8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 17

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How big a nerd does this make me? I keep up the DCL website up and hit refresh during the day so I can hear the intro music. :) No, wait maybe I don't want anyone guessing where I am on the nerd-o-meter.:rotfl2:

Anyone want to venture a guess on something maybe easier? IF there was an opening, how much do you think it would be for 1 person in a cat 11 or 12 room at this stage? My DH wants to possibly bring his Mother w/ us and since we would pay, she is going in a low category. I know, bad DiL.


.... 1st I'd like to say I'd normally NOT consider a "low" MIL cabin placement as indicative of you (or anyone) being a bad DIL or Son-in-law. However, after noting your tag fairy caption ... "I really am quite evil" ... I've decided to recant my initial thoughts and am simply substituting this image below (with an admiring wink ) ....


On the other hand - you ARE springing for your in-laws (as I am*) on our sailing. AND .... that said... I too placed my MIL and FIL into a lowly catagory 12. However, I should say that they requested that catagory. Or - at least - that's what I thought I heard from them....


< quiet innocent chuckling >​

.... 1st I'd like to say I'd normally NOT consider a "low" MIL cabin placement as indicative of you (or anyone) being a bad DIL or Son-in-law. However, after noting your tag fairy caption ... "I really am quite evil" ... I've decided to recant my initial thoughts and am simply substituting this image below (with an admiring wink ) ....

On the other hand - you ARE springing for your in-laws (as I am*) on our sailing. AND .... that said... I too placed my MIL and FIL into a lowly catagory 12. However, I should say that they requested that catagory. Or - at least - that's what I thought I heard from them....

< quiet innocent chuckling >​

If my MIL wanted to go cruising with us, she'd be in a dinghy being towed behind the ship... but I really AM evil.
Now Crash will post some "eye candy"?

It's a Pirate Cruise. So it would be "Aye" Candy.

Now where's Esteri with the Pirate Joke of the Day? It would have to be better than that pun.
Hi Everyone,

Wow - I'm finally having a relatively quiet day at work and have a little time for the DIS!

Over the last couple of months I have promised to post photos of various things ... and then I get so busy I don't get around to it! Here are a couple I know I said I would post. The Halloween pictures are obviously very late - but DS8 was a pretty cute Captain Jack and my mother did a pretty good job making his costume. (It doesn't rival the Captain here on the DIS, but for a kids halloween costume it is pretty good :thumbsup2 )

The other photo is DH's lights around our house from last year. I still haven't done a photo of this year's display. You can't see everything, but this is the view from the street. We have 3 lots with the house set on the middle lot. There is more stuff toward the back of both side lots, but it is hard to see from the street.



I'm planning to take photos of the indoor decorations tonight or over the weekend - hopefully, I'll get them posted sometime before Spring :rotfl2:

Pamela (pdarrah)
I have to take DD to the orthodontist. :sad2: She threw away her retainer with her lunch a couple of weeks ago. So I will probably not be around for this run. Good luck swabbies.
Hi Everyone,

Wow - I'm finally having a relatively quiet day at work and have a little time for the DIS!

I'm planning to take photos of the indoor decorations tonight or over the weekend - hopefully, I'll get them posted sometime before Spring :rotfl2:

Pamela (pdarrah)

Nothing to see here, no pirate run, move along.....
It is a good thing that it is quiet here today - DS8 is the king of LATE ideas for Christmas gifts. He decided 2 days ago that he wanted to make notecards for his Grandmothers. We did this a couple years ago, and basically he does a few paintings and then I scan them into the computer and print them onto Avery Notecard paper. He finished the last of his 3 paintings last night, so here I am trying to get them all printed today. The office Ink Jet has better color than my home machine, so I wanted to do them here. Only problem is that one Grandma (my mom) works here to! Fortunately, my father took her out to lunch so I can get these done without her seeing them :thumbsup2

For those interested in 8 year old art, here are the masterpieces. The first is pretty straight-forward, the 2nd is a Jackson Pollock tribute and I have NO idea what's up with the 3rd!


Pamela (Pdarrah)
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