6/22 Magic Part one


<font color=deeppink>DVC MEMBER 6/02<br><font colo
Feb 26, 2002
I just have to say right off the top this was the best vacation ever. We are a family of 4. Me (43) DH(46)Roger DS (16)Scott and DS(13)Patrick.

We left Nortwest Florida Friday the 21st around 8:00am. It was warm and sunny here. Once we reached Talahasse it was rain from there on. We lost an hour going to the eastern time zone. We arrived at the Radisson arround 4:30. The kids especially Patrick was annoyed that it was raining. He was supposed to meet the kids he met on the internet arround the pool. So we went to our room signed up for the 11:20 shuttle and looked arround a little.

We decided to go to Kelsey's for dinner. It's an Italian place to the right of the Radisson. It was great. Very reasonable and the kids love pizza so every one was happy. We sat down and Ralph & Roberta and their whole gang from Syracuse were at the next table. So Patrick found the kids he was looking for. After dinner we hung arroung the pool. The rain let up. We met up with many other Diser's arround the pool. It was great. Cam & Howard from Del, Caroiline and Mike from Ga. Tammi and her gang from Ca. and many others but I am awful with names so I appoligize for any I left out. Thank you Shirley for the wine. It was shared by all. We chatted and got to know each other until about 10. Then it was time for bed. We left Patrick in the pool with a few girls he had just met. He returned about 11 with some email address of kids on the Carnival ship.

It was hard to sleep with all the built up anticipation. We headed to McDonalds for breakfast. With a 11:20 shuttle we had time to run arroud a little. We took the kids to Ron Jons and to see the Atlantic Ocean. No one was impressed witht the Atlantic. I also stopped and got some Bonine. The weather was so bad I was worried about our trip being ruined by sea sickness. We didn't need it.

We got to the front of the Radisson arround 11 for the 11:20. They were running about 30 min behind. The rain and thunder & lightning were awful. So I am sure that didn't help. We got to the port arround 12. Unloaded in the pouring rain and went into the terminal. Check in was a breeze. We stood in line about one hour and then on the ship we went. It was beautiful.

First stop was the Palo's for me and the men went to unload in the room and we would meet @ Mickey pool for lunch. Palo's res. was simple there were three people ahead of me.

I got to Topsiders arround 1:30. The kids were ready to run. They ate and were off to common grounds. So I joined Roger and ate a wonderful lunch of mostly shrimp and fruit. I wanted to watch what I ate for lunch & breakfast. We walked arround the ship until 2 and then took the ships tour with John from Wales. He is a great guy. You will see him all over, bingo, and all the dance parties. It was still raining a little so we had the inside tour.
We met back up with the kids for the sailaway party. It was only raining a little then so we were okay out side. Had a wonderful sail away drink- half Pina Colada and half Strawberry Daquari. It was great. Scott had the non al. kind. Sailaway went well. The horn is great to hear. I got it on tape a few times.

We had late dinner so we went to the early show. I went to all the shows. Roger & Scott went to a few and Patrick I made go to Disney dreams. He was off all week with the kids he met in Common grounds. Our rotation was Laplapl. We had Sudama and Livu as our servers. They were great. It was Livu's first cruise in the dining room. He was nervous and Scott kept ordering a different drink every night to just add to his confusion. The food was wonderful. I think I ate two desserts every night.

We went to the Rocking bar D and dueling piano's after dinner. The kids satyed out till 2am. It was a great start to our vacation.
I can never sleep the night before a big trip, either. That's why a carry a few sleeping pills on vacation since "my hours" get all messed up. I need a restful sleep or I'm a mess.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
Magic Western 1/18/03 less than 180 days away <-- LOL!!!
WDW l29 days

###By the way, you need a new trip for your countdown clock. We Disney freaks always needs some Disney trip to countdown torwards###
When we sailed on 2/23/02 the weather was also just as bad. We were soaked by the time we got into the terminal. We all looked like wet rats....so much for the welcome aboard photo!!!!

John from Wales is a great social host...we had him for our ship tour also and he hosted Match Your Mate game in Rockin Bar D. What a hoot that game show was!!!

Our teens love the cruise and we never see them all week. They are still e-mailing all the kids they met on our previous DCL cruises.

Glad you were able to have the sailaway outside....we weren't. They split it up and half the people went into Rockin Bar D and half into Studio Sea. It was fun but not the same as having it outside.



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