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I don't know the castle you are speaking of, but if it's the one in in the world did that build that thing. It's in the middle of a mountain.
It's the Soarin' one. I ALWAYS think of that on Soarin' too! And I'm jealous of @rlk it's on my list to see in real life literally because it was in Soarin' lol.
Hi All,
I’ve been busy with travel/ return of my college age kids, etc. we are now in Germany. Just left Munich and are staying overnight in a hotel with a view of Neuschwanstein Castle and Mary’s bridge. I feel like I’m on Soarin🤪

I don't know the castle you are speaking of, but if it's the one in in the world did that build that thing. It's in the middle of a mountain.

I read a GREAT twitter thread on that castle a few months ago. Basically King Ludwig II just went off and built his own fairy tale castle, mashing a variety of architectural styles and influences ... for funsies.
I'm up to my ears in Sleeping Beauty arrangements. My son and daughter are in it--not sure what role my son's playing--thought it was the MC, but it's not. So, I'll find out Saturday.

Meanwhile, my daughter was supposed to be the queen...then she became the king (Sleeping Beauty's dad). They're playing it funny, so she's going to be a "Lord Farquaad" (sp?) kind of king. She has to rehearse with the dance company all week--ironic, since she was never in the company while she took dance classes.

Meanwhile, my older son--the one who went to the UK--came back to find that he'd won "Employee of the Month" from Fedex. Good for him, and unexpected. How unexpected? He had a running joke with a co-worker that, if he ever got Employee of the Month, it was time to look for another job! But, it's nice for him to get recognized, especially with all his issues. He's not exactly the go-getter type, but a solid worker who does what they ask.
I'm up to my ears in Sleeping Beauty arrangements. My son and daughter are in it--not sure what role my son's playing--thought it was the MC, but it's not. So, I'll find out Saturday.

Meanwhile, my daughter was supposed to be the queen...then she became the king (Sleeping Beauty's dad). They're playing it funny, so she's going to be a "Lord Farquaad" (sp?) kind of king. She has to rehearse with the dance company all week--ironic, since she was never in the company while she took dance classes.

Meanwhile, my older son--the one who went to the UK--came back to find that he'd won "Employee of the Month" from Fedex. Good for him, and unexpected. How unexpected? He had a running joke with a co-worker that, if he ever got Employee of the Month, it was time to look for another job! But, it's nice for him to get recognized, especially with all his issues. He's not exactly the go-getter type, but a solid worker who does what they ask.
It's great that a solid worker gets noticed. Too many time you have the solid worker is the backbone of company but the flash in the pan gets notice.

Good for him and you for raising a great person.
I'm up to my ears in Sleeping Beauty arrangements. My son and daughter are in it--not sure what role my son's playing--thought it was the MC, but it's not. So, I'll find out Saturday.

Meanwhile, my daughter was supposed to be the queen...then she became the king (Sleeping Beauty's dad). They're playing it funny, so she's going to be a "Lord Farquaad" (sp?) kind of king. She has to rehearse with the dance company all week--ironic, since she was never in the company while she took dance classes.

Meanwhile, my older son--the one who went to the UK--came back to find that he'd won "Employee of the Month" from Fedex. Good for him, and unexpected. How unexpected? He had a running joke with a co-worker that, if he ever got Employee of the Month, it was time to look for another job! But, it's nice for him to get recognized, especially with all his issues. He's not exactly the go-getter type, but a solid worker who does what they ask.
Congrats to your son!

Happy Wednesday everyone. Bad sleep night for me last night so I am struggling today and its a busy one. Come on coffee get me going. :-)
good morning all! went to the movies yesterday to see the new guardians of the galaxy. enjoyed it very much! very sweet and sentimental way to end the series. looks like mine and/or dh's tuesdays will be movie laden this summer-we have a little multiscreen theater that does a $6 tuesday deal and between the stuff i want to see (oppenheimer!), i'm willing to see with dh (marvel/dc stuff) and the various stuff dh will see with our oldest (spiderverse and horror/suspense).
I'm up to my ears in Sleeping Beauty arrangements. My son and daughter are in it--not sure what role my son's playing--thought it was the MC, but it's not. So, I'll find out Saturday.

Meanwhile, my daughter was supposed to be the queen...then she became the king (Sleeping Beauty's dad). They're playing it funny, so she's going to be a "Lord Farquaad" (sp?) kind of king. She has to rehearse with the dance company all week--ironic, since she was never in the company while she took dance classes.

Meanwhile, my older son--the one who went to the UK--came back to find that he'd won "Employee of the Month" from Fedex. Good for him, and unexpected. How unexpected? He had a running joke with a co-worker that, if he ever got Employee of the Month, it was time to look for another job! But, it's nice for him to get recognized, especially with all his issues. He's not exactly the go-getter type, but a solid worker who does what they ask.
Congratulations to your son! Its nice that some companies do recognize the importance of a good, solid worker. I look forward to hearing how Sleeping Beauty goes for everyone!

It's a busy week for us. Last night was our youngest DDs Senior Awards (combination of citations issued by teachers along with the financial awards/scholarships) ceremony at her high school. They used to do all of these awards during the actual graduation ceremony which caused *that* ceremony to be close to 3 hours long. Several years ago they switched to doing the awards a week or two before graduation. Thank heavens. Last nights event lasted over 1.5 hours but at least we were sitting in comfy seats in a climate controlled auditorium and not in the gym or outside in the football stadium. Tonight is her graduation from her technology school (she attended that school 1/2 days for the last 3 years). Not sure how long this ceremony will last, but we're once again going to be in a climate controlled auditorium. Her traditional HS graduation is in 2 weeks.

It's such a busy time of year...and to top it off, DD now has a boyfriend -- first one ever!!! She's a very unique human -- not super social outside of a very small circle of friends -- so we were pretty convinced she'd just become a cat lady (j/k). We always do what we can to support any friendship she seems to be thriving in so I've been driving her over to the boyfriends house a few times a week. She has a driver's license but no car to drive, plus she doesn't really want to drive (that's a whole other thread for a different day) and he doesn't even have his learner's permit. His mom is a restaurant manager and works the dinner shift M-F and his dad works from home but doesn't seem to want to be bothered to drive his son anywhere....ever (and his job is super flexible and totally independent. He can take a break whenever he wants to...which he does when he feels like sitting out back to chat with the neighbors). Thankfully this boy only lives about 3 miles away. I don't think he's a good fit for her but I know better than to say anything like that because we all know what will happen then... I just hope this dies out on it's own over the summer. She'll be working full time for a good chunk of the summer so I'm hoping she'll be too tired to want to hang out with him most days (wishful thinking, I know). She'll be off to college in late August, so we'll see what happens then since he still has another year of high school.
I'm up to my ears in Sleeping Beauty arrangements. My son and daughter are in it--not sure what role my son's playing--thought it was the MC, but it's not. So, I'll find out Saturday.

Meanwhile, my daughter was supposed to be the queen...then she became the king (Sleeping Beauty's dad). They're playing it funny, so she's going to be a "Lord Farquaad" (sp?) kind of king. She has to rehearse with the dance company all week--ironic, since she was never in the company while she took dance classes.

Meanwhile, my older son--the one who went to the UK--came back to find that he'd won "Employee of the Month" from Fedex. Good for him, and unexpected. How unexpected? He had a running joke with a co-worker that, if he ever got Employee of the Month, it was time to look for another job! But, it's nice for him to get recognized, especially with all his issues. He's not exactly the go-getter type, but a solid worker who does what they ask.
Congratulations to your son for his award! They must have realized how good of a worker he was while he was away. I'm a drama parent too. My daugher wanted to do a summer show with her teacher who created his own summer theater company so now instead of a relaxing first half of summer break I'm driving 40 minutes each way for practice 6 days a week. They are doing the show Wild Party which is a bit of a raunchy show set in the 20s.
Congratulations to your son! Its nice that some companies do recognize the importance of a good, solid worker. I look forward to hearing how Sleeping Beauty goes for everyone!

It's a busy week for us. Last night was our youngest DDs Senior Awards (combination of citations issued by teachers along with the financial awards/scholarships) ceremony at her high school. They used to do all of these awards during the actual graduation ceremony which caused *that* ceremony to be close to 3 hours long. Several years ago they switched to doing the awards a week or two before graduation. Thank heavens. Last nights event lasted over 1.5 hours but at least we were sitting in comfy seats in a climate controlled auditorium and not in the gym or outside in the football stadium. Tonight is her graduation from her technology school (she attended that school 1/2 days for the last 3 years). Not sure how long this ceremony will last, but we're once again going to be in a climate controlled auditorium. Her traditional HS graduation is in 2 weeks.

It's such a busy time of year...and to top it off, DD now has a boyfriend -- first one ever!!! She's a very unique human -- not super social outside of a very small circle of friends -- so we were pretty convinced she'd just become a cat lady (j/k). We always do what we can to support any friendship she seems to be thriving in so I've been driving her over to the boyfriends house a few times a week. She has a driver's license but no car to drive, plus she doesn't really want to drive (that's a whole other thread for a different day) and he doesn't even have his learner's permit. His mom is a restaurant manager and works the dinner shift M-F and his dad works from home but doesn't seem to want to be bothered to drive his son anywhere....ever (and his job is super flexible and totally independent. He can take a break whenever he wants to...which he does when he feels like sitting out back to chat with the neighbors). Thankfully this boy only lives about 3 miles away. I don't think he's a good fit for her but I know better than to say anything like that because we all know what will happen then... I just hope this dies out on it's own over the summer. She'll be working full time for a good chunk of the summer so I'm hoping she'll be too tired to want to hang out with him most days (wishful thinking, I know). She'll be off to college in late August, so we'll see what happens then since he still has another year of high school.
Congratulations for your Daughter! I definitely agree to not say anything about the boyfriend, these are all learning experiences for her in the path to adulthood.
My son and his girlfriend made shrimp fried rice to bring to a friend's potluck last night and he called me from publix asking what kind of shrimp to get, I said get peeled and de-veined medium size shrimp. Well he got peel and eat instead so he and his girlfriend had to peel about 50 shrimp, he said he'll never make that mistake again. I love these small lessons to teach them how to pay better attention to what they need.
My mom was up for the long weekend and to celebrate the boys birthdays. They are born on the same day, different years. No, I didn’t plan that.

Starting to think about remodeling the main floor hall bath. It has the original hex floor, bathtub and wall tile from when the house was built. The wall tile will need to be replaced sadly. What do people think of vintage bathrooms?
My mom was up for the long weekend and to celebrate the boys birthdays. They are born on the same day, different years. No, I didn’t plan that.

Starting to think about remodeling the main floor hall bath. It has the original hex floor, bathtub and wall tile from when the house was built. The wall tile will need to be replaced sadly. What do people think of vintage bathrooms?
I like a vintage bathroom if the majority of the house has a vintage feel/look to it. There is a restaurant we go to every few months that was refurbished about 7 years ago to have a really vintage feel (to match the exterior of the building -- always thought it was weird that the previous owners did a beautiful job of refurbishing the exterior of the historic building but then made the entire inside very modern. The new owners "fixed" that.) Anyway, the bathroom is gorgeous and I wish I could have that style of bathroom in my house!
My mom was up for the long weekend and to celebrate the boys birthdays. They are born on the same day, different years. No, I didn’t plan that.

Starting to think about remodeling the main floor hall bath. It has the original hex floor, bathtub and wall tile from when the house was built. The wall tile will need to be replaced sadly. What do people think of vintage bathrooms?

I like a vintage bathroom if the majority of the house has a vintage feel/look to it. There is a restaurant we go to every few months that was refurbished about 7 years ago to have a really vintage feel (to match the exterior of the building -- always thought it was weird that the previous owners did a beautiful job of refurbishing the exterior of the historic building but then made the entire inside very modern. The new owners "fixed" that.) Anyway, the bathroom is gorgeous and I wish I could have that style of bathroom in my house!
I too like the idea of a vintage bathroom if it goes with the rest of your house.
I too like the idea of a vintage bathroom if it goes with the rest of your house.
The rest of the house is largely original as well other than the kitchen. The kitchen was gutted already but I picked shaker cabinets with glass uppers and vintage style hardware. The contractor added molding to be period appropriate. Appliances are new of course.

Doors, floors, lighting and trim in the rest of the house are original. Walls on the first floor are plaster, upstairs is drywall as that was finished later.

I’m thinking of trying to stick with a period appropriate wall tile.
Was anyone successful at booking a reservation for 2024 this morning?? What a disaster! How does a company as big as Disney have a reservation system that populates the wrong prices for reservations on opening day? I think Disney IT spends more time fixing things than they do creating them in the first place. I had no doubt that the system would crash very early on and I was not disappointed! ;D I do need to make reservations for June 2024 but we haven't finalized dates yet so I probably won't make the reservations for a few more weeks. I did, however, try to log on just to see some prices for the fun of it and the site was already in it's endless loop phase at 6:30 a.m. when I got on. I have a fabulous Disney TA so I never have to deal with the headache that so many people are dealing with today. Good luck to those still trying to make reservations today!
Was anyone successful at booking a reservation for 2024 this morning?? What a disaster! How does a company as big as Disney have a reservation system that populates the wrong prices for reservations on opening day? I think Disney IT spends more time fixing things than they do creating them in the first place. I had no doubt that the system would crash very early on and I was not disappointed! ;D I do need to make reservations for June 2024 but we haven't finalized dates yet so I probably won't make the reservations for a few more weeks. I did, however, try to log on just to see some prices for the fun of it and the site was already in it's endless loop phase at 6:30 a.m. when I got on. I have a fabulous Disney TA so I never have to deal with the headache that so many people are dealing with today. Good luck to those still trying to make reservations today!
I had planned on trying at lunchtime but after the debacle this morning, I decided to wait until the website is working. Disney really needs to work on their IT issues.


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