A talking iPod? New alternative for communication

THANKS! I will be ordering him a touch this week.

I have iTunes, with all DD music. Will the touch pull in all that music? That I do not want? I am often confused by having more than one iPod ising the same iTunes. I am such a noob.
THANKS! I will be ordering him a touch this week.

I have iTunes, with all DD music. Will the touch pull in all that music? That I do not want? I am often confused by having more than one iPod ising the same iTunes. I am such a noob.
You can look on the apple website and see how to manually set which things get synched to your ipod. You can choose what you want and don't want. For example, I did not want all of DD's Hannah Montana music on my ipod. It's on my computer, but I did not make a check mark to add them to my ipod so I don't have them on mine.
I now have the iTouch, and finally seem to have purchsed the Proloquo2go program. I was charged for it. I am so frustrated, because I have no idea how to get the program onto the iTouch itself. No clue. The Touch may be broken? All it shows on the screen is the itumes symbol and the plug symbol.

Now, while I do not use iTunes normally, I use computers all the time. I am very computer literate, yet I am completely lost. So, the preloaded program on a Touch might be a good idea, if they ever do that. I guess I need to call Apple. I can't even get a menu to appear on the Touch at all.

I also get that newsletter, about the proloquo2go, and the discussion on there seems so incredibly complex and over a new users head, it is not even funny. They use abbreviations and jargon that mean nothing to me.

I am really bummed, I was excited about this before trying it.

EDIT: I am an idiot! I have it working now! SORRY for the panic!
ask a local high school kid to come over and show you- writeall the steps down- soon it will be 2nd nature.
My son has down's and he uses a dynavox-just upgrading to a V.
We got this a few weeks ago- we went to children's in boston-met sam and got it for my ds's 16th birthday that week.
He loves it- finally a cool device like everyone else
very portable- I showed him a little at a time- customizing as we go. Sam said in the tests it was the parents worried about the symbols- the kids didn't. they are the news-to-you symbols
Some of the things we get concerned about-the kids navigate and pick it up quick.
it is not meant to replace a big device-but this is great for the cafeteria, horseback riding, restaurants-parades-I notice he asks for music to be put in it-I put a bunch and he is "singing" how cool is that?
my ds is kind of self concious when we take a big device -the cool factor in this item is so powerful for their self esteem. Even the small devices that are out there are still "different"
I contacted one of the local support centers that were listed by state. they just got the iTouch. Once they get a handle on it themselves, they will help me program and set it up.

I have to go to the Apple store, I think there IS something wrong with my iTouch, it will not charge. I got it as a refurb from Apple.com

I picked up speakers for $14.99 at TJ Maxx to try out as well.
If it won't charge, it sounds like something is wrong with the iPod. Glad to hear you will get some help with it.
I was wondering how things were going, so I'm glad to hear from you.

If you have not been on www.proloquo2go.com in a few days, check out the videos they just posted recently. They give a pretty good overview of how things work.
Wow this is really cool!

This might be something that could work for Jack. He mostly writes, but his handwriting is atrocious and he sometimes has to write things out 3 times.

I'm checking into this one.


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