"A Very Merry Unbirthday" DEC 2013 PTR UPDATE 10/29


Disney Dreaming
Oct 12, 2012
pixiedust:"A very merry unbirthday, (for me?) for you! Now blow the
candle out my dear and make your wish come true!"pixiedust:

We were just in WDW in January for my birthday and now the little brother thinks it's his turn. However as school and vacations go, we can't go to Disney for his real birthday in April. But there's always the same day (the 14!) in December!​

Welcome to our adventure!​

First the quick facts:
Who's going: Me, the little brother, dad, and mom(dis: mamahart2)
When exactly: December 14-20, 2013
Which resort are we calling home: Port Orleans Riverside of course!
And why are we going twice in one year: 1. WE LOVE IT! 2.The little brother's unbirthday​
Shall we introduce ourselves?

First up is the unbirthday boy! This is my little brother whose real birthday is April 14, but we're celebrating it on December 14( and the rest of the trip too!) for this trip. His favorite park happens to be MK and he loves Garden Grill.

Next up is Dad. The one who we have to convince each time we want to go to Disney. Believe me, getting to go on two trips this year took A LOT of convincing. He really does enjoy our trips though and was even "That guy!" on Monsters Inc Laugh Floor in January.


Then there is Mom. She also has a disboards account and her username is Mamahart2(she was just a lurker for awhile but then gave into the pressure and made an account). She LOVES Disneyworld! The only reason we even had the idea for this trip was because of her. Together we plan everything for our trips.


One more notable character-Hollye. Sadly she won't be accompanying us on this adventure:'(. She happens to be one of my best friends! She and I obsess over Disneyworld every time we see each other(which happens to be one to two times a week, if not more!). She hasn't been since 2006, so she has a bunch to catch up on. Her username here on the disboards is jediprincess23 because she loves starwars and Disney!(Perfect, right:thumbsup2?) She really wants to be Aurora. We both hope to attend DCP together in a few years. Hopefully she'll get to be in the World sooner than that!

Last, and certainly not least, there's me! I adore Disney. In a few years I hope to participate in the Disney College Program. I obsessively plan our trips to insure we get all of the ressies and activities we want to do. I love randomly singing Disney songs and even played Rafiki in our dog drill team's rendition of The Lion King. Epcot is probably my favorite park for many reasons including the fact that Duffy is there and I love riding Soarin' but only in the top row. Magic Kingdom is a close second for WAY too many reasons to list!:wizard:

You mentioned me!!! :woohoo:
One more notable character-Hollye. Sadly she won't be accompanying us on this adventure:'(. She happens to be one of my best friends! She and I obsess over Disneyworld every time we see each other(which happens to be one to two times a week, if not more!). She hasn't been since 2006, so she has a bunch to catch up on. Her username here on the disboards is jediprincess23 because she loves starwars and Disney!(Perfect, right:thumbsup2?) She really wants to be Aurora. We both hope to attend DCP together in a few years. Hopefully she'll get to be in the World sooner than that!
Wouldn't you like to know what we'll be doing?

Well here is our timeline:
Saturday December 14-
Fly into MCO around 2:30
Ride Magical Express(for the first time!) to POR
Check-in and enjoy some time in the room(most likely means napping:))
Go to Downtown Disney to shop and eat at Wolfgang Puck Express

Sunday December 15-
Super early wake-up call because we got some princesses to meet!
Get to Epcot before 8:00
Eat at Akershus at 8:00
Stay and play in Epcot the rest of the day
Eat at Garden Grill at 6:50

Monday December 16-
Another early morning
Get to Magic Kingdom at 8:00
Eat at Crystal Palace at 8:40
Enjoy a LONG day in MK with lots of characters to meet

Tuesday December 17-
Yet another early morning(seeing the trend here?)
Spend another, slightly shorter, day in Magic Kingdom
Leave the park at closing time for non-party guests and hop on the monorail
Get off at the Grand Floridian
Eat at 1900 Park Fare at 7:10 (STRAWBERRY SOUP AND WATERMELLON SALAD:thumbsup2!!)
Hop back on the monorail and tour some resorts and possibly find somewhere to watch fireworks

Wednesday December 18-
Rise and shine before the birdies!(Isn't this supposed to be vacation;)?)
Get our butts to Hollywood Studios so we can get our TSM on!
Ride Tower of Terror and Rockin' Rollercoaster until it makes us sick:cool1:
Meet characters and even draw a few
We can't forget to ride Star Tours a couple dozen times too
Eat at 50's Prime Time at 7:05
Enjoy a few more rides and close the park!

Thursday December 19-
Not an early morning(Shocking right?)
Going to UCF for a college visit
The rest of our plans are up in the air for the day(possibly some mini-golf or maybe half park day)
Eat at Rain Forest Café Downtown Disney at 5:00

Friday December 20-
Sleep in just a little
Finish shopping/ packing
Get ready to say goodbye to the World :sad:
Get on Magical Express
Arrive Home :sad:

Wednesday December 18-
Rise and shine before the birdies!(Isn't this supposed to be vacation;)?)
Get our butts to Hollywood Studios so we can get our TSM on!
Ride Tower of Terror and Rockin' Rollercoaster until it makes us sick:cool1:
Meet characters and even draw a few
We can't forget to ride Star Tours a couple dozen times too
Eat at 50's Prime Time at 7:05
Enjoy a few more rides and close the park!

Be sure to have an extra magical time on Star Tours for me!!! I wish I was going with!!!!:guilty:
So on Sunday we'll be going to Epcot. Epcot is one of my favorite parks, so we usually spend at least two days there. This trip our plans have changed and we're only spending Sunday there.

We're getting up really, early that morning and somehow get to Epcot before 8:00(still not exactly sure how because we won't have a car and we aren't sure if the buses will be running that early). We have a ressie at Akershus at 8:00 to dine with the princesses once again! We saw the ressie was available almost an hour before the park opened and we booked it.


Here's the little brother on our last trip when we ate there for dinner. I told Snow White he was "shy" and she went and sat down next to him!

After that we plan on riding Test Track, Ellen, Soarin', Nemo, Figement, and Spaceship Earth. (Hopefully a few of these multiple times) Then after World Showcase opens explore the countries and meets lots of characters. Yes, I have met every one of these characters once( and most of them on the last trip) but I still love meeting them and this time I have a new mission(Details to be discussed later). I hope to do a little shopping and get a few new outfits for my Duffy that I finally got this July (after Mom wouldn't let me buy him in Disney:headache:). And of course meeting Duffy Bear himself!

Then we'll probably do a light lunch in France at Les Halles Boulangerie Patisserie. We love to get the Croissant Jambon Fromage and desserts there. I especially love the Crème Brulee. After that we'll travel around and snack the whole way! We'll probably ride a few more rides and do innoventions. We rode the build-your-own-rollercoaster last time and can't wait to do it again. We also want to do the Piggy Bank game this time because we always seem to skip it!

After we finish there we'll head back to the land area and ride the Livin' with the Land tour. After we get off we will be at the perfect time to get to Garden Grill for our ressie. We really enjoyed eating here last trip and can't wait to try it again!


Mom and Dad even got in on the photos here!

Then we'll probably take a ride on the monorail and back to Epcot to catch some of the fireworks and fun night time of Epcot. Then we'll travel back to resort for some swimming and some relaxing by the pool:cool2:!


princess:Magic Kingdom Day 1

Bright and early Monday morning we'll be up with birdies once again! Waking up on Monday morning is usually one of the hardest things to due, but we'll be in Disney World so there's no such thing as "Mondays"(You know the usual awful start to the school/work week). We're headed for Main Street USA and what's just around the corner[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUyF9u8Tm7M]

We're going to Crystal Palace! I absolutely love Pooh and Friends, with Eeyore being my favorite. We ate here on the last visit and it was great. We were running late that morning(We made a wrong turn:crazy2:) and they were very forgiving! The characters were great and very funny too.


After that we hope to see as many things as we can, with the priorities being Jungle Cruise, Buzz Lightyear, Haunted Manison, BTMR, Space Mountian, and The Teacups. Anything we don't see, we'll hopefully see the next day.

:joker:Magic Kingdom Day 2:joker:

Rise and shine! There's no sleeping in Disney:rotfl2:!!!

Today we're hoping to get there before rope drop because I love the opening show. Then our plan is to meet characters we haven't already met. After that we'll squeeze in anything we haven't done or want to do again like Carousel of Progress and Tiki Room. MVMCP is tonight and we're not attending so the park will be closing early.

But no need to worry, shortly after closing we have a date with Cinderella and her lovely Prince and step-sisters.


Oh and you can't forget her step-mother! In this picture her scowl was turning "real" because Dad took too long to take the picture:lmao:!

So I've been away from the Disboards for a little while because life has been pretty busy!
First of the updates-
My injury :crutches:! I was at a normal doctor's appointment and passed out as a reaction to the allergy skin test I was having. In response I blacked out and fell off of the exam table on my knee :eek: I got to spend a lovely evening in the ER watching Legally Blonde and not being able to eat anything. Good news is nothing is broken just really bruised and sore. I've had physical therapy and boy has it been kicking my booty. Hopefully I'll be backing in complete working condition by the time Disney gets here.

Update number two-
Canine Drill Team
We have been super busy this season and we have been scheduled for six performances in October and one in December. This past Saturday we had two at our area's Second Sunday Fitness Fun day. We're performing thriller so zombie costumes, makeup and fake blood have become my life lately:crazy2:.
Last night we made our Disney countdown chain! Only 46 more sleeps until I'm on a plane to Orlando :goodvibes.
We have also bought a lot of new tshirts for our trip. Including Starwars, Monsters University, and Mickey Mouse!

Here's one of my new favorites:

If it's hard to see, it says "Skywalker family vacation":lmao:

:sulley: :darth:Hollywood Studios Day:darth: :sulley:
Our last day in the park will be spent in the place of Jedis, Monsters, Toys and more! We have lunch reservations for 50's Primetime Diner. We've never eaten here before and we're super excited to try it. The reviews make the place sound amazing. Who wouldn't love having a couple crazy cousins join you for dinner and possibly make someone sit in the corner for putting their elbows on the table?( Sounds like home to me:rotfl:!)


Sadly the little bro won't be able to do Jedi Training academy this year :sad:. Last year was his last time, so no more watching my blood and kin fight the forces of evil to save our planet. Hopefully another young padawan will take his place. In January we got a private meet and greet with Darth Vader due to a rain delay but I won't get the chance to meet him again anytime soon(if only school would count Starwars Weekend as a reason to miss school). He was one of my favorite meets I've ever had, well besides Darth Mal or Merida.


Yes they gave him the smallest robe they had:rotfl:! And another little one got a robe that he kept tripping on( we kept saying they should have traded)

The rest of the plans- ride TOT a few times. January was our first time on TOT too, and Dad and I loved it! Mom and little brother on the other hand did not. They have said that they won't ride with us again, more for us! TSM is also big with us-big surprise there. When little brother was even littler, maybe 4 or 5, he loved Toy Story. Love is more of an understatement, try obsessed or addicted! We could quote the first 20 minutes of that movie by heart.

One thing we can't miss- The Drawing Classes. We tried this and everyone but little brother loved it. We got to draw stitch, one character very near and dear to me. The only reason LB(little brother simply takes too long to type out every time) didn't like it was because he thought his picture was bad. Trust me it wasn't he can draw rather well.

Then we have to get some sleep because I'll be touring College of Central Florida the next morning! I had been receiving a lot of mail form them so we decided we would check them out when we were in the area.


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