so I could coordinate my bounds. Today I was bounding Cheshire Cat and she had on her Cheshire cat shirt.


In the car!

On the road!
"Running away!#MomsWeekendOff#WDW"

Almost There!! Hi, Obvious Mickey!

We made it!

Oh, also N made those awesome mouse ears herself. She used the flowers from her wedding bouquet and wore them on her anniversary trip a few months before. So pretty, right? She got tons of compliments. :earsgirl:

Here's what we had planned FP-wise

We had discovered that morning that my wheelchair tire was flat, so we had to rent one. We went through the side bag check were there was no line at that point. Swapped the parking lot chair for the rental one and headed straight to Starbucks! :coffee:

N collects popcorn buckets so after coffee we went on a mission to find the Cinderella's Carriage popcorn bucket. I do not collect popcorn buckets. I own one, but the Cinderella one was so pretty and I knew DD would flip so I got one too.

"Now it's a party!#MomsWeekendOff#WDW#Hs#CinderellaBucket"

Up Next: More Fabulousness on the Streets of America


Fablousness on the Streets of America!

Can I just say how AMAZING it is to run away from all your responsibilities and be at Disney and have no where you need to rush to! We just wondered around with our Starbucks being home. Of course we took pictures!

Hey Donald!

"Streets of America#MomsWeekendOff#Hs#WDW"

Ha, no trains running today...

Youse Guys, I'm at Disney World!

Then on our way to the Pixar area we stopped at the Splash fountain because Mermaids!

We realized neither of us had EVER taken a picture with Woody & Buzz which is beyond ridiculous so that was our first stop. We had so much fun in the line taking pictures!

The Claw! So good.

Hanging with Stinky Pete!

You are a TOY

Oh no Al's shipping me off to the Japanese Toy Museum

Up Next Woody & Buzz & Toy Story Mania

PS: After I wrote this update I realized I skipped a trip! I went in April for a quick day trip! So, I post that trip after this one even though it came before, oops.
You got a friend in me...

They were sweet and Woody loved N's Ears. Buzz walked over to the wheelchair and escorted me to the picture area, so cute! Even the PP was fun in there. We regretted not having done it before.

Then we walked next door for TSMM! N told me the secret is to just keep firing, to bad I have terrible aim!

That being said I think I did better than I've ever done, mine is the lower of the two scores:

I may have things slightly out of order but I belief we strolled through the Star Wars area next...

We stopped to watch the tiny Jedis battle Darth. So cute!

We took speed racer pictures!

Then we decided to go visit Baymax!
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Just found your report and have read all of it so far, really enjoying your trips and the dis bound outfits, you really have come up with many different ones, I really enjoyed the Lady and Tiania was great. Glad you tried soarin it is one of my favorites!
Just found your report and have read all of it so far, really enjoying your trips and the dis bound outfits, you really have come up with many different ones, I really enjoyed the Lady and Tiania was great. Glad you tried soarin it is one of my favorites!

:welcome: I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm a few trips behind so there's lots more to come. I love doing my Disneybound outfits they're so fun! Those are two of my favorites too :dogdance:princess:
We may have gone over to Muppets 3D next which N had never seen! I was so excited for her to see it for the first time! She loved it and assure me she'd bring her kids next time.

Then it was Baymax time!

We had a laugh when we walked into the Animation Building and saw this:

Oh, James!

It was a long wait, but well worth it!

Autograph Card!

Hiro loved my cat ears! He asked if we knew the name of his cat (Mochi aka Hairy Baby). It was a really fun visit!

After Baymax we went over to the Indiana Jones Show! It was just as amazing as I remember. Afterward, we ran up to the front so I could get a picture with Indy.

"Oh Indy, of course I'll run away with you! #SweatyStuntman#Indy#MomsWeekendOff#WDW#Hs"

I also got a picture with Walt!

"Hey, Walt baby nice place you got here! #MomsWeekendOff#WDW#WaltLove#Hs"

LOL, did I tell you what I wrote on the sign for my rental chair?

It says "Princess Katie" and I dotted the "i" with a Mickey ::MickeyMo

Next, we headed to Sci Fi for dinner we were starved!


We went to my favorite, Sci Fi :car: We both ordered a burger and fries kids meal!

And we ate every bite!

Then it was desert time, ice cream sundaes with Mickey sprinkles!

Service, food, atmosphere, overall experience were amazing!

We had one extremely important stop to make at ToT. N had only been on it once before and was freaking out :scared1:

That's us in the back row. LOL, N's eyes are popping out of the sockets! I'm happy to report that when she stopped shaking she said she'd do it again for sure! :bitelip:

And then were off to...


We sat right next to the dinner people. I was so excited to finally see it!

Mickey making magic!


Glowing Animals!

:maleficenThe Dragon! My favorite part :love:

Finale Boat ::MickeyMo::MinnieMo:tink:princess:

The was one more adventure in store before day two...
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Day Two: Magic Kingdom

We had an early Keys to the Kingdom tour and were up early and excited as kids on Christmas! I bounded Drizella and N. wore a princess shirt.

Ready for the day! On the Monorail...

We're here!

We were hoping for an empty park, but EMH were happening. Sigh... So it was off the monorail and into the rope drop crowd. The show was still going on. We had to wait for the characters to exit before we could check in for our tour. They gave us name tags and bottles of water. We went out to take some pictures.

They gathered us up and passed out these little headphone things. After a test to make sure they all worked and everyone would be able to hear it was time to go. Cell phones have to be put away the whole tour because it goes into restricted areas. I was basically bursting with excitement at this point. It was amazing tour! Halfway through we ate lunch at Columbia Harbour House.

It's two story so I had to take a round about way to the elevator that meant cutting through the kitchen. A nice man in the kitchen gave me a green Mickey straw!

When we got to our table there were place cards and inside one was this awesome pin:

I had shrimp and fries they were good, nothing overly thrilling about lunch. In the second half of the tour our whole group got to ride Haunted Mansion together! It was super fun. When the tour ended back on main street we got a picture with our awesome tour guide Stephanie!

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We switched on our phones and headed off to find the Tremaines because I really wanted a picture with Drizella. We didn't find them so we went to get cold drinks. N had messages from home so I people watched for a bit. Then we went to the Buzz Lightyear ride.

Afterwards she made a few more calls and I took selfies!

We headed over to Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. I was so excited because the mom in front of us in line was bounding Snow White! I high fived her and chatted with her.

Mine Train!!

When we got off the bounding mom was at the exit catting with a CM. I was thrilled and asked her for a picture.

When we had taken our picture the CM came back and gave us each FP for bounding! Which was ridiculous because N had just said I wish we could ride this again! Disney magic!

We ran over and grabbed a return time for my favorite BTMRR!

While we waited we decided if I couldn't get a picture with Drizella I wanted to visit Cinderella!
Princess Time!!


And Mrs Fitzherbert too!


Then we were off to BTMRR! It never disappoints. After Big thunder we went back to the Mine Train with our FP.

It was amazing! I think BTMRR and Mine Train are always fun, but extra fun in the dark.

Then we went to have dinner at the Coral Reef!

This time I went with the steak and it was good!

Up next: Day 3 AK
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Day 3: Animal Kingdom!
(So, yet again I wrote this whole post and then I got that darn Disboard Error thing :sad: Nothing to do but begin again.)

We had a breakfast reservation at Rain Forrest that morning (I didn't even know that was a thing!). N wore another princess-y princess: shirt so I did a Cinderella bound with the beautiful shirt DH gave me for my birthday. I didn't have any glass slippers. Can you imagine?!? So, for ease in pack and because it's the best I had I wore sparkly green shoes, but rest assured I have some comfy sliver sparkly ones for future bounds now. We got to AK when it opened, people were slowly trickling in. Even though the park was open the restaurant wasn't yet so we waited outside for what felt like for. No more breakfast reservations for us early birds.

He did not turn into a prince. puckerup:
At some point they opened the doors, but still weren't ready to seat us so we wondered around the gift shop. At first that sounded like fun because I remembered liking the gift shop at Rain Forrest cafe at DTD when I was a teenager, but I was hungry and grumpy and everything was annoyingly over-priced.

Soon we were seated and totally entertained by the man cleaning the fish tank.

I ordered a fancy coffee. :coffee:

We had the elephant table! :dumbo:

I ordered Tonga Toast, but was really Tonga Toast it was regular French Toast with fruit on top. It was good, but at that point we would have happily eaten our napkins we were so hungry.

The service was good because it was only us and one other family and our server was sweet.

With our bellies full we were ready to get our Disney day started! :mickeyjum

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