A Few More Dreams Came True <3 Trip Report - HNY - 22-27 June 2014

Loving your trip report and lovely photos. What a great surprise you organised for your sisters birthday! Can't wait for more :-D
Yay for updates!
Glad you liked the food at Auberge. Zion found it good, but not quite worry the money! The princesses are worth it though.
It seems the meet & greets in the studio have changed? there was no rope or circle in May.
What a lovely day you have some great m&g there :).
Glad you like ADC, we are eating here next time the prices are high but it will be worth to meet the princess's.
Can not wait to read more x
Yeay, so pleased to see an update!!!

The beef WAS good in Auberge, and yes it's over priced, but hey! We took DD for her 4th birthday and don't regret it at all.

C x
Loving your updates :goodvibes
So glad that you managed to try phantom manor, it's such a great ride. Shame your sister wasn't a big fan of it, although I can definitely see why, it can be a little unnerving! Especially for those not comfortable with the dark.

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip! :cloud9:
Thanks everyone - glad you're all still enjoying it. :thumbsup2

adcadc, I was just pleased to get a taste of it - I really wasn't confident sister would be able to co-operate so it was a big plus for me. We did more than a few new things this time but there are still some to try another time. Now I've got the DLP bug I'll be back with my kids and grandson just as soon as I can justify bringing him. He's only 8 weeks old so if I can get the same value for January '16 that is available now for January '15 I'll be booking Santa Fe for 4 nights for me, my 2 boys, DS2's partner and the little fellow. :cool1: Will get to try all the scary things that trip.

Yes cdsmiler and Rachael, don't get me wrong - don't regret Auberge for a minute - was worth every penny for the princesss time. We had sister's Disney birthday there last year and it was very special. Was really pleased to get different princesses this year and I enjoyed the food. :goodvibes

dhidra - be glad you had no rope - the meet and greet doesn't work as well in the circle - I'll get to that in another update. :(

Thanks Disneyfanswicklow - I really enjoyed her birthday - was a pleasure to share it with her. :hug:
Day 5 - Thursday 26 June - our last full day

This morning we were naughty again and ignored the sign directing us to NY City Bar and headed off towards the restaurants. I was trying to work out how we could get breakfast in Manhattan to get a look at it when we were directed there by the CM taking the breakfast ticket. Somehow just wishing it made it so. :woohoo: Unfortunately when we got to the restaurant I found there are several steps down to the main seating area and I said to the CM that sister wouldn't be able to do them easily - there didn't appear to be any handrails. No problem, she offered us a table in the small area just outside the main restaurant which was fine. There were several other people eating there. I got sister sat down and went and loaded plates and filled cups - again, the buffet choices were the same as previous breakfasts. When we were finished Pluto was at the meet and greet and there was no queue so we went to say hello and got a photo.

We had lunch booked in Inventions today so went to the main park and first stop was to get an appointment to see a princess. We got there about 11.15 and they were offering appointments from 5.15 onwards. I asked for the last slot of the day - my cunning plan involved seeing Dreams again that evening - and we got an 8.30 - 9pm ticket. We had our last go on Buzz and the ride stopped in the right place where I could keep scoring so I got another lvl 4 score. :yay: We bought that photo even though it wasn't great - full marks for concentration - I still have no idea where this photo is taken on the ride. :rotfl2:

Was coming up to mid day then and we had a 12.30 reservation for lunch so we wantered down to the DLH and went into the shop there for a browse. I bought sister a couple of pins and a silver Minnie Mouse ring which she spotted in a sale basket on the counter. We took a seat outside Cafe Fantasia and I decided it was time for my 2nd and last Glowtini of this visit. Totally unselfish of me - that way I could bring home a glow cube to each of my boys who both work in bars and had coveted the single one I took home last year. ;) They have added olives to the nibbles dish here so as good as the New York nibbles. :thumbsup2

We took our drinks with us into Inventions when it opened. We were seated in the main section in front of the buffet at a nice table. Unfortunately at the table immediately beside us was a very loud and rude French man and his girlfriend. More on him later. :rolleyes1

The buffet was lovely as ever. I filled sister's plate with a selection of food that I thought she would eat - I knew from experience she wouldn't let me get her any more afterwards.

At this stage I had a good luck at the labels on the buffet and everything was labelled and the labels seemed to be correct. next time I went up some of the labels had definitely been swapped round - I have no idea if this was guests or CMs but I am certain it happened. :confused3

I helped myself to a plate of starters and almost immediately the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland appeared. Another character who we've never met before so :thumbsup2

Our neighbour, the loud French man, was on his feet, camera in hand all the while Rabbit was with sister - I almost thought at one stage he was going to take a photo of him with her. Rabbit went to another family with a child who were just across from us next and he started clicking his fingers and demanding attention - Rabbit waved as if to say "in a minute" and Mr Loud stood and tapped his foot until Rabbit came over to them. As he sat down after their pictures I could hear him tell his girlfriend in French that they were next and then he mentioned something I didn't catch about the child - who was really well behaved and patient all through lunch.

We got a similar performance from this man as every character arrived - I was really struggling to keep my temper as his impatient hovering spoiled our time with them for me. In between times he talked really loudly and kept bursting into laughter at himself - sister was so confused she kept thinking he was talking to us - just because of the sheer volume. At one stage she asked him "What are you laughing at? What is so funny?" - I think she thought that he was laughing at her, and I had to reassure her he wasn't. I did wonder whether the fact that his girlfriend was very young, in her 20s, and gorgeous, while he was middle aged and not exactly Robert Redford in looks had something to do with his dreadfully rude behaviour - was he trying to impress her?

Next up we had Pluto - again lol - I didn't even ask him to sign the autograph book - we were running out of space and had several of his already.

There was a bit of a gap which I made good use of sampling more of the lovely buffet and then Mickey appeared.

Mr Loud was up and in Mickey's face before we had even said goodbye and thank you, and I was a little miffed that Mickey just turned round to him and went along. When Minnie came along shortly after that I almost asked her to please see the important gentleman first so that perhaps we would get to spend time with her without him hovering and tapping his foot but I didn't want to involve her in anything awkward. I did however tell the man when he came and stood beside our table as Minnie was with sister to please wait his turn - in perfect French. :woohoo: His jaw dropped and he said "I'm waiting, I'm waiting" back to me in French but took a couple of steps back. I kept Minnie a little longer than I would have just to make him wait. :lmao:

We waited and waited and there were no more characters - I was really disappointed with only 4 characters in Inventions - thought it compared very badly with the 7 we had seen at Cafe Mickey on the Tuesday.

I got a pleasant surprise though when it came to paying. The waitress explained that they were only charging sister the child price. I couldn't work out whether this was because she ate so little or if it was to try to make up for Mr Loud but I wasn't complaining. pixiedust:

Bill came to 89.10 - 54.50 + 5.10 for my fizzy water + 29.50 for sister including her drink. When the 66 HB plus vouchers came off there was 23.10 to pay. I left 30 euro to leave our server a tip.

It was almost half 2 and I wanted to see the Descent of the Stairs so we went down to the lobby. Sister posed for a few photos and I then sat down beside her and wrote up my trip report in my notebook. Next time I looked up sister was fast asleep so I just let her nap and woke her at five to four.

I loved the Descent - it is such a shame they are stopping this. Zippedy Doo Dah played and Tigger appeared followed by Mr Penguin. Suzy and Perla were next and then Pluto and Goofy. Then for a finale, Mickey and Minnie.

I took this short video but managed to turn it off a bit too early. Gives an idea though.

I really wanted Tigger's autograph so we followed him and Penguin round until he stopped. It was very scrummy so we stayed well back and even then sister got quite upset at one point and I didn't realise until Mr Penguin came over and comforted her. When Tigger finally stopped for photos we joined his queue and once again we were taken forward by a CM. We got our photo and then left as it was way too hectic for us.

On the way back to the hotel for our nap I got a lovely photo of sister in front of DLH

We called in at the Studios where I knew we could get ice creams with our Pause Gourmande vouchers and we ate these and then walked slowly through the village. I had been really bad at using the PG vouchers - the 3pm to 7pm slot didn't really suit us as we napped every afternoon - so there were 4 left which we had to use that evening as our shuttle was picking us up at 2pm the following day. I needed to go where we could get drinks in bottles though so we went to New York Style Sandwiches and got 4 drinks and giant lemon muffins.

We had a long sleep back in the hotel - my alarm woke us at 7.30 and we got ready for our Princess appointment. The sky had clouded over in the couple of hours we'd been asleep and it was very hot and clammy.

Arrived at PP 5 minutes early but were allowed straight in and asked which princess we wanted to see between Belle and Rapunzel. As we'd met Belle in the Auberge I said Rapunzel and we were taken to wait outside one of the little princess rooms. When we got round the corner and saw Belle I couldn't help but look surprised and a little disappointed. I really hope she didn't notice as I recovered quickly and really enjoyed the meet - she was very sweet. I whispered to the CM while sister was hugging Belle that we had been told we were seeing Rapunzel and she said she would arrange for us to see her as well. Result! :dance3:

Rapunzel was also lovely and had a great chat with sister.

We bought several photos as they were really lovely and then went on It's a Small World and Dumbo for the last time. Sister was in very good form so I chanced my arm and she agreed to go on POTC again. She mostly enjoyed it this time - it has really grown on her. Again we bought the photo.

After Pirates we went to the disabled viewing area for Dreams - it was already gone 10 and we got a place at the front beside a lovely family from Pennsylvania. Their 3 little girls, aged between 3 and about 12, were really lovely - chatted away and made the waiting time fly. I'd brought sister's flight pillow with me and was able to sit and then kneel on it beside the wheelchair. Really enjoyed Dreams - felt a bit teary as I knew I'd not see it again for a long time again. Sister slept through it again and all the way back to the hotel but I was able to tuck the neck cushion in to support her a bit and at least she didn't have to walk. I had been full of good intentions to pack when I got her to bed but hadn't the energy.

There were a few raindrops while we were waiting for Dreams but they didn't amount to much thank goodness.
Great TR! Got to hear you had such a lovely trip, the glowtinis look really good - I guess I have to try one!
What a shame that there weren't as many characters in Invention's than in Cafe Mickey, but I'm sure you made up for it with all the princess meetings!
Wow you did so much :thumbsup2
You did ok characters wise even thought only 4 at inventions.
That man must of ruined your meal feel sorry for your sister she must of felt uncomfortable to ask what he was laughing at.
Good on you telling him to wait his turn.
I'm paying for our youngest two to learn French going to ask the teacher to learn them a few lines this maybe one I should learn ;)
Really loved your TR! Sounds like you had a wonderful time :goodvibes
It's a shame about that rude man at your meal, hope he didn't ruin it too much for you. We've had some experiences like that before, it seems all the excitement of Disney can sometimes bring out the rudeness in people which is a real shame :sad2:. Well done you for keeping your cool and standing up to him though!! :thumbsup2

Glad you had such a lovely trip though, your sister is so lucky to have such a wonderful sister :cloud9:
Another lovely day! What an obnoxious man great you could reprimand him in his own language.....bet he wasn't expecting that :lmao: What a lovely surprise to see both princesses delighted for your sister :thumbsup2

Thanks for sharing
Thanks everyone for reading. Wouldn't say the man ruined our meal - spoiled our character time perhaps but we still had a beautiful meal there. If only we could combine that food with the interaction and number of characters we got in CM. :cloud9:

Disneyfanswicklow, I almost felt guilty that we got to meet 2 princesses - we already get to miss the queue with sister's disabled pass - but as it's for her, not me I just swallow any guilty feelings and watch her smile. :love:

adcadc, it really is me who is lucky. i have the best sister in the world. :)

Rachel, repeat after me. "Excusez-moi monsieur. Attendez, s'il-vous plait." :thumbsup2 French was my favourite subject at school and the only A Level I passed but that was quite a few years ago now. lol

Aschenputtel, you have to have a glowtini - it's delish. I'm not a big drinker but was lovely to have the odd cocktail while on holiday. Meant to say it cost 17 Euro in Cafe Fantasia - more than in Blue Lagoon. Billy Bobs / Cheyenne or Santa Fe are supposed to be the cheapest though I've never had one there.
Day 6 - Friday 27 June - our last day :sad:

I was awake about 6.30 this morning so I made a start on our packing. Sister woke shortly after 7 and was keen to get up and "help" me but I persuaded her to stay in bed and help by supervising. Managed to stuff everything in the bags - as always we'd bought too much and it was a struggle. Breakfast was in the Parkside Diner again and when we were finished I did a last scan of the room, loaded the bags onto the wheelchair :thumbsup2 and wheeled everything round to reception. I should explain before you report me to Social Services that we never used the wheelchair for breakfast - it's good for sister to walk as much as she can - it was only the huge amount of walking to and from and around the parks which she struggled with.

We settled up and checked out and dropped the bags off with the luggage people then sister jumped in to the wheelchair and we went to the meet and greet before heading out. Minnie was due in 5 minutes and there were only 3 other families waiting so we joined the queue. Once again though the CM took us out of the queue and round to the end of the meet and greet and we were seen 2nd. Minnie was lovely as always.

We set off for the studios again to do a final search for characters' autographs and photo opportunities. We had to be back for our shuttle at 2 so I didn't think it was worth going to the main park.

We already had a couple of photos with Mickey who was in Toon Plaza so queued for Buzz Lightyear who was due shortly.

Buzz was lovely - a real gentle giant and sister enjoyed meeting him so I took her round to Spiderman. This was the only time I used the green card shamelessly for a M&G but I did and we had a short wait then were shown in to meet him. I loved him - he chatted easily and didn't embarrass me by asking if we'd seen the latest film. :rolleyes1 He then showed us how to pose for the photo and sister was in stitches.

There was no sign of activity in Production Courtyard so we popped to the loo before going into the 11.15 Cinemagique showing but just missed it as they'd already closed the doors by the time we got out. We sat in the sun - the forecast rain had fallen overnight but we had sunny spells this morning instead - and at ten to twelve they started roping off the circle again. About 5 past the cars and characters came out but there were only about half the number that had been there on Wednesday. :confused3 No Woody and Jessie and no Donald. I had hoped to get Jessie and Donald's autograph. There was Aladdin & Jasmine, Jafar, Remy and Emile, Minnie, Daisy and Goofy. The characters stayed in the circle behind the rope and it was a total scrum. We did manage to get Emile's autograph

But as you can see from her face sister really struggled with the pushing in the scrum at the rope. None of the CMs made any attempt to organise things properly today - just hung back and chatted among themselves really. Jafar walked straight past us and ignored the autograph book I was holding out to him but a lovely English girl insisted on taking sister's book and got it signed with her own. It was too scary to try to do any more so we gave up and went to hand back the wheelchair and head for lunch.

We had her Mickey balloon tied to the wheelchair that day - sister had kissed it goodnight every night before getting into bed but we couldn't take it with us on the plane so I was really pleased when we saw a family looking at the balloons outside the hire place and asked sister if we could give the children her balloon to look after and she agreed. Their little boy was really pleased and I think sister preferred the thought of someone else looking after it than if we'd just abandoned it somewhere. :goodvibes

We called in at the shop and got our last morning's photos - we would have made such good use of the photopass+ this trip it was a real shame it wasn't available - we had loads of meet and greet photos and although I only bought 1 from each meet I was too scared to wait until the end to buy them all in case some disappeared, we spent a small fortune on them in 1s , 2s and the odd 3.

We had the plus vouchers from our arrival day when we ate in Lucky Nugget and I wanted to try Annettes for the first time. We didn't have to wait and were shown to a table right at the front. We didn't really fancy the choices on the set menu so went a la carte here. Sister had a Rock n Roll Burger and I went for the Green Burger. We ordered a portion of onion rings to share but I nearly died when I saw the plates - way too much food. We took our time and ate what we could. We also had a sundae and 2 drinks each - the sundae was good but not as good as Lucky Nugget's - and when the bill was counted we owed about 7 Euro on top of our vouchers. Sister really liked it and the food was tasty and service good so I would definitely come back here another time.

Back at the hotel we collected our bags and went out front to wait for our shuttle. Sister posed with the big yellow taxi and told me she didn't want to go home and asked why we couldn't live in Disneyland. Cue a teary eyed sister - me. :hug: I promised her that if she still wants to come back next year and is well enough I will take her.

I was just getting worried when my mobile rang at ten past 2 to say the driver would be there shortly. He arrived about 5 minutes later in a big saloon car rather than the people carrier I was expecting but that meant we didn't have to share. The driver really worried me - he got lost at one stage and turned around and went back the way we'd come saying he knew a quicker way and at one point he actually dropped off at the wheel. I heard a loud snore and then saw him jerk to attention as he woke. :eek: I must have looked as worried as I felt because he put the air con and radio on and made a feeble joke about how it was ok for us to drop off but he'd better not. Needless to say I didn't close my eyes the rest of the way there. :scared: I don't think I will book RS Transports again even if we have to pay a little more - this really put me off using them.

We did make the airport in plenty of time to check in and had to wait some time for our pre-booked assistance. This was excellent, both in Paris and Dublin. It's an excellent service and takes so much stress out of travelling with someone who has a disability.

We were met off the plane in Dublin by my aunt and uncle who wanted to hear all about the trip first hand from sister before we drove home. We had a bite to eat and chatted for a couple of hours then made it home in an hour and a half on an empty motorway. :cool1:
One little point I forgot to make which is going to seem a bit picky but the birthday cake we got at Cafe Mickey was marked "Use by 24th June" - the actual date we got it. I felt this was a bit mean as it meant I couldn't be sure it would be safe to eat for the rest of our stay - we had 1 more piece each the following day but I didn't trust it to have more. I think if we did this again I'd attempt to ask them to make sure the cake was in date for the remainder of our stay. Our mother would have been horrified at the thought of throwing out all that cake - she brought us up to never waste food.
One little point I forgot to make which is going to seem a bit picky but the birthday cake we got at Cafe Mickey was marked "Use by 24th June" - the actual date we got it. I felt this was a bit mean as it meant I couldn't be sure it would be safe to eat for the rest of our stay - we had 1 more piece each the following day but I didn't trust it to have more. I think if we did this again I'd attempt to ask them to make sure the cake was in date for the remainder of our stay. Our mother would have been horrified at the thought of throwing out all that cake - she brought us up to never waste food.

I don't blame you being disappointed by that, that is really awful service to be honest! I get that they probably don't want to waste food but it's not fair to give a cake with that date to you both, especially as there was only two people in your party! Surely they couldn't expect you to eat it all by the end of the day!

I know what you mean about wasting food though, my Nan would be horrified at the idea of throwing away the cake too :rotfl2: But I wouldn't want to take the risk that it could make you ill on your holiday, especially at Disney!

Loved the end of your trip report, the bit about the driver was quite worrying :eek:. I do hope you go again next year, I do adore your trip reports :goodvibes

Glad you had such a lovely holiday! :wizard:
Thank you adcadc, that's really sweet. :hug:

If we all keep our fingers crossed maybe next year will be possible. It's been 4 1/2 years since my sister's dementia was diagnosed and we've seen a big dip in cognitive ability in the last 12 months so it's by no means certain that she will, but just maybe if I wish upon enough stars we will get another trip. pixiedust:

I am just so grateful for every week / month / year we get to share these happy times because I know our time for that is limited and I also feel very lucky I got notice so was able to help make some dreams come true for her before it is too late. :love:

Thanks again for following. :)
Thank you adcadc, that's really sweet. :hug:

If we all keep our fingers crossed maybe next year will be possible. It's been 4 1/2 years since my sister's dementia was diagnosed and we've seen a big dip in cognitive ability in the last 12 months so it's by no means certain that she will, but just maybe if I wish upon enough stars we will get another trip. pixiedust:

I am just so grateful for every week / month / year we get to share these happy times because I know our time for that is limited and I also feel very lucky I got notice so was able to help make some dreams come true for her before it is too late. :love:

Thanks again for following. :)

Aww that's so special!
You made me cry :sad: but in a good way.
What a beautiful sister you have and she has a equally as beautiful one.
Your trip looked perfect and I hope you do return next year.
Im sure you will return soon think you've been bitten !?!.
I'm practising my French I may call on you soon thought xxx
Ps love the new photo :)
Thanks Rachael. :hug:

Yes, I've been bitten hard. I'm already planning on bringing my grandson in 2016. I can't wait to see the joy on his face that I've seen on my sister's. :goodvibes

Maybe I should come with you as your official translator in October? :rotfl2:

Thanks, we didn't have many pics together but I love that one. :)
Thanks Rachael. :hug:

Yes, I've been bitten hard. I'm already planning on bringing my grandson in 2016. I can't wait to see the joy on his face that I've seen on my sister's. :goodvibes

Maybe I should come with you as your official translator in October? :rotfl2:

Thanks, we didn't have many pics together but I love that one. :)

It's a fab one of you both :thumbsup2
You can fell the love :goodvibes
Aww a grandson I need to see that tr big style !!!
2016 tho.
We do have a spare bed in oct tbh.
My dd dropped out :(
If you need to use it feel free honest .
it's going to be super busy but the twins are so looking forward to meeting the villains and as you know I'm hoping my friend will very bitten like you xx
Thanks hun, that's really kind, I wish I could. We're going to visit an aunt and uncle in Torrevieja at the beginning of October so I can't afford the leave for another trip even if I could afford the cash.

I've been dreaming in my spare time about a very short trip to take sister to the Merry Christmas Lunch in HNY on Christmas Day but I can't miss my grandson's first Christmas either. I need to clone myself. :rotfl:


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