A Very British Trip Report November 2012

Another great trip report Kev and Tam. They always make me laugh. Still remember your comments about an extra big bone on the dinosaur at the T- Rex Restaurant :rotfl2:

Then it was a choice of :laundy: or :surfweb: so I decided to read the Bruce Springstein trip report next. Bet he was brilliant. We saw him in Paris back in the early eighties when he did his Tunnel of Love Tour. He was on for about 4 hours and stopped now and again to tell you stories about when he was growing up.
Those were the days :)
What a great trip report Tam & Kev, I've just read it in one go and I've thoroughly enjoyed it ::yes:: I've loved your photos and also the part where you surprise the girls with the Disney Dream cruise

Great to see that your alcohol intake is as good as ours :rotfl2::rotfl2: Thanks for sharing .. and btw, what was the name of that bar in Port Canaveral that had the swingers 'do' ?? ;) :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Just finished reading your trippie and I've spent a very happy evening laughing out loud at it. I love your humour and your family is beautiful.

Thanks all for the kind posts.

I did enjoy it, thank you.
Did I spot a man-bag Kevin? How cosmopolitan.

Manbag Grumps? I don't think I own one. I've got the camcorder bag I carry around most places, but that's about all. However, I can't guarantee that somebody didn't plant one on me whilst I was under the influence of alcohol.

Then it was a choice of :laundy: or :surfweb: so I decided to read the Bruce Springstein trip report next. Bet he was brilliant. We saw him in Paris back in the early eighties when he did his Tunnel of Love Tour. He was on for about 4 hours and stopped now and again to tell you stories about when he was growing up.
Those were the days :)

I saw a couple of shows on the Tunnel of Love tour. He's still playing near 4 hour shows. Got tickets for Wembley and Cardiff for the next leg of the Wrecking Ball tour. We really wanted to return to Spain to see him again as the crowds are so fantastic, but it appears that he's only going to play one date (Gijon) and we'll be at Glastonbury. Still, might try and fit in a cheeky little trip to Munich instead, never been there, so it seems like a good enough reason.

Great to see that your alcohol intake is as good as ours :rotfl2::rotfl2: Thanks for sharing .. and btw, what was the name of that bar in Port Canaveral that had the swingers 'do' ?? ;) :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I think it was called 'Danglers', Mandy. :rotfl:

I read this in one seating yesterday. Now I really want to visit North Captiva. What a slice of heaven.

A very entertaining report as usual.
However I was a little disappointed you never made use of the said riding crop for another famous rendition of The Old Grey Mare. ;)
Thanks so much for posting another trip report Kev and Tam I loved it. I have been reading your reports since we first went to Disney in 2000 when my friend at work KayleeUk introduced me to the Dis. My love of Disney has continued to flourish over the years and we will be taking our 7th trip in May. Your trip reports are the ones I look forward to the most and I just want to say how much I appreciate the time and effort you have put in over the years, you have given me lots of laughs. Your girls have grown up into 2 beautiful, intelligent women you must be very proud parents indeed

Thanks so much for posting another trip report Kev and Tam I loved it. I have been reading your reports since we first went to Disney in 2000 when my friend at work KayleeUk introduced me to the Dis. My love of Disney has continued to flourish over the years and we will be taking our 7th trip in May. Your trip reports are the ones I look forward to the most and I just want to say how much I appreciate the time and effort you have put in over the years, you have given me lots of laughs. Your girls have grown up into 2 beautiful, intelligent women you must be very proud parents indeed


Thanks very much Tracy, although you shouldn't have mentioned the bit at the end about the girls. Tam read it out to Georgia last night and she said 'Oohh, I'm beautiful AND intelligent'. It will take a while for her head to shrink back to natural size.

I've just finished reading your TR in one sitting - really great - had me in stitches :rotfl2: It was fab to read the sections not in Disney - some of those areas look gorgeous - hmm there's a plan forming in my head already! I now really, really, really want to go on a Disney Cruise. Do you think a 6 year old would get enough out of it? (I'm not suggesting that I'm 6 btw...I do have a 6 yr old daughter...phew...confusion averted...)

Thanks a million for some good old belly laughs :lmao:
Do you think a 6 year old would get enough out of it? (I'm not suggesting that I'm 6 btw...I do have a 6 yr old daughter...phew...confusion averted...)

Absolutely Claire. The Disney ships are geared up for children of all ages. The clubs are very good, but just having the characters about is a big plus for youngsters.
One good thing is that you can try a short cruise (3 or 4 nights) to see if it is the right thing for you. I'm sure you'd have a wonderful time.



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