A Little Bit Of What You Fancy Does You Good

Lovely sunset pictures!!

Your scuba lesson sounds interesting. I guess it is necessary to learn first, but it would be much more interesting where there is something to see than just in the pool... Unfortunately I am not allowed to do scuba for health reasons (asthma) and therefore will never get to try it. Even though I think, I would love it! Looking forward to you becoming proficient in it and going on diving trips where you can take amazing photos of fish to post in your trip reports!

Normally I would be all sad about the cruise being nearly over and the trip report ending soon, but for this trip, I am starting to get really excited about reading about your next part of your adventure! ;)
Shucks the last day!

Only the last sea day. There is one more port day to come and then 8 days in Florida.

It looks like a lovely picture perfect day. Blue skies.

It was a really gorgeous day.

I agree re the diving better to do it in the natural environment. The pool is very strange.

If you do want to get certified, you have to do a certain amount of pool work, but I think it would be easier to try it out in the sea.

I love the choice of gown tonight.

Thanks. This is quickly becoming one of my favourite gowns. I think there is a good chance that this will make the cut for the next cruise.

I am not sure I would have been as brave as you to do the scuba!

I did not feel very brave.

Sunset pics are fab!

Another gorgeous gown!


Your scuba lesson sounds interesting. I guess it is necessary to learn first, but it would be much more interesting where there is something to see than just in the pool

I agree. I also tend to do better in open spaces then in a confined area. I have never been afraid of deep water, but until fairly recently swimming in shallow water freaked me out.

Looking forward to you becoming proficient in it and going on diving trips where you can take amazing photos of fish to post in your trip reports!

I don't think this will ever happen, but hopefully there will be nice photos from snorkeling in the South Pacific soon.

Normally I would be all sad about the cruise being nearly over and the trip report ending soon, but for this trip, I am starting to get really excited about reading about your next part of your adventure! ;)

I wonder why that may be... ;)

You may have noticed that I have changed the days on which I post updates. In my new job, I have regular days off on Wednesdays and Sundays. So it makes sense pot updates on a Wednesday rather than on a Thursday. I know that I missed some updates, but I had to cover a lot of training and I was really exhausted every evening. I am now fully trained and I am getting used to my new job, which I love, so we should be good from here on in. This actually works out perfectly. I should have this trip report finished in early April and will then have enough time for a mini trip report about the Season of the Force at Disneyland Paris before we head off on our next adventure.

Looking forward to the mini trip report on seasons on the force! Glad you are enjoying your new job :flower1:
Great to hear that you are doing well in the new job! I noticed the Wednesday update and thought that it was connected with how your new job is working out. Sounds like you are working a more normal work week. However, do you not miss having a real weekend with two days off in a row?
Looking forward to the mini trip report on seasons on the force!

This should be ready to go in early April.

Sounds like you are working a more normal work week. However, do you not miss having a real weekend with two days off in a row?

Yes, I am working much more regular hours. I wondered if it would bother me not to have two days off in a row, but actually it doesn't.

Day 14

We got up at 7:00 this morning. This was our last day in port and the last day of the cruise. Normally that would have made me miserable, but I was about to cross off another item from my bucket list. The port for the day was Port Canaveral and we had a VIP tour to the Kennedy Space Center booked. I have wanted to go there ever since I first visited Florida in 1998, but never got around to it. I was pleased that I would finally have my chance. We got ready and headed to Café Promenade for a light breakfast. We both had coffee. Graham had a white chocolate donut and an apple Danish and I had a chocolate donut, and a raspberry Danish. That set us up nicely for the day. Once we had finished, we went down to the theatre where we waited for the rest of the group. It did not take long until everybody had arrived and we went to check in. We were given our tour sticker and directed to a row in the theatre. There were nowhere near enough seats available. Graham and I went to sit down and most of the rest of the group were standing at the back of the theatre. Fortunately it did not take long until our tour was called.

Because there were two Royal Caribbean ships in port that day, we were docked at the Carnival terminal. This is not quite as nice as the Disney terminal at Port Canaveral, but it is still a bright and modern terminal. We had a quite a way to walk. This was the only port apart from Southampton where the ship’s photographers were out. So we briefly stopped for some photos. We were still amongst the first people to get on the bus. I was delighted when I realized that the Kennedy Space Center had sent some of their buses. This meant that we could bypass the visitor centre and head straight to the backstage areas. We drove past the DCL terminal, which was kind of strange. Port Canaveral and the specifically the DCL terminal was of course where our passion for cruising started. We have not actually sailed out of Port Canaveral since January 2011. There were no Disney ships in port that day and I had kind of hoped that one would be there when we booked the cruise. We then left the port area and headed towards the Kennedy Space Center. Our guide told us a bit about the area and about the Kennedy Space Center. We were lucky to see variety of wildlife including various birds and some alligators.

Soon we arrived on property at the Kennedy Space Center. We drove past the Vehicle Assembly Building and our guide pointed out some of the launch pads in the distance. He told us a bit about the history of the Kennedy Space Center and the space programme and then played a brief welcome video. As we got closer to our first destination, he gave us a brief overview of what to expect and advised us of where we would meet up again. Our first stop was the Apollo/ Saturn V Center. We went inside and straight to the Apollo 8 and the Firing Room theatre. There we saw a film about the launch sequence for Apollo 8. It was amazing to see the original firing room. It was even more impressive when Graham pointed out to me that my rather old iPhone that I had in my pocket is more powerful than what I was seeing there. I know this equipment was state of the art at the time, but it is amazing how little it actually took to launch such an iconic mission. Next up was the Lunar Theater, which relived the final few minutes of the Apollo 11 moon-landing mission. This was something really magical. It almost felt like I was actually there. Graham remembered watching the original footage on TV, but this happened before my time. I had read all about it, but actually seeing the film was quite an emotional experience.

Once we had seen this film, we briefly met up by the Astrovan in the exhibit where our guide gave us a quick overview of the highlights and told us when and where to meet again. This was still before opening so we had the whole Apollo/ Saturn V Center to ourselves. For that alone it was worth paying a slight premium. I have to say; I found it hard to concentrate on what our guide had to say, as right in front of me was a full-size Saturn V Rocket. Everything else did not matter too much at that moment. I think my jaw may actually have dropped, but I was definitely walking around with the biggest smile on my face. I took a good while checking out all of the different parts of the Saturn V rocket above me and then had a look at the other goodies in the area. There was a full-size moon rover, the spacesuit that was worn by Alan Shepard, a crew capsule and even a piece of moon rock that you could touch. Graham wandered off at some stage. There was a lake right next to the building and that had some interesting birds on it. I had a look at the shop. I was hoping to get a t-shirt, but I never did find anything I liked in my size. By the time more people arrived, we were pretty much done and getting ready to head back to the bus.

Our next stop was what I had been looking most forward to, the exhibit for the Space Shuttle Atlantis. We started with a film again. This was about the history of the Space Shuttle from the initial idea onwards. It was interesting, but did not quite capture my imagination like the films at the Apollo/ Saturn V Center had. However, nothing could have prepared me for what came next. The screen initially turned less opaque so that you could see an outline on what was behind it and then was slowly raised to reveal the Space Shuttle Atlantis behind it. This literally took my breath away. I spent a while just standing in front of Atlantis taking it all in.

Then we went exploring. There were all kinds of other interesting things in this exhibit like a replica of the Hubble Space Telescope, Astronaut Training Simulators and a very moving memorial to those that lost their lives in the Challenger and Colombia tragedies. Where the focus at the Apollo/ Saturn V Center was more on seeing amazing stuff, this exhibit was more interactive. There were all kinds of different simulators and games. Graham tried is hand a spacewalk, but find this pretty hard going. He also explored a model of the Destiny and Unity modules of the International Space Station. You had to crawl through some very narrow spaces and I did not fancy this at all. Neither of us was brave enough to try the slides.

One thing that I did want to try was the Shuttle Launch Experience. Graham decided to sit this one out. I had to wait about half an hour, but there were screens all along the line where various astronauts were sharing their experience with the Space Shuttle programme. This was very interesting and made the time go quickly. When we got to the holding pen, I was close to bottle out. I had read about this before and thought I would be OK with this. However, there was a whole list of dire warnings and they also referred to a moment of weightlessness. So I started to think this might be too thrilling for me. They did offer people to go to a non-motion observation room just before the doors opened and quite a few people made use of this. I was sorely tempted, too, but figured I had waited long enough for this and decided to just run with this. I am glad that I did. As simulators go, this was relatively mild and I had no issues with this. However, the overall experience was stunning.

Graham had wandered off while I was on the ride so I decided to go exploring. I had a quick look at the main shop, checked out the globe on the main plaza and then had a look at the Rocket Garden. I bumped into our former neighbour and we chatted for a bit. I also headed towards the lake, but then turned around, as I was not sure I should be there. Nobody else seemed to be around.

As I had come through the gift shop at the Atlantis exhibit, I had noticed photos with people in front of Atlantis. I had not seen any photographers around, but decided to go back. This paid off. There was a photographer there and I got a nice souvenir. They are still insisting on giving you physical photos, but you also got the corresponding digital download, which is what I really wanted. I had to wait for my photos for a bit and then I decided to get some lunch.

There were huge lines at both restaurants and they did not seem to be moving at all so I gave up on this. I was considering checking out the Heroes and Legends exhibit, but there was a long line for this, too and I was not sure if I would have time for this before we were supposed to meet up again for the IMAX movie. So I passed on this. I went to have a quick bathroom stop and bumped into Graham on the way. He told me what he had been up to. He mentioned visiting another memorial, which I had not found. This happened to be by the lake and yes, I was allowed to be there. So we headed over there together. This is a very beautiful memorial and I am glad that I had the chance to pay my respects. He also had been to the Heroes and Legends exhibit and deemed this a “must do”. In the end I decided to sit out the IMAX film and head to the Heroes and Legends exhibit instead. I headed to the IMAX building with Graham to let our tour guide know that I was sitting this out and he let me know when and where to meet. Then I headed off.

I had made the right decision. When I got to the Heroes and Legends building, I could walk straight in. This had only opened a week or so earlier and is very cleverly done. You first enter a room with screens all around. Once everybody is inside, the screens come on and people share, who their hero is. Some of them are people that are associated with the Kennedy Space Centre and the space programme, but most of them are just ordinary people. I found this very moving. Next up is a 3D film with all kinds of special effects, which is very cleverly done. This simulates the early manned space missions. The next part was my favourite. The area is divided into various “pods” each of which represents a quality that a hero possesses. Each pod has interactive features, as well as astronaut memorabilia and space artifacts. There are also larger artifacts dotted around the room, including a Redstone rocket, the Sigma 7 capsule and the Gemini 9 capsule. The last room is the actual Astronaut Hall of Fame. There are interactive elements there, too, but I could not quite work them out. However, there was more than enough to see there to keep my attention for quite a while.


I still had some time when I got out before I had to meet the group. I headed back towards the main plaza and there was a space man out for meet and greets. The line was only short so I decided to get a photo, which his escort kindly took for me. I then decided it was high time for me to eat something. There was a little quick service outlet and I ended up getting a kid’s meal consisting of corn dog nuggets and fries with some orange soda. The corn dog nuggets were much nicer than the corn dog on the ship. I also saw my first grackles of the trip. They were everywhere, hoping that people drop something. Once I had finished my late lunch, I headed towards the Rocket Garden to meet with the rest of the group. Graham did not think that the film was much to write home about and thought I had made the right decision to sit this out. The highlight for him had been going alligator spotting in the lake after the film.

Once everybody was assembled, we headed back to the bus. On the way back, our guide told us about the next phase of the space programme and also about some of the commercial ventures that are happening at the Kennedy Space Center at the moment. We saw some more wildlife, too. Once we had left the property of the Kennedy Space Center, he told us a bit about the history of the area and also the recent hurricane and its effect on the area. The whole day was interesting and educational.

When we were dropped off at the port, we thanked and tipped our guide and then headed back to the ship. The corridors in the terminal seemed endless, but eventually we reached the gangway. We were welcomed back with a glass of sparkling wine. That was a nice surprise. We took our glasses out to the opposite side of the promenade deck and watched the world go by. There were to other ships in port that day: the Norwegian Breakaway and the Anthem of the Seas. The Anthem of the Seas is the sister ship to the Ovation of the Seas so that was a little strange. We stayed out about an hour and then I had a Coke and Graham had a coffee before we headed back to the cabin.

We finished packing and I filled out the customs form and the luggage labels. We had only been given one tip envelope, but we wanted to give our server, assistant server and stateroom host something extra. So I headed up to guest services. Their line was pretty impressive, but fortunately I spotted that they had a box with tip envelopes on the end of the counter. I picked up a couple of envelopes and I headed back to the cabin. I labeled those and added some money. We took turns getting showered and changed. I quickly put the magnets back up so that I could take a photo as for some reason I had never done this. Then we put Graham’s suitcase out and headed out for dinner. Our stateroom host was in the corridor so we gave him his tip envelope.

Dinner was nice again. We both had some water and a glass of White Zinfandel. Graham had French onion soup followed by a Spanish tapas plate with cold cuts, manchego cheese and potato frittata. I had lentil and rosemary soup with pasta for my starter. For his main course, Graham had lamb shank with carrots, green beans and mashed potatoes. I did not fancy anything in the menu that day and had the beef sliders with steak fries and tarragon aioli, which are always available. They were very nice. For dessert, Graham had lemon tart and I had chilled strawberry soufflé.

During dinner we ended up having “the talk” about the post-cruise survey twice: once from our server and once from our head server. This always irritates me. Still, I have read that since this cruise, Royal Caribbean added a question if customers have felt pressurized into providing only excellent ratings When DCL did the same, this all but stopped the talk. I hope that the same has happened on Royal Caribbean. Other than that, it was a nice dinner. When we were done, we gave out the tip envelopes and said goodbye to our serving team.

We decided to head out on deck 4 to watch the sail away after dinner. We had timed this perfectly. The ship was just pulling away from the dock. The Norwegian Breakaway had left, but the Anthem of the Seas was still docked and we moved slowly past her. It was nice to get a good look. I wondered if there would be a bit of a horn battle, but Graham reckoned that this is just a DCL thing. Shortly afterwards we did get treated to a horn battle. It is not quite so impressive with a normal horn though.

Once we were out into the channel, I left Graham to it. I wanted to check the photos to make sure they were all present and accounted for. I am glad that I did. The photos with the Captain from the last formal night were missing. One of the photographers found them for me and added them to my folder. I was told that I could collect my USB stick at 22:00. I then headed back to the cabin. On the way, I got a couple of t-shirts from one of the shops. I was very tempted by a Swarovski bracelet, but resisted. I ended up getting this very same bracelet as part of my leaving present from my colleagues at Emirates.

When I got back to the cabin, Graham was already there and was watching TV. I settled down and read for a while. Graham had somehow managed to hurt his shoulder and was in considerable pain. I headed out a little early to pick up my photos so that I could check if one of the shops sold Advil. As I was leaving, I put my suitcase out. I was in luck and found some Advil. I then went to get my photos. I checked the kiosk once more and Captain's photos were still not on there. In the end, they put them on a different USB stick for me. I headed back to the cabin, gave Graham a couple of Advil and some water and then we settled down for the night.
What a great day! A VIP tour of Kennedy Space Center. Sounds well worth it.

Lovely photos of you at the port.

Wow that Saturn V rocket! I would love to touch that moonrock. I was tempted when there.

That was neat the way they showed you Atlantis. Well done for doing the Shuttle launch experience. You got some great photos and tick of that bucket list.

Nice to get sparkling wine back on ship. I love your atareroom door decor. Oh no poor Graham and his shoulder! I am glad you got some advil for him I hope it helped.
Nice update! Loved all the pic of your tour of the Kennedy Space center. I have been there a couple of times before but it has been years (maybe 1990?). I really would like to get back there some day. Looks like there's a lot more to see now than there was then too.

I used to like to get the "Astronaut Ice Cream" in the gift shop there. Did you see it or try it? It's weird but pretty good. It is freeze dried. They have other things too. They actually have it at WDW, too now. In the gift shop outside Space Mountain and the one outside Mission Space. (It's a snack credit on the Dining Plan, too, LOL)
What a great day! A VIP tour of Kennedy Space Center. Sounds well worth it.

It really was an amazing day.

Lovely photos of you at the port.

Thanks. I was so glad that there were finally some port photos.

Wow that Saturn V rocket!

This was one of the highlights of the day.

I would love to touch that moonrock. I was tempted when there.

I was not too sure at first, but when Graham did, I decided to touch it as well.

That was neat the way they showed you Atlantis.

It was really very cleverly done.

I love your stateroom door decor.

It was just a shame that I was not able to enjoy this for the whole of the cruise.

Oh no poor Graham and his shoulder! I am glad you got some advil for him I hope it helped.

Fortunately he was much better by the morning.

I have been there a couple of times before but it has been years (maybe 1990?). I really would like to get back there some day. Looks like there's a lot more to see now than there was then too.

I am sure it is completely different now. I believe even the Apollo/Saturn V Center was not there then.

I used to like to get the "Astronaut Ice Cream" in the gift shop there. Did you see it or try it?

I never saw this. I definitely would have tried this if I had seen it.

Just read the last sea day. I think the green gown might be my favorite so far. It shimmers so beautifully.

When we learned to Scuba they had us train in the pool. It was not my favorite either. Being out in the open ocean is absolutely amazing and I think you'd really enjoy it. It's like you're in another world.

How disappointing about the corn dogs at lunch.

Dinner sounded quite yummy though.

Glad you're enjoying the new job :)
I agree about the green gown....although there is a really beautiful royal blue that is very high on the list as well. Actually , all of your gowns are so lovely and I'm thinking that surely you must have a closet set aside just for your formal evening wear.

Happy to hear that the new job is going well.

Your Kennedy Space Center excursion looked fabulous. I really had no idea how much was there. I must get there at some point.

I hate the talk about the survey. Makes me very annoyed. If you know you did a good job then please leave me alone, nothing is going to help if you didn't do a good job so far...

Sounds like a lovely last day. Glad they fixed the pictures, good thing you checked!
Day 15

There was a knock on the door just before our alarm was due to go off. This always annoys me on the last day whether it is on a cruise or staying at a hotel. I can never understand why they are providing check out times and then knock on your door at the crack of dawn. I called out that we would be gone in 30 minutes and then we got up. We got ready, packed the last odds and ends and did one last check that we had not left anything behind. Then we headed out. We decided to get a light breakfast at Cafe Promenade. We both had coffee. Graham had a white chocolate donut and an apple Danish. I had a chocolate donut. When we finished breakfast, we went to find a screen to check if our tag number had been called yet. Our debarkation time was 9:00 and it was earlier than that, but on our last two cruises we were called early. However, that morning they seemed to be running behind.

We went to sit down on one of the sofas outside the Star Lounge. It was reasonably quiet there, which would make it easier to hear announcements and there was a screen nearby. Somebody from our progressive trivia team came by. Most of them were doing a back-to-back-to-back cruise and they were waiting to get off the ship to clear the formalities. We chatted for a bit and exchanged details for Facebook. Eventually our tag number was called and we headed out. Graham ended up doing his good deed for the day. We had just had our SeaPass cards scanned for the final time, when we noticed that a lady was struggling pushing a wheelchair up the gangway. The gangway at the terminal we were at was pretty steep and you have to go up a little way first. Graham handed me his hand luggage and offered to push the wheelchair. The lady accepted gratefully. We said goodbye in the luggage hall.

Once we were off the ship, everything went very quickly. When we got to the luggage hall, I saw my suitcase coming around on the luggage belt. Graham’s was not far behind. We then had a seemingly endless corridor to navigate, but once we got to customs, they just took our form of us and waved us through. That was a very different experience from the immigration debacle at Boston.

Our luck continued. Pretty much as soon as we found the pick up area for the car rental shuttles, our shuttle pulled up. We had a short wait until the shuttle was full and then had a clear run to the airport. We had booked the car via Alamo and I had gone for Save Time and Skip the Counter. Essentially this is their kind of online check in. When I saw the line at their desks, I was pretty happy about that decision. We had a quick bathroom stop and then we headed down to the garage. This is where it did not quite work as advertised. According to the website, you just head for the area with the type of car you have booked and choose one. This did not work in Miami. As soon as we entered the garage, we were intercepted by a member of staff. She checked our paperwork and then we were directed to another member of staff at the opposite end. We did see the areas that were labeled for the different types of cars, but there appeared to be no cars in them. When we got to the second member of staff, we were asked to join a short line. There were maybe half a dozen people in front of us. They brought out cars one at a time. When it was our turn, we were given a Toyota Corolla, which was a nice upgrade from the economy car we had booked. We got in and had our paperwork checked and scanned one more time and then we were on our way.

This time I had played it safe. I had printed out the directions. Normally I use Google Maps on my iPhone if I have to navigate in unfamiliar surroundings, but I found in 2013 that the mobile phone reception is patchy around Miami and by the time Google Maps had updated, we had missed our turn. Having the printed out directions worked well. Our first destination was Sawgrass Recreational Area. We had stopped there in 2013 on the way down from Orlando to Miami to use the bathroom and at that stage the plan was born to come back at some stage to do one of their air boat rides. As soon as we had decided on this cruise, I knew that we had to put this plan into action.

The drive did not take long. We parked the car and headed to the gift shop to purchase our tickets for the airboat ride. We were told that we had about a 20-minute wait, which was fine by us. We had a little look around and then headed to the boat dock. It was not long until it was our turn to board. As we came down the gangway, we spotted some baby alligators. A photographer took some photos. Then it was time to get on the boat and put the earplugs in. I had never done an airboat ride before, but Graham had. He was a little worried that I would hate it, mainly because I am very sensitive to noise. He did not need to have worried. I absolutely loved it. We were given earplugs, but I actually had lost one of them without noticing and still I was fine. At the time I was still working right by Manchester airport and the noise from the air boat was very much was I was used to from being right by the airport.

I found it truly exhilarating. It did not take long for the local wildlife to show up. Our captain stopped and there was a fairly big alligator right next to the boat. It was so close to me; I could have touched it without even having to reach out. We saw quite a few gators. We also saw loads of grackles. Our captain fed them and we were suddenly surrounded. I was intrigued that they could perch on the reeds. Our captain explained a bit to us about the Everglades, the history and their significance for Florida. The whole trip was very interesting and over far too soon.

Once we got back to the dock, we saw some more baby gators. We had a look at the photo and decided to buy it. It came on a cute alligator USB stick with a bunch of stick photos. Once this had been taken care of, we headed for their wildlife area. They had all kinds of reptiles plus some mammals and birds that are native to Florida. They also have two alligators in captivity and they do regular educational presentations. One started just as we were about to leave and we decided to stay for this. It was very interesting.

After the presentation, we headed back to the car and headed to our next destination. In a straight line, the Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall is a hop, skip and jump from where we were, but we had to backtrack quite a bit to get there. It still did not take long. Finding somewhere to park was a bit of a challenge, but we succeeded eventually. There were a few reasons why I wanted to go there. We have been to one of the sister properties in California a few times and I have always wanted to check Sawgrass Mills out. I had also heard that the New Balance outlet there had some of the older Run Disney shoes not so long before we left. The fact that there is a Cheesecake Factory there was an added temptation. We had a look around when we got there and then headed for lunch. We were seated very quickly. Graham had some ice tea and the Americana cheese burger with fries. I had a Coke and the Famous Factory meatloaf, corn succotash and mashed potato. We both enjoyed our food.

After lunch, we headed out again. The New Balance outlet was just a couple of doors down. I was out of luck as the Run Disney shoes had sold out a few days earlier. Graham did however find some trainers that he liked. Graham decided to make use of one of the massage chairs that were dotted around everywhere while I checked out a few shops. I did not get anything apart from a few hand sanitizers for a colleague at Bath and Body Works. On the way out, we stopped at the Disney outlet. I was hoping that they may have some interesting Dooney and Bourke bags, but the only one they had was a small letter carrier in the Avengers print and not only did that not really appeal, but it was also expensive. So I passed.

We headed back to the car. We somehow got turned around and ended up doing a little detour. Eventually we found the Florida Turnpike, which has not improved since the last time we used it. We ended up in a couple of traffic jams that extended the time we had to be on this road. At some point during the afternoon, the link for the cruise survey arrived. So we did this while we were stuck in traffic. This was the first time ever I left constructive feedback about a crewmember. I did however add glowing reports for quite a few.

At some stage, I developed a sore throat. I was not sure if this was down to mild dehydration or if I was going down with a cold. There was nothing I could do about this at that moment in either case. Finally we reached the point where we were leaving the Florida Turnpike. By then it was pitch black. I would have preferred to hit those country roads with at least a little daylight left, but we got to our destination without too much trouble. When we arrived at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort, we were directed to the area in front of reception so that we could check in. There was on family in front of us. I made use of the short wait to send a text. There was a good reason why I was nowhere near as upset as I normally am when I got off the ship was that I had plenty to look forward to including meeting up with Magdalene and Michael. We had cruised together on our second Panama Canal cruise in 2014. When I was in the planning stages for this trip, it turned out that we would be at Vero Beach for exactly the same dates. So I sent Magdalene a text letting her know that we had arrived.

We got checked in and were given directions on how to get to the underground parking. We parked the car and then headed up to the room. We were on the top floor of the inn and right next to the lifts and laundry. I was a little concerned about potential noise, but that was no issue at all and I loved the convenience of being so close to the laundry. I took some photos of the room and then Graham settled down for a nap. I went to get something to drink. I headed to the shop and got a bottle of water for Graham and a resort mug for me. I was delighted when I found out that I could use this at Saratoga Springs, too. The drink station is out by the pool. I had a quick wander around the pool area and checked out the access to the beach before filling my mug with Coke and heading back to the room. I then settled down with my book. I had received a text back from Magdalene that they were going out to find something to eat. I responded that we had probably turned in for the night.

Graham woke up not long after and we decided that we would go and check out if there was somewhere in the resort to get a bite to eat. We did not want a full meal and were delighted when we found out that they are offering a small plates menu at the Green Cabin Room. This is the main bar for the resort. We headed up there and settled down. The small plates were the biggest small plates I have ever seen. I had some water and Parmesan meatballs with crostini. I really liked this, but the portion was so big that I could not finish it. Graham also had some water and a wedge salad and some pork sliders. He also did not finish his food. We asked for the rest to go and once we were done, I took our leftovers up to the room.

While we were still eating, Magdalene, Michael and Michael’s brother arrived. They came over to say “hi” and we agreed that we would join them at the bar once we had finished our dinner. That we did. Graham had a Cigar City Jai Alai IPA from Tampa and I had a Mojito. More importantly, we had some great company. Over the course of the evening, we discussed everything and nothing. I really enjoyed that evening. Eventually we were all ready for bed. We said goodbye. It did not take long after we got back to our room that we were asleep.
Why do they do that knock at the door!

How nice of Graham to help the lady in the wheelchair. Those ramps sre steep!

Wonderful to do an airboat ride. Great photos. I enjoyed the one we did at Boggy creek a few years back.

How nice having lunch at the Cheesecake factory. Sorry you had a sore throat.

Yeah Vero Beach! Love that place. What a delight meeting up with Magdalene , Michael and his bro. Sounds like a nice day. Your room at Vero looks nice.


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