A surprise addition to our trip and life!


Finally - Isabella's forever Mom! 9/08/05
May 11, 2002
My own 4 children are ages 25-31, safely raised and living happy, productive lives. My husband's oldest daughter sadly has had substance abuse problems for many years. Last week we received a letter from her asking us to take custody of her 4 year old daughter while she serves a mandatory term in rehab and perhaps some time in incarceration. How could we say no and let this little one go into foster care? We were also very blunt about the conditions that would have to be met before she could get her daughter back. So yesterday we drove 200 miles with lovely little Isabella. We're in the midst of the legalities of custody as well as getting counseling and a pediatrician arranged. Gary and I have had a trip planned to WDW for months and are trying to decide if its right to take the little one so soon after her arrival. We'd planned to fly on December 4, stay at POFQ, attend MVMCP, take in the holiday decorations, etc and return on Dec 11.

Finally, here are my questions about taking a 4 year old to WDW for a week: Would you recommend I buy an umbrella stroller and take it with us on the plane or rent at the parks each day? What kind of sunscreen do we need for a very fair skinned blonde? What shows would you not miss with a 4 year old? (I know she'll live Playhouse Disney.) Which ones would you stay away from?

Thanks in advance from Isabella's "grandMary Alice"
No to the umbrella stroller. She'll be way too heavy for it and she'll be uncomfortable. Most cheaper strollers have a weight restriction of 40 pounds so your best bet will be to rent one there.

Use a SPF 30-45 sunscreen and apply liberally every two hours. Make sure you have a hat for her.

Shows not to miss: Playhouse Disney, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Cinderella's Surprise, Share a Dream Parade, and Spectromagic if running.

You'll have a great time. Go at her pace. What a great way to introduce her to her new life with you.

God Bless.
My congratulations on your new addition (and condolences on the circumstances). I'm an adoptive mom myself - and I know a lot of adoptive parents who saw their bio kids raised when they decided to start raising kids again.

My son was 3 1/2 for his first trip. I'd rent a stroller there. They are bigger than anything you'll find (and you will only be using strollers at places like Disney).

We didn't do too many shows. But the kids did enjoy Playhouse Disney. We did ride Dumbo over and over again, and Peter Pan's flight.

Is it right to take her? Depends on how she is adjusting and understanding what is going on - and how well she knows you both already. If her adjustment is going smoothly, certainly go. If she is having a difficult time, you may want to cancel and reschedule for a few months from now.
How wonderful that you will get to see Disney through the eyes of a four year old this time! Unless she is used to being in a stroller all the time, I would rent a stroller there. THis is what we are doing with dd who is also four (almost five). Also use an SPF of 30 or above on all children regardless of skin or hair color and don't forget the tops of ears, upper chest, and tops of feet with sandals or just out by the pool, these are often forgotten places that get burned. Have fun!! Tonia
When we went 2 years ago our son was 4. His favorite rides were It's a Small World and Living with the Land at Epcot. Different kids like different things. I think she'd like getting autographs too, though kids are sometimes scared to go up the first few times. One of you may have to go up to the character with her.
We'll be at POFQ at the same time! It has a great pool for little ones. I bet she'd like the boat ride to Downtown Disney as well.
Have a great time!
I would definitely bring an umbrella stroller! I have seen kids 7 & 8 years old in them. You could rent one at the parks but what do you do when you want to go downtown or to a resort or if they run out of the strollers, which I have seen happen.

Try to keep a hat on her & definitely put sunscreen on- I am not sure of what SPF to use - I generally buy a spray & I think it is 30 SPF.

Enjoy seeing Disney through young eyes! It is quite an experience!
Congratulations! I'm sure this change will be very trying but also extremely rewarding.

One tip on the sunscreen--try it a few times before you go. Sunscreens have harsh chemicals, and it's easy for people to be sensitive to some brands. Likewise, the chemicals get harsher as the SPF goes up. It's best to use the lowest SPF you can, making sure that's applied correctly. Apply it at least 30 minutes before heading out in the sun, and then reapply throughout the day. You should put enough on that you absolutely can't rub any more into her skin. I'm a very fair blonde who burns easily, but I also have sensitive skin and break out from most sunscreens, and I can get away with an SPF of 15 if I put it on the right way. Take more than one bottle, because you'll use a lot. The standard recommendation for the "average" size adult is 1 oz, and most bottles only hold 8 ounces.
Please don't use anything lower than a spf 30 on a child - burning or tanning isn't the only sign of skin damage. If you are worried about chemicals, make sure the sunscreen you choose is PABA free, that will help. If a child stays free from a sunburn up until the age of 18, his/her skin cancer risk is decreased by 80%.
If she's not too big for an umbrella stroller, I would definitely take one, not only for the parks but for the airport as well. We just got back last month and the walk from the gate to the baggage claim area was long! I was glad I had umbrella strollers for my kids!

My daughter is a very fair-skinned blonde. I use Water Babies, SPF 45, on her. I also use a scalp spray for where her hair is parted. I forget what it's called, but it's made to protect babies' scalps. I also bought her some lip balm with sunscreen in it. It was called Little Licks by Coppertone. She loved using her "lipstick" every day!

My daughter is 3 and her favorite things were:

It's a Small World
Goofy's Barnstormer
Minnie's House
Tea Cups
Share a Dream Come True parade

Water fountains outside Imagination

Playhouse Disney
Little Mermaid show
Beauty and the Beast show
Stars and Motorcars parade

Animal Kingdom:
Primeval Whirl

We also had breakfast in Cinderella's castle and dinner at Chef Mickey's, which she loved!

Good luck and congratulations! I'm sure you'll have a great time!
Congratulations on your new family member and prayers for her mom.
Unless there are major adjustment issues a WDW trip should be great for everyone.
My advice on the stroller is to check out a couple before you go. Four year olds come in lots of sizes and she may or may not fit into a regular stroller. Having a stroller for the resort, DD etc could be a life- saver.
Favorites should include most of MK, all the mentioned shows as well as just taking in all the sights and magic of all the parks.
A caution would be to the 3-D shows such as "a bugs life", Honey I shrunk the Audiance and Muppets. They very much scare some kids.
Tour at her speed and be open to breaks for naps or a swim. Enjoy this special trip.

Jordan's mom
Consider bringing your own stroller, but try it out ahead of time.

Have a great trip, this should be a good time to bond and family time.

Some advice is prepare her for every step of the way, explain everything, what will happen next and what she should expect and what you expect of her. Be sure to get displine worked out ahead of time and find a method that works for you and her. Remember this is a difficult time for her and if her mother is in rehab she may be used to a very unstable lifestyle. Get to know her likes and dislikes before hand, what you don't expect may scare her. Be sure she knows that you will be with her all the time. (this is advice from my professional side, am a MSW clinical thearpist.)

Congradulations on your new role, she sounds like she has brought a great deal of joy into your life already and I hope you can do the same. WDW is a wonder place to share with her and even better to see through the eyes of a child. It will be a good place to get to know her better.

PO FQ is very nice and good for kids, great pool. That is a great time of year to go, low crowds nice weather, wonderful decorations. The Christmas party may run a little late and you may have a adjust your schdule some, but you seem up to it. God Bless.

Mrs. Disney Phd.
I called the airline today and added Isabella to our reservations so I guess we're actually going. All your advice is much appreciated. She's a teeny girl, only 31 lbs with all her clothes on. I think she'll do fine in an umbrella stroller and since she loves to be carried a lot (I'm sure its reassuring to her) if we don't have a stroller most of the time I'll be worn out from carrying her on my hip. I'm going to try out a couple of sunscreens in the next few days, buy her a hat and just generally prepare her for some not too busy days with us at the happiest place on earth. This is a child who doesn't believe in Santa Claus and isn't sure grownups tell the truth. She doesn't have a lot of illusions but we hope to help her believe in magic by the time we return home.

Thanks again for your advice and encouragement.

Mary Alice
At that age, my DS also enjoyed the play areas such as HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS at MGM and the one at DAK in Dinoland. He had fun on Tom Sawyer Island--just running around and exploring!

Ditto the advice to "take it at her pace." You might not get to do & see as much as YOU wanted, and you might have a different opinion than she does as to what is "fun," but what a great way to start building that bond of trust!

(When DS was 3 or 4, we visited the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. My most vivid memory of what DS most enjoyed: there was a drain grate on the floor in one of the exhibit areas and it made noise when he stepped on it. He was fascinated! Didn't give a hoot about the fish!)
Don't forget the character meal!
(But book it for a few days into the trip, in case she isn't comfortable with five foot tall Mickey).
MaryAlice, I think a WDW trip with little Isabella is a wonderfu way to begin your relationship with her. It sounds like she needs some "childlike" fantasies and dreams in her life. I just love her name too!

Since she is so small I would bring your own stroller. It will come in handy at the airport, resort, shopping areas and of course the parks. I think your own will be more comfortable for her than their hard plastic ones.

Everyone gave you great advice about the sunscreen and hat. We were there last week and had bright sunshine everyday so the hat really came in handy for our DD (2yo) Since Isabella is 4 she may also want to wear sunglasses.

I know 2 and 4 yo's may have a bit of a different likes, but here is what our DD really liked:

Indy cars
Alladin's Magic Carpets
Toontown house tour

Festival of Lion King
Tri-Ceratops Spin
Boneyard excavation and slide site in Dinoland
Train ride to Rafiki's Planet Watch and petting zoo
Asian walking trail of animals

Spaceship Earth
Imagination ride and activities in lab
The land boat ride
Living Seas
Mexican pavilion with all of its instruments and hats
(Actually my DD is a real shopper, so she enjoyed any shopping ie. WS pavilion)

Playhouse Disney
Muppets 3-2

Best wishes on your trip and in your home life. I'm sure Isabella will just love and crave the stability and cuddle time that you and DH are providing her.
Mary Alice, take that sweetheart and spoil her :)
One word of caution about the cinderella surprise show, my abput to be 4 yo does not like the bad people in it. She loves all the characters except the bad people. She did not enjoy this show at all.
Other then that just play it by ear, read her some disney stories to get her in the mood for it, this will also make her more comfortable knowing some of the characters there.

And bring play doh on the airplane.

God Bless and enjoy.
I wish you the best most wonderful trip! There are children's videos that show the parks and characters that are so much fun to watch and put everyone in the mood for the trip. They are Sing-Along-Songs. One is called Disneyland Fun and the other is about Animal Kingdom. We always pull these out before a trip. It gives me a chance to remind the kids how big the parks are and to go over safety rules. I completely agree with Bouncy One spoil away!!!:cool:
Disneycrazymom - We have the sing along Beach Party at Walt Disney World and my kids LOVE it!! But I have never heard of the ones you mentioned, where did you find them? And is the Disneyland Fun video shot at Disneyland? Tonia
I hate unbrella strollers. They have no support and do not recline. Many Ped's even tell parents to not use them because of the lack of support.
We have a combi SUBV that we love. It will hold kids up to 45lbs so you will be able to use it for a while with her. It reclines and has a canopy and a basket.Combi Stroller Store

Our DD loves so much of WDW but her favoirtes are the play areas (honey I shrunk the kids and the on at AK) the playhouse disney show, of couse anything in fantasyland, the parades, collecting autographs and doing the kidcot stations in epcot
DD has the Disneyland singalong. I need to find the AK one. She will watch her tape over and over.


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