A Very Merry Birthday Trip to Mouse City Orlando! Feb/March 2015


DIS Veteran
Jun 4, 2007
Hello, everyone and :welcome: to another thrilling adventure! Warning: This report continues lots of character greetings and autographs along with coordinating outfits for each day (and yes, that is for the adults).

My name is Sam and I’ll be your host. Joining me, as always, is my husband Cory. I’m getting a mad case of the Disney Blues, brought to the surface by us not being able to attend Star Wars weekends. (Did you guys see Han Solo was on the stage?!) Seriously, I am Disney depressed :worried:. Our next trip isn’t for another 135 days, but I’m ready to relive the magic of our last trip to help me out of my slump!

Details: February 27th-March 6th at Pop Century. (We’ll be renting points at Beach Club come October so it was all about saving on our room now). We also invested in Annual Passes and the Tables in Wonderland card again.

And some background about us, if you missed some of my other many trips reports, like the one of our Disney Wedding and Honeymoon here or our trip to Star Wars Weekend last year here.

Cory and I met in freshman year of high school and have now been dating for 11 years. We were married in Epcot Japan Aug. 4th 2013 and had the most amazing wedding. A dream come true! :lovestruc



So, with a Disney wedding you receive annual passes as their gift to you. That’s why we were able, financially, to return to Disney for Star Wars Weekends last year. Cory loves Star Wars and it was an absolute highlight in terms of Disney trips. Crossing my fingers we can go next year! :rolleyes:


The story behind our trip this March was that I’ve always wanted to go to Disney for my birthday. Of all the hundreds of times we’ve been, it just never worked out. My birthday falls around President’s Weekend which is a total travel no-no in our books. So this year, we decided to finally go, just a few weeks late to try and sneak in between President’s Weekend and the start of spring break. Oh, and Cory had to take his PA Bar Exam earlier that week, no big deal :scared1:. So that’s why those dates were chosen.

I will say that on this trip, I actually kept notes, I know, right, totally organized ::yes::. Except, when we moved into our first house last weekend, yay!, I can’t find that notebook just yet :confused:. So much for organization! Anyway, I will try my best until I find that pesky notebook!

I hope you’ll all join me and comment along the way. I love fellow adventurers!! :Pinkbounc
We like to get to Disney as early as possible meaning our flight was at 6:30am. Luckily we now only live about 15mins from the airport, so we didn’t have to leave too early. We were up at 3:30am and on the road by 4:15am after saying goodbye to our little babies, i.e. our chinchillas Alice (gray) and Lilo (white). We were parking at Spot which had a coupon so we had to find our way there. I may have circled the airport two or three times before finally finding our turn off for the lot. We dropped our car off no problem and hopped the shuttle. Let me tell you, it was the end of February in PA and it was cold. I was starting to regret only wearing my cardigan.

When we got up to the counter to check in, the screen asked for the airport code. I quickly typed in MCO, no thought needed. Cory asked, “What does that stand for, Mouse City, Orlando?” And maybe it was because it was 5am, but I thought this was the funniest thing, almost crying from laughter.

We checked in with no issues and got on our plane, only to have to sit and wait to de-ice. Almost as soon as we were on the plane, Cory was out, and when he woke up 45mins later, our plane still being de-iced and sitting in a cloud of smoke, Cory asked if we were almost there. Yeah, nope. We haven’t even taken off yet. Our flight left finally and made decent time getting us into Orlando by 10:15am. We jumped on our Magical Express, dropped our stuff and were off to our favorite park, Magic Kingdom completely ravenous. It didn’t help that we had to wait at guest relations to purchased our Tables in Wonderland card, but pretty soon we were seeing Main St. USA.

And the castle, with a very unmagical crane.

We both only had eyes on food and so we headed back to our first stop, our favorite counter service, Columbia Harbor House. It was PACKED. I could not believe how crowded Magic Kingdom was. There was a line out the door of the restaurant and our favorite seating area, upstairs in the sort of “bridge” was completely full. I found a spot by a window overlooking Rapunzel’s Tower, but it was so crazy.

At one point waiting for Cory, I was sitting there and a woman said to her husband, “Why are you sitting at that table over there? This one is much cleaner.” She proceeded to put down her tray on my table and start to sit down. It wasn’t until she sat down that she realized I was sitting there, yeah, hey. She excused herself and went back to the dirty table. It was madness I tell you. Seriously, just look at the crowds! Not what I was expecting for the end of February.

Cory finally came with the food and he actually whined when I said I needed a picture. Immediately after this photo was shot, the food was destroyed and consumed. I had the hummus and broccoli slaw sandwich, so freakin’ good, and Cory had the fish and chips with chicken fingers. He also got the gooey berry dessert.

After our stomachs were finally satisfied, we embarked on a new adventure, something I’d heard about for the first time a few weeks before, finding Pascal’s friends near Rapunzel’s tower. It was a bit of a challenge without my glasses on, but we did find a few. I don’t want to spoil it too much for others, but here’s one that I don’t think gives the location away too much. They are adorable!

After finding a few little friends we were off to our first ride, but where would we be heading?
So where would we head for our first ride? Space? 7 Dwarfs? Nope!

The teacups. :confused3And it was so busy, we even had a bit of a wait.

I don’t know what it is but Cory loves his teacups. He loves to spin it as fast as he can, obtaining blistered fingers and palms and loves that it makes me a bit sick. Nice, right? :scared:

This is most certainly a before picture.


Next it was off to Space Mountain for our FP+.


We became kind of enthralled with trying to get good pictures riding the rides, specifically the roller coasters. Our first attempt.


We then headed to Buzz which was about 20 mins to wait and I did horrible. Just over 170,000 for me and over 700,000 for Cory. He had maxed out the score at 999,999 on our honeymoon and I wanted to do it too. Oh, well. Hopefully at some point later in the trip. :sad2:

Both dressed to meet Tiana, we headed over to her line around 5pm and it was already closed with people. Boo. :sad:

We wasted a bit of time playing Sorcerer’s of the Magic Kingdom and ended up on Main Street near the dance studio and piano lessons.


We then headed over to the wildest ride in the wilderness with our next FP+ and engaged in some more photos.



This one is dark, but I still love it. :love:


We got one last picture before heading over to our next ride, 7DMT with our last FP+.


Up next: Cory gets a delicious treat, even though it feels like we JUST ate lunch.
Cory had a craving for soft serve ice cream, something he gets quite often, especially in Disney. I suggested heading into Fantasyland to see what they offered as he was not in the mood for a Dole Whip! I know, the horror! :scared1:

But he was more than satisfied with the monstrous treat he found, an ice cream topped strawberry shortcake.

And man oh man, was this thing good! :dance3:

We decided to head back and line up early for Tiana to be sure we would get to meet her. And let me tell you something, it was COLD. See Cory in a hat and sweatshirt, this kid is almost never cold. And me in my dress and cardigan? Well, I was thankful I at least had stockings.

When we got over to her area, the rope wasn't open yet so we waited along the wall. Cory waited there, in a semi-made line and I perused the Christmas store trying to get warm. I come out 15 minutes later to them opening the rope. And what do I see Cory do? Does he get up and follow in, keeping our second place in line, or is he too busy playing a Star Wars game on his phone? :headache:I'm sure you can guess. I start yelling his name from afar, trying to tell him to move up, and do the people behind him let him know? Nope. They just rush past him without a care in the world. :mad: Sometimes, people, sometimes.
After I scolded him, we finally got into line and waited probably 20 mins, really freezing at this point.

Now it may be very cold, but Cory will take off his sweatshirt to show off his Shadow Man shirt, oh, he will. And this is the face I get once he takes it off. :snooty: What a jokester.

Because we missed the earlier set, that actually means we also get to meet Naveen. Woo! :cutie: They were fantastic as always, and Naveen kept swearing we had met before :rolleyes:

Tiana loved my dress and Naveen commented that was his favorite part :rotfl:I gave them a book to sign, one of many I'd brought on the trip for various soon-to-be-born nieces, though I may have kept this one for myself. I also brought my signature bag for them to sign.

They were not very happy with who Cory had on his shirt, but insisted that they forgave him.

It was a lovely meet, but we were freezing! We waved goodnight to the castle and head to the Grand Floridian for dinner at Narcoossee's, a favorite of ours. Let me tell you, the walk from the Grand to the restaurant was freezing! Like, shivering and teeth chattering cold! Not prepared.

When we were seated we were graced with a fantastic table. Hello, beautiful castle.

We order the cheese plate, which is always a favorite of mine. I LOVE cheese and Disney has some of the best cheese plates!

We were SO full and exhausted but our waiter insisted on a birthday treat. What, me? Tired? :faint:

We were so exhausted we didn't even stick around for Wishes. It was back to Pop Century for us to get some rest before Rope Drop at Hollywood Studios.
Not a big thrill ride but a must do for sure. My wife and I loved it. We rode 7DMT 3 time our last trip.
I know people complain it's pretty relaxed and short, but I find it to be quite exciting and the details are fantastic. It's a perfect, classic Disney Fantasyland ride.

Joining in! Can't wait to read more!
Thanks for joining in! :welcome:

Sorry for the long time between updates. I actually got the flu last week :crazy2: but I'm finally getting over it. So on to our second day!

Today’s outfit theme was Star Wars. We woke up early and the weather was pretty crappy. We usually just power through, no ponchos or umbrella, but we were not feeling it. We handed over the $15 for a basic black umbrella in the gift shop of Pop and were off to Hollywood Studios 45 minutes early for rope drop. Once we were there, standing outside in the cold rain, we were very happy to have our umbrella.

As usual, our first ride was TSMM. Walking through the queue I noticed this little hearts section on the Candyland board that I thought was really cute.

TSMM is one of our favorite rides and our goal this trip was to get Cory the bear, the highest prize. He was so close and we knew we had to work together to get certain things to happen on the screen in order for him to succeed. Were we successful? This time, no. Boo.

We were feeling hungry and the weather was so crappy that we headed to breakfast at one of our favorites, the Writer’s Stop. Before Starbucks entered the parks, the Writer’s Stop had some of the best coffee in all the parks, in my opinion. We found a high top and enjoyed our muffin and coffee.


My goal this trip was to meet Baymax. Cory and I both LOVED the movie and we had heard he may be leaving before our trip. Luckily he was still around so I knew I wanted to head over their early, knowing his line would probably get enormous.

When we got over to the Animation building, the line was already pretty long, but when Baymax finally came out, we had the PERFECT viewing. He was SO cute. This video does not even do him justice. I felt like I was 5 years old, completely in awe. (Hopefully you can view the video)



And once he came out? The line became double the size.

We had to wait about 35 mins, but we took photos of the queue along the way.






I love this art and totally want a copy for our house.


Finally it was our turn to meet Hiro and Baymax and I was getting serious butterflies. I handed my phone to Cory and told him to make sure to get a picture of me hugging Baymax. I must have told him 5 times, but I did not want to miss the opportunity.

I should have never doubted him. Baymax was the best thing ever to hug. He was super squishy and absolutely lovable.


The handler was also awesome to catch it with our camera.


It was such an awesome meet. Baymax’s head moved up and down and his eyes blinked and Hiro was very engaging. When he saw it was my birthday, he told Baymax and he got excited. Hiro translated that Baymax wanted to bake me a cake, but Hiro wasn’t sure that was a good idea since then they may need to replace with vinyl if he got dirty. Seriously one of the Best. Meets. Ever.

Baymax greets looks fun...we didn't wait in the long line in April but I would've loved too!
Oh that strawberry shortcake looks good!!!
It was SO good! It was incredibly sweet but perfect for two people to share.

Baymax greets looks fun...we didn't wait in the long line in April but I would've loved too!
It was really the most unique meet I've ever had and I was completly blown away. Hopefully he will be there for a while and you can meet him next time!

So after the total high of meeting Baymax, we spotted the sort of hidden queue for Minnie Mouse, with a Disney-fied posted of a favorite book/movie of mine. I had heard her dress was especially sparkly here and had to see for myself.

Yup. Very sparkly with lots of sequins. And she loved Cory. Lol I love all of the art deco style touches in this room too.


We were getting a bit hungry for a snack afterwards and so we stopped for some roasted nuts. We talked to the CM for a while about which of the two to choose and ultimately went with pecans I believe. He also gave me my favorite treat for my birthday.

Unflattering picture? No care, I’m eating my favorite Disney treat, it’s cool.


We had a FP for Tower of Terror so off it was to another favorite ride. Cory and I are obsessed with the Twilight Zone. I have been since I was a kid, and now we watch all the old episodes on Netflix before bed. We have a good time finding all the little references to the episodes in the libraries. But before we entered, I spotted this fantastic lady and was completely enthralled. I’ve never seen anyone there, have you? She sat perfecting still the entire time.



We had a lunch reservation at Sci-Fi so after our harrowing elevator ride it was off to the drive-in. We both had a hamburger and they were surprisingly yummy. I just love the atmosphere of the place.


A new place I had wanted to try was the Tune-In Lounge for a drink. We headed over and I believe I had Dad’s lemonade? The drink was tasted and glowed and the atmosphere was wonderful.


With a drink in our bellies, we headed over to use our Toy Story FP and unsurprisingly, those drinks didn’t make us better shots. Oh well, we’d try for the bear again.

On the way out of the ride, Buzz and Woody had only a 15 minute wait so we headed in there. Buzz loved all of Cory’s Star Wars shirt and space pins, including the one of himself, which he reenacted. They agreed to do a cool Space Hero pose. Woody got excited for my birthday and I guessed I was 23. Aw, what a sweet cowboy. On the way out, I warned Woody he had a snake in his boat. He jumped back and looked in both boots. He didn’t find anything and pointed at me that I had gotten him. Hilarious. I seriously never get too old for character interaction, it is just so fun.

We have to hit up Sci Fi on our next trip...I remember going there back in the 90s with my parents but haven't been since. Many reports seem to indicate the food is good and there aren't many good quick service spots in the Studios.
We have to hit up Sci Fi on our next trip...I remember going there back in the 90s with my parents but haven't been since. Many reports seem to indicate the food is good and there aren't many good quick service spots in the Studios.

Oh, absolutely give Sci-Fi a try again. The food is always good, maybe not great, but the atmosphere is one of the reasons I love Disney. And the milkshakes are delicious!

A quick update to end our second day:

Before our dinner ADR we hopped the bus back to the hotel to change as it was getting cold and the rain was not letting up.

We headed over to Epcot to eat at Tokyo Dining, one of Cory’s favorite restaurants. He loves the sushi and I love, well, not sushi or any seafood, so I almost always get the same teriyaki chicken.

But it is definitely very nice to sit and eat and look out at the pagoda where we got married.

They also brought me a little piece of cake for my birthday and a little origami dog. He’s pinned by my birthday button.


It was a good dinner and Cory was very happy and very full. I love this country, such pretty details.


The weather was pretty crappy so we just headed out. One last picture before we say goodnight to Epcot.

Today’s shirt theme: Lion King

We got to the park a bit late, maybe 15 minutes after rope drop, but we happily had FP+ so it wasn’t too big a deal at a park like AK.

I spotted Dug and Russel and knew we need our picture with fellow Wilderness Explorers. I LOVE these two.


We hopped on Expedition Everest for our first ride and it was fun as always except this time it was even better, the yeti seemed to be working! I can count on one hand the time I’ve seen him work, but it was super cool.

We then went over to the safari for our next FP+. I won’t go safari-picture-crazy, but we did get some good animal views.




How cute are these two?


I’ve never seen these guys so close and clear before.


All the lions were out on this overcast morning. So beautiful.


After a fantastic safari, we decided to head over and try to see Baloo and King Louie, being that Jungle Book is one of Cory’s favorite Disney movies.

We had a bit of a wait for them to come out for their first set, but we just relaxed and enjoyed the view.



Oh, and today I actually had contacts in and could see things in the tree I never could before! Haha Pretty cool having the time here to look.


Finally it was time! Baloo immediately commented on my birthday and he also tried to guess my age, 21 he said, thank you very much, I said. Would love to take a few years off lol Cory and King Louie are talking about making fire and how he’s not really a bad guy, it’s everyone else that just misunderstand him! They were being so hilarious. (Oh, and in my hand is a Sorcerer’s of the Magic Kingdom card. We take them around to the characters we can find and have them sign. He loved it)


This is one of my favorite pictures of the trip lol Just so much happiness.

Really enjoying your trip report! So many things I wish we'd done as well! The Baymax and Hiro M&G was a highlight for us, too, but we had to wait 90 minutes!!!
Following along! I read your trip report for your wedding and loved it! We are planning on going for our honeymoon next June and hoping to stay at the Boardwalk as well! Looks like a great trip so far!


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