A Bittersweet Return... Winkler's TR ~ Many Pics! Our time is over!

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. Life is...well...challenging to say the least. Levi's third birthday is coming up. It's May 11. Last year it was ON Mother's Day. I have some photos to share, but I have to upload. Love ya!

:hug: Take all the time you need--I'm just happy to hear from you and know that you're as okay as is possible under the circumstances. I'll keep you in my thoughts on both May 11 and Mother's Day.
In February we had aN AWEFUL ICE STORM THAT WIPED OUT OUR ELECTRICITY. Instead of waiting in out, we took a train to visit my friend Beth! It was a nice trip, although full of complicationas at the end. For the full story go back about 5 pages.
Isabelle on the train.

At dinner on the train. That;s the Mississippi we are crossing. We saw about a dozen eagles fishing for their dinner too. For both Dinner and Breakfast we sat with a man forn England who was trekking across the US for fun.



Waiting for Beth, because our train was EARLY!

The Aquarium in Denver.



Us at the entrance to Estes Park.

Isabelle and Beth's little girl

Playing in the Mountains.

We ate at a couple of neat places. A Hibachi (which Beth and her little girl affectionately call Hachi- Bachi) and at White Fence Farm.
My drink, Non- alchoholic and yummy!

The Chef

My plate

Isabelle and her new buddy at White Fence Farm
Hello!! It is wonderful to see pictures of you again. Thank you so much for sharing. :grouphug:
Isabelle for Valentine's Day in a Top I made, embroidered on Beth's Machine.

In March we had Suess day at school. We were encouraged to dress up. There were lots of hats, but nothing like Isabelle and I!!!!
Isabelle turned 7 on April 25, we had a pool party! I rented a hotel pool and hired a lifeguard!
Miss Sass!

The cake and her top that wouldn't stay up! LOL!

She got a BIKE too, but the helmet was bought this past weekend in GA.

This past weekend was spent mostly on the road! LOL! Friday, my little brother graduated from Army Basic in Ft. Benning, GA. So, we went to see.
Here is Jacob, Isabelle, and Flat Daisy (for Girl Scouts!)

We went to a really cool Civil War Naval Museum. Beth even got to see Isabelle and I on their Earthcam! Jacob, Isabelle, Matt, and my dad.

We found a fabulous are to have dinner, with lots of live music, it's also where we picked up Isabelle's helmet. Isabelle really liked all the fountains

We returned from dinner to find there was a tailgate- type party going on, these boys were ready to let loose! Jacob and the MP rooming nxt ro us had a push- up contest. The MP (on the left) won!
So glad to see you on Alicia. . . happy to hear that you have done so many wonderful things lately.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers as Monday rolls around, I am often thinking of you.
I just read all of your TR and i cant say how sorry i am i know what i feels like to lost so much . I still hope one day it will get easier like everyone says but im still waiting. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your little girl is a beauty, and your son what can i say an ANGEL for sure.
Hi Alicia have been following your TR and glad to see updates. My DS plays hockey and we have traveled to Colorado Springs several times. I love it there. The weather, and views can not be beat.
So glad to see you on Alicia. . . happy to hear that you have done so many wonderful things lately.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers as Monday rolls around, I am often thinking of you.

Thank you

I just read all of your TR and i cant say how sorry i am i know what i feels like to lost so much . I still hope one day it will get easier like everyone says but im still waiting. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your little girl is a beauty, and your son what can i say an ANGEL for sure.
Thank you. I can see you speak from experience. Im sorry for your loss.
Hi Alicia have been following your TR and glad to see updates. My DS plays hockey and we have traveled to Colorado Springs several times. I love it there. The weather, and views can not be beat.
It was nice, but it ended sadly. I was so glad to finally meet Beth though!!!
Hi Alicia!!!

I'm so glad to hear from you!!:goodvibes Thanks for sharing all of your pics!! I can't believe that Isabelle is 7 now! She looks SO much bigger from your last pics....it's so sad how quickly they grow up!!! I've been thinking of you and espcially will be this coming week with Levi's birthday coming up. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Keep in touch!!
Hi Alicia! I often think of you and your familiy and so glad to see that you have posted some pictures! They are beautiful. Isabelle is such a pretty girl! And so is Beth's daughter.

How was the train ride? I have never done that but it looks like it was alot of fun and dinner even looked halfway good!

I love the Minnie suitcase!

You drove right by me! I am northeast of Atlanta a bit! Well, actually you probably didn't drive right by me because you probably came in on 75 but close enough!

Please continue to share with us and know that I still pray for you, Matt, Isabelle and baby Levi! You are such an inspiration to all!


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