ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

Anara, Zach and I leave THIS SUNDAY, October 9th

OMG I just can't believe it is soooo soooon!!! I'm so excited for you!!! And also, I'm almost as excited for you about the keys part of the vacay as the Disney part...since I just love that area too! I hope that Mrs. Mac's is on your list. They Key Lime Freeze just...rapturous. I went back a second time because I HAD TO HAVE another one.
I feel you should do a trip to WDW.

Oh do you now?

Fine! I'll just pack up my bags and go then. So there.

Sounds intriguing. Hope it works out.

I think it's gonna!

All in due time!


Checking in! You are ahead of the game, starting your TR before your PTR is officially not a PTR anymore! Looking forward to your adventures. Don't you have a wedding coming soon?

Wanted to set the scene and get things moving, so I can jump right in!

YES! We come home for a week, then head right back out for a VERY quick trip to Bowling Green again for Andrew's wedding. That's Nov. 5th. Remember, remember. (get it?)

Still hoping to move back, our house is still tgere.

Looking forward to that, Tammie!!

That's a major reason why I never want to go back to school. Plus I don't have the drive or motivation.

My motto: Fake it til ya make it! I'd put up with mountain-sized heaps of dung to be able to have a skill to get some spending cash.

Only one week left! Two years for me.

I had to wait 5 to get back. Makes it all the more special when I does happen. Since then, I've gotten to go other smaller trips like camping and San Fran, and Bowling Green which were special in their own way.

All in good time...

I dunno. There is a third category where I seem to fit which is that I trudge along knowing that most likely I will get the prize whether or not I do the task, but only because I have the knowledge that if I don't do it, no one will. I am currently trying the prize approach and it doesn't seem to having a huge effect for me, but maybe when the deadline for the prize gets closer, I'll get motivated.

I can be that way too- guess it depends on what it is that faces me. Studying for an exam? Yeah probably more like this. As for the "no one else is going to do it approach"? Dishes. 99% of the time. At least I don't have to haul wood or take the garbage out.

I'll think of you all as you hit your milestones and where I'll be until I join you!

What a fun way to repsond!

maybe laundry, dishes, moving, packing....

So...... the normal pre-trip stuff. Or normal life-for-Alison stuff.

I hope you get to meet up with Cynthia before your flight.

Me too! She's super busy, so I may not even hear back.

I will think of you landing while I am struggling at the Chiropractor. I hope you get to your resort that quickly, for me it seems to take about two hours, but perhaps AoA has a dedicated bus, whereas I'm usually on a bus that goes to several resorts and mine is always last.

I hope it's NOTHING like me struggling at the Spine Specialist yesterday.

I hope so too... Stuff to do, things to see!!!!!!! Bread pudding to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.

Another wide open day for me. I suspect I will be hassling Fran to choose clothes for me to pack.

Geez, Fran, get with the program! I do hope I get to meet her too!

And just about that time I will be stepping on stage for our concert, the one event that determined our travel date of the 18th.

I'd love to see one of your concerts someday. I miss band so much!

Mid morning to you probably means something different than it does to me, but mid morning west coast time, we will be boarding our flight! :banana:

WAAAAAAAAHOOOOOTY! Not much more exciting than that!

Well, which one? :confused3

If my response of, "I *think Miami" gives you any clue as to how loosey-goosey that portion of the trip is...

I hope you get rest and relaxation on the Keys part of your trip. This is our Strawberry Soup, MK and Trader Sam's day of the trip....

I think it will be. I'm really looking forward to kayaking on the sea. I have yet to try that strawberry soup. Someday.

I'm glad that for a brief point in time, mine will overlap with yours!

ME TOO! A little time to get to see you IRL is better than none at all.
The procrastinator is here to try to post her guesses (since I have only a few more days left)

Flights -45
one on time -10
all sit together once -10
within half hour -5
you sleep -20

you had to skip one

Drinks- 70
All letters (you give it a heck of a try!) but nope -0
Challenge drinks 4 (you like to get these) -40
3 souvies -30

Shop - all 85

Hidden Mickeys -41

Resorts -10
only one ready
no upgrades:sad1:

Top 10 list -40
4 get completed

Transportation -0
You're not from Canada and Pkondz isn't joining us so something will be longer then 15 min --0
You'll miss one mode-0

Misc -45 & 21?
no blisters -0
someone forgets something (not our Queen!-one of her heirs) -5
Photo with a character -5
Yeehaw -5
Magic -10
2 pools-20
Am I to guess how many mystery photos I'll get later? hopefully with help 21

If I've answered properly with enough info, my grand total would be 386/407

All copied and pasted into the Official Scorecard Document. Even your Queen has no idea who many points she will get yet... Isn't this exciting?!
How did I not see you started this already? I'm here and joining in now! Sounds like fun.

I slipped it in all stealth-like. ;) I'm SO happy you're here with me. Warning... could take a spell getting through it. A HUGE :welcome: to you as we get things started!

Hm. What about those of us who are motivated mostly by deadlines? ;) But, I guess I do fall more on the intrinsic satisfaction side.

And, thanks for laying out the timeline. I had definitely lost track of everything along the way! It's hard to believe it is so close now!

Deadlines, I admit, can be very motivational. They certainly are for me when company' coming in an hour and my house looks like a Frat House on Saturday morning.

I sometimes have a hard time keeping track of it myself. If it weren't for those little cheater cards who KNOWS who'd be where when.

I'm always glad to be here for you anytime you need a swift kick in the butt.

Thanks, Andy! Now that I've had my injection you can do that and I may not kick you back. As fun as that'd be.

You know, it looks like you have timed the "When" very wisely... Seems like Matthew will be gone by the time you arrive. I hope it won't bother anyone else along the East Coast either!!

I certainly seemed to have dodged a MAJOR trip bullet with this one! Holy smoke dogs, I am still VERY, VERY reluctantly celebrating. But watching very closely!

OMG I just can't believe it is soooo soooon!!! I'm so excited for you!!! And also, I'm almost as excited for you about the keys part of the vacay as the Disney part...since I just love that area too! I hope that Mrs. Mac's is on your list. They Key Lime Freeze just...rapturous. I went back a second time because I HAD TO HAVE another one.

What is this deliciousness you speak of?! I don't know where this key-limey goodness can be found, but I'm off to figure it out.


I hope it's NOTHING like me struggling at the Spine Specialist yesterday.

OMG no! Fran has sometimes resorted to cortisone shots when she is off her RA meds. Maybe it's cause she has "more padding" than you , but she never said that it hurt.

I see the Chiropractor on Mon and Fri. As long as I don't have something grievously wrong, it's actually a personal training, strength training session. Long story but at least I have a workout built in twice a week.

Geez, Fran, get with the program! I do hope I get to meet her too!

She'll probably make an appearance. She does like her margaritas so that might help draw her in.

I'd love to see one of your concerts someday. I miss band so much!

What did you play? :hyper:

WAAAAAAAAHOOOOOTY! Not much more exciting than that!

I've been playing the @pkondz game convincing myself I'm not going. I hope I don't show up in long johns.

Who am I kidding? We don't own long Johns in So Cal. :lmao:

I have yet to try that strawberry soup. Someday.

I could give you the recipe. At least the 1900 Park Fare version. It's rather easy, very good, but certainly not low cal. :rotfl2:
Oh do you now?

Fine! I'll just pack up my bags and go then. So there.

Well, that was easy.
Maybe I should try to convince you to do some other stuff too.

Hmmm..... let's test it before I start with outrageous requests....

I know.

Go to the Florida Keys!

I've been playing the @pkondz game convincing myself I'm not going. I hope I don't show up in long johns.


Who am I kidding? We don't own long Johns in So Cal. :lmao:

Thanks for rubbing that in.
I'm sitting here nervously looking over my shoulder as it's snowing heavily not too far north and also snowing to the west of us.
I'm just hoping to God Matthew doesn't stall out. I admit it.... I'm having a tiny freak out this morning.
Thanks for rubbing that in.
I'm sitting here nervously looking over my shoulder as it's snowing heavily not too far north and also snowing to the west of us.

You're welcome! :teeth:

And just to drive the knife in a little further, we just went out to breakfast and chose inside seating because outside was too cold for me in my tank top. It was 62° F.
She'll arrive around 10:00 on Thursday and take Uber (since she's a 5th in the room and now ineligible for ME) to AoA

Has Mikki checked to see if Uber picks up at the airport, Orlando? I was doing some research and thought they were not allowed. Options were take a shuttle to airport hotel and then pick up there. But maybe it has changed. Have a great time!
Has Mikki checked to see if Uber picks up at the airport, Orlando? I was doing some research and thought they were not allowed. Options were take a shuttle to airport hotel and then pick up there. But maybe it has changed. Have a great time!

We did do a bit of research, and as a business major, she is Pi$$ed! She's a smart cookie and will figure out how to get there, but yeah, it looks like she'll have to take a shuttle and then Uber or drop her pin a bit out. But that could mean a LONG walk and she's not checking bags, which means a heavy carryon. Honestly, I don't know how they enforce it. Can't they just take their sticker off and do a normal pick up? I guess stings and that sort of ridiculous nonsense.

On a completely different note: :welcome::welcome::welcome:! Happy to have you here and reading along! It's great to have new faces come along.
The Where, the What and the Why

Being the final update before we leave, I thought it apropos that I address a few more of the basics. The Where, the What, and the Why...

That should complete setting the stage and get you all in the mindset of the basics of the this trip. You know who we are and when we're leaving (God willing; this hurricane business is making things a little dicey. But hey, what's a Trip Report without a little drama?), so let's pick it up with where we're going.

The first portion, and the vast majority, (because Disney has effectively priced most middle class families out of deluxe resorts for long stays unless you go without food for an extended period of time (not likely)), will be at Art of Animation. Like so many others, I have a bucket list item of staying at each of the resorts without a repeat until that's done. After this, I'll have 3 more Values to go, none of which are very appealing, so I'll cross that bridge at some point in the future. AoA is a brand spanking new one which theoretically makes it devoid of bedbugs. For a while anyway. It also has the pool that gives me the most space to flee from splashing kids. Unless I start to splash more, and then it gives the other adults who don't know how to have fun space to find somewhere else to complain and pout. I am really looking forward to this resort, but am now kinda wishing I'd have chosen the Cars area, but honestly, we'll have plenty of time to take resort walks and check it all out. So from October 10th- October 17th, the SteppeFamily will be bringing their own brand of hillbilly to the Little Mermaid section; we'll try to keep the noise down. I've requested Building 7 nearest Animation Hall facing the Lake on the ground level in a corner room, but that's a pretty tall order. We shall see..... Maybe the hurricane will scare off the pansies and we'll have the entire resort to ourselves. I have 12 ponchos and I'm not afraid to use them.

On the 17th, we'll all move over to all 3 of my kiddlywinks' dream resort: Animal Kingdom Lodge. Who doesn't want the option of walking a short distance and seeing zebras and giraffes? We can't afford a Savannah view Room; I'm ok with that. Just to hear African drumming BGM is enough for me. Yes, I may just take my book to the Jambo House, find a quiet corner, and read for an hour. Or people watch. That's always fun too! Last trip, I stayed at the Poly, and it was amazing. No lie! Coffee on the verandah each morning was absolute perfection. So, I am looking forward to experiencing the difference and deciding which one I like more. Regardless, I"m coming home with a coffee mug so I can have a tiny piece of AKL on my cold and rainy PNW mornings.

Lastly, The Mister and I are going to somewhere brand new to us! After we send the kids back home, we'll be heading off to the Keys for 4 days of fun in the sun. No solid plans for this at all except our hotel, a rental car and some recommendations for places to eat. It was HIS job to plan this part of the trip... and he didn't. We're equally as likely to have a great time or a really horrible one. Which ought to bring a fair amount of suspense into this TR. I know you're already bursting with anticipation.

Which brings me to the What. This is fairly straightforward: We go, we do the parks. Well, ok, not just that. We totally have some other REALLY awesome things on the docket! A Behind the Seeds Tour, the Wanyama Tour, Dinner at V&As for me, some fantabulous DISMeets lined up, many new restaurants for us, and more than a little resort time. This TR will be filled with loads of pictures, silly stories, general impressions, probably a few rants, Dining Reviews, and a whole lotta mo'. Assuming we get there at all. Ahem. We've had excellent FiP success (my term of endearment for Fast Passes) and I've honed our RD strats which should help us succeed in riding every single ride at the parks during our trip. We've done it before, including the no-namers; we can do it again! Hidden Mickeys will be hunted, Food and Wine will be consumed, and the photopass folks will wish they'd never been born.

I'll conclude with the WHY? Why are we going at all? Because after all the hard work and struggle of getting through Nursing School, finding a new job, and getting some experience under my belt, it's time to celebrate! I wish I could put you all in my suitcase and bring you to my party, but I can't, so you get a pathetic TR instead. I know, that really stinks, but it's all I can give you. It ain't much, but there it is. Of course, 1 (or more) of you will end up with some shiny new toy from the Motherland for guessing Steppe's points correctly too. If you haven't gotten your guesses in, you still have 4 days to do so!!!! You won't be sorry!!!

With that, I'll hang out as I can before we leave for Seattle on Sunday. We're making a whole day of it, so beginning on Sunday morning, Trip Notes will be happening. I will definitely reply until then and would love to chat it up with you all before then. But beginning Sunday, I may or may not be checking in here much. That's how it should be. Meantime, my PTR has Letter Y posted and Z will come on Saturday. :) Here's lookin' at you, Kid!


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