ABD 2010: Disers Go West - Let the Fun Begin

We are back in Winnipeg...we got the call yesterday morning that Chris's grandpa had passed away and were on a flight last night to be with his grandma and mom.

They say it was peaceful and while we are terribly sad about the loss and worried about Grandma, we are relieved to know his suffering is over.

Please send some good thoughts our way, I know Chris would appreciate them!!

We will say a prayer for you all. Be safe and be strong.... Micki and John
I usually run three/four times a week myself, but on this trip I was dog tired and had no extra time for it. There's TONS of walking though so there is that. It's sad that I still gained five pounds! :laughing:

I totally cried too! With the things I'm going through with my cat in her last days this week, that video totally lifted me up. Totally cried, but totally lifted me up! :hug:

You got up even earlier and went to the gym? You are a god!

Lauren ... We will keep good thoughts for you during this tough time... Micki and John
We are back in Winnipeg...we got the call yesterday morning that Chris's grandpa had passed away and were on a flight last night to be with his grandma and mom.

They say it was peaceful and while we are terribly sad about the loss and worried about Grandma, we are relieved to know his suffering is over.

Please send some good thoughts our way, I know Chris would appreciate them!!

You and Chris and Grandma are in our thoughts and prayers. :hug:
We are back in Winnipeg...we got the call yesterday morning that Chris's grandpa had passed away and were on a flight last night to be with his grandma and mom.

They say it was peaceful and while we are terribly sad about the loss and worried about Grandma, we are relieved to know his suffering is over.

Please send some good thoughts our way, I know Chris would appreciate them!!

All best love and thoughts to Chris and all your family. :grouphug:
Chris & Tracey, my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Lauren, I hope your kitty is doing ok.

And everyone, I hope your summers are going well. I am excited to see you all again in just a few months!
Thank you everyone for your well wishes for our Minnie. She's a real trooper! She has a tumor on her heart the size of my fist, but she's still running around the house and generally being herself. At first the doctor only gave her a week, but that's been several weeks ago now. We're just going to let her carry on until she doesn't seem to have her usual spunk anymore. The only difference is she only has to look at the treat bag to get about ten of them! She's gained all her weight back that she had lost. :rotfl: Hey, why watch your weight now, kwim? 13 years we've all been together. It's still not enough.

On the up side, I made our dinner ADRs for the DL 1/2 in Sept. We're doing the World of Color dinner package because I was just getting too stressed out about where we wanted to be to watch it and when we were going to eat and all that planning stuff. Now I just have to settle how we're getting from the airport to DL and back again and what' we're going to do about breatfast at 3:30 a.m. We're really going to miss you guys!

It's been a little while, but here's the French Quarter!


We are back in Winnipeg...we got the call yesterday morning that Chris's grandpa had passed away and were on a flight last night to be with his grandma and mom.

They say it was peaceful and while we are terribly sad about the loss and worried about Grandma, we are relieved to know his suffering is over.

Please send some good thoughts our way, I know Chris would appreciate them!!

I am so sorry about you and Chris' loss. :( Lots of positive thoughts and prayers coming your way from our family. :grouphug:

- Bill
Lauren, I love the train page! I really like the chicken wire that you have as an element. Very creative!
I totally cried too! With the things I'm going through with my cat in her last days this week, that video totally lifted me up. Totally cried, but totally lifted me up! :hug:

We just went through this last week as our 6 year old dog had to be put to sleep. :sad1: He was suffering so much that it was really the only option. It was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through so I am sending lots of positive thoughts and energy your way to help you and Minnie though this. :grouphug:

- Bill
Lauren, I love the train page! I really like the chicken wire that you have as an element. Very creative!

Alissa: Thanks so much! That LO got pulled apart three times before it finally landed the way it is. Thank goodness I wasn't using tape! :rotfl:

We just went through this last week as our 6 year old dog had to be put to sleep. :sad1: He was suffering so much that it was really the only option. It was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through so I am sending lots of positive thoughts and energy your way to help you and Minnie though this. :grouphug:

- Bill

Hey Bill! Thanks for thinking of us. I'm so sorry about your puppy! These things are so hard. :grouphug:

So......... has anyone else gotten the second survey from ABD?

THey must have heard you Pete - this one is all about our dining experiences :scared1:

:thumbsup2 We got one!

I DID complain about the food in the first survey. Bill completed the second survey about the dining. I'm not sure what he put. :surfweb:

:goodvibes Jennifer
Hey Bill! Thanks for thinking of us. I'm so sorry about your puppy! These things are so hard. :grouphug:

Lauren - I'm sorry to read about your cat. It is hard to see a fur baby suffer.

As Bill mentioned, we had to put our DISdog (JJ) to sleep this past Friday. It was hard. But, he is not suffering any longer. We got a call from my Mom while on the ABD trip that JJ was not himself. So, I had her bring him to the vet until we got back. He checked out fine and they sent him home with me. However, a few weeks later he started having seizures. Reluctantly, we put him on phenobarbital (anti-seizure medicine). Even on the medicine, he had seizures. Within the past week he took a turn for the worst. He could barely walk and yelped in pain. He would look up at us with those sad eyes and I knew he was in pain. Selfishly, I kept him alive three weeks longer than I should have. It was hard to seem him deteriorate so quickly. It does give us comfort knowing he is no longer in pain.

:sad1: Jennifer

(May 23, 2004 - July 16, 2010)

We miss you buddy!
Jennifer & Bill, I am so sorry for your loss too. It is SO hard to watch a being (person or animal) suffer when they can't tell you what is wrong.

My heart goes out to you all that are having to deal with painful issues of any sort.

So......... has anyone else gotten the second survey from ABD?

THey must have heard you Pete - this one is all about our dining experiences :scared1:

Ohh, I missed this post. Yes, I did get the other survey. I guess we all had the same complaint on the first one!

I think it will be interesting to see if any changes are made to the 2nd ABD/BM trip next week. I am SURE Pete will let us all know if there are any changes for his 2nd trip! :)
Lauren - I'm sorry to read about your cat. It is hard to see a fur baby suffer.

As Bill mentioned, we had to put our DISdog (JJ) to sleep this past Friday. It was hard. But, he is not suffering any longer. We got a call from my Mom while on the ABD trip that JJ was not himself. So, I had her bring him to the vet until we got back. He checked out fine and they sent him home with me. However, a few weeks later he started having seizures. Reluctantly, we put him on phenobarbital (anti-seizure medicine). Even on the medicine, he had seizures. Within the past week he took a turn for the worst. He could barely walk and yelped in pain. He would look up at us with those sad eyes and I knew he was in pain. Selfishly, I kept him alive three weeks longer than I should have. It was hard to seem him deteriorate so quickly. It does give us comfort knowing he is no longer in pain.

:sad1: Jennifer

(May 23, 2004 - July 16, 2010)

We miss you buddy!

Please accept my deepest sympathy in this time of grieving for your truest of friends and best of companions. I can imagine how much you miss his sweet spirit. It is good to think of him running free and happy in his new world where the silo feeder is always full and he has a ball machine with his name on it, but I know how his departure leaves a big ol' hole in your lives. I love his tribute in your signature, and seeing a little bit of all the love you shared.
Jennifer and Bill,

I can't add anything to Heather's eloquent comment on the loss of your family's companion. Our thoughts are with you.
Lauren -

I'm always looking forward to one of your scrapbook pages
Whatever will we do when your finished :confused3

:idea: of course... another Podcast trip/event - how silly of me :laughing:


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