A Truely Unusual Request!!! Please Help!!!


Aug 28, 2005
My DH and I have a set of friends (a couple) who had planned a trip to Disney World in 2005. The wife (Laura) had recovered from a very very rare form of cencer during the previous year. Right before their trip she found that the cancer had come back and they "had" to cancel their once in a lifetime trip to WDW .

To give you a little background on this couple, they've been married the better part of a decade and don't have any children yet. They spoke about it often but I don't know if that is an option any longer for them. My DH was a Ph.D. student along with her husband (Shane). My DH has since graduated but Shane has not as of yet. They own a small business together and share an office. Laura is a true optomist at heart. She firmly believes that God has a higher purpose for her and uses her ongoing battle with cancer as a tool to be inspirational to others. She has a charming sense of humor and a very sharp wit. Being as gullable as I am she and Shane can keep me going for hours.

FF to the canceled trip in 2005. My DH and I went in April and they were scheduled to go sometime that summer. I bought them a Passporter and we thought all was well until the re-occurance. Laura's cancer is one of the most rare that exsists. She is the ONLY living survivor known to this day. The handful of people to have it have not survived. Since 2005 she had another re-occurance that she just finished treatment for about 4 months ago and has just received word that they have found yet two more spots that she's to start Chemo for on Monday. She's endured several surguries to remove spots and she's had her spine fused at her neck.

It has been a real dream of mine to help give Shane and Laura that trip to Disney since she's probably not going to beat the statisitics for her type of cancer. If ANYONE can give me a number or department to WDW where I could submit their names for a chance to be considered in a possible YOMD trip, I'd be so greatful!

Sorry the post is so long, if you've kept with me this long then I appreciate it.
You could try www.dreamfoundation.com they are a national wish-granting organization who grants the wishes of terminally ill adults aged 18 to 65.


there is www.fairygodmother.org .. Fairygodmother Foundation make wishes come true for individuals (18 and older) and loved ones in their time of greatest need by turning dreams into reality

I hope either of these can help you.


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