A bad day with my SPD Daughter


DIS Veteran
Mar 12, 2010
Its one of those days...you know when you are just at your wits end..with EVERYTHING *not just the daily challenges of SPD*.

My DD Kate is 7. Maturity and Physical Stature of a 4-5 year old. She was DX with SPD (SID) at 5. It took her until she was 6 to be fully potty trained. She is a classic *holder*. We have struggled with constipation with her for many years and it just got worse during the potty training phase *which took YEARS* and she still has problems with it. Our Ped suggested using Miralax. We used it for a month...trying all sorts of doses and it either was not helping her get it all out...or it was too soft. And she was having daily accidents. Which she wasnt having before the Miralax. I took her off it a week or so ago and thought we were doing better. No accidents but now she is constipated again.

I feel so horrible, cause I got so frustrated and mad and got upset with her and made things worse. She just cried and told me she was scared and it hurt. I feel like a horrible mother. I just dont want to have to continue to go through all of this. I hate that she has a hard time with all of this. I hate that I have a hard time with all of this.

Miralax ussually works, so I am thinking that the issue is in way the Ped had you implement. For "slow" processors it takes significnat time for the effect to become apparent so if you were moving dosage all around that may be why you could not get it regulated. Talk to you ped, but I would suggest starting at 10% of the standard dose and move up from there making changes of no more every 5 days in 10% increments. This may take months to find the bast range, and need to remember that what is being eaten has a big impact so take that into account, and of course water intake should be at recommeneded levels.

I would ask for a referal to a major childrens hospital's GI division since most peds do not have the expertise to help effectively. Unfortunatly with constipators it you may have to wait a while (3-6 months is not atypical) for an initial appointment.

Also getting used to a different "feel" as the stool chages consistance will take time so there will be some issues.

I give it to my son once per week. Could you try giving it every 3 days or so? We only use a teaspoon, he is 9yo and about 50 pounds
My DD has similar issues. What I have found works best is Kiwi aka in our house "fiber bomb" She can have one, which she loves every other day. If things are really bad everyday until ... well you know.
I feel for you I have had a few rough days, its hard with the bathroom issues. I never thought ds (5) would even get it. We would get very frustated! i would cry, and then about a month ago after a adding even more to his sensory diet he did it! :banana: and then 2 weeks ago he even wiped by himself! theres hope!!!!

ds is sensory seeking and im not sure if adding to his sensory diet is what allowed him to final master the bathroom but maybe its worth a try???

good luck! :grouphug:
My DD has severe constipation issues. I give her Miralax about once a week and that seems to be enough.

ETA: I can relate to how you are feeling right now. DD is BPD with SPD. There are days when I am just at my limit of what I can handle. I get upset with her and she cries and tells me how I hurt her feelings. It makes me feel absolutely horrible. But I have to accept that I am only human. I am doing the best that I can. You need to remember that as well. There are times when I feel myself start to get upset and I will tell DD "Mommy is frustrated and I am about to lose my temper. I am going to take a timeout now and we both need to calm down." Then I go to my room to calm down.

What great modeling, I wish I could do something similar consistantly.



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