Accutane...have you ever used it?


i LOVE stitch!!! hehe
Aug 11, 2006
well i went to the dermatologist the other day for the third time. the first time i went i was given a drug called Doxycycline for my acne. it helped, but i still wanted more. the next time i went, i was prescribed Oracea, a stronger form of the doxycycline. no difference. the third time, yesterday in fact, the dermatologist told me about a drug called Accutane. she said that 80% of the time the people who use it never have a problem again, however there was a major down side to this. because it is such a strong drug, there are many serious side-effects such as the want or desire to commit suicide, starting to hear voices in your head, among many other things.

now i have heard both sides of the story. i have heard that it is the most wonderful pill you can ever imagine and it works very well, but i have also heard a story in which a governor's son committed suicide when he went on this pill.

what i would like to know is what you think of this, and if you have ever experienced Accutane or someone you know has. if you have heard of it, please let me know how it works, and if you recommend it or not. thank you very much! :)
I am going to move this to the disABILITIES Community Board, which is more for things not related to the Disney parks.
that's OK. We're used to moving things. Hopefully, you will get more replies here.
I never took it but I think NOT taking it is one of my only regrets in life- I lived way too long with horrible acne. I was diagnosed with a significant MI when I was 15 and my parents were very much against the accutane to the point where when a doctor pushed for it, my parents switched my dermatologist.

I think that as long as you keep yourself monitored and have a supportive family, the risk is worth it. But that is my opinion. The side effects won't last forever.

At the age of 21, my acne finally started to clear up. Still have it somewhat and I have scars on my face. It could have done wonders to my self-esteem for many many years. Do the benifits potentially outweigh the possible side effects?
my son used it in high school workrd great. I remember I think the dose was weaned when you come off it. my DD friend and her sister used it. works great i think the people that already have some type of depression may have that side affect problem but normal people that aren't depressed most likey wouldn't. only my opinon not a doctor
I never took it but I think NOT taking it is one of my only regrets in life- I lived way too long with horrible acne. I was diagnosed with a significant MI when I was 15 and my parents were very much against the accutane to the point where when a doctor pushed for it, my parents switched my dermatologist.

I think that as long as you keep yourself monitored and have a supportive family, the risk is worth it. But that is my opinion. The side effects won't last forever.

At the age of 21, my acne finally started to clear up. Still have it somewhat and I have scars on my face. It could have done wonders to my self-esteem for many many years. Do the benifits potentially outweigh the possible side effects?

my son used it in high school workrd great. I remember I think the dose was weaned when you come off it. my DD friend and her sister used it. works great i think the people that already have some type of depression may have that side affect problem but normal people that aren't depressed most likey wouldn't. only my opinon not a doctor

im glad to hear all these positive feedbacks of this medicine! normally you would not be given this pill if you have had a history of depression, but ive never been depressed and i am in perfect health, so i think i should be fine.
My husband took this many years ago for a chronic acne type rash he developed after being in a body type cast for three months. I remember he had to be careful with sun exposure and he had to eat low sugar so he didnt get diabetes and he had to have blood tests to be sure his liver was acepting it ok (I think it was liver? ) Otherwise it was like a miricle drug and glad he got to use it.
I used it. Twice. In my 20's. I never had any kinds of problems with it. Never heard voices or contemplated suicide. It cleared up my acne great and lasted about 3 years. Then I had a reoccurance and my doctor prescribed it for me again. It did work again, for a few years. When I went again, he never even mentioned prescribing it again, just put me on some other pills and topical creams. I'm in my mid-30's and still use creams to control the acne.

So it does work. Whether or not it is a permanent fix, might depend on the person.
I used it. Twice. In my 20's. I never had any kinds of problems with it. Never heard voices or contemplated suicide. It cleared up my acne great and lasted about 3 years. Then I had a reoccurance and my doctor prescribed it for me again. It did work again, for a few years. When I went again, he never even mentioned prescribing it again, just put me on some other pills and topical creams. I'm in my mid-30's and still use creams to control the acne.

So it does work. Whether or not it is a permanent fix, might depend on the person.

oh wow im surprised to hear that! i was told it was permanent, and other than washing my face daily i wouldnt have to worry about it again. thanks for the input! :) im going for the blood test tomorrow to make sure i am eligible for the pill.
I took it my senior year of high school (I'm 34yo now)--- I'm in the miracle pill camp. I won't say that I don't get blemishes anymore anymore---- it's not unusual for me to have a blemish or two, but I don't get the big "breakouts" I got before. My face was always broken out with patches of blemishes--- I don't get that anymore. I remember I started taking it Christmas day, and by Christmas night the blemishes I had cleared up (I'm not even kidding--- the doctor said it would take a week, but it literally took 12 hours). The only problem I had was some muscle aches and some headaches. But I never felt depressed--- I was the happiest girl in the world when I was that medication--- I didn't have to cover my face with makeup anymore. It's just really important not to consume alchohol and to get blood tests every month (to check liver function).
Thank you for posting this. It is very timely as my dh's doctor is wanting to put him on this treatment. At 73 he is beyond worrying about vanity and I cannot see risking his health for clear skin. I was disturbed when she mentioned having to take a cholesterol medicine also because of the Accutane.

I see too many older folks who end up taking gobs of drugs, one to contradict the ill effects of the first.

I took it when I was about 17- it definitely worked to clear up the acne..for a time. The nice thing about it is that once you use it, (if you start to experience blemishes again), other products work better than they did before the Accutane. Here's the downside: I experienced papilledema, which is an excess of fluid in the brain that presses on your optic nerves. The damage can be permanent, and is for me. I did two courses back to back, and stopped midway through the second because of visual problems. So, although this all sounds very scary, my point is that you should be very tuned into your body and let your physician know about any changes in your health. It truly is a miracle drug, and I'm glad I tried it, just make sure you pay attention to how you feel.
oliviansmom17, no way do I think that clear skin is an even trade for the problems you, and others, have had with this medicine. There is no way I will let my husband take it. He is not able to say if there is something going with himself or a not. He is a man to start with and a difficult one to boot.

Thank you for telling of your experience.

... my point is that you should be very tuned into your body and let your physician know about any changes in your health. It truly is a miracle drug, and I'm glad I tried it, just make sure you pay attention to how you feel.

Good advice.

I am a dermatology nurse and although I have not taken isotrentinoin (Accutane), I am very familiar with the rigorous monitoring that goes along with this medication. Because there is a chance of numerous side effects, and the chance of very severe birth defects if a female becomes pregnant while taking it, this medication is not to be taken capriciously. It is reserved only for those patients who have severe cystic acne, the type that can leave scars.

You will need monthly bloodwork and urine tests to check your liver and kidney function and a monthly serum pregnancy test if you are female. You will need to visit your dermatologist monthly. You will need to watch your diet carefully if your cholesterol rises.

OP, if you are a female of childbearing age, you will need to use two methods of birth control for one month before starting accutane and continue for three months after completion of the medication (12-16 weeks.)
It is not uncommon for a patient to need more than one course of treatment, although as stated above, the acne generally is not as severe as it was prior to beginning accutane.

There is no medication in the world, oral or topical, that will take away every pimple forever. Acne treatments can greatly improve/control acne, but if you are in your teens or twenties, especially if you are female, you cannot remove the hormonal influences in your body that contribute to increased acne. Please do not consider accutane because you think it is a "miracle pill" and that it is more convenient than topical medications and oral antibiotics. This is a serious medication for serious acne only.

Accutane is an excellent medication, but not for everyone. We have had to discontinue it for patients who developed vision disturbances and changes in their liver function. In six years I have never seen any patient who complained of a change in mood/depression. Because this may be perceived as a side effect of the medication due to recent publicity, however, there isn't a dermatologist in the world who would risk his license by prescribing it to a person with a history of depression or other psych history.

If you are considering accutane and still are unsure or have more questions, please consult with your dermatologist or dermatology nurse. You will need to sign numerous consent forms in order to begin the medication...please make sure you understand them thoroughly before signing.

Good luck.

Since I was wanting to make sure I was doing what is right for my dh I took him to his primary doctor and explained the situation and here is what he said and why we like him as a doctor.

"If you were 40 and hunting for a girlfriend it might be worth the risk but since you are 73 and already married I would not take it if I were you". It made me feel better about my decision.

The outbreaks are not worrisome but the recent infections (2 in a year and a half) are. The doctor gave us his toll free number and so he will call in a prescription if necessary.

Thank you all, especially KathyRN137 for your professional advice.

Slightly Goofy/Linda


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