ADP - Live From Disney World

Awesome start to a great birthday WDW trip!! Great report and your daughters hair looks great!! Hope she has a wonderful time and keep up the good work!!
Great 1st day!!!

The MK really looks busy. Here's hoping the crowds will thin out a little for the rest of your trip.
Loving it!

WOW--that is A LOT to do in a first day! Holy smokes! Traveling, checking in, a park, a hair experience, and a character meal! I am exhausted just reading it! Glad the trip is off to such a great start. Thanks for doing the live always makes the magical reach all the way here to Maine.
There's no place like Home! pixiedust:

Thanks for the live trippie Aaron.
Thanks for the report. What a great first cream on main street.


Enjoy your day today and I look forward to reading about it later......
Thanks everyone...Glad you are enjoying it.

We are off to the Mara (AKL's counter serivce restaurant) for a light breakfast. I'll be having a cup of Disney coffee....AKA Nescafe. Not my favorite coffee in the world, but if it can wake me up I'll take it. We are heading to the Animal Kingdom and then an afternoon break before we head back. We will be dining at Tusker House for dinner tonight and I'm hopeful to come back around 7:00PM tonight for a trip to Victoria Falls (AKL's adult loung/bar).

I'll be back with a report and pics later.
Have a great time Aaron and family! We're having fun at DLR and saw the most awesome fireworks last night...:goodvibes

I also had a member of the Dream Squad take pity on me while I was being the "pack mule" for my family and she gave me two Tink pins. It was a nice surprise.

Safe travels!

Thanks Lisa! Enjoy DLR. :)

WOW--that is A LOT to do in a first day! Holy smokes!
Yea...We tend to pack it in; especially when we know where we are going. :)
Great fun so far! Thanks for the peek into your trip! Can't wait for pics/description of Victoria Falls. Don't spew on Primeval Hurl! ;)

Just so you know.... Today's Circle City weather - 44 and rainy (That's 7 and pi**ing to those across the pond) :flower3:
Ooooh...have fun!

First day sounded fun! Busy, but fun! Give Anna some belated birthday wishes from us! :)
This is going to get me even more excited for our upcoming AKL stay!!! Great TR.... are you going to twitter it? :rolleyes:
great reports. I can't wait for today's TR. Sounds like you're having fun.
I am loving this live report!!!! You are staying at my favorite place:thumbsup2 I cant wait to hear about Tusker House. Have a fun day! I'm jealous I have to wait until November.
Love the live TR.... I'm glad you guys are having fun....
Hi Again Pod Fans!

We just returned from our morning at the Animal Kingdom. First let me say, I'm soaking wet thanks to Kali River Rapids. I was one of the 4 who went backwards down the 25ft hill....:sad2: but it was fun! ;)

We started our morning at the Mara. When we walked in around 7:45 it was busy.



We ate very light since we knew we'd be having a counter service lunch later and dinner at Tusker House later tonight. We paid for breakfast out of pocket since it was light and cheap. Of course, I had my Nescafe coffee and it woke me up :scared1:.

We then headed for the bus depot and arrived at the Animal Kingdom before the park opened. At 8:45 we were allowed to enter the gates. We waked up to Discovery Island where we had to wait until 9:00AM, rope drop. Mickey and Pals did a little skit which opened the park for the day. Afterwards Mickey headed for the Tree of Life and waived to guests entering Discovery Island.

Rope Drop Crowd...A sea of humanity!

Can you see Mickey in front of the Tree of Life waiving a flag?

We headed back to Africa for Kilamanjaro Safaris and got fast passes. The line was already long. I never believe the wait times posted since its so early in the morning, but I could tell from the line it would have been at least a 20 minute wait.

We then headed back through Africa and Asia and went to Dinoland. We experienced Triceritops Spin and Primevil Whirl with very little wait. We then went to Everst and got fast passes. It took 10 minutes to receive a fast pass. It was now time for our Kilamanjaro Safari fastpasses. Here is a pictures of the Ankole Cattle.


We then headed back to Everst as it was time for our fast pass there. After we rode Everst we headed for Kali River Rapids. As I mentioned earlier, well, wet is what we got. But on an 80 degree day today it felt good to get wet. I should mention the weather this morning was beautiful. Clouds have now built up from the heat and humidity of the day, but its still pretty nice out.

After we rode Kali I decided I wanted to try the new Yak & Yeti counter service. I purchased the sweet and sour pork and a piece of mango pie for dessert. I must admit the food was not very good. They serve it to you in a cardboard box. The pork is on top of the white rice. I found it to be tasteless. I should also mention the seating on the side and in the back was completely full. People were standing next to trash bins eating. This is just my opiinion, but I would stear clear of this place for counter service fare.

Here is a shot of the food.

Kim and Anna decided to head to Pizzafari for their lunch....Lucky them! I walked to meet them after I finished and found them in the restaurant. Their dishes looked very good. Kim said her chicken parmasean sandwich was delicious.

We headed to the bus depot and waited 20 minutes for our bus. It really shouldn't take that long to run buses from AKL to Animal Kingdom, but for some reason it did.

We are now about to head down to the pool for a quick swim. I'll post more later.

Couple more photos of the morning:
Devine. She is awesome!

Tree of Life
Great start, can't wait for the rest :thumbsup2

Happy Birthday to Anna!!:cake: party: :bday: party: :cake:

Make sure you post a picture of the "new" you!!! Congrats on the weight loss :yay: :worship:

Have a great trip!
I'm thoroughly enjoying your live trip report...makes me feel like I'm there with you! AKL is my favorite resort...hope you enjoy your drinks at Victoria Falls. Happy Birthday, Anna! Give the giraffes a kiss for me.
I am totally enjoying your trip report!! I am so jealous of you right now. By the way, the food looks delicious!!!


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