ADRs? We Don't Need No Stinking ADRs - A Sept '14 Dining Report - THAT'S A WRAP 3/5

Loving the report!

Big dogs are the BEST! I miss having a 100 + lb pooch. My only dog at the moment is a skinny boxer (60ish lbs).

We are also in the DC 'burbs. My husband is also in the restaurant biz. We also are eaters and drinkers. We should be BFFs! ;)

Looking forward to reading more. :goodvibes
Loving the Club level review. I can probably sell it to my DH next trip just by showing him the pictures of your cobbler.

Gotta try that Lighthouse sandwich at CHH. It looks so good and healthy too!
What a fantastic tasty review of the WL CL! One of these days when its available I will try it.
She likes big balls and she cannot lie!
You other DISers can't deny!
When a bus pulls up
To the Ep-A-Cot place
With a big ball in your face
It's much FUN!

...That's all I got. :lmao:

That cobbler looks insanely delicious! YUM! And this free wine & beer thing is making Club Level seem better and better. I could easily eat & drink enough to make the extra cost worth it! :thumbsup2

I love Columbia Harbor House. My favorite is the Lobster Roll. Deeeeeelicious! :goodvibes

I just burst out laughing! Where's the "Like" button when I need one!!!!
She likes big balls and she cannot lie!
You other DISers can't deny!
When a bus pulls up
To the Ep-A-Cot place
With a big ball in your face
It's much FUN!

...That's all I got. :lmao:

That cobbler looks insanely delicious! YUM! And this free wine & beer thing is making Club Level seem better and better. I could easily eat & drink enough to make the extra cost worth it! :thumbsup2

I love Columbia Harbor House. My favorite is the Lobster Roll. Deeeeeelicious! :goodvibes

Oh dear lord you literally made me laugh so hard I cried. Gotta make sure my daughter doesn't hear this little ditty or she will for sure will Wanna belt it out to the world. This is where I also add that at the airport she saw them backing the plane away from the gate and kept saying back that thing up. Oh to be 3 and oblivious to what you say.

We definitely made up for the club level cost and then some in our alcohol consumption, not that we have a problem or anything :)

Loving the report!

Big dogs are the BEST! I miss having a 100 + lb pooch. My only dog at the moment is a skinny boxer (60ish lbs).

We are also in the DC 'burbs. My husband is also in the restaurant biz. We also are eaters and drinkers. We should be BFFs! ;)

Looking forward to reading more. :goodvibes
Howdy bestie ; ). Fairfax County in the house here.

These have been my first foray into big dogs and I can't imagine anything else. Though 60 lbs sounds much more manageable.

Loving the Club level review. I can probably sell it to my DH next trip just by showing him the pictures of your cobbler.

Gotta try that Lighthouse sandwich at CHH. It looks so good and healthy too!
Show him the cobbler and beer. The path to a mans heart and club level :)

What a fantastic tasty review of the WL CL! One of these days when its available I will try it.
Everyone should try it so least once. This may have been my only time but oh so worth it.

I just burst out laughing! Where's the "Like" button when I need one!!!!
She's got some mad skills!

So liking the sense of humor!!!
Ah shucks, gee thanks. Traveling for work this week, but more to come this weekend....
Day 3 started just like day 2 did, with a quick bite and some coffee from the club level lounge. While the other 2 slept I perused the ADR options at Ep-A-Cot and was happy to see both Teppan Edo and San Angel Inn had openings. I elected for the ladder for one reason and one reason only, Margarita's baby.

Once everyone else was up we were finally on our way to....Ft. Wilderness? I was very surprised to learn that WL shared busses with some of the other hotels. This was my first deluxe stay in a long, long time and having recently stayed at a few values who never shared busses I was taken aback. I understand it is largely due to resort size, but at deluxe prices I'd expect my own bus. End rant.

We finally arrived in the land of the big balls and headed over to Soarin for Casey's first ride on it now that she hit the 40 inch mark. She's clearly thrilled, but loved the ride.

After that we took a quick spin through the Seas w/Nemo, before having a totally rad dude convo with crush, and then the obligatory journey into imagination. While I appreciate the nostalgia off all that figment is, that god forsaken song which is coursing through my brain as I write this is deadly. Casey of course loves it, so this was the first of 5 - yes FIVE - trips through the dreadful imagination.

After that it was finally time for our ADR at San Angel Inn and margaritas for mamasita. In addition to the margaritas, this was also a bit of a childhood dream for me. I'd always wanted to eat here as a kid as it looked like the fanciest restaurant in the world with the outdoor/indoor feel and water front dining. Sadly my Dad would never oblige so at 40 my long awaited dream finally came true:)

We had to wait a few minutes before we were finally seated at a table a row away from the water. The server was s..l...o...w to make it our way, but once she did I knew exactly what I wanted. Uno Avocado Margarita por favor. For those that don't know you can order the margaritas from La Cava at San Angel, which is a major bonus. Apologies in advance for the dark pictures, but the lighting was minimal.

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, behold the greatest margarita ever made. El Mayor premium silver Tequila, melon liqueur, fresh avocado, agave nectar and fresh lime juice, served frozen with a hibiscus Himalayan salt rim. I know the avocado sounds odd, but it adds more creaminess than flavor. I'm normally an on the rocks kinda girl, but this was sweet and salty and had a slight banana flavor, which was likely from the melon liqueur.

Jason ordered the blood orange margarita, not wanting to order the same as me. This was El Mayor premium silver Tequila, orange liqueur, sweet-tart mix of blood orange juice and hibiscus syrup, topped with wild berry foam served on the rocks This was good, but the tequila flavor was much more pronounced and the wild berry foam on top was odd. It got better as it melted into the drink, but had a strange consistency and sour flavor. He quickly agreed, mine was better and got the avocado one for round two.

We enjoyed are drinks with some chips and salsa. Nothing amazing here, but the chips were warm and they offered a tomatillos salsa which I prefer.

After polishing off our drinks pretty quickly, we each ordered one more avocado margarita to go with our entrees.

Casey and I split the house speciality - Lomo de Puerco en Pipián - pork tenderloin served over roasted vegetables and "pipian"- pumpkin, chiles and almond sauce. This was enough for us to share, but I was surprised by how small the pieces of pork were. That said, the pork was moist and flavorful and went well with the pipian sauce. I was hoping for more pumpkin flavor, as I'm a sucker for all things pumpkin, but there were definite undertones. The veggies were roasted green and red peppers, onions, zucchini, and squash.

Jason ordered the Arrachera con Chilaquiles - New York strip with chilaquiles (layer of fried corn tortilla, green tomatillo sauce, topped with queso fresco, onions, and sour cream), served with black refried beans. I'm more of a filet vice strip fan (I loathe fat and gristle), but he had this cooked medium rare and it was cooked perfect and very tender. The chilaquiles were a nice accompaniment and added some nice spice to the dish.

San Angel was a very pleasant surprise. We went to live out my childhood fantasy and indulge in some margaritas, but the food was very good and we'll definitely return again. And not just for margaritas ;) With our tables in wonderland card we saved $17.64 for the meal.

At this point it was almost 2 so we headed back to the lodge via Ft. Wilderness for Casey to nap. Not surprisingly we chilled on the balcony with a couple of brewsky's courtesy of the club level lounge, while we contemplated our evening plan.
Loving your trip report! Thank you for commenting on my post and leading me your way.

We decided on CL at Poly for our next trip and will totally be partaking in the evening amenities! :dance3:
Loving your trip report! Thank you for commenting on my post and leading me your way.

We decided on CL at Poly for our next trip and will totally be partaking in the evening amenities! :dance3:
Welcome. You will oh so love club level, partake for all its worth.

That avocado margarita looks great right about now!
It sure does. Of course it looks great right about always ; )
While Casey napped we looked at our evening dining options and decided upon Jiko - which we hadn't been too since I was pregnant. Our only ressie options were late so we went with 7:45 and decided to get some evening AK hours in before hand.

As we arrived at AK around 4:30 the crowds were pouring out in droves but we were the only ones headed in. We wanted to do a safari as late as possible, so we hit up the Up and Daisy meet and greets before making our way to Dinoland for their Dance Party. We'd happened upon this by mistake last trip and loved the "old school" character interactions. As you can see from the quick video below, Casey had a blast...

Next we went to Casey's favorite place in all the world - The Boneyard or the Rascal Park as its called in our house. She is obsessed with a door that doesn't open and when you pull it tells you to get away from that door you rascal. So obsessed that she has repeated it almost daily since our January trip and on the plane told the flight attendant she was going to the rascal park instead of the WDW. Witness the 3-year magic... Door.mp4.html?sort=3&o=2

After almost an hour in the park (side note, they so totally need to put a bar for parents in here), we made it to the Safari right before closing time (7 pm). We had our own private safari and while the animals weren't out in force as I'd hoped, we did happen upon this guy (no zooming here folks, he was close enough he could have put his horn in my....whatever the heck he wanted)

We walked out through the empty park and after a quick trip to AKL it was finally time for our first signature meal of the trip. While we contemplated our dining options, Jason enjoyed a Tusker Beer while I tried a South African Wine called Black Pearl which was a Syrah and Cabernet blend and oh so yummy.

Our server (Nasser, who was fabulous) soon brought some of their honey rolls with tandoori butter. This was good and the butter had a subtle curry flavor, but some of the rolls had caraway seeds which overpowered the butter. Caution, blurry photo alert.

After much debate between the salmon which came with squash blossoms (one of my fav foods ever) and lamb, I elected the latter for Casey and I to share. Ladies and gentleman do enjoy the Lamb Two Ways with spaghetti squash, kohlrabi, pumpkin seed duqqa, grilled olive ciabatta, and mango demi-glace...

Clearly I couldn't help myself and dug in before taking the photo. This came with 2 lamb chops, as well as a shredded lamb. The chop was cooked a perfect medium rare and paired great with the spaghetti squash. The shredded was my favorite though, it had a texture like short rib and was sweet in a good way. This was my first experience with Kohlrabi with looked like potato but had a water chestnut like taste and consistency. I still have no idea what a duqqa is, even my chef hubby was at a loss. The olive ciabatta was odd though as it had no olive and had a fruit topping (mango maybe) that was just out of place on the plate. Casey thought it was steak, but even though I explained she was eating lamb like lamby on Doc McStuffins, she loved it :)

Jason ordered the Spicy Botswana-style "Seswaa" Beef Short Rib with cassava-potato purée, sambal, mushrooms, and fava beans

Despite wondering why food was described with "quotes" (is it seswaa whatever that is or isn't it), he said these were tender and delicious. I took his word for it because while I've eaten and enjoyed brains, tripe, tongue, sweetbreads, and even pig ears - you couldn't pay me to touch a mushroom.

We elected to skip desert as we had Old Faithful Lounge cobbler on the mind, but they brought me out some creme brulle in honor of my birthday.

Overall, Jiko was a great dining experience. Not our favorite of the trip (that is coming soon though) but very unique flavors in a truly beautiful setting. We'll definitely be back. With Tables in Wonderland we saved $24.70.

As we left to catch a bus to MK to get back to WL, we were concerned about time to have some of our beloved cobbler and wine so we elected to take a cab. This was Casey's first cab ride and she thought it was very cool.

I made it up to the club lounge with an entire 3 minutes to spare and was graciously offered the whole bottle of red wine to go with my cobbler. After careful consideration (not) I took the almost full bottle back to our room. This again was the perfect way to end the evening, as we enjoyed our peach/berry cobbler and wine and enjoyed the peace of our balcony.
On day 4 we had a hearty oatmeal breakfast in the lounge to get our energy up for a day at the water park. We'd elected to take advantage of the free waterpark tickets WL was giving out due to the pool closure so this was an unexpected visit to Blizzard Beach.

I hadn't been here in at least 15 years and either my 40 year old brain or memories of summit plummet wedgies had blocked most of it out. We spent a good amount of time in the kids area, Tikes Peak, where we were able to take in some rays while Casey enjoyed the slides.

We also did teamboat springs a few times (where Casey enjoyed seeing the Ep-A-Cot big ball from the top), as well as what I think was called the racers but should have been called the tortuous walk up the stair with your raft. N-E-V-E-R again. I'll save everyone's eyes from any bathing suit shots, but we did partake in some.......donuts (bet ya thought I'd say some kind of alcohol, but see I do have restraint)

These 12 little tasty morsels were made "fresh" cinnamon and sugar donuts. Despite being held under a warmer for what tasted like a while, they were sinfully good. The chocolate sauce on the side was just hershey's syrup or something similar so it didn't add anything.

We eventually made it back to the lodge for nap time and couldn't find any dinner reservations that either appealed to us or didn't conflict with our Anna and Elsa fast passes, so we elected to make club level offerings our dinner.

The featured item of the night was shepherds pie.

As with the chicken chowder, an odd choice with the temperature at 90+ degrees but the flavor was good and it was on par with Rose n Crown.

And what goes better with shepherds pie than, sushi.

Yes, there along side shepherds pie were California Rolls (aka slushi as Casey calls it). There were standard grocery store quality, but I only elected to have one as it was inferior to some of the other choices.

Speaking of which, the highlight of the night was their summer salad.

This was a mixture of yellow squash, red peppers, onions, fricassee, paddypan squash, and bourdin cheese in a light vinaigrette dressing (yes I had to consult with my personal chef to figure some of these out). This was fresh and delicious and the flavors paired perfectly.

We enjoyed all of this while enjoying the beautiful view of the lodge below us (and of course some wine).

With our bellies full we headed to MK and the realization of our midnight wake up call 60 days prior to meet Anna and Elsa. However, after waiting more than 30 minutes for the boat to MK to come, we had to literally run down main street and through the castle to try and get there (and let me tell you, all of me is not meant to run). We got there about 3 minutes late (and barely able to breath), but the cast members let us in. Casey was oddly quiet during the meet n greets, which we attributed to being star struck but afterwards she was all aglow.

We later enjoyed 7DMT (its so much better at night), as well as a few spins on Casey's beloved goofy roller coaster and fab 4 meet and greets (in which Casey asked to do the hot dog dance with Minnie) before watching the fireworks from our traditional spot in fantasy land. Here are a few pictures from the evening courtesy of my renaissance man hubby who also fashions himself a photographer.

We made it back to WL just in the nick of time again, for our last dose of cobbler and wine before we checked out tomorrow. It was apple this time, which failed in comparison to the strawberry and peach, as the apples tasted a bit dehydrated and the topping was overcooked. No worries though, as it washed down nicely with some club level wine.

Coming up next we leave our beloved club level for the Boardwalk and enjoy my first taste of ooey gooey toffee cake and my favorite pizza EVER in the history of pizza.
Loving the updates! Gotta giggle at Casey's "Ep-a-Cot." My little one used to call DHS "Holly-o-Studios."

Glad you enjoyed San Angel Inn. I was in my 30's before I ever tried it even though I was so tempted by the look and smell of it from the boat ride. The margaritas are awesome, even though I'm not a fan of avocado the blood orange looks great.

Jason's short ribs at Jiko look so yummy to me. Our last meal there was great, and I'm reminded we should go back soon.

And I'm laughing at the shepherd's pie and sushi combo at the Old Faithful Club. I guess they're making sure they have something for all different kinds of tastes.
Loving the updates! Gotta giggle at Casey's "Ep-a-Cot." My little one used to call DHS "Holly-o-Studios." Glad you enjoyed San Angel Inn. I was in my 30's before I ever tried it even though I was so tempted by the look and smell of it from the boat ride. The margaritas are awesome, even though I'm not a fan of avocado the blood orange looks great. Jason's short ribs at Jiko look so yummy to me. Our last meal there was great, and I'm reminded we should go back soon. And I'm laughing at the shepherd's pie and sushi combo at the Old Faithful Club. I guess they're making sure they have something for all different kinds of tastes.

I love to hear kids interpretations of different words. We thought Ep-a-cot was so cute that we started calling it that too. Poor kid will probably be 16 before she figured it out. Holly-o-studios is still MGM to me so that's what Casey calls it too.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who waited too long to eat at San angel. Not sure why but now it will be hard to stay away.

Jiko is always a fav for us, just a pain to get to.
Congrats on the VIP b-day guys! Your little one is too cute. I work for the State of Minnesota, and I swear - I am here to help you too! Call us anytime!
enjoying your report
Thanks for following along

Congrats on the VIP b-day guys! Your little one is too cute. I work for the State of Minnesota, and I swear - I am here to help you too! Call us anytime!
Thanks for the bday wishes. I'll make sure to let ya know next time I get myself into a pickle in the twin cities ; )

enjoying your review!
Thanks. Just returning from an amazing week in Mexico but more to come soon.
Okay, I'm a little late, but I'm joining in now!

You had me at FREE BEER. I mean, that will get me every time. :thumbsup2
Hi! I'm really enjoying your reviews so far. I especially like your views on WL Club Level. I hope that someday when we go back to WL we will be able to try CL.

Can't wait to try the avocado margarita at San Angel in April. We also have a Flying Fish ADR so looking forward to that.

Your dog is adorable. What breed is he? We adopted a Lab/Great Pyrenees mix this year but she's only going to top out at about 70-80 pounds. :)


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