A Mini Get to Know Me TR!


Feb 9, 2013
Hello! Welcome to the tale as old as time! Really it's from August! I am Gianna, a new member of the Disboards family (pause for applause). I am 14 (almost 15) a hs freshman, and fellow Disney lover.I've been, how you say, a lurker (please say in French accent) for some time now. I decided it was time to go ahead and join. Well what do I know about Disney? I've been Disney World 28 times, Disneyland once, and on a Disney Cruise once.

Now onto this trip report! Time for some backstory, oooooooh. Toy Story reference, come on people these are the Disney boards you know they have to be here. Anyways, I went to Orlando in August and visited SeaWorld, Universal, and Disney. The majority was Disney, but usually we only go there. This trip we wanted to do something a little different. I know, it makes me uncomfortable too.;) Now that I joined the boards I have really wanted to write a trip report! Alas, I do not have a trip planned at the moment:sad1:, but that's where this comes in! This is going to be a mini report because I don't have as much info as I could, beause I didn't know I'd actually write one! So bare with me! This is just a way to get to know me for future TR's!

Now would we like to meet our stars in this grand production? Oh, I'm so glad you said yes!
TW you might not be able to see the pictures yet because I don't know what I'm doing. But here's little old me!

This is my dad, yes yes very nice.

This is like the only pic I had of my mom, she doesn't like this picture

These are my cousins Scott, Andrew, and Jess. They make any apppearance later on. Jess is basically my sister. Also, they have a sister Jen (not pictured) and their parents Jill and Richie.
AHHH! THERE'S A PART 2! The last people pictured were myself and my cousin Jenny and little Zoe (age 2). We always go to Disney with them and her husband, parents, and brother, whom I have no pictures of! We don't meet up with them until when we arrive at Disney Sorry the pictures are so large, I'm new give me a break!

The hotels we stayed at were, Waldorf Astoria for SeaWorld, then Portofino Bay at Universal's, and Disney's art of Animation! So that is my little intro! I hope you will come along with me! And I love to read any comments! See ya soon!
Hello everyone! I am back to start reliving the magic. I see I have 165 views, but no comments! :confused3 I would love to hear from everyone and see who is joining me, so don't be shy! I hope after this update I can get some people to tell me what's going on! I am on break this week, so I'll be online a lot, and able to udate frequently.

Now wihout further a do, away we go to August 9th, 2012

We had a 4:30 flight in the afternoon, so the agony was killing me! I got up at 9:45, which is actually quite early for me (I'm a sleeper). My aunt was bringing us to the airport, so we didn't have to leave our car there. Everytime we go on vacaion my father insists on running errands before hand and he always comes back barely on time. Guess what, he did it again. Shocker. Maybe it's just a guy thing. Well my aunt got at my house at 1:30, and my dad wasn't home yet. She was SO excited. She kept going on and on about how much fun we were going to have and how she was so excited for us. Someone must have had coffee that morning... My lovely father didn't get home until 2. We had a plane to catch baby! There's no lolly-gagging! I never had to spell that, hmmm, I hope it's right!

We got to the airport and went through security, and everything was fine. I am sory I don't have any pictures until we get in the car in Orlando. We were flying JetBlue. I love it. Honestly this is the only airline I like to fly. The tv's make the flight go by way faster, and this is one of the only airlines that still serves snacks. My mom realized she forgot headphones, so I had to buy her a 2 dollar pair. They were surprisingly better quality than previously.

When we started to board my dad had to go the bathroom and so we waited... and waited... and waited., then they called final boarding! I was looking down the hallways and pacing all over. I don't know about my mom, but I was going with or without him! He finally showed up, and he didn't know there was a bathroom closer than where he went! While he was gone JetBlue worker asked if anyone knew when Mickey Mouse's birthday was, and a girl said it was HER birthday! He said she could fly the plane, I wasn't really feeling it though, and her family looked a bit iffy on it too.

We boarded and the pilot came on to talk to us. He was very nice and was talking about the flight. He said the flight was going to be very enjoable and that we'd be really smooth. Another dingy thing my father had to contribute was that he thought the pilot said screwed instead of smooth.
.....:faint: umm, no thanks!

I didn't enjoy this comment, because one time when I was little our pilot said there was snakes on the plane so everyone should keep their feet up. Needless to say I was little and kept my feet up the whole flight.

Our flight was good except for some annoying children in front of us. A little boy had his seat pushed back and I had no room! Luckily the flight attendant had him move it before takeoff.

We took the fake monorail and got our luggage and we were ready to go! It was very different not going to the Magical Express though:sad: Our vacation was starting out at the Waldorf Astoria on Disney property where we stayed at for two nights while at SeaWorld! Because we were going all over we got a rental car for the first half of the trip. It was a sleek blue taurus, my sign!


Since the hotel is on Disney property we had to pass through this beloved sign! I was having a hard time. It was very confusing to not be going then, but being there. WE WERE ON A BREAK! For all you Friends lovers out there... you're welcome.


This is the Hilton that is connected to the Waldorf. For those of you interested, these two hotels are located right across from Downtown Disney. As soon as you exit the "driveway" to the resorts it is BAM, hello, in YA FACE there! Later on you will see just how close it was and how we got to see it... hint hint ;) you'll just have to wait and see...


We pulled up and valet took our car! That is the end of this update! You'll all just have to wait and see what it looks like! ooooooooohhhh cliff hanger!!! Don't you just hate those? And in case you're wondering, it is a beau-ti-ful!

Again, please please, pleasssssssse I'm begging you, comment! I'll be more than happy to answer any questions and I will make sure to respond to everyone. I have a lot of free time this week, so I'm waiting, haha. :rotfl:If I get enough comments or subs I will definitley update tomorrow! Again sorry for the lack of pictures, it will definitley improve! I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see ya soon!
-Gianna :wave2:
Welcome :wave2: to the boards. Wow, :cheer2: 30 visits is very impressive. Looking forward to following your TR.
I'm in! It's so cool that you have been to Disney so many times, I hope I can give my kids as many trips as your parents have given you!
Hello everyone! Ok, I am freaking out a bit, because I just typed up this whole update and spent about two hours writing it. I went to post it and it said I needed to log in and I did, although I already was, and it said because I just logged in I needed to go back and reload it, so I did, but it didn't work. Then I think I backed up to much because now it's all gone and I have to rewrite it all over again. It was so good! So I am a bit flustered with this and I had a death in the family, so I'm a bit nuts now, but I really want to put this up!

Ok, after that rant time for another one! Sorry! I see we've all been quiet, hmm? Thank you very much for the 334 views! I would LOVE to hear from you all though! If you have any comments or questions go ahead! Make my day! Also, as I type this I got an update on my phone on the TR from Patriotic_Duck, so shoutout to you! I've gone so many times, because my mom is a travel agent and she specializes in Disney! We say we go for her job, but you know how it is, its just an excuse.

OK! I think we are all ready to just start! As we checked into the hotel we were given champagne! Well, not me, I got squat. We were given a suite, because my dad has so many rewards points from traveling with work. Here is what you see in the front foyer.


Now we went up to our room and here is what you saw when you first walked in.


Actually, there wasn't a man when you first walked in. Unfortunley he's not included. The couch he is sitting on is apullout and he sept there. The bedroom only had a king bed and because my dad worked at night we let him sleep there so he didn't bother anyone. Can you guess what is across from the couch?


If you said TV you are correct!!! The hint is that there is a remote in his hand. He got on that couch really fast, like he didn't even look to see if there was a stranger in our bathroom or anything.


Next to the door there is a kitchen area. Next to that is a mini fridge.



Now onto the bedroom!



Attatched to the bedroom was the bathroom.


Ok, these are the free toilteries. During our stay I used one and they restocked each of them will I swear ten each! So of course I took a few! I still have a body lotion left. My cousin used to always take them all in Disney. His bathroom shelf has a ton on it, but that's not all, there's more in a box! Puh-lease you all do it too. Also, there was a black box and inside there was cotton balls and nail polish remover wipes. I thought that was adorable and so convenient!


Obligary mirror picture.




Ok, now for the part we've all been waiting for, THE VIEW! No, I'm not talking about the show, come on work with me people! If you remember from the last update there was a hint hint about Downtown Disney. So hint hint, it's here.





Yeah that white building is Cirque de Soleil La Nouba! Ahhh! Fangirl time! :worship: Comment down below if anyone has actually seen it! The next picture is of the courtyard below.


Ok, that was the last picture for the update. Again remember I didn't know I was going to write this so I didn't take any pictures for the rest of the night.

We were going to eat in Downtown Disney, but as you can tell in the view pictures it was getting very dark. It started to thunder and lightning, and pour, and I melt so that wasn't going to happen. In checkin we were told there was a very good Italian restaurant at the Hilton. They are connected by a walkway, so we just went there!

In the walkway area there was a convention center, and earlier that day it said there was a Disney convention, ooooooh. In the Hilton part there was A DISNEY STORE! I had to control myself to not buy anything right then and there.

At the Italian restaurant I got a shrimp dinner. It came with a shrimp kabob in galic butter, and cheesy bread. It was FANTASTIC, but the only thing was the bread was soaked in butter, so I couldn't eat a lot. My parents both got steak, but my dad got fries. They were so crispy, which are my favorite! I also tried my mom's steak which was very soft, I loved it because I do not like chewy steak. The food fiasco begins! As you can see, I love food and tend to eat off of other people's plates.

My dad and I were going to go swimming after dinner, but it was still bad outside. We wanted to go because apparently there was a lazy river type thing, unfortunley we never got to go swimmng.

As we walked back over to the Waldorf many families were walking back holding Disney bags and things. I was going through DD (Disney Depression). Remember: We are on Disney property and there are buses that take people to the parks. As nice as the hotels are I would never want to stay off property. It just doesn't have the spirit.

Well when we got back to the room I put my pajamas on and jumped into bed to watch TV. A miracle happened! My depression was cured, by the face of STACEY!!! AHHH! Again, because it is Disney property we got STACEY!!! IT WAS A MIRACLE!!! STACEY IS THE QUEEN! :worship: Seeing STACEY was magical! Yes, everytime I say STACEY it has to be capitalized, because she's that important. My friend Jenna, new member of the Disboards, Tinkerbell622, pause for applause :woohoo:, insists that I will someday be the new STACEY. I tend to quote her a lot, but don't we all? I don't think I could ever overthrow her majesty. Has anyone ever seen videos of the old girls before STACEY? It creeps me out that she is not the original. Ok, enough of my STACEY rant, but it has to happen once in your Disboards career.

It was still thundering and lightning outside. Everytime it does this my mom insists on sticking her head out the balcony and take pictures. It freaks me out! Like, isn't that dangerous? So I had to drag her inside because we were going to SeaWorld tomorrow! My first time since I was a child!

Now my friends, that is the end of the update. It's ok, you can cry! :worried: get it all out! There, all better? Good! Now you know the usual spiel. Pleassssse comment! I want to know who is reading this! I LOVE hearing from you guys, it makes my day. It also tells me how frequently to update on how many people are wanting updates.So tell your Disboard friends about the TR! It gets me all excited! Someday I hope the frumps will read it! also, I have a fun new thing to add to the end of updates! To get people to comment more and it interact with each other at the end of each update there will be a special question that relates to the update that you guys can comment and answer!!! At the beginning of each update I'll have MY answer! So here is today's question!

What is your favorite STACEY quote? Do you have a reason?

Now it is OFFICIALLY the end of this update! I'll see ya real soon!
-Gianna :goodvibes
Hey everyone! I'm a bit disapponted, no one commented on my last update! I know people are reading though, because when I ask if anyone wants an update they say yes! Life is confusing. This is why I really want you guys to comment, so I can know when to update. I wasn't sure if I should again, because I wasn't sure if anyone was reading it, that's why I asked! Anyways, here is my answer to the update question!

My favorite STACEY quote is...
It is describing the Magic Kingdom must-do's, "You're gonna get wet!... Fly high buddy!... It's a small world!" These are because they are in the beginning of the Must-Do's and it symbolizes the beginning of the trip, and that I am home!

Now lets go to SeaWorld! We arrived there and the first thing we did was go see the dolphins. They are my favorite!


It was very crowded over there, so we didn't stay that long. Then we went to do the new attraction Turtle Trek. While you are in line you watch the turtles swim by and then you are taken to an open room. For this attraction you have to stand, and you wear 3D glasses. You are following the life of a turtle from the time they hatch from the time they have their own children. It is a 360 experience, some may get dizzy or sick. I had a hard time, so at some points I took my glasses off. This is short. They aren't that many rides there that were for us, so we only did two.


While walking to our next and final ride we saw these flamingos. I didn't get them in the shot, but these two flamingos were really mad at each other and bitingone another. I didn't know they could get that aggressive!

Our next ride was this! Journey to Atlantis. It's a water ride/roller coaster. It already had a long line, but we knew it would get longer as the day progressed so we hopped in anyways. It was the longest line EVER though! It was so hot! The only thing keeping me going was an attractive guy in line, and eavesdropping on other people's conversations. It works in dyer situations.

When we finally got to the loading dock these cute little girls were in our boat. I noticed they kept staring at me and whispering. In the words of Michelle Tanner, how rude! But actually, they ended up complimenting me on my outfit! Aww, they were cute.

As you can see in the photo above there is a huge drop! We went down that drop as soon as the ride started! I was like, is that it? and the little girls giggled behind me, all of a sudden there was another huge dropand we were taken down the roller coaster! It was a really fun ride, and if you're like me, you'll be surprised. Throughout the whole thing I kept asking if it was over, because I just couldn't tell!

My mom and I went to the bathroom to dry off, because we were quite wet. When we came out a guy walked by, and I don't want to be mean, but he looked like he was part of a gang of hillbillies. He was talking to his group and asked a question that still haunts me to this day. He pointed to Journey to Atlantis and uttered the words, "Is that there Splash Mountain? Let's go there, but not if you get wet." :scared:WHAAAAAA?!?! There are so many things wrong with that statement, I'm going to let you figure it out.

Next we were going to see the show called Blue Horizons, but first I got a cookies and cream ice cream sandwhich, bought to you by Weight Watchers. Ahh non-Disney food, how it confuses me.

That is the end of this update, it was short, but it's something! Now for this updates question!
What was the most outrageous ride mix up you've ever heard? It doesn't have to be Disney!

So you know my spiel. Please comment, especially if you want an update! I'm going to make that short and sweet! See ya soon!
-Gianna :woohoo:
Joining in on your Trip Report. It's nice to see someone as young as yourself contribute. My daughter and I are currently planning a similar trip this August to US & Disney so we look forward to reading about your trip.

As for the funniest ride mixup, we always get a kick out of the story about how my parents when they first took me to Disney, thought Space Mountain would be a Spaceship Earth type of ride. Warning signs were there just for show to contribute to the theming of the ride. Let's just say they were holding on for dear life... what I don't understand is how I got on the ride as I was probably only 6 or so... Funnier still is that they fell for the same thing on the Mummy ride at Universal Hollywood 30 years later also:goodvibes!
ixmnrs said:
Joining in on your Trip Report. It's nice to see someone as young as yourself contribute. My daughter and I are currently planning a similar trip this August to US & Disney so we look forward to reading about your trip.

As for the funniest ride mixup, we always get a kick out of the story about how my parents when they first took me to Disney, thought Space Mountain would be a Spaceship Earth type of ride. Warning signs were there just for show to contribute to the theming of the ride. Let's just say they were holding on for dear life... what I don't understand is how I got on the ride as I was probably only 6 or so... Funnier still is that they fell for the same thing on the Mummy ride at Universal Hollywood 30 years later also:goodvibes!

Thanks for joining! Ever since I was little I would always tell my parents I was going to have a Disney blog or write a book! I think this is perfect, and even though I'm so young I still good things to contribute!

I love your funniest ride mix up! That reminds of when I never wanted to go on Splash Mountain, but somehow my mom got me to go, and then I realized where I was in line! Love it!
Thanks for the shout out Gianna! For the ride mix up my brother thought Spaceship earth was Mission: space and was freaking out because he thought he was going to get sick
Looking forward to more trip report. No real ride mixups to report. Do you think Sea World is worth it for little ones like your younger cousin? We have never gone before, always just stuck with Disney parks.
DisSmis said:
Looking forward to more trip report. No real ride mixups to report. Do you think Sea World is worth it for little ones like your younger cousin? We have never gone before, always just stuck with Disney parks.

I think SeaWorld is better for younger kids than people my age. My little cousin didn't actually go with us until we were at Disney later in the trip. She loves going to aquarium and zoos though, if you have younger ones that like that than it's great. They have a lot of little kid rides and shows. Although I think there's only enough for a day or possibly two.
Ok, so I'm here with the one and only, TheDisneyChick! And she has just lost the wonderful update he had for all of yous. So some good vibes her way would be great! :-) Her update should be up soon and I wouldn't put it past her if she's up all night redoing it;-)
Tinkerbell622 said:
Ok, so I'm here with the one and only, TheDisneyChick! And she has just lost the wonderful update he had for all of yous. So some good vibes her way would be great! :-) Her update should be up soon and I wouldn't put it past her if she's up all night redoing it;-)

This is unacceptable Jenna. Haha


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