6th Annual Christmas Thread

We bought for dd's boyfriend yesterday. Soon to be fiance very soon I think! They just moved to an apartment with a wood fireplace. We bought him a wood holder, fireplace tools and a Smore's kit. He loves a certain soda that can rarely be found. We found one case while out so I wrapped that up too. :lmao:

My oldest DD asked for only one thing. A first edition copy of Tuck Everlasting. From September to now I have purchased EIGHT copies that were advertised as first editions that were not. Thankfully, each vendor returned my money and told me to keep the book. I finally found a real first edition this week!! :worship:

I think I am done. I even have 90% of stocking stuffers done. I need to get some scratch off lottery tickets to add to them.
I usually jump in on this thread by late Sept at the LATEST!! I don't know what is wrong with me!! Tough year financially but I try to shop all year so it helps!
This year, for my parents, I'm trying to be somewhat practical.... They already have way too much stuff. If there is ever an "organized" or "hidden hoarders" show... I'm calling! You can walk all through the house but every single nook & cranny has something in it..typical depression era type behavior.
Dad: plane ticket for Xmas as we all travel south & meet at their 2nd home (which is also filled in every nook & cranny)
Mom: (she drives south as she stays for the full winter while dad stays 3 weeks then gets back to working) trying to pay to have someone completely clean the house in the South & do the yard so that she doesn't do that when she gets there ( usually goes 2 weeks before the rest of us). May go in with dad to get an IPad mini
DH: we usually do not exchange for Xmas since we buy tix to fly south
Dsd: she's grown and works in business (meaning makes way more than me in education) SO.... I usually just give her a couple of fun gift cards to total $100: DSW, MAC, Sephora ...then the same in January for her bday but $50 instead
Dss: grown, still finding himself ... Usually a gift card of some sort
DD14: wants a laptop but school is supposed to issue next school year so I'd rather wait & purchase a really good one for college. Did buy: clairsonic gift set, boots, some clothes, the new warm Toms, wreck it journal, makeup. Need some type of Incredible Me paraphernalia and some cold weather running clothes for her winter conditioning
DD12: still wants Monster High and AG stuff. Catchphrase game. I have: clothes, wreck it journal, boots-lots of boots, need to get some cords, hair bands, soccer stuff for indoor league.

I feel fairly done...I hope I am :thumbsup2

Oh... I also purchased some fun things! We all went to see the Les Mis' movie together last year. Dmom said she always loved it & that as kids they read classics in comic book form & that was her fav' so I bought the classic comic book for her! I purchased a comic book from the early 50's about MLK & the Freedom Walks for ddad. A word art scarf with a passAge from pride & prejudice for dsis-in-law. And for myself, female cousins & maybe mom & aunt I have been purchasing mystery beauty boxes for several months! I have not looked! Will wrap and maybe have everyone draw a # then pick a box! Should be fun!
The thread has been quiet for a few days. Everyone must be waiting for black friday!

Yup, at this point I am done until Black Friday. That is, unless a really great deal pops up on Amazon or another online retailer for an item I want. If not, Thanksgiving 6pm will be at Walmart for the ipad mini & other things. Just yesterday I price matched the leap pad 2 at Target and that is just 1 of my BF items I can check off the list. As soon as I get my BF shopping out of the way I am relatively done with all gift buying!

I don't get why the preview BF Sale for the Disney Store is not out yet. I see they have a "Magical Week" thing going on but I'm hoping better deals will be had for BF at Disney Store.
Yup, at this point I am done until Black Friday. That is, unless a really great deal pops up on Amazon or another online retailer for an item I want. If not, Thanksgiving 6pm will be at Walmart for the ipad mini & other things. Just yesterday I price matched the leap pad 2 at Target and that is just 1 of my BF items I can check off the list. As soon as I get my BF shopping out of the way I am relatively done with all gift buying!

I don't get why the preview BF Sale for the Disney Store is not out yet. I see they have a "Magical Week" thing going on but I'm hoping better deals will be had for BF at Disney Store.

I was at the Disney store today and they claimed their BF deals were already going on. I didn't see anything we really needed. It mostly $5 off on items $25 or more everywhere I looked. Good luck at Wal Mart! I'm heading to Target Thanksgiving night unless I can get the things I want online.
Hello Shoppers!!! We are back!! We got home Saturday night..hard to believe another trip has came and gone. It was wonderful as always!! I love it there and could stay for ever! I know y'all get it!:thumbsup2
:welcome: to any new people that I missed… I didn't check on anything while I was gone. DD has modified her wish list yet AGAIN, so she still has nothing! I bought DS14s Legos today! So,…a whopping 2 presents bought! LOL…I will pin her down tonight and order what she wants… I still have to get with my SIL and see what the nephew wants/needs. He is pretty easy~Lego man also, and I always get him winter jammies and a book if he is reading a series.
Well we got snow last night and it is snowing again today. It puts me in the holiday shopping mood. Kohls started their BF sales online today so I went ahead and bought my Christmas gifts. :rotfl: I got myself a 4 piece luggage set in black and white (reminded me of Mickey) for only 49.99 and a tote purse for 14.99 to replace the one someone stole when they broke into my truck.

I finished up our niece. I have 3 nephews done only 2 left.

My daughter is pretty much done other then a few clothes at Justice and gift cards.

I have finally started DH and hope to finish him up on Friday along with my 2 boys and everyone else. I still have a lot left to get but my list is done so now it is just a matter of tracking down the deals and buying.
I got some more shopping done without leaving the house!
I got my ds's sneakers using a 20% off code, got the NFL team jersey he wanted from Kohls and got dd a couple pair of boots from Target. I'm loving the fact that some retailers are putting BF specials online already :cool1:
I hope more do tomorrow!
I got some more shopping done without leaving the house!
I got my ds's sneakers using a 20% off code, got the NFL team jersey he wanted from Kohls and got dd a couple pair of boots from Target. I'm loving the fact that some retailers are putting BF specials online already :cool1:
I hope more do tomorrow!

I am loving that, too! I got DD boots and portable speakers for DS16 and DS12 from Kohls. Tonight I'm staying up for Toys R Us and Walmart because they're supposed to have more deals starting at midnight. I'm hoping the TRU deal on Disney Infinity characters will be online and kids' pajamas at Walmart. Usually Walmart doesn't put those online though, but at least I'll know ahead of time if I need to go there tomorrow.
Had a whirlwind kind of day so I didn't get to post this earlier in the morning like I wanted, but today is :

4 WEEKS TIL CHRISTMAS!:santa::santa::santa::santa:
I hope everyone found what they needed on Black Friday. I went out to Target last night at 8pm. I bought the bungee chair for dd11 for $20. So I only need to buy one thing for my Great Aunt and something for ds' occupational therapist and I'm done! I was thinking itunes gift card but now I'm thinking I will take ds out to Target and let him pick something. We don't know anything personal about her!
Well my lists for a couple of my kids have changed dramatically, but I have gotten quite a bit of my shopping done.
For DD17 I have:
The Dark Crystal DVD
The Labyrinth DVD
A nice Sketchbook (still need art supplies to go with it)

For DD16 I have:
Letterman Style Jacket
MP3 Player
Zebra Wallet (to put the cash Im giving her in)

For DD14 I have:
Snowman Scentsy
Minnie Mouse portable speaker
Holographic Magnetic Superman Dartboard. She asked for a dart board and a superman poster (two birds with one stone LOL.)

For DS13 I have:
Zombieland DVD
Sculpting Tools and Air Dry Clay
Zoomies Binocular Glasses for bird watching.
Cardinals World Series memoriabillia to put in sports themed box (still need baseball, basketball anf or football cards)

For the 15 yr old girl staying with us for Dec. so far I have:
Fleece Throw
Zebra Print Wallet
Mustache Hat
Intial Pendant

And Im pretty well done with DH:
Fleece Throw of a Deer Scene to remind him of his first deer hunt this year
Android Phone
MP3 Player
Game of Thrones box set
Star Wars Vehicles playing cards for stocking stuffer

I also bought wrapping paper today so I could get started wrapping.
for you Black Friday shoppers,..hope you got it all!!! I actually have DS14's main gift~2 hard to find Lego sets,..will get him a book or two and stocking stuffers (have one already)
DD I have all of her stuff ordered,,,she picked out several small things and an Electric scooter for her big gift…just need stocking stuff….
DS17 turning 18…Have been struggling over his gift~ but we have recently been having trouble with his car and maintenance is growing! Mechanic made a comment today that the car is not old enough to be having some issues we had, so we may trade it for something more reliable. He may be going off to college and not local in August, so we can't have something that is not dependable. If we get a diff vehicle, that's his Christmas and Bday and he is happy happy happy about it!
DH and I probably won't exchange gifts this year…maybe just something small and sweet! Or something that is a family gift.
Hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! I know i did. It was amazing being with my family. It had its hard moments because i miss my mom sooo much, but my two youngest nephews really helped me with that. Love those kids to death.

I do need to add another christmas gift to the list. I need to get my other cousin something to keep the peace. So, i will be getting her a nice scarf and then a gift card to meijer or something like that.

I have only 3 weeks tomorrow until i head back up here to indiana. I need to get my booty into gear to get things wrapped as soon as i get home tomorrow!
Went on a date night woth DH tonight, stopped at walgreens on the way home and did some more shopping. Got gifts for all of our friends kids, a couple more things for our kids and some scented candles for friends buy 1 get 2 free. I even got 4 gifts wrapped. Im feelong pretty accomplished.
I'm almost done! But I need some fresh ideas to finish my parent's gifts.:confused3

My siblings and I have decided to do the "12 days of Christmas" gift for them. They will have 12 gifts to open, each themed to a day. I'm stuck on 12 drummers drumming, 7 swans a swimming, 5 golden rings, and 4 calling birds!

Any ideas?????:santa:
I'm almost done! But I need some fresh ideas to finish my parent's gifts.:confused3

My siblings and I have decided to do the "12 days of Christmas" gift for them. They will have 12 gifts to open, each themed to a day. I'm stuck on 12 drummers drumming, 7 swans a swimming, 5 golden rings, and 4 calling birds!

Any ideas?????:santa:

What are some of the other ideas your using so I have an idea what ypur looking for.
I'm almost done! But I need some fresh ideas to finish my parent's gifts.:confused3

My siblings and I have decided to do the "12 days of Christmas" gift for them. They will have 12 gifts to open, each themed to a day. I'm stuck on 12 drummers drumming, 7 swans a swimming, 5 golden rings, and 4 calling birds!

Any ideas?????:santa:

What are some of the other ideas your using so I have an idea what ypur looking for.

Yes….tell us what else the siblings are giving, if you know, so we can get an idea~is it all around one theme or just totally different for each 'Day of Christmas"?
I'm almost done! But I need some fresh ideas to finish my parent's gifts.:confused3

My siblings and I have decided to do the "12 days of Christmas" gift for them. They will have 12 gifts to open, each themed to a day. I'm stuck on 12 drummers drumming, 7 swans a swimming, 5 golden rings, and 4 calling birds!

Any ideas?????:santa:

I'm lost on this as well but for drummers drumming - how about an instrumental CD? 4 calling birds - are they into bird watching or feeding birds? Maybe you can get them a hummingbird feeder or something similar? Both of our parents are really into feeding the birds.
Do they have a garden, what about a bird bath for 7 swans a swimming. I would do something music related for drummers. Other than that I have no other ideas.

I don't know about everyone else but I got a good chunk of my shopping done this past week. :cool1:
Five golden rings: some pretty holiday napkins and napkin rings

Or, locate five friends that they have lost contact with. Arrange for those friends to call them periodically throughout the day. Golden!

ETA: I was thinking the above bc of the ring of the phone. I suppose you could do the same thing with four people and it would fit the four calling birds.


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