A vegetarian and Pescetarian do WDW dining-updated 2/15-1900 Park Fare

Thanks for the reviews! I'm a 26 year old vegetarian who doesn't like mushrooms... I'm going to WDW with my mom in May!
Wow! The pictures of the food look incredible. I'm so hungry right now after looking at them! I never knew there were so many options regarding vegetarian dishes!!
fantastic reviews!!! i'm also a "flexitarian" (great term!) and very much appreciate non-meat options.
The bad about Pecos Bill's was the good about this trip, I guess. It was my only dining disappointment this trip.
I had really liked their Chicken salad without the Chicken last trip-it was a garden salad with jicama and cheese. I ordered it at their touch screen stands, and found it to be renamed the “Vegetarian salad.” Good enough, if less comic-sounding. The re-named salad was horrible. It was an el cheapo garden salad with some cheese. First dining disappointment of the trip. It tasted like those old McDonald’s salads.
We are a vegetarian/pescatarian family and had a similar reaction to Peco Bill's: worst meal of the trip. I grabbed a veggie burger, fries, etc. for my family to enjoy while we watched the Pirate and Princess parade. Our 6yo didn't even like the fries. :sad2: Unfortunately Columbia Harbor House was being used as a treasure spot and not open and we were too far from Cosmic Ray's for me to make the dash.
I loved your review very helpful. I ahve to say that I know some people think that Disney does not cater to us veggies. They have come along way. We went in Nov. and i was surprised to see how many options they have. On my last trip ten years ago their was barely any options. I really like your idea to get the Tonga Toast at the counter service. Is it really sweet? Also what are in the zebra domes the filling looks a bit strange!
I loved your review very helpful. I ahve to say that I know some people think that Disney does not cater to us veggies. They have come along way. We went in Nov. and i was surprised to see how many options they have. On my last trip ten years ago their was barely any options. I really like your idea to get the Tonga Toast at the counter service. Is it really sweet? Also what are in the zebra domes the filling looks a bit strange!

It is sweet-it's covered in cinnamon sugar. Zebra domes contain a coffee/chocolate mousse, but as a previous poster noted, they contain gelatin. :mad:
(I have to admit I do get fries, though, since WDW is the only place I've ever heard of that keeps the fry oil for the potatoes separate from the fry oil for chicken nuggets etc.).

I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I'm enjoying going back and reading your reviews. I'm not a vegatarian technically, but most of the time my diet is vegatarian.

I used to work at a Burger King in high school, and their french frys in vegatable oil kept separate from the oil used to cook meat products.
Cool report! I had to read it to figure out what a pescetarian was. I thought it had something to do with "pesky." :rotfl2:

And I'm thrilled to hear that I'm not the only one who eats hummus sandwiches! And that its a menu item. I eat one for lunch almost every day, and a friend of mine joked...isn't that just like a mustard sandwich?
My DBF is a vegetarian so I worked extra hard on our ADRs for our upcoming trip. But thanks for the info! I don't cook meat in our home, and only eat it when we go out. It's nice to hear about places where we can both get what we want.
Thanks for the great reviews! I also cannot do mushrooms on my vegetarian meals!


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