5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 8

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kikipug said:
Remember we were talking a few weeks back about whether or not "Cars" would Prem-EAR on the Dumbotron??? Check out the link below (courtesy of you-know-who)... its going to have its World Premiere that weekend... so there's hope that maybe we'll see it too...


Cool! Maybe we'll get to see it. (I'm a little embarrassed to say that I had never heard of this movie until y'all mentioned it.) :blush:

kikipug said:
Remember we were talking a few weeks back about whether or not "Cars" would Prem-EAR on the Dumbotron??? Check out the link below (courtesy of you-know-who)... its going to have its World Premiere that weekend... so there's hope that maybe we'll see it too...


Will Paul Newman be on the cruise too??? :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I'd even settle for Larry the Cable Guy.
TiggerInNY said:
Is there anything that you take that makes you sleepy besides Benadryl?

I used to take Trazadone, it's a scrip. Started developing a toxicity to it, so had to stop. But it worked great!
Congrats to Stacey and Hedgie on the milestone posts!

I think they had a tiny preview for Cars when we went to see the Incredibles. We've been looking forward to it, that would be great! So glad Pixar is still with Disney.
Dancind said:
You're not allowed to be jealous unless you have been away from anything Disney for at least six months. And that would be...ME!!!

and me! going on 2 years! :rotfl2: (that's my dead cockroach impersonation...)
Time for me to get out of here ... need to pick up the kiddos for swimming lessons... will catch up later tonight.

An Unexpected T.O.P. to end my day at work...:cool1: pirate:

CajunGirl2 said:
Time for me to get out of here ... need to pick up the kiddos for swimming lessons... will catch up later tonight.

An Unexpected T.O.P. to end my day at work...:cool1: pirate:


How are swimming lessons going? Any better?
Hey all you Netflix people - releasing tomorrow is the History Channels "Modern Marvels: Disney World" documentary. I've got it in my queue! :woohoo:

It'll have to wait-Memoirs of a Geisha and King Kong are shipping out and arriving tomorrow! :banana:

I think I've discovered the secret to getting the just released movies - make sure the movies are mailed either on Friday or Saturday so they are turned around on Monday. I'm 6 for 6 on new releases.
justmestace said:
I don't know about you, but I have spent far too much time worrying about my kids emotional well-being, worrying that they will miss out on sports, dance, etc....and I'm fed up because they have figured me out and taken advantage.
So....no more Mister Nice Guy.

Same here, there are no consequences, they walk in the house and just drop there stuff, demand and are ungrateful. :confused3
justmestace said:
I don't think we ever have "officially" talked about it.

Jay and I own a welding and ornamental iron shop. He does the hard labor, I do the books. He does everything with steel from huge I-Beams during construction phase, to blacksmithing and ornamental stuff like gates, railings, tables, fireplace screens.....anything you could think of that could be made of steel/wrought iron.
And we own a few rental properties that I manage. Some are smaller buildings that we rent to local contractors and one is to a local cable company, two are to Nextel and T-Mobile.

A T.O.P. with Samantha! :cool1:

Sorry Jim, I was supposed to stop back there!

pixiedust: pdfg

When we were in SA there was so many steel coffee tables that I wanted that a friend of mine who sold steel was going to start making stuff.
justmestace said:
Four and a half hours. I'm pretending to be a doctor. ;)

I would have slept later today, but the hairy dog in my face with his icky dog breath woke me up.
I thought "Hair of the Dog" was something else........ :stir:
I was checking out the Mother Ship's website (Home Depot) looking for a attic door price and came across these. Pretty neat!!

itdjbw said:
When we were in SA there was so many steel coffee tables that I wanted that a friend of mine who sold steel was going to start making stuff.

We're lucky enough to rent to a woodworker, and a close friend does etched glass. We've partnered with them and made some awesome steel tables with either wood or glass tops. There's good money to be made doing that.

I don't have a steel coffee table, though. "Grace" would probably stub her toe, or ram her shin into it and hurl it out the back door!
tinksdad said:
I was checking out the Mother Ship's website (Home Depot) looking for a attic door price and came across these. Pretty neat!!


Are those doors? Bedroom doors? Wow....that's Disney Dedication!
mickeymo said:
Hey all you Netflix people - releasing tomorrow is the History Channels "Modern Marvels: Disney World" documentary. I've got it in my queue! :woohoo:

That is a good show :teeth: I watched it on the History Channel a couple of days ago..I just happened to turn it there when it was on!

Mike :earsboy:
chip&dale&fun said:
Kevin -- suggestions on my question on a hand-held TV for the potential

Hurricane season?
I don't have much experience with small TV's. I like the BIG TV.

Check out PC World for some possible help.
chip&dale&fun said:
Kevin -- suggestions on my question on a hand-held TV for the potential

Hurricane season?

I've been really disappointed in our hand-held TV. It doesn't get but one station, no matter where we're at...even in Phoenix, near the towers. Granted, it wasn't an expensive one..it's a Casio.

I also seem to have longer battery life with the lap top than I do with any of our portable DVD players.

My $.02 cents anyway.
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