A Hop, NO Skip, and Many Mishaps to a Disney Dream!

very cool on the DIS meet up!!! :thumbsup2

and not sure if it was on here or the other TR, but what a beauty Claire was on her first day of school!! :)
That's so neat about your Dis Meet! That's so fun!!

Not sure if you remember, but on my TR, in the recent post about me & Dis'er Missy going to the women's show, I included a pic of a Disney booth. Well, we asked the lady if she happened to be a Dis'er, and she was! (She just doesn't post often, just mainly lurks!) That was pretty neat!
Finally, here is my 15 minutes of fame!

It was completely awesome to meet you and Princess Claire this week. My girls really got a kick out of it, although the youngest two were focused on the rides and fair food!

If anyone is wondering, Princess Claire is just as adorable in person as she is in Jen's lovely pictures.

BTW, a special thank you to my DD15, who managed to take a beautiful picture of Jen, and yet make me look like a total dork.


You are now a celebrity! :banana:

My thoughts were your DD15 was working for you! I thought you looked great, while I looked awful! :laughing:
I did go back up last night for about 45 minutes (I had yet to look at the photography pictures, something I like to do every year) and I think I might've saw your DD at the Farm Bureau tent when Claire and I stopped for Popcorn. I wasn't sure and she was talking to someone and I didn't get a goodlook, (with out completely staring), so I'm not sure if it was her or not for sure.

Very cool, a local DIS meet! We have a new Disney store opening about 20 minutes away from me this Saturday and I thought, I wonder how many DISers will be there?:laughing:

I always wonder too if others are Disers when I shop our store. I know many of the CM's working are NOT. I know one personally and even though she goes many times, I am amazed at the stuff she doesn't know about Disney. Of course she also knows some stuff I don't know too.
Many of the CM's are very misinformed about Disney though there. One girl was telling a family that they could have their princess dress altered at BBB. Heck, one year I asked for a safety pin at BBB and they acted like I was asking for gold! :confused3

How cool! Local meets are even cooler, though more confusing probably. More chance that you know this person from soemwhere and just don't remember them :lmao:

It was really neat. There is another lady who I have seen, but never talked to. Her SIL used to drive the milk truck and her and her DD would come and meet him some days and bring him lunch. I didn't know she was a Diser at the time. But now we know, and her SIL no longer drives our route...go figure.

Jen, sorry I'm so far behind again (have been sick the last three days). Love the Mary Poppins dress. I'm sorry LeCellier did not do it for you; we've eaten there at least five or six times and always had wonderful meals (I keep trying to find a cancellation to get in this trip).

I am so behind too, wo no worries on that.
I hope we just had a bad day there. many people still rave about it. Some do say it has gotten more salty, so I don't know if I just got a salty day or what. LOL! I got my ADR on the day we left, so keep trying.

very cool on the DIS meet up!!! :thumbsup2

and not sure if it was on here or the other TR, but what a beauty Claire was on her first day of school!! :)

Thanks. Yes that was on my PTR...which I plan to post about the Dis meet there too, along with a few more fair pictures.

A DIS meet sounds so fun! Love your sweatshirt!

Thanks. I love it too!

That's so neat about your Dis Meet! That's so fun!!

Not sure if you remember, but on my TR, in the recent post about me & Dis'er Missy going to the women's show, I included a pic of a Disney booth. Well, we asked the lady if she happened to be a Dis'er, and she was! (She just doesn't post often, just mainly lurks!) That was pretty neat!

I do remember! Several of the TA's at the agent education program were disers too, but I don't think any post as much as Brook and I do. I recognized some of the names, but no one that I follow religiously. One girl said she really mostly posted on the food boards.

Oh, I like the sweatshirt! What shop did you get it in?

I got it at World of Disney. They had them all over though. I got it there the 1st day as I had a few other items I was getting too, so I used my Disney Visa and got 10% off.
Marie had returned, but we still had a bit of a wait till it was our turn. She’s a popular girl!
Once it came to be our turn I had Claire wait a second before going up. There was a family with a scooter in front of us, and basically the scooter was parked in front of the meet, where I wanted to stand to take pictures. But the CM was not so patient and barked an order to keep the line moving and so Claire went up and met her. I did my best to get some shots, but she had killed my picture taking mojo.








All done!


As you can see by the smirk on her face, it was a good meet!

I wanted to get some of the topiaries in the area, but ended up only getting a few. Aurora was meeting right near the Beauty and Beast one and the line made it impossible to get a good shot. Claire did not want to wait for her, so I just took a few shots and on we went.





We stopped off for a few photopasses as well.







I kind of thought about getting chocolate mousse in France, something I had wanted to try for some time, but the line was long and I just was still too full.


Claire was now ready to change out of her dress and it was also our FP time for Soarin’. (It was around 4:20 now) I decided to just head up front and do that next. I debated on stopping for a Grand Mariner or Grey Goose slushy, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to drink it fast enough and passed on that too.

We got Claire changed and got in line for Soarin’. The standby line was closed down. The FP line looked long too. We ended up waiting for a good ½ hour or more before getting on our flight. We talked to a few people in line who had been in the standby line. The couple said they had been waiting 2 hours. She said they had ADR’s that they were missing at this very moment and were trying to call and get something else, but couldn’t get a signal in there. She said something had happened earlier in the day that backed the whole thing up. They got to the point that they would only allow 10 stand by guest in on each flight and the rest were FP riders.

We enjoyed the flight. Claire squealed and giggled. It was our 2nd time ever riding it and we really like it. BUT…again we did not smell anything. I keep hearing of the smells, but have yet to smell anything. The only thing I can think of is because both times we have rode, I have sat at the very end seat. Maybe the smells just don’t float out there so well?

With that done, we headed back to World Showcase.

On our way back we stopped for a snack. I don’t think I was really hungry, but I had yet to get a Mickey Bar this trip for myself, so it was a must do!



And then we stopped to enjoy our treats and I took a look at the sand sculpture.
Great meeting pics with Marie! I'm going to tell Katie to scratch behind her ear this time and see what she does! Maybe we'll dig out The Aristocats this weekend. It's been a while............
I love Marie:lovestruc She's just so soft and cuddly. I'm hoping to find her again this trip so I can get better pictures. I did feel a bit rushed and didn't check my settings and the pics are a bit dark.

I've done soaring twice now, and once we smelled the smells and once we didn't. poor DH can't handle that ride, makes him all seasick!:sick:
Great meeting pics with Marie! I'm going to tell Katie to scratch behind her ear this time and see what she does! Maybe we'll dig out The Aristocats this weekend. It's been a while............

Thats a great idea. Maybe we'll remember that for next time too.

I love Marie:lovestruc She's just so soft and cuddly. I'm hoping to find her again this trip so I can get better pictures. I did feel a bit rushed and didn't check my settings and the pics are a bit dark.

I've done soaring twice now, and once we smelled the smells and once we didn't. poor DH can't handle that ride, makes him all seasick!:sick:

I did ride Soarin' twice on the AEP trip and both times I did smell the smells...Finally! :banana:
Maybe we'll dig out The Aristocats this weekend. It's been a while............

Thank you! I had no idea where Marie was from :confused3 (in my defense, my SON is 12)

We liked Soarin'...liked it even more in late January when it was a walk on. :laughing: That's a crazy wait!

I was waitin for that Mickey Bar... Did you get one on the ship?

Jen, the same thing happened to us with the chocolate mousse TWICE! The line was so long both times there was no way I was waiting. That's wierd about the smells on Soarin'. I can't remember if I have ever sat on the end, so maybe you are right about that. I'm so excited that Jack is finally tall enough for it!
Thank you! I had no idea where Marie was from :confused3 (in my defense, my SON is 12)

We liked Soarin'...liked it even more in late January when it was a walk on. :laughing: That's a crazy wait!

I was waitin for that Mickey Bar... Did you get one on the ship?

I never did get one on the ship...and my plan was to have 1 daily! :rolleyes1 I was just too full. But Mom and I did attack the one that Claire had. :laughing:

Jen, the same thing happened to us with the chocolate mousse TWICE! The line was so long both times there was no way I was waiting. That's wierd about the smells on Soarin'. I can't remember if I have ever sat on the end, so maybe you are right about that. I'm so excited that Jack is finally tall enough for it!

I thought for sure with the AEP dessert party being inf france, we would have some then, but nope, no choco mousse for me this past trip either.
Sorry to have missed so many updates!!!

First, LC.. I do really like it,but I agree there is far too much hype. And.. dont feel bad missing the mousse. I had read such wonderful things about it that I had it as my dessert last fall. It tasted like a blob of chocolate frosting to me...nothing special.

Next, Claire looks so very very cute in her dress. I can totally understand why people were stopping to look. She looks like she is a celebrity herself. :goodvibes
Many of the CM's are very misinformed about Disney though there. One girl was telling a family that they could have their princess dress altered at BBB. Heck, one year I asked for a safety pin at BBB and they acted like I was asking for gold! :confused3

I love to go to my local Disney store even when I have nothing to buy. The CM's are so bubbly and happy I feel like I am at Disney World. They seem to have a good knowledge and huge passion for Disney. The last time I was in there a girl had just gotten back from Disneyland and was so excited to talk Disney with someone. She said most customers just want to get checked out and don't care to have a conversation with you.

I saw new pics on facebook so I figured you did another update today on here....going to read that now.
I am so behind too, wo no worries on that.
I hope we just had a bad day there. many people still rave about it. Some do say it has gotten more salty, so I don't know if I just got a salty day or what. LOL! I got my ADR on the day we left, so keep trying.

It is too funny that you say that. I was on the Disney Dining website and just picked up LeCellier at 4:30 for our last day at Epcot (I cancelled Rose & Crown). I am so excited because I really wanted to take Andy here and we've not been in two years.

Claire's pictures with Marie are terrific, as are the photopass pictures of the two of you. Glad you got your Mickey Bar.
Sorry to have missed so many updates!!!

First, LC.. I do really like it,but I agree there is far too much hype. And.. dont feel bad missing the mousse. I had read such wonderful things about it that I had it as my dessert last fall. It tasted like a blob of chocolate frosting to me...nothing special.

Next, Claire looks so very very cute in her dress. I can totally understand why people were stopping to look. She looks like she is a celebrity herself. :goodvibes

Don't worry. I am so behind on everything right now. I know I'll get caught up, it just takes time. And I am really trying to work on pictures for my facebook page as well. Too many things to do and not enough time.

Glad I didn't miss out on the LC mousse.

I love to go to my local Disney store even when I have nothing to buy. The CM's are so bubbly and happy I feel like I am at Disney World. They seem to have a good knowledge and huge passion for Disney. The last time I was in there a girl had just gotten back from Disneyland and was so excited to talk Disney with someone. She said most customers just want to get checked out and don't care to have a conversation with you.

I saw new pics on facebook so I figured you did another update today on here....going to read that now.

We always go in to owhen we are at the mall. I tell Claire we're not buying, jsut looking. Sometimes we find a good clearance item, but lately they don't do that so much anymore.

I am also working on my AEP pictures too...just starting. I wanted to get some on my facebook page, so I am working on one resort to start with.

It is too funny that you say that. I was on the Disney Dining website and just picked up LeCellier at 4:30 for our last day at Epcot (I cancelled Rose & Crown). I am so excited because I really wanted to take Andy here and we've not been in two years.

Claire's pictures with Marie are terrific, as are the photopass pictures of the two of you. Glad you got your Mickey Bar.

That is awesome. I must've sent you a bit of pixie dust! princess:
We had a snippy cm when we met Marie too, I did my best to ignore her:laughing: I like the picture of Marie signing the book and Claire watching.

That line sounds crazy for Soarin. I've never smelled anything there either but I do have really bad sinus problems:laughing:
We had a snippy cm when we met Marie too, I did my best to ignore her:laughing: I like the picture of Marie signing the book and Claire watching.

That line sounds crazy for Soarin. I've never smelled anything there either but I do have really bad sinus problems:laughing:

I was surprised at her telling us to keep moving. I mean we would've had to jump over the scooter. :confused3
There was a photopass photographer in the area, so we got a few more shots.




And then I took some pictures of the sand sculpture.







We then moved on to the World Showcase.


We only stopped at a few countries to get Claire’s passport stamped. We kept forgetting we had it.



We took a peek at the dancer in Morocco.



We then made our way towards Japan.




We were on a mission! Our first pick a pearl adventure!


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