A Disney Christmas - Let the countdown begin!


Are You Happy?
Oct 5, 2012
Hello, Disboards! I have no idea what I'm doing on here and, let me get this out of the way - I'm not one to blog about anything! I barely write a Facebook post every few months. The only reason I am on here is for one person, and he'll be joining me later on in our posts. This first post I've done as a suprise for him, because I think it's the last thing he'd expect from me! Here it goes. . .

Almost a week ago, I was on a date with my boyfriend at an italian restaurant near his house. He is the biggest Disney fan I've ever met (up until he showed me this website, at least) and over our bread & salad, he began explaining to me what "Disboards" is. I listened, in fascination, as I normally do when it comes to him talking about anything Disney. I've never met anyone who knows as much about something as he does! And the way he talks about it. . .it's incredible to see a grown, 33 year old man who is such a kid at heart. It's the most apparent when he talks about Disney, and I think that's why so many people must love it there. Who doesn't want to feel like a kid again? I've only been to Disney World once - many years ago, for their 25th Anniversary - so I do not yet have the same appreciation for it that he does. As a vacation club member, he has been 20+ times.

So, why did he bring up Disboards to me? Well, the two of us will be heading to WDW at the beginning of December - during Christmastime -something, he says, he has always wanted to do. Something I cannot wait for, after many emails sent my way with pictures of the decked-out, Christmasy Disney theme parks. I've never seen anything look so festive, it's amazing! For someone who has been to Disney as many times as he has in his life, I can't believe he has never been at Christmas. And no wonder why he's always wanted to go. It makes it even more amazing that he's decided to go, for the first time, with me. That said, I flash back to how this all began. . .

About 5 months ago, before we were even dating, I was having a particularly gloomy day at work. My boyfriend and I - we will refer to him as the "Ken" in SunKen - were very close friends, so he knew that I was feeling down (we had been talking over email, our usual routine). Being the amazing person he is, he called me at my cubicle (I guess this is also where I mention that we work together!) and said, "You like when I do something crazy, right?!". I had known him for over a year at that point, and crazy is definitely one word to describe him. With a smidge of hesitation in my voice, I responded, "Yeah, I guess so. . " and with that, he quickly told me he'd call me back.

A few minutes later, Ken walked up to my cubicle with a piece of paper in hand, put it down on my desk with a smile, and walked away. Completely confused, I looked at the folded piece of paper. What was this? On the outside he had written a note: "Hope you're feeling better - 7 months from today!". Still confused, I opened it. On the inside of the paper I found an email confirmation for a week at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for two, December 7th - 15th. 7 months away. My reaction? Omgmfwtf!!! (I'll let you figure out what that means). Two people, not even dating yet, set to take a trip in 7 months to Disney World. Crazy? 100%. I've never had anyone do something so amazingly spontaneous in my life. It brought the biggest smile to my face, knowing that this person had that much confidence in our relationship to plan something so far away. It still makes me smile every time I think about it.

Here we are now, with only 56 days to go until our trip, and I can barely comprehend how fast the time has gone by. It's been the most intense year of my life - I think Ken would agree. A lot has changed since May when he handed me that piece of paper. A lot. There's been a lot of happy times, and a lot of very sad (you'll hear more about this later); despite all that this year has brought us, every morning we both wake up and make sure to note how many days are left until our Disney vacation. It is beyond a much needed vacation. Being the Disney expert that he has, Ken has the whole thing planned out. Meals, parks, fireworks - it's intense! I'm basically just going to be along for the ride as he shows me what this place really means to him. I can't wait. I can't wait to go and see if it's like what I remember. I can't wait for the warm weather in December. I can't wait for the decorations. I can't wait for the fireworks. I can't wait to experience it with him and see how happy he is there. I wasn't sure what I was looking forward to the most but, as I write this, I realize that's what it is. To see how happy it makes him - he needs it more than anything after this crazy year.

So, that's just a little introduction to who we are and what we have in store for us. But the craziness has only just begun - I guess I should also mention that, being that we work together, my boss doesn't actually know about our relationship yet. Or that we'll be going to Disney World together in two months. When will I tell her?! I have no idea! Am I scared? Absoultely! But, regardless. . .let the countdown begin! :-)

That is great :cool1::cool1: I think that the men of Disney need some great reporting. I live in Upstate NY too-- Buffalo but moved to Liverpool,NY. I have been on DIS boards for 13 years, I plan all Disney trips and became a DVC member because of the DIS boards I will only go on trips if all the kids can go (we have 4 with 2 in college/ 1 that work and my 10 yr old). My wife has always wondered why I love and talk Disney so much. I always tell her that no matter how stressful life can be when you pass those Disney gates you are sent back in time its a feeling that I can't replicate anywhere else. I am so Happy for you, by the way I surprised my girlfriend/ now wife pretty much the same way(she is not a Disney fanatic like me).We are taking a family with us in a couple weeks to AKL :woohoo: then we are going again :banana:making this our 13th straight year going.We will be at Wilderness Lodge Villa (WLV) Dec.9-16th & Animal Kindom Villas(AKL) Dec.16-22. .....I thought that I was the only Disney guy- fanatic. I am so happy that there are more than just me. :grouphug:
What a wonderful post. Congratulations and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. :surfweb:
You are in for a wonderful time, the sights and sounds of christmas at disney is hard to beat . I have been there 3 times at christmas myself and hope to do it again someday.
Love your posts. Very similar to DH and my story. Now 15+ years later here we are. We are going 12/15-12/23 and 12/26-1/1 (yes, we are going twice in December). Can't wait to read more.
First... many apologies. This was my idea, Ye Olde Trip Report, and here I am, Ken, coming to the party six weeks after Sun jumps in to say hi. That's a bad job by me...er Ken. But I do promise from hear on out I will make it worthwhile, bringing you the best of my writing skills, my Disney love, and plenty of Christmas Cheer. Damn it!

So, where are we? Well as of this writing, we are at 11 days and 11 or so hours. Which is big news because at the relative last moment, we made a change in schedule today. How? Why? Why not!

Originally this trip was scheduled for a Friday afternoon departure, and then Sun told me last week that she decided to take Friday off to get ready. That was mistake. Helllllooooo Southwest. God's gift to travelers that like to change plans.

This afternoon I logged on to the World's Greatest Airline and switched our reservations from 4 p.m. departure and 7:15 p.m. arrival to a 7:00 a.m. departure and 10:10 arrival. Helllllllloooooo an entire extra day!

I'm stoked as this now allows us to take care of all housekeeping items and hit the ground running on Saturday (Day 1) with everything taken care of.

We've decided to take Disney up on its offer for PAP's, bought those this weekend. Ditto the 12/11 MVMCP. Also, if you're wondering, I'm dropping in the Acronym's as Sun has absolutely no idea what any of them mean.

That's my first post. Hello all, thanks for having us. To be sure, it's gonna be a blast.
Hey! I will admit I am not sure what the first "P" in PAP's is, but I know the rest of it is Annual Pass. MVMCP - Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! Gold star?:earsboy:

Hey! I will admit I am not sure what the first "P" in PAP's is, but I know the rest of it is Annual Pass. MVMCP - Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! Gold star?:earsboy:


Silver star!


Does this mean I can acronym entire posts now?

The last Sunday before our trip, we're so close!

Went shopping earlier today so Ken could get new sneakers...and the entire t-shirt collection at Old Navy. I realized I will be bringing at least 5 pairs of shoes, and actually contemplating a second suitcase for footwear. Just kidding. Kind of.

Ken keeps checking the weather for us. How does one pack for a place that could be anywhere between 55 and 80 degrees?! I suppose the safe thing to do is bring a little of everything. My game plan? Pack for warm weather and hope Florida won't let me down! It actually snowed here yesterday, which we both agreed has really made it start to feel like Christmas.

Is it Friday yet?!?

taurus8012 said:
That is great :cool1::cool1: I think that the men of Disney need some great reporting. I live in Upstate NY too-- Buffalo but moved to Liverpool,NY. I have been on DIS boards for 13 years, I plan all Disney trips and became a DVC member because of the DIS boards I will only go on trips if all the kids can go (we have 4 with 2 in college/ 1 that work and my 10 yr old). My wife has always wondered why I love and talk Disney so much. I always tell her that no matter how stressful life can be when you pass those Disney gates you are sent back in time its a feeling that I can't replicate anywhere else. I am so Happy for you, by the way I surprised my girlfriend/ now wife pretty much the same way(she is not a Disney fanatic like me).We are taking a family with us in a couple weeks to AKL :woohoo: then we are going again :banana:making this our 13th straight year going.We will be at Wilderness Lodge Villa (WLV) Dec.9-16th & Animal Kindom Villas(AKL) Dec.16-22. .....I thought that I was the only Disney guy- fanatic. I am so happy that there are more than just me. :grouphug:

You are not alone.... I have been going to WDW since 73' when I was 7... I grew up Disney.... We went to Ft Wilderness for years a Xmas .... As an adult I took my wife 2 daughters and they are hooked... We leave in 17 days for 2 weeks at SSR ( our home resort).... Guess who does all the planning ... Yep me... The Disney junkie... I can not agree more on how driving through those gates makes me feel.... It truly is my happy place... For a while I am 7 years old again and I am struck by the awe and wonder that is Disney.... Woot Woot Woot
Hi guys, moved this over to the official Trip Report board. Didn't want to leave you hanging.
Sorry... Title is, "With 36 hours to go, I almost died."

Yeah, it's been an interesting couple of weeks.
Have a nice trip!!!!!
Im 8 days away from staying at the wilderness lodge villas for our Mickey new years trip


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