A California Christmas: WB Studios, Disney Soda Fountain, Legoland, & More (COMPLETE)

I just can't believe all the things they can do with Legos....who knew :confused3
I love the picture of your DH with the sleeping man.....reminds me of DTD. Is he still there at DTD.....seems like last time I looked he wasn't.
I just can't believe all the things they can do with Legos....who knew :confused3
I love the picture of your DH with the sleeping man.....reminds me of DTD. Is he still there at DTD.....seems like last time I looked he wasn't.

It's pretty amazing! I just love how there is an entire place made of Legos!That's all I need to have a fun day! :laughing:

That's a good question! I automatically recognized the sleeping man from DTD, but now that you bring it up, I can't remember if he is still there or not. I'll have to go check on that. :thumbsup2
What a great trip report. You did so much while you were out here! I live in Los Angeles, and haven't been to half of those studios. Now I want to go. :)

Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to reading more, and also reading your DL trip report.

Thanks! Yeah, I am a little obsessed with the planning and getting everything accomplished in a small about of time, but it will be done! :rotfl: I hope you are able to drop by my DL Trippie and check it out. I actually have two of them now. :goodvibes

Thanks so much for posting the pictures of LegoLand! the children so want to go there, but convincing them to fly is a whole 'other matter!! I really appreciate the time you took to do this. Thanks!

You are welcome! Well, I think the flight is worth it to visit in the land of Legos! It really is neat and I know small children would just love it! It's an entire theme park geared for young children, so it's a fun place to visit!

OMG!! Legoland is awsome!!! miniland USA looks so cool. i'd love to visit Legoland but don't know if i would do the 2 hour drive, so i will live all of these fun trips through your trip reports.
well so far it sounds like you had a great time in CA.
can't wait for more!!


I thought it was really neat! I don't remember when I first head about Legoland, but it was a pretty long time ago now. There are a few all over the world. I knew it was a place that I had to visit one day. It's quite a drive from the Los Angeles area, but it was worth it for a day of fun. It was nice to be able to visit the other areas of California, which were a lot nicer than the LA area.

Hey Lindsey, your afternoon in Hollywood looked fun, sorry you missed the Jay Leno show, but now you'll just have to go back!!!:goodvibes Pink's looks very cool and both hot dogs look yummy!!! Hope they were as yummy as they looked.

Legoland is totally amazing, I just never realized all the detail that went into that, crazy but very cool, and who knew they had rides too.

Awesome and can't wait to hear more.:goodvibes

Pink's was fantastic! It's not too often that I get to eat a hot dog, so I was thrilled they had a veggie dog. I can't even remember that last time I had a hot dog and sometimes the veggie dogs aren't great...but Pink's sure does know how to do it right! :thumbsup2

It's worth a trip to Legoland just to get those Granny Apple Fires! :rotfl:
Hey Lindsey, glad you were able to enjoy your hot dog at Pink's. They both just looked yummy, I might have to check that place out sometime I am in LA, also need to take a trip to Legoland, if for nothing else, those Granny Apple Fries look so wonderful!!! But man, a whole place made our of legos, that is just amazing, I had no idea the detail that went into that park, sounds like a must see sometime.:)
Legoland looks like fun whether you're a kid or an adult! ;) I love places like that. Someday I would love to try Pink's. I always see it on the Food Network specials. I don't know about those lines though. :confused3 Are they worth it for a hot dog?? Looking forward to more!! popcorn::
Hey Lindsey, glad you were able to enjoy your hot dog at Pink's. They both just looked yummy, I might have to check that place out sometime I am in LA, also need to take a trip to Legoland, if for nothing else, those Granny Apple Fries look so wonderful!!! But man, a whole place made our of legos, that is just amazing, I had no idea the detail that went into that park, sounds like a must see sometime.:)

It's the only Legoland in the USA, so I think that makes it worth the trip if you just happen to be on the West Coast. If you are a theme park addict like me...you will love it! :rotfl:

Legoland looks like fun whether you're a kid or an adult! ;) I love places like that. Someday I would love to try Pink's. I always see it on the Food Network specials. I don't know about those lines though. :confused3 Are they worth it for a hot dog?? Looking forward to more!! popcorn::

I had to go to Pink's because I saw it on the Food Network! That's how I pick out all of my dining locations when I am on vacation. :rotfl: So true! The line moves amazing fast and it's not a bad wait at all. We were even able to find a table right inside and a parking spot up front, even though the place is tiny. :thumbsup2
Stars in our Eyes

Our last day in California was going to be a day of Hollywood sight seeing! We couldn't visit Hollywood without a stop at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. It was surreal to actually see it in person and it really stand out on the Hollywood strip. It is right next to the Kodak Theatre and it really is seeing old Hollywood next to new Hollywood.



We wanted to go do a tour of the Chinese Theatre, but we decided we'd walk the Hollywood Walk of Fame first. There were many starts that I still had to find before we left California. I was on a mission to find Walt Disney, Lucille Ball, and Johnny Depp!



Then, I spotted it! It was Johnny's star!



It took us forever to finally find Lucille Ball's star and we had to walk for blocks and blocks, past all of the lingerie and other questionable shops before we finally found it.


I also spotted another star for Walt Disney! Yes, he has two stars and he deserves them!


It was almost time for our tour, so we made the long walk back to the Chinese Theatre and we spotted these stars right in front. We had to ask an Elvis impersonator to move, so I could actually take the picture. Only in LA...




I just love the hand and footprints in front of the theatre. It's just always been one of those magical Hollywood places for me. It was a thrill to be there and see them all in person.




Of course, I was running around the crowds of people trying to find Johnny's prints. I made my way to the back near the front of theatre and I spotted them! I had to get down on the ground to take it all in!



Yes, we have the same size hands, haha!

More Soon! popcorn::
Hey Lindsey, Yes Legoland is for sure worth the trip, I don't think I will get there this time around, but hopefully one of my trips out to LA.

Now downtown Hollywood I have been through a bunch of times. It is neat to see all the stuff, but you are so right, some of the shops are very questionable, when we walk down there, I just sometimes look and go hmmm. It is all very interesting. And how about all those dudes dressed up as weird looking things and some not so weird like Elvis, you can tip them to get your picture with them, they just crack me up.:rotfl:

Can't wait to see more of your trippie. Love the Johnny shots.:goodvibes
How fun! I love the hand/shoe prints. I'm so glad you got to see Johnny's star and hand prints. Heck you practicly held hands with him!!!!:cool1:

Can't believe you are already writing about your last day in Hollywood :( Looking forward to more.
Some of the same stars I want to find when we go.

Love you picture putting your hands in Johnny's hand prints. So cute :goodvibes:
Love the pics of the stars!! how fun to see them in person.

Are you going to do a trip report for your romantic weekend at the Grand Floridian? or was it too romantic to report.....;)
Hi everyone!

I'm finally back! :banana: It's been a busy few weeks of work and then DH & I went to Massachusetts for Easter. My DH is from the area and it was my first visit. We had a lot of fun and spent most of our time in Boston and Salem. I flew back home earlier this week and then I was off to work. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter too! I'm finally here and ready to continue my Trippie! popcorn::

Here are a few photos from my trip to Massachusetts! :goodvibes

Dr. Suess Tribute in Springfield



The Cheers bar in Boston



Samuel Adams Brewery in Boston


Paul Revere's House

Hawthorne Hotel in Salem

Salem Witch Museum
Grauman's Chinese Theatre

It was time for our tour at Grauman's Chinese Theatre and I couldn't wait to inside the famous theatre.


It was an old theatre with so much history. It was quite dark inside and it was quite an amazing sight. There was Asian decor everywhere and we were able to go into the main theate, which was huge! It was so neat to see the original chairs and to know how many movie premieres have taken place there.



Our tour guide took us outside to show us some more of the famous foot prints and give us the stories behind each of them. Will Smith had actually just had his hand & foot print ceremony days before we arrived. The fresh prints are gated off until they are ready to be moved to their final resting spot. The celebrities are also able to choose which color they would like their cement to be, red, green, or gray.


Cast of "Harry Potter" & their wands

One of the most fascinating stories was about Marilyn Monroe's because she wanted to place her diamond earring in the cement to dot her "I." Of course, they didn't recommend her to do this, but she did anyway. That evening someone was able to chip away at the cement and stole the diamond. The back to the earring is still there.


The other great story was about Jimmy Stewart. His print ceremony was scheduled for Friday the 13th and he was proud of it. He made sure to mark that day on his prints. Other stars also had their ceremonies on a Friday the 13th, but actually wrote a different date in the cement because it was bad luck. Jimmy Stewart thought it was good luck!


Our next stop was a visit to the VIP Room, where many celebrities go for a break and privacy. We also were able to exit out of the hidden celebrity door.




There is such a beautiful view of Hollywood at the top of the theatre and a great shot of the Hollywood sign.




More Soon! popcorn::
Nice addition! I wasn't really keeping myself updated on your thread, because I - for some reason - thought you only went to the places on the first and second page.

I would KILL for those apples, I used to eat them at least 2 times a month, because we lived 10 minutes from Legoland :goodvibes Those were the days...
Great update Lindsey....glad to have you back.
Did you have to arrange the tour of Grauman's before hand. I don't know if that is included in my Adventures by Disney trip but it looks really interesting.

I love the pictures from your trip to Boston area too!!!! You guys always find cool places to go. The Dr Seuss tribute statues are awesome!!
Love the pics of the stars!! how fun to see them in person.

Are you going to do a trip report for your romantic weekend at the Grand Floridian? or was it too romantic to report.....;)

Haha! :rotfl: Hopefully, I will be able to write my mini-Trippie about our weekend at GF. I know I am falling far behind, so I have some catching up to do! :)

no updates for a while...is everything ok???? or is life just hectic?? :confused3 :goodvibes

Hi! Yes, everything is fine and thank you for asking. :goodvibes Work has been super hectic and then DH & I took a last minute vacation to Boston for Easter. Now, I'm back! :)


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