A lot to celebrate - TRIP REPORT

Hello you, How are you? x

Fine thanks, not been on here much recently, after Florida in April I didn't think we'd get a Disney fix for ages but we did manage a couple of days to Paris in the summer just to see Dreams, which was amazing!! I've started saving for Florida again but the trip doesn't look like it happen before 2015/2016 :(. Have you got another trip planned before Elsie starts school and it gets harder to plan? Xx
Up early again! :worried: I am not a morning person especially at 4.30am. We all had a shower Elsie had a bath as well. Water baby! Watched a bit of TV in our room and got ready.

Elsie was dressed as her hero Mickey Mouse today and we were on a mission to be at MK early. We left at 7.45, we got there at 8.50. That was one major down side about staying offsite. Magic Kingdom was such a pain to get to with a pushchair. Drive to MK from the villa, get all our stuff out the car either carry the push chair and get on a tram or put Elsie in the push chair and walk. Then choose the boat or monorail. It was just a bit much all the time the other parks were fine but MK just felt like such a chore some times.

Any way we just got there in time to see the opening show. After the show had done and most of the crowd made its way to New Fantasyland or Starbucks lol! We went to see Mickey!

We had a great time but we were gutted to find out that Talking Mickey was there after 10 :(

Elsie asked to go on Dumbo. We watched the planning DVD every day since we got home in February. Elsie the elephant (because of her memory not size lol) remembered the play area in the queue and that is why she wanted to go on there. Unfortunate for Elsie they didn't even offer us to go in there as the ride was a walk on. She loved Dumbo though she wanted it to go higher and faster. As we got off she said to the CM "Scuse me higher, faster please" lol.

Donald is Elsie's favourite at the moment and this trip has only fueled that love. Before the trip if any one asked Elsie "Are you looking forward to going to Disney World? Will you see Mickey Mouse? She would reply yes and no I see DONALD!" She saw the poster to meet him at Pete's silly sideshow. It didn't open till 9.45 and we were there about 9.30 so we had a bit of a wait. We were 3rd in line so it wasn't bad. Then Elsie decided she wanted to see Daisy and Minnie instead. I think she was planning on telling Daisy to move over and that Donald is her's lol.

She must have forgot though as there was no feather pulling!

We were really disappointed with Minnie she didn't have any interaction with Elsie and just seemed to rush us out!

When we were done with the ladies we saw no one was queuing for Donald and Goofy so we made our way back to them.

As we are walking through the line Elsie see's Donald and that no one is with him. She darts under all the rope at Donald. The CM calls her over to Goofy and she does follow the line back to Goofy bless her.

She couldn't get away from him quick enough though poor goofy! On a side note I had really studied costumes on this trip due to making them now I found their costumes really interesting. (Wait till you hear when we met Sofia lol) Goofy was filthy. Covered in pen and god knows what :crazy2: I thought they would keep them a bit cleaner then that.

Elsie in the wings of her true love and no one else in sight she was so happy to be with Donald. She told him she loved him and that he was her favourite.

She was so happy there with him! :)

After a long cuddled we went through the gift shop that Disney love sticking on every exit lol! The CM's in there loved Elsie's outfit and wanted to talk to her about it but Elsie turned to them and said "Sorry bye I see Ariel". Doing everything in order of the planning DVD lol! Ariel's line was posting a 20 minute wait. That is our maximum wait with Elsie Unless it is our first line of the day. Well 15 minutes and we hadn't moved a single step so we left. We grabbed a Le Fous brew to share whilst we enjoyed the sun. It got really hot whilst we were sat there so we made our way down to Caseys Splash area. I don't know how we had been able to keep it from Elsie for so long.

Of course I changed her! I changed her again as I forgot I had her swim suit in the bag.

After a good hour in the water and I finished my brew we went for a little walk! Elsie wanted to go on Philharmagic and had already dried off so we went in! Donald being the star of this made Elsie's day.

We grabbed a Casey's corn dog nugget meal between the 3 of us! Not used to paying Disney prices lol! Elsie wanted a balloon as well so we got her one of the ones with the mickey balloon inside a bubble and made our way out of the park for the monorail back.

Elsie fell asleep in the car on the way home and slept for another 2 hours back at the villa.

Just caught up. Loveeee the chip and dale story. Elsie is so sweet. Shes so tiny. They are so innocent at that age and scared of nothing. Cannot believe its 2.5 years since you had her.
I dont think I could ever try a deep fried chocolate bar. Hope he enjoyed it.
Aww I love how much Elsie loves the characters! So adorable! Sounds like you had a fab MK day!
Enjoying your trip report. It's lovely to see your little one enjoying meeting the characters.

I am already planning for our 2015 trip which will be our dd first visit. She will be nearly 8 then.. so excited already :)
Enjoying your trip report so far, I can't believe how big Elsie is now, I still remember when you got engaged, and found out you got pregnant.

I am going to go catch up on all your other trip reports now.
Fine thanks, not been on here much recently, after Florida in April I didn't think we'd get a Disney fix for ages but we did manage a couple of days to Paris in the summer just to see Dreams, which was amazing!! I've started saving for Florida again but the trip doesn't look like it happen before 2015/2016 :(. Have you got another trip planned before Elsie starts school and it gets harder to plan? Xx

We have :) She starts pre school in April and they are term time only. They are attached to the school I want her to go to. Going to the pre school helps them get in to that school so I want to keep the pre school happy so we will be restricted to school holidays as of then! Luckily we already have a trip planned before then :D

Just caught up. Loveeee the chip and dale story. Elsie is so sweet. Shes so tiny. They are so innocent at that age and scared of nothing. Cannot believe its 2.5 years since you had her.
I dont think I could ever try a deep fried chocolate bar. Hope he enjoyed it.

Thank you. She is fearless especially in the pool and it frightens me. I know it frightens me how quick she is growing up. I thought I wouldn't I did only have a bite. The whole thing was tiny probably a snickers treat size.

Aww I love how much Elsie loves the characters! So adorable! Sounds like you had a fab MK day!

I am sure your two will as well. You are on your way as I am writing this.

Enjoying your trip report. It's lovely to see your little one enjoying meeting the characters.

I am already planning for our 2015 trip which will be our dd first visit. She will be nearly 8 then.. so excited already :)

Oh plenty of time to plan then. Pinterest is amazing for planning well anything really. I love it.

Enjoying your trip report so far, I can't believe how big Elsie is now, I still remember when you got engaged, and found out you got pregnant.

I am going to go catch up on all your other trip reports now.


How are you? I think last time I saw you post you and Jonathan had just bought a house. How are you getting on?
Ok so we had gone back to the villa and Elsie stayed asleep. The Dave's, dad and I had a swim. Mum and Nanny sun bathed and Sammi was inside with Miley.

When Elsie woke up we got washed, dressed and fed. The three of us decided to go to Fantasmic.

It was on at 8pm and we arrived just before 7. Elsie and I went straight in. Elsie loved the atmosphere she danced with about 8 CM's to Miley Cyrus singing Kiss the girl. No twerking involved lol! We found seats and not long after Dave come in empty handed. He had gone to get snacks but came back with nothing. He did eventually go back and get some nachos, popcorn and a few drinks.

It was really quiet as you can see.

Evidence he did actually come back with food.

She couldn't get close enough lol! I always find it amazing how quickly it gets dark in Florida.

Whilst waiting Elsie made friends I think with any one under the age of 5 near us lol! Playing with their light up toys together, handing out her pop corn.

This picture makes me laugh.

Finally the show gets going.

She stayed like this till....

Till the heavens opened. Just as Maleficent lights the water on fire. It didn't take Mickey long to put that fire out with help from the rain. We got soaked with in minutes and every one was leaving. We decided we were already wet and might as well wait and watch the show as the exit was jammed.

We stayed right till the end scene. Steam boat Willie never came out. I wasn't surprised all those princesses don't want to ruin their hair but Mickey did come back out and finish the show.

Some Imagination huh? Love that line at the end.

We ran to the car. Elsie had made up her own song we have no idea where this came from but we were in fits laughing at her. Zippidy doo dah out da way.

Back in the car soaked it wasn't long before Elsie was out flat again.

We get back to the villa about 9.30pm Dad was still up every one else had gone to bed. We had an early ADR for Ohana in the morning and needed a good night sleep.
Brilliant photos I love Elsie's Mickey outfit! How many times did Elsie watch the planning DVD if she wanted to do everything in the same order lol!
That picture makes me laugh so much! I have no idea why though!

Totally agree about Fantasmic... that line is my favourite! I watched the 'Glow with the Show' youtube videos on Saturday... I was saying it all day!

Loving your report, as usual! Xx

It is because she is such a nutter lol!

I cant wait for our glow with the show ears.

Brilliant photos I love Elsie's Mickey outfit! How many times did Elsie watch the planning DVD if she wanted to do everything in the same order lol!

Thank you. She watches it a lot. I think I know it word for word lol!
I wasn't every one's if any one's favourite this morning. I had booked a dining reservation for 7.50 am at Ohana's.

Any way we got there with plenty of time and we all had a lovely time. The food was great as usual. That bread at the beginning is just so amazing and so were the character.

Elsie loved the character parade they did round the restaurant and wanted to do it again and again.

She just loves this guy.

Pluto was having a bit of an off day and didn't kneel down for Elsie. This is the only photo I have them with out me in it.

After breakfast we all decided to go to Epcot together. Sammi, Dave, Miley, Dave, Elsie and I decided to go on the monorail and let mum and dad drive the cars (any pay for parking :hyper: )

We all met up at Epcot. Definitely quicker to drive lol. Mum, dad, Sammi, Dave, Miley and Nanny went on Spaceship Earth. Elsie wanted to see this fish so we made our way over to the seas.

We went on Nemo and friends first then we went to see the divers get in the water and watch them feed the turtles.

One of the divers spent ages with Elsie as the glass drawing hearts on the window. Elsie had her hands on the glass looking in and he put his hands up to hers.

The glass is obviously so thick but from where she was it looked like they were right on top of hers. She then blew him a kiss and he blew her one back and all these bubbles come out. She was so excited telling us about her bubble kiss bless her.

It was really hot today and Elsie was already telling us how tired she was so we made our way back to the villa for a rest as we had a late night planned at MK with an ADR at BOG.

After a nap, swim and shower we were ready to make our way to Magic Kingdom. We knew we were going to be here till late tonight (our ADR was 8.50) so we told a little porky and said we had a reservation at Contemporary. We had a parking ticket so it wasn't like we were getting out of paying just didn't want the wait for monorail or boat late at night.

Getting out the car I realised I had forgot my camera! :furious: Last time we went to BOG my camera battery had died this time I just forgot it. So annoyed. So this will be a short update.

We had heard they were testing talking Mickey so we made our way over to meet him. No he was still resting his voice when we met him. :( We had a great meet him though of course.

After meeting Mickey we made our way to see what Enchanted tales with Belle was like. I think it was about 7pm and Main Street Electrical Parade was starting. There was a 10 minute wait so of course we joined the line.

Dave was picked to be a Knight (luckily we had photopass)

and Elsie was pepper she was so happy you would have thought she was going to be Belle lol!

Same Belle from February :D

After seeing Belle we made our way to see the new Rapunzel tower area and It is a small world. Elsie loved it's a small world. This was the first time we have done it in WDW it is so much longer then DLP. She wanted to go again but we only had 10 minutes till our ADR so we made our way over to BOG.

We got inside and we were sat right next to the window great seats. Elsie was so tired she had already fallen asleep. We booked this for her love of the beast and yes ok the food is great too but mainly for her lol.

I had the sauted shrimp and scallops it was amazing. Dave had the ratatouille. I had they grey stuff for desert and it truly was delicious no need to ask the dishes ;)

After the meal we popped in to see the beast. He stroked Elsie and gave her a kiss, He kissed my hand and bowed to me so polite Belle is putting him in his place I see lol.

Elsie stayed asleep for the walk out the park, back to the car, in the car all the way back, up to bed and right through till 7. It was lovely
Hellloooo :cheer2:

Haven't been on here for months and months (no Disney trips!) but just catching up as starting to think about our Florida hol in 2015. I sent you a PM the other day....

Just reading your TR makes me very excited. Little Elsie is just gorgeous and getting so big princess:. I am still loving all her costumes - you are brilliant with them :thumbsup2.

Hope to 'catch' up soon on PM. In the meantime I'll keep reading :goodvibes.
Hellloooo :cheer2:

Haven't been on here for months and months (no Disney trips!) but just catching up as starting to think about our Florida hol in 2015. I sent you a PM the other day....

Just reading your TR makes me very excited. Little Elsie is just gorgeous and getting so big princess:. I am still loving all her costumes - you are brilliant with them :thumbsup2.

Hope to 'catch' up soon on PM. In the meantime I'll keep reading :goodvibes.


I am so sorry it took me so long to reply but I have now :D

Love all the character photos, Elsie is so cute :lovestruc

Oh thank you. I think so too :p
So this morning we are all getting ready to head our separate ways. I come down stairs to start getting ready Elsie is stood by the front door with dad and I saw some thing on the floor. It was a snake. Dad got Elsie out the way but as you can imagine no body really wanted to touch it. Dave came down and tried to push it out the way with a mat but as he did it snapped back. Now all out the way Dave gets it outside but it is still snapping back at Dave so he pushes it off far away so it won't get back in. Here it is. It isn't very big but I still wouldn't want it to bite me and especially not Elsie. Any way. Dave, Elsie and I are off to Epcot again today. They had the cranberry pool out for the Epcot Food and Wine That person stayed in that tiny piece of shade the entire time we were there. It was so hot there that day. We made our way to Figment first. Sucha cute ride but it is losing a bit of its charm I think. Elsie loves it though. I don't want it changed to Phinease and Ferb though before I get burned lol! Elsie loved this area especially. We were the only people in there for a long time. I remember going here when I was younger and having to stand waiting to send emails. I guess the free wifi has stopped those lines. We then spent ages with the jumping fountains. Then on to living with the land. I love this ride and for some reason it makes me want to learn more about it but the Disney blues and the jet lag I seem to forget all about it lol! Elsie couldn't wait any longer to meet some characters and Mickey was calling her. Ok before the photos I just wanted to note this character spot is very misleading for a Donald Duck fan like Elsie she was sure he would be here. As you can see she soon forgot. After a few cuddles it had got really hot out. We went to Ellen's Energy for a cool down and a good rest. WOW this ride is long. Dave and I both admitted we could have nodded off in there. Poor Duffy was all alone when we walked past. Not for long. Last time when we went to Epcot we really didn't do a great deal so we were making a lot of effort to find stuff to do with Elsie this time as it is mine and Dave's favourite park. We started in Mexico we rode the ride Elsie loved it obviously it featured Donald. We started a Kidcot here Elsie then of course we saw Donald. and tried on some hats.

After Mexico we visited China

and made lots of noise

I had always wanted to do pick a pearl and had saved some birthday money to treat myself to finally get one. Elsie picked the oyster and I had a 7 and 1/2 m pearl. She said that was bigger then average but every one else we saw do it had the same size. I always wanted the Cinderella carriage but my pearl was too big. So I just had a twisty shape )sorry no photos)

We watched a mum and 2 daughters do it the mum got 2 pearls in one oyster and 1 daughter got a blue pearl the other daughter just got a 5m pearl :( She was so disappointed bless her.

After Picking my pearl (they did it the and I was able to take it with me some settings you have to collect later on) we made our way out. It was so hot and Elsie had fell asleep in her push chair. We went to Florida mall before heading back to the villa Elsie slept the entire way round and didn't wake till we were putting her back in the car. This is so unlike Elsie it is just unheard of. We had parents point at Elsie asleep in her pushchair saying why can't that be you asleep like that little girl. You have no idea how many times I have said that to Elsie lol!

Back to the villa we had a swim and Chinease take away with mum, dad, nanny and Miley well she didn't have any but Sammi and Dave went out for some food and to do a bit of shopping.
Finally starting to get in to a routine up at 7 much better. We had breakfast and got ready and we were still at Animal Kingdom for opening. Easiest park to get to from our villa. Nipping up Sherberth Road it comes out just by AK.

I was really excited about going to AK today I had made Elsie a Wilderness Explorer costume and couldn't wait for her to meet Dug and Russell wearing it.

Kenny the Pirate had on his website they were there from 9. Unfortunately it is the only time he has let me down but they weren't actually there till 10.

Oh well we went and saw Minnie and Mickey whilst we waited. The CM's there loved Elsie's outfit and told us that they had called Russell and he is expecting us to be there at 10.

most favourite photo EVER!!!

We were with them for ages Minnie asked if I would make her one. Yes Minnie any day I would love to be your stylist!!!!!!!!!! I am a trained hair dresser too wink wink!!!

We hung around for a bit looked at the tree of life and in the shops grabbed our Wilderness Explorer books and then got in line for Dug and Russell about 9.45. We were first in line :)

I almost never made this dress I really wasn't happy with it and even now I am making a new improved version for next time. But this one moment right here made it all worth it

We had the most amazing time with them. We all had cuddles with them. Even when we walked past later in the day Russell and Dug caming running out to cuddle Elsie. Just so amazing!!!

They walked away with us when left and didn't want Elsie to go. We didn't want to go either but they were very popular and had quiet a line already.

Dug wrote in Elsie's book I have just met you and I love you. He was so pleased he had to show us!

We then had a go on the Safari I think the actual queue was shorter then the fast pass line. They were having problems with the bands and were causing quiet a lot of angry guests.

No photos of the Safari I have no idea why I just was obviously feeling lazy lol!

I was starving for a Jalapeno Pretzel. If you have not had one yet next time you go you must have one. They are just out side Kilimanjaro Safari. So good!!!! Elsie wanted an ice cream so we all sat and had a drink and finished of our snacks

We had a walk round past Everest and through Dinoland! Elsie wanted to meet Donald so we made our way over to Camp Minnie and Mickey. Donald was on a break but King Louie and Baloo had no queue so we couldn't resist a cuddle

We had such a great time with these two Elsie loved it. As you can tell.

We were pretty much exhausted after meeting these two. We did get in line to meet Pocahontas. But it was so busy we just gave up and left. Elsie slept again. Then just like most days back for a swim and quick trip to Walmart then off to bed.
Wow !!! The pics with Dug and Russel are just the cutest pics I've seen :) DW has tears in her eyes looking at them :) The one where they are running towards her is priceless

Lucky Elsie
Wow !!! The pics with Dug and Russel are just the cutest pics I've seen :) DW has tears in her eyes looking at them :) The one where they are running towards her is priceless

Lucky Elsie

Aw thank you. It was such an amazing memory I was welling up the entire time. The photo of all of us I still have my sunglasses on because I had been tearing up.

Though they can't talk to her its amazing watching them interact together and Elsie talking back to them. She truly loves the characters.
Aww, your daughter is absolutely gorgeous and looks so happy! I'm almost tearing up looking at them as well. I don't think I've seen a child as young as that be so confident with the characters. My daughter looks a similar age and she's terrified to go up close to them. She just wants to watch them from a distance.


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