A Ten Day Ride on A Magic Camel - Almost Finished Trip Report


I absolutely can not wait to see the castle like that. Is it ok if i cry a little. :lmao:
Welcome Home MeMom!

Sorry I missed you on November 24th... my day was filled with cat-naps, catching up on missed TV, giving my cats loads and loads of fuss and catching up with hubby who I'd missed so much.

I got online too late to say goodbye and update you on my trip (briefly!)

Glad to hear you had a fantastic trip!
Mum and I did too - seems a lifetime ago already!!!

Can't wait to start reading your new trip report.

Julie xxx

It does take a day or two to recuperate from a Disney trip, doesn't it?
I'm sure your kitties were glad to see you back. I know my little furry guy was. He follows me around the house from room to room every day, so I'm not sure what he did while I was gone.

Tell us all about your trip.

Wow, you are SUPER-MEMOM!! Can I come live with you? I am sitting here debating how much dising I can squeeze in before leaving early for work to stay ahead of the snow coming. I commute 1 hour both ways and they are predicting 3-4 inches and high winds by 2:00 this afternoon. :scared1: I think I will leave after my class and work from home this afternoon!

I only have about a fifteen minutes or less drive to work, so I feel lucky.

Did you get your snow?

I am excitted to see the decorations, it will help me deal with the next few weeks of being very busy at work, wev'e had a person quit, another off for personal reasons and another off for an injury. It should make it quite interesting....:eek: and this is not the time to be short 3 people. These are the busiest weeks of the year. :santa:

You are a kind and sweet mom to make him breakfast, I'm sure he missed you very much last week. I am lucky too, my DMom makes the lunches and breakfast in the mornings. How spoiled am I. I :lovestruc her.

I have to share something that happened yesterday. As I was pulling out of the driveway my 8ft inflateable Santa Mickey waved at me. It was too cute, made my morning. (okay, his arm was caught in the string and the wind was blowing, but it was still a wave). :cloud9: Last week I found a piece of Mickey confetti at the cash, I kept it in hopes of bringing me some Disney good luck. Maybe somehow it was to remind me of you on your trip. Did you blow a little confetti up here? :hug:

Well, I don't make huge breakfasts, but he does just like something hot on these cold days. Maybe an omelet or some sausage and biscuits or oatmeal and toast. Nothing big, but a step or two above a Pop-Tart.

Santa Mickey was absolutely waving at you! He recognized you as a faithful Diser and gave you the personal 'shout out' you deserved.

Even up here the mad rush for snow shovels always makes the news... I always wonder what people do with their shovels from last year that causes the need for another at the first snowflake???:confused3

All I ask is that we get to take our five snow days. We have them allotted, and if we take all five (which we never do) then it's fine. The bad thing is, if we don't get to take them, we are not compensated for them. We don't get days off the end of the year, nor do we get paid for working them, so that's sort of a bummer.

We tell the kids to do their snow dances whenever there's the slightest mention of snow. We get the firsthand scoop on the weather, because one of our local weather guys is the husband of one of our teachers. Every time he walks in the building in the winter time, the kids beg him to make it snow!

MeMom I'll be sure to let you know when we figure out our exact days. It would be great to get to meet up.

Okie dokie. Maybe it'll work out. We've met several Dis people/families now, and they've all been great!

Ok I could have sworn I responded last night. :confused:

anyway, welcome back. the first pics up looks great.

Sounds like you had a great time and cannot wait to hear about it.

I do the same thing. I think I wrote something, but then I see that I didn't.

Thanks for the welcome back. I'm trying to get caught up on the Dising, so I'm slowly making my way around to all the reports and pre-trip reports that I'm reading. I've cut myself off, though, to any new ones. I'm not opening or getting involved with any new ones until some of these are over. A person could spend their entire day on the computer if they started reading everybody's reports.

Oh my gosh, a couple days ago I found a piece of Mickey confetti on my laundry room floor. Cute little guy just sitting there waiting to give me a smile! How wierd it happened to both of us this week! :wizard:

That is so weird....must have been magic! :wizard:

Seems like there's Disney magic happening for you guys these days!

I absolutely can not wait to see the castle like that. Is it ok if i cry a little. :lmao:

You may cry, but do it quietly. You don't want to drown out the Disney music wafting through the air!
Hey, will you please take the word DONE, out of your title, I keep thinking it is done, and it is way far from being done.

I wish my photo pass picture would get here too. The DIS photo system, is so slow. I can only load 2 at a time, without it giving me the "sorry, system failed.":badpc:
That is a bummer about the snow days, I'm sure your students would love a white Christmas. You can have some of our snow this year, I don't mind. ;) They should pay you, that doesn't seem right? :headache:

My kids LOVE snow days. Lexi was wanting one this past Monday but, no such luck. It wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. Yeah for me, I don't get snow days off, I have to get to work somehow even if I had to ski. :rotfl:
Its a real bummer to welcome you back to the real world as I know the other would is so much more fun. But Welcome back anyway, we do need this real world to enjoy that other one :thumbsup2
Can't wait to read your next adventure.
Hey, will you please take the word DONE, out of your title, I keep thinking it is done, and it is way far from being done.

I wish my photo pass picture would get here too. The DIS photo system, is so slow. I can only load 2 at a time, without it giving me the "sorry, system failed.":badpc:

Is there a penalty for falsifying Dis trip report titles? :rotfl:
If so, we're guilty.

I would change it, but since Erica got put on as the author of the report, she'd have to be the one to change the title. I plan to start the new one by this weekend, and then you can shut the book on this one. Put the old Magic Camel in his stable for the last time!

As for the pictures, like anything, we get so used to having things at our fingertips and done quickly, so when things slow down or get a glitch, we get aggravated. We're a spoiled bunch of people! I'm so dependent on my computer for pulling up stuff for lessons, and when it's down, it's like, "Aaah, now what?!?!?"

I am enjoying reading your report and seeing pictures of you and your family. Seems like you and your daughter are pretty good friends! I love going to Disney World with my grown kids, too!

That is a bummer about the snow days, I'm sure your students would love a white Christmas. You can have some of our snow this year, I don't mind. ;) They should pay you, that doesn't seem right? :headache:

My kids LOVE snow days. Lexi was wanting one this past Monday but, no such luck. It wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. Yeah for me, I don't get snow days off, I have to get to work somehow even if I had to ski. :rotfl:

They should pay us, shouldn't they????

We found out at yesterday's faculty meeting that they are changing our insurance from BC/BS to Cigna. No warning - nothing - just starting Jan. 1 we get changed from what we have always had to something different and supposedly not as good. This morning, they're reporting that they want us to take a vote on taking a pay cut! You can imagine what the halls are like around every school in this system right now. We'd be willing to take a pay cut if they plan to lower groceries and electricity and everything else, sure, but that's not gonna happen. At the same time I'm facing a small mountain of bills from Drew's stuff, we get this news.

Oh, well, it'll all work out. Things may be very tight for a while, but I'm sure we'll make it through. We've been through worse. And we still have it far better than most of the world, so no complaining. It's frustrating, but not worth crying about.

Its a real bummer to welcome you back to the real world as I know the other would is so much more fun. But Welcome back anyway, we do need this real world to enjoy that other one :thumbsup2
Can't wait to read your next adventure.

I know. I feel the same way when I welcome someone back. I really want to say sorry you had to come back! We do have to do real world things to get to do fun things, though, so what it is is what it is!

Hopefully, we'll get things going by the weekend. Jill has not had a chance to get to the computer, so I guess I'll start it.
They should pay us, shouldn't they????

We have flex days (not for snow, but for hurricanes:goodvibes ) that are built in to our calendar for the school year. 12 month employees (like me) have to work them, but teachers and most everyone else don't have to work them unless we actually have to miss school due to a hurricane. If we're off for a hurricane then they have to work the flex days. I don't know if that makes sense, but if the teachers get a day off due to the weather they have to make it up on a flex day. So technically they get paid for them.
Put the old Magic Camel in his stable for the last time! Ahh, that sounds so sad. But thanks for telling me. Most let their sit forever and just can't let it go or some never finish

As for the pictures, like anything, we get so used to having things at our fingertips and done quickly, so when things slow down or get a glitch, we get aggravated. We're a spoiled bunch of people! I'm so dependent on my computer for pulling up stuff for lessons, and when it's down, it's like, "Aaah, now what?!?!?" So True

I am enjoying reading your report and seeing pictures of you and your family. Seems like you and your daughter are pretty good friends! I love going to Disney World with my grown kids, too!We are. Plus my youngest dd is in college and I miss her too. My 2 boys are around yet, one is in college and the other just graduated, I'm looking forward to daughter -in-laws~~someday!!

All my kids tell me they are going to build a wing onto their homes, so I can live with them and be their nanny, so I can take care of their kids.
Did you get your snow?

Yes, the drive to work took 1 1/2 hours (I waited until the sun came up, I didn't want to drive in the snow AND in the dark) It however stopped around 11 and we only got 1-2 inches so the commute home was thank goodness easy (We had 4-5 inches on Sunday and the roads I drive were "Travel Not Recommended" on Monday so I ended up cancelling class)

Let me understand this...You can have 5 snowdays a year and NOT have to make them up? In Iowa, everyday that does not meet the minimum number of contact hours has to be added on somewhere, usually at the end. The year I was pregnant with Patrick, we had 9 snowdays and went well into the middle of June (with me 8 1/2 months pregnant!)
Your castle is safe and sound and as beautiful as ever. I know you'll enjoy cuddling up in your castle throw. I'll see you Thursday, Friday, or Monday, whichever is best for you.

I enjoyed a nice shopping trip to Old Time Pottery since I was in that area :woohoo:

And thank you SO much for getting that blanket......I :love: IT!!!!!!!

I planned to post a picture but will do that soon

MeMom I didn't realize you got frozen ice there in Tenn. Do you get snow too?
Punkin I bet you wish you were there in WDW today.

You girls could never survive up here, we have winter/snow/cold for several months. Today was actually mild compared to the last few days. The snow makes it feel like Christmas. :)

I agree. I don't like it to be warm at Christmas :sad2:. I remember an ice storm we had my JR year in HS. It rained the entire night but it was 'freezing rain'. Very strange really. But I remember listening to the emergency radio, since the power was out, that there were power lines falling and trees on fire in Brentwood. :scared1: I just thought that was so freaky!

I actually like cold weather. I would much rather have it cold than the HOT :scared1: summer like we had last year. I can put tons of clothes on but can only take so much off :rotfl: . Now Canadian winters.....I don't know would have to live it to see but I do LOVE me some snow!!!

We have 20-30-40 degree winters with a snowfall here and there and an occasional ice storm. Since we don't have all the equipment for clearing streets and all, if we get anything, we're in bad shape. Ice is more of a problem than snow. At the mention of one drop of snow or ice, the grocery stores get slammed with people, and we buy bread and milk and whatever else we can grab and act like we're going to be snowed in for weeks! If there is the slightest mention of snow, it'll be the headline news story and there will be news reporters at every Kroger in the city.

**Also agree** I think Kroger gives $$$ under the table to the weather guys to predict snow. B/c the store will have absolutely NO milk, bread and other good items b/c of crazy shoppers :laughing:

I absolutely can not wait to see the castle like that. Is it ok if i cry a little. :lmao:

ABSOLUTELY!!!!! I caught the end of the castle lighting show at least 3-4 times last year and teared up every time I think. It is spectacular!! :goodvibes

Hey, will you please take the word DONE, out of your title, I keep thinking it is done, and it is way far from being done.

Ok..:confused3 ..so am I supposed to leave it the way it is now?? Just let me know I'll be happy to change it....even though it's not mine :lmao:
Yep, that's the bag. We saw a lot of people carrying them around. I did take a picture of it, even though I didn't get one. I'm sure that one is clearer, though, since the one I took was just in the store. Thanks for sharing that one.

Jill says she thinks she will get to the library tomorrow to start the new report. Since she doesn't get to be on very much, I think it's important to let her be the one to start it, like she did the other two.

Well, there was the whole Erica thing on the second one, but you know what I mean! ;)

Until then, someone had asked me for T-Rex Restaurant pictures, so I'm going to go ahead and put those up, so you don't have to wait until we get to them in the report.

They're a little blurry, but it was so crowded that you couldn't really stop and get a good shot. You had to keep moving or you'd be trampled.

The restaurant was very crowded. The dinosaurs are big and they're making noises. Little boys will love the place.

This is the entrance sign. Fiery torches frame both sides, and it looks really cool at night.




This is what it would look like if a huge dino was about to devour you.


We saw a ton of people walking around with the Build-a-Dino boxes.





A little education to go with your fun.


Have a nice Friday evening everyone. I'm going to work on Christmas decorating around the house. I'm sure some of you are going to parties and parades and other holiday activities. Have fun, be safe, and share a picture with us, if you'd like.

I hope you will all plan on joining us on the new report.
Cool T-Rex pictures! I think it will be a fun place to eat! Boys will LOVE it! Were the dinos loud? The Build a Dinos are really cute! Looking forward to hearing about your trip!
MeMom YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Lexi was thrilled to pieces, she wants to look at the pics over and over again. She just Ooh'd and Aww'd with each pic. Great pics, she loves the one with all the Dino's. She wants the pink dino. But she said she would like all of them...:laughing: I don't think so. (She doesn't know but I've already bought a Mickey tee & ears for her Build a Bear on Ebay. I also got the BAB princess dresses for Xmas.) You are so sweet to get her pics of the T Rex, it looks really cool. We will deffinitely be eating there, and we will be leaving with a white box. ;) You really have made her very happy tonight. Thanks so much, you are so thoughtful. :flower3:

I actually have a chunk of Amethyst, I got from Northern Ontario one summer. It was a site where you could go and find pieces yourself. I've had alot of compliments on it. It looks just like the pic, the crystals are so beautiful. :Pinkbounc

vandyfan I also prefer to be colder than hot. When I lived down South I lived in the A/C. I didn't enjoy the sticky, hot, humid weather. When Lexi was born we used to carry a little battery powered fan, she really didn't like the heat. :headache: And she is born in the South?? :rotfl:

nowellsl I have to have that bag, not only is it Christmas but it has my birth year on it! How cool is it that I share the same b day as WDW. 1971 was a fantastic year, so my DMom would say. :rotfl2: Thanks for posting the pic. :thumbsup2

I haven't had much of a chance to hop on here lately, but I just wanted to welcome you home---I can't wait to read and "see" all about it!!! I'll be looking forward towards the new report!!! Can't wait!

Oh and btw, congratulations to your whole family on your new little princess on the way!!!!!
I forgot that the Dinosaur place was opening--that looks awesome! I kind of want to build a dino. Some of them look quite cute.

We added another ADR for our February trip--I asked my mom about getting a reservation for Le Cellier, and we got a lunchtime (12:30) reservation! We ate there years ago and really enjoyed it. I really wanted to eat there, but I felt bad asking because my sister doesn't like meat. My mother reminded me that she's not a big eater and usually fills up on bread, soup, and salad. Now we are eating at Boma, Chef Mickey's, and Le Cellier. :banana:

I can't wait for your new report...I will definitely be joining you!
T-Rex looks like a fun place. I don't like crowds though -- maybe it will have calmed down by the time we get there.

Hope you have a great weekend, MeMom!
Okay, I think we can let the Magic Camel rest now. He had a long hot summer and kept going well on into this winter weather. I hope you'll all join us on Over the river and through the FUN!

The link is in my signature.

This will get me through the cold winter, and I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed about that March trip. I really, really, really hope Kay and I can go for a few days, but I've decided that I'll do something different with Brooklynn closer to home. John will be happier, and then the money I would have spent on her plane ticket, etc. can be put toward an October or December trip for all of us girls - me, Jill, Brooklynn, and Isabella.

So, cross your fingers, cross your toes, cross your eyes (but don't get them stuck), or whatever you've gotta do and hope we'll get to make that spring break trip. If not, it'll be the end of July, and I'm not liking the sound of that. We'll just have to see what the numbers ($$) says we can do.


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