A Pink Pixie Princess - Complete!

Goodbye Money: 2015 INKnBURN Holiday Kit

Woohoo! Another fun mail day. :)

INKnBURN opened up pre-orders for their holiday kit before Halloween, and since I LOVE InB and I LOVE Christmas, I jumped. And my items came today!

First...the tech tube.

Basically this is a big piece of tech fabric sewn into - you guessed it - a tube. This was the piece I was most excited about, just because I think it'll be pretty versatile. I've seen pictures of people using it over their ears, and for me, I think it'll be really useful around my neck when it gets colder outside. InB posted a little tutorial on how to turn it into a hat (turn it inside out, twist at the center and fold it out), and that seems pretty useful and comfy too.

I'm looking forward to seeing what other uses people - and I - come up with!

Next - the holiday sweater! A long-sleeved tech shirt. This is coming to Disneyland with me next month!

And lastly...the wild card. The holiday skirt. This is a size smaller than the skirt I wore last week, so I'm hoping it'll fit better!


And the butt.

INKnBURN just needs to come out with matching red cable knit tights...I would be super happy with that.

Of course, now this is making me think I need to sign up for a holiday-themed race to sport my gear. :eek: Eek!

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I love all the INKnBURN stuff! But I just convinced my DH that I need a (1!) Sparkle Skirt for Christmas, so I don't think he will go for this stuff too, lol! Enjoy! And yes, you def need to do a holiday themed race to show it all off! :)
This is why I love checking in to your journal. I had no idea INKnBURN existed and now I'm clicking around their website. I have a coworker who makes fun of me for liking to run thematically but whatever, it's fun and really motivates me to sign up for fun races. I'm kind of obsessing on the christmas stuff and I am not signed up for a December race so you can probably tell what my brain is thinking right now.
Woohoo on the new INKnBURN stuff. That skirt is way too cute. How are the pockets/storage in their stuff? That's the biggest thing I love about Sparkle skirts.

And, the training is continuing to go well, so great job. I've told Chris that I'm going to start doing some strength training with him after Christmas. I've said this before and always resulted in an epic fail on my part, but hoping I'll stick with it this time. I really HAVE to do something beyond just the running.

A friend of mine was telling me about a book she got recently called, "Thinner Leaner Stronger" and she loves it so far. So, maybe I'll check it out.
I love all the INKnBURN stuff! But I just convinced my DH that I need a (1!) Sparkle Skirt for Christmas, so I don't think he will go for this stuff too, lol! Enjoy! And yes, you def need to do a holiday themed race to show it all off! :)
Woohoo, a SparkleSkirt! Which one did you pick??
This is why I love checking in to your journal. I had no idea INKnBURN existed and now I'm clicking around their website. I have a coworker who makes fun of me for liking to run thematically but whatever, it's fun and really motivates me to sign up for fun races. I'm kind of obsessing on the christmas stuff and I am not signed up for a December race so you can probably tell what my brain is thinking right now.
I find INKnBURN to be crazy addicting...so if you catch the bug too, I apologize. :)

I'm obsessed with the Christmas stuff too. I've seen the stuff they released in past year (before I knew INKnBURN existed) and was SO EXCITED to finally get some of their stuff this year. :)
Woohoo on the new INKnBURN stuff. That skirt is way too cute. How are the pockets/storage in their stuff? That's the biggest thing I love about Sparkle skirts.
I haven't tried using the pockets yet - biggest reason is because I STILL don't have the right sized skirt! :mad: I tried skirt #2 this morning and the shorts still rode up (skirt #1 was a 10, skirt #2 is an 8). I ordered a 6 today and if this one doesn't work then I'm giving up on the skirts. At this point I'm not sure if I just don't have the right size, or if the shorts just don't work for me. :sad: I think you and I sort of "talked" about this earlier but most of my SparkleSkirts are mediums (but the shorts sometimes ride up) and I can also fit into smalls...and I have read people on FB saying that the INKnBURN capris (which I sometimes run in) should "feel like a second skin," but I find that I have to pull mine up sometimes.

So now I'm just like...am I wearing the wrong size in everything?! What is life?? :faint:

SparkleSkirts pockets DO seem better to me, though. They are bigger than the InB skirt pockets. Plus, SparkleSkirts have the waistband pocket with the zipper, where the InB skirts don't - that's definitely something that I miss. I'm not sure what you and Chris have been using for fuel lately, but I like Honey Stinger Waffles and I was thinking this morning (while yanking the shorts down :sad:) that I'm not sure the waffles would fit into the shorts pockets. I think gels would though. My iPhone definitely wouldn't (I have a 6+), but I normally don't carry my phone in the skirt pockets because it pulls the skirt down.
And, the training is continuing to go well, so great job. I've told Chris that I'm going to start doing some strength training with him after Christmas. I've said this before and always resulted in an epic fail on my part, but hoping I'll stick with it this time. I really HAVE to do something beyond just the running.
I agree, for my running alone is not enough. I think my lack of consistent strength training last year really bit me in the butt. :mad:
A friend of mine was telling me about a book she got recently called, "Thinner Leaner Stronger" and she loves it so far. So, maybe I'll check it out.
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check my library for that one. :)
Woohoo, a SparkleSkirt! Which one did you pick??

I'm going to be super boring and just get the plain black one. But since (at the current time ;)) I am only "allowed" to get one, I think it will go with most of my running tops the best.
I'm going to be super boring and just get the plain black one. But since (at the current time ;)) I am only "allowed" to get one, I think it will go with most of my running tops the best.
That was the first skirt I ever got...still going strong 3-4 years later. :)
I finally got a chance to sit down and read the update ... and its making me so jealous!! The shorts on the skirt especially are amazing ... but all of the stuff you got looks pretty perfect for winter training!
I discovered INKnBURN a few months ago from a picture someone posted on Instagram (it may have actually been you...), and they really make some awesome looking stuff!! Of course, it's all way beyond my budget (although, cheaper than some other stuff that's beyond my budget), but ... I can dream, right?
I finally got a chance to sit down and read the update ... and its making me so jealous!! The shorts on the skirt especially are amazing ... but all of the stuff you got looks pretty perfect for winter training!
I know, that skirt is just sooo adorable. I hope I can figure out the sizing...it would pain me to not own it. :(
I discovered INKnBURN a few months ago from a picture someone posted on Instagram (it may have actually been you...), and they really make some awesome looking stuff!! Of course, it's all way beyond my budget (although, cheaper than some other stuff that's beyond my budget), but ... I can dream, right?
Yeah, it's definitely not cheap stuff. It's a splurge for me, for sure. :)
How have I been missing this report? But, yay, I'm here now. All can be right in the world again.
I am loving that steampunk inkburn shirt. Too cute!
I joined a running group a couple of months ago and it has been a big help with shaking up the type of runs- hill repeats, intervals, long runs, tempo runs, social runs- who knew there were so many?! But Even in just a few weeks my pace has increased so much, so I guess it must be doing something.
I did a challenge at a local run- so not worth it. Driving to downtown for a little race just didn't feel like it was worth the effort to turn around and do it all again the next day. And since you are just doing a full up normal marathon, I would not want a previous day race to get a baseline of what a normal marathon IS for you, ya know?
How have I been missing this report? But, yay, I'm here now. All can be right in the world again.
I am loving that steampunk inkburn shirt. Too cute!
...yeah, that kit totally jumped into my cart on Thursday. :teeth: Of course, the day after I had a realization that I needed to be down 1 size in both the capris and tights, so the tights will be going back. Proper size already ordered!
I joined a running group a couple of months ago and it has been a big help with shaking up the type of runs- hill repeats, intervals, long runs, tempo runs, social runs- who knew there were so many?! But Even in just a few weeks my pace has increased so much, so I guess it must be doing something.
That's awesome! I totally think all of that stuff helps - and you are proof of that! :thumbsup2
I did a challenge at a local run- so not worth it. Driving to downtown for a little race just didn't feel like it was worth the effort to turn around and do it all again the next day. And since you are just doing a full up normal marathon, I would not want a previous day race to get a baseline of what a normal marathon IS for you, ya know?
Okay, thanks for your input on this. That's kind of what I was thinking too, especially with the whole not wanting to drive downtown a second time thing. And you're totally right about wanting to run a "normal" marathon. I'm actually considering shaking up my training a little bit beyond what I originally had planned, so I'm excited to see how it goes. And running the 8K the day before is just not something I'm interested in. :confused3
Week 4 of Getting Consistent
Monday, November 16, 2015 - Sunday, November 22, 2015
9 miles completed/12 miles planned

Monday, November 16: lifting + 2.5-mile run (tempo)

Another double workout done! I woke up a little late this morning, so I was scrambling to get everything in. Lifting was fine, the first few minutes of my run were awful, and then the rest of the run was...decent. Like I said last week, I think I need to start re-thinking what I eat before I run because it doesn't seem to be enough anymore. Lately it's been a banana before and a protein shake after, but I think I need to change the banana to a piece of toast with peanut butter or something. :confused3

Anyway, today's run: 2.5 miles tempo-ish (started at 10:20/mile, peaked at 9:30/miel about 75% of the way through, then brought it back down to 10:20/mile)...24:54, 9:58ish/mile pace

Another day of sweating after my shower...boooooo.

Tuesday, November 17: 2.75-mile run (speed intervals)

Disappointing run today. Not the run itself (more on that in a bit), but...similar to last week...another skirt issue. :sad: This time I tried the same INKnBURN skirt one size down, and the shorts STILL rode up! UGH! Not as bad as last week, but still...I'm not sure what to do at this point. Try a size down one more time or just accept that these skirts don't work for me (and return my still unworn Christmas skirt that I received yesterday?). I'm bummed that I may not be able to wear these skirts...they are just SO cute, but they're too expensive to not fit perfectly.

Anyway, the run - it was good! This is the one run where I am adding distance this week (a whole quarter of a mile), which meant that I tacked an extra rest interval on at the end. The speed intervals felt pretty easy today, not sure if it’s because I’m getting faster or if I I was more focused on the skirt. Maybe both? Total time for this run was 32:14, 11:43ish/mile pace for 2.75 miles (5 speed intervals of 0.25 miles @ 9:05/mile pace, 6 intervals of recovery walking/jogging).

Wednesday, November 18: lifting

Late night for me last night. We are interviewing people at work and I was asked to go out to dinner with my boss and one of our candidates yesterday (she is in from out of town). I didn't WANT to go, but I felt like I couldn't say no...so I went. :upsidedow It was okay, but I ended up not getting home until almost 9PM! At least I got free dinner.

So this morning, getting out of bed was rough and I sort of overslept. Not a ton, but enough that I was really rushing around to get my workout done. I also found out that the gym at work will be closed Monday - Wednesday next week... :scratchin guess they are putting in new equipment? It'll be nice when it's done, but this messes up my schedule a little bit: I can't lift Monday - Wednesday, and Thursday is out too since that's Thanksgiving. And we are heading to my in-laws' house that weekend, so that entire weekend is out - which means it's very likely that I'll only have 1 day of lifting next week. :worried: Oops. Going to have to re-arrange my schedule a little bit!

2 things...fun mail yesterday:



...and fun outfit today. I need to pay better attention to the sizing on these runDisney shirts, I think I could have gone down a size in this Dumbo shirt. Going to keep that in mind for February! And yes I did take this picture in the bathroom like a weirdo. :)


Not fun thing: I had to do a presentation for work today. :( I was a nervous wreck all day...I'm SO glad that’s over. :thumbsup2

Thursday, November 19: 3-mile run planned, lifting completed

So in the interest of re-arranging things to miss the least amount of lifting possible, I lifted today - doing one of the workouts I'd normally have scheduled for next week - and pushed today's scheduled run to sometime next week. Not ideal, but it is what it is. This means I'll have 3 days of running this week, with a lower weekly mileage, and 4 days of lifting. And then next week: 5 days of running (eek!) with a higher weekly mileage, and 1 day of lifting. eh? :confused3

Today's HeadlessShanny outfit...Coast-to-Coast with a side of Ameri-pants!



Friday, November 20: yoga

Darn it. I've messed up my week! :mad:

It seemed like a good idea to switch out yesterday's run with a lifting session, but when I got up this morning and started contemplating picking up the weights...I just WAS NOT into it. :worried: That would have been 3 days in a row of lifting, which was just SO not appealing. Why didn't I just run yesterday like normal?! Duh! Oh well.

Today's yoga class was another "just okay" effort. My balance just was not there today! But at least I made it to class.

In other news...I got INKnBURN skirts today to try, one size down from the one I ran in earlier this week (so for those keeping track...this is the 3rd size I have tried). HAHAHAHAHA. I could barely get those things up over my butt. Not a good look! So now I'm thinking that the one I ran in this week probably IS the correct size for me. I'll try one more run in it, I think, and then decide if it needs to go. The ones from today are definitely being returned. I may just need to accept the fact that these skirts won’t work for me, which is a giant bummer. :sad: And clearly something I am VERY reluctant to do since I keep trying them over and over...:sad1: I realize this is not a real problem to have, but waaahhhh.

Saturday, November 21: 3.75-mile run

Weather: mid-high 40s, overcast with light wind

The goal for today's run: GO SLOWER! This week I have been corresponding with DopeyBadger (running expert here on DISBoards) who kindly offered to make a training plan for me for my spring marathon (more on that later), and he was really stressing the importance of slowing down on most runs...so that combined with the fact that I've felt totally spent at the end of my last two weekend runs really motivated me to do this one at a bit more relaxed of a pace.

Also, I have been suspecting that my INKnBURN capris and tights are a size too big for me, so today I tried one size down in the capris.

Not quite headless:

These worked out a LOT better. I had to adjust them once or twice, but compared to the other size (which seems to fall down a decent amount), these were way more comfortable. This is unfortunate since I already have quite a few pairs of InB bottoms in what I now know to be the correct size, but I digress...

Anyway...run. The first mile was still too fast, but the rest was more what I was going for and I did feel better at the end. Still quite a bit too fast though, per Dopey Badger.

Sunday, November 22: rest
Busy around the house today - did some cleaning, bought some supplies to make pies for Thanksgiving (YAY!) and cleaned my new Dooney (whaaa? :eek: More on that in the next post!). Also, my dog has been acting like a cat, which has been funny.

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Goodbye Money and Hello Money...sort of: Mickey Balloons (Disney Dooney & Bourke)

:o :o :o

I know, I know...a few weeks ago after I found my Holy Grail Disney Dooney & Bourke bag, I said I was most likely done buying purses. And I have technically stuck to that declaration (for a few weeks...which is huge for me. When I said I had a D&B problem, I wasn't kidding! :eek:).

Now I need to confess...I HAVE gotten 2 new bags. :eek: But I traded for one, and for the other, I sold/am selling other bags to fund it. So in my book I have still stuck to my "no new bags" proclamation. ::yes::...

ight? Sort of? Maybe? :rotfl2:


A few things that these bags have in common with my Holy Grail Running Mickey satchel...

  1. They are older (I think they have been retired for 2-3 years now, which is lame - the Mickey Balloons pattern is so classic and I'm sure would still sell well!)
  2. Since they are retired, the price on these bags has gone up since they were originally for sale
  3. They are (I think) better quality than the newer Dooneys that have been coming out lately
Here’s how I got my mitts on these balloon bags...

First up is the Colette in the white balloons pattern.


If the Running Mickey/2013 Marathon satchel was my A grail, this was my B gail. It's one I have wanted for a long time. :lovestruc


This one has popped up for sale quite a few times recently, but I am picky - I only wanted one that was in near-perfect condition...the ones that were up for sale were not. Example: currently there are 3 up for sale on eBay - one looks like the leather is coming off in parts, and the others have black marks on the white outside portion. :snooty: They're all pretty decently priced, but still...not exactly cheap.


So when this one came up for sale on Facebook, I pounced. It was (accurately) described as "pristine" except for very, very slight marks on the leather. I showed Mr. Ariel484 the marks that had been disclosed and he was surprised that they had even been worth mentioning...we had to really, really look closely to see them. :thumbsup2 So while I paid more than what the 3 eBay bags are priced at, the one I ended up getting looks practically brand new. I think the extra cost was worth it, and it's almost totally paid for since I sold a couple of other bags (still have one more to unload).



And now, bag #2...the black balloons satchel.


This wasn't the exact black balloons bag that I wanted - I was hoping for a specific tote. And a few days before I made the trade for this satchel, that tote did come up for auction!...starting bid $650. :faint: YIKES! And believe it or not, the bag was quickly snatched up for the Buy It Now price of $750. :eek: I liked that tote, but not for that much money! I feel like I'd almost be afraid to use it if I paid that much...:confused3

The bag I actually did get was one that had been up for sale in multiple groups for quite awhile. I looked at it and looked at it...just like my marathon satchel, it didn't include the longer detachable strap (sidenote: that hasn't been bothering me very much with the marathon satchel :)). I think the price (which I personally thought was a little high) and the missing strap turned a lot of people off. Eventually the seller opened up the post to potential trades, and I pounced by offering up a bag that I had been thinking of selling anyway. She accepted (worked out well for her as it was a bag that was on her wishlist anyway) and we paid one another an agreed-upon amount (almost like we were buying the bags from one another...it's sort of a safety thing that is recommended in the groups so that there's a "paper trail" of sorts in PayPal, in case anything is wonky. I'd had good transactions with this person before and was sure everything would be fine...but you can never be too careful!).


And with that...my new bag arrived!

Fun rainbow zipper:

The inside needs to be cleaned a bit (apparently the way to do that is with Dawn dish soap and a toothbrush...today's project!), but the outside looks great! And I already have a strap that I can use for this one from a different bag, so that works out well.

This was a super excellent trade for me - I didn't lose money on it (where I totally would have if I'd just sold the tote on my own) and got a great, high-quality retired bag in really good condition. And while I'd been pining for the white balloons Colette for awhile, I actually may like the balloons pattern in black just a teeny bit better. I'd seen pictures of this pattern for years, but had never seen it in person - and those balloons really pop on the black background. This will definitely be the bag I use during February (my most hated month of the year - it's dark and depressing in Ohio) just because the pattern makes me super happy. All it cost me was shipping. Yay!

And NOW I can declare myself done with buying purses. I was organizing things today and took a "family picture" - a picture of all of the bags I own - and yeah...I don't need anymore bags!! :teeth:

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Gah! Scheduling issues are the worst. I spent about 3 straight weeks having to skip one run each week because I just didn't have time for all my runs, so I can totally relate. It definitely screws up your plan ...but I've found that it's easier to just do the best you can and try not to stress when things get messed up. Sometimes you can rearrange your schedule, sometimes you can't. IMO, sometimes too much tinkering with the schedule can be worse than just skipping an occasional workout. You just have to let it be.

Yay for running in your Disney shirts! And they match the INKnBURN tights pretty well!

So ... the skirt size issue is definitely a #FirstWorldProblem, but ... it's still sad. I hope you can figure out a way to make the skirts work for you.

Okay, on to the Dooneys ...
I love both of those patterns! I think the black one is my favorite ... but I also have a bit of a thing against white bags (in my life they become dirty bags very quickly).
And I love your purse logic. Technically a trade is not a purchase...

On an unrelated note ... I saw that the person who makes the runDisney ears is selling them again. I'm so tempted to buy them ... but I need to save that $30 for other sutff. Ahhh!!
The shorts under the skirt thing made me LOL. I just recently learned about the "dooneys" in the marathon thread this weekend. I had no clue what that was, and thought maybe I was missing out on something... Then I realized it was a purse. Based on that, I am not missing out on anything, and DW has a million purses/bags, so I may have to forget to mention this to her. I recall reading about the marathon plan that was made for you, but don't remember which marathon it is you are running... Good luck with training!
Gah! Scheduling issues are the worst. I spent about 3 straight weeks having to skip one run each week because I just didn't have time for all my runs, so I can totally relate. It definitely screws up your plan ...but I've found that it's easier to just do the best you can and try not to stress when things get messed up. Sometimes you can rearrange your schedule, sometimes you can't. IMO, sometimes too much tinkering with the schedule can be worse than just skipping an occasional workout. You just have to let it be.
I'm a little bugged by it, but there's literally nothing I can do to fix it, except wait. So whatever! :confused3
Yay for running in your Disney shirts! And they match the INKnBURN tights pretty well!
:goodvibes Having a little bit of Disney in a workout makes it a little more tolerable, in my opinion!
So ... the skirt size issue is definitely a #FirstWorldProblem, but ... it's still sad. I hope you can figure out a way to make the skirts work for you.
Oh, I totally agree...it's SO not a real problem. Yet I will still whine about it. :teeth:
Okay, on to the Dooneys ...
I love both of those patterns! I think the black one is my favorite ... but I also have a bit of a thing against white bags (in my life they become dirty bags very quickly).
And I love your purse logic. Technically a trade is not a purchase...
Yeah, you bring up a good point about the white background...here's hoping I can keep it looking nice! :eek:

I happen to think my logic is flawless. :teeth: Or maybe that is a sign that I am a true addict...
On an unrelated note ... I saw that the person who makes the runDisney ears is selling them again. I'm so tempted to buy them ... but I need to save that $30 for other sutff. Ahhh!!
I saw that too! They must be a big seller for her, because I swear she had posted that she wasn't going to have the fabric printed again. :confused3 She had a sale yesterday that was all Christmas patterns and I managed to NOT buy any - I am so proud. Little victories.
The shorts under the skirt thing made me LOL. I just recently learned about the "dooneys" in the marathon thread this weekend. I had no clue what that was, and thought maybe I was missing out on something... Then I realized it was a purse. Based on that, I am not missing out on anything, and DW has a million purses/bags, so I may have to forget to mention this to her.
Probably a good idea if your wife is a Disney fan. :teeth:
I recall reading about the marathon plan that was made for you, but don't remember which marathon it is you are running... Good luck with training!
It's Cleveland in May...the weekend after Pixie Dust Challenge. Probably not genius scheduling on my part. :eek: I've done the half for that weekend 3 times and the 10K twice...time to go for the big one. Thanks!!
Sorry that your scheduling got off. I hate when that happens. There are some rare occasions when we switch up our running days and it just really messes with me. Creature of habit, I guess.

I'm bummed for you on the new skirts though. Boo! They are so awesome looking and it's a shame the shorts aren't performing well. That's a big part of what has kept me in the Sparkle Skirts. Those shorts are just great at staying put. Glad you seem to have dialed in the pants though. I'm keeping a close watch on their website and debating about buying some to try now with cooler temps. I've actually considered Wildflower capris you have on in one of your shots. Now seeing them again, I'm really tempted.

Love both the new Dooneys and it's great that you were able to work out a trade. I think I'm partial to the black one. I'm loving that zipper detail. That price for the tote though that you mentioned. Holy Moly! That's some big bucks!!!
Sorry that your scheduling got off. I hate when that happens. There are some rare occasions when we switch up our running days and it just really messes with me. Creature of habit, I guess.
I know what you mean - I like my schedule. I have to admit that I was a little relieved (okay, a LOT relieved) to just run this morning and not lift beforehand...
I'm bummed for you on the new skirts though. Boo! They are so awesome looking and it's a shame the shorts aren't performing well. That's a big part of what has kept me in the Sparkle Skirts. Those shorts are just great at staying put. Glad you seem to have dialed in the pants though. I'm keeping a close watch on their website and debating about buying some to try now with cooler temps. I've actually considered Wildflower capris you have on in one of your shots. Now seeing them again, I'm really tempted.
I knoooow. I'm gonna try one more time and then reevaluate/face reality. :sad:

I'm pleased to have figured out the pants too! :thumbsup2 The Wildflower capris are super pretty, I'm glad I got them but wish I would have gotten them in the correct size. Oh well! The Wildflower tights are available in my size on another site and I'm really debating trying those out...like you said, cooler weather necessitates it.
Love both the new Dooneys and it's great that you were able to work out a trade. I think I'm partial to the black one. I'm loving that zipper detail. That price for the tote though that you mentioned. Holy Moly! That's some big bucks!!!
Ahhhh thanks! I was so excited that the trade worked out! :goodvibes It seemed like a great trade for both of us. The zipper is super fun on the black one, for sure.

RIGHT? About that tote? Insane!

They released a new Club 33 print that only members or those who dine there can get, so obviously those are super rare...well, someone in one of the Facebook groups got a wallet, a purse and a weekender (which is duffle bag-sized, I guess?) and auctioned them off yesterday. It was fun to watch, in a way. Final prices:
Wallet: Starting bid $225, final sale price $405
Satchel: Starting bid $325, final sale price $710
Weekender: Starting bid $500, final sale price $810

!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

This is a picture of the print (the ones that were auctioned are the top left, top right and bottom left):
Anyway...run. The first mile was still too fast, but the rest was more what I was going for and I did feel better at the end. Still quite a bit too fast though, per Dopey Badger.
I am trying also to really slow down on my easy runs as well, its hard though. And for me at least it is counter intuitive, but I shall keep the faith that even with the slower miles I will be able to get near my goal race pace. Congrats on the new bags. Does Inknburn make the skirts sans shorts? Then you could wear a good pair of running shorts that fits you under and still have the super cute skirts, especially the awesome Cable sweaterish one.
I am trying also to really slow down on my easy runs as well, its hard though. And for me at least it is counter intuitive, but I shall keep the faith that even with the slower miles I will be able to get near my goal race pace. Congrats on the new bags. Does Inknburn make the skirts sans shorts? Then you could wear a good pair of running shorts that fits you under and still have the super cute skirts, especially the awesome Cable sweaterish one.
I know what you mean...it seems super counter-intuitive. :confused3

Nope, no shortless skirts from INKnBURN. I totally agree about the awesomeness of the cable knit tights, they are my favorite!! :goodvibes


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