3 reports + links to more- 8 days since May + conversations galore

I hope your dad and Robert's mom can scrape together some old photos!

I also really like that confetti border. I saw it on Pmama's family Castle picture and it seems to be a border that works well with a lot of pictures.

I remember that Cars picture - you posted a photo you took on your camera of that same pose, but from kind of an angle (because the PP photographer was taking the picture from the center), right? I rather like that border too - it is kind of cool how they have a different icon in each corner.

Poor E at the BBB! He does look really cute in the pictures and I still think Sir Eamon has a great ring to it, but as you pointed out, it is just not really boy-friendly there, even though the CMs do their best to make it so. And I am still befuddled by the confetti in the hair, but I suppose kids like that! His little face at the Big Reveal moment must have broken your heart!
Sherry, you remember WAY too much. A little scary! You're like my friend who is in mensa...are you in mensa too? She remembers everything....

Anyway, yes that's the matching cars picture. :)

And yes, it was a very sad expression. And I don't understand the confetti either, though a light and concentrated sprinkling has looked OK, in the WDW barber shop "cool dude" pictures I've seen. But she did it allll over.

It also might have been nicer if he'd asked for blue or something like that, instead of red. But red is his current fave color, and he didn't have ANY concept as to what she was going to do, since we haven't ever colored his hair. It was just a mess all around. So I talk about it in case there are other boys who would want to do it, but might be sheltered from kids messing with their hair, etc etc. It's all about expectations and understanding what the options are, and what they mean. I don't want to discourage interested boys, I want them to keep the option...I just want people to know what to expect, and I want them to make it a little more boy friendly for the few boys they'll see.

On to the other two picture moments! Happy ones! Again, just border differences (and editing with the B&W).




Pooh loved that their shirts matched. :)

I do like the fun borders. But sometimes (and I have this problem with scrapbooking stickers/backgrounds as well when it comes to Disney) I just don't understand....


Why does that border put them into Mickey's pants? Seriously, why?

Ah, much better.


And that was their with-flash version of the picture I got next. :)

And that's it! 60 bucks for those, and many many other edits (saved each one in 4x6 and 5x7 and the original of each in 8x10, for instance). Maybe not THE best use of my money, but what am I gonna do? (um, do what you've done two other times, and just NOT buy them and let them expire...no no no, can't do that, must study up so I can better answer questions!)

OK, we have to go food shopping. The larders are getting bare!

But that just reminded me. When we went away to Oregon last weekend, the place we stayed in has second run movies. Since they put their B&B/Inns in old old buildings that were generally used for interesting purposes (a poor house in Troutdale, a Masonic retirement home in Forest Grove, etc) they have lots of big spaces to put a casual theater. They generally play a family friendly movie (we saw Elf when DS was a baby at Kennedy School (an old school) right in Portland) and an R movie.

So while we were there, we saw Monsters vs Aliens, and apart from the making-us-sad family* in front of us, it was such a funny movie! E and R have both being doing the "Suuuuuuuusan, oh, I scared myself" line of Seth Rogen. By the way, Robert does an excellent Rogen impersonation...kinda makes me go "ooooh!" 'cuz Rogen has that lovely, sexy deep voice. I've been trying ot get him to get the impersonation to encompass more words, b/c, um, R's girlfriend before me was a Susan LOL, but he's not quite there yet. :)

Anyway, good movie!

*(the family had 3 kids. Not one of the kids wanted to see the movie. Both of the boys sat with their ears covered, one had his eyes covered or buried in his mom's chest half the time. The girl was *maybe* 2 so really didn't care, but also spent a good amount of time crying. The middle one, a boy, stated over and over and OVER, ALL throughout the movie that he hated it, wanted to go, didn't want to be there, etc. Hubby and I felt sad, but Eamon was really getting bothered by why they weren't leaving. When he's like that, we give it a good try, and if it doesn't work, we leave. Both Robert and I have siblings, and we KNOW what it's like to have to leave when some other sib is having a problem, and it sucks, but in THIS case ALL of the kids were hating the movie...we just couldn't figure out why they didn't go...and at the end they didn't say "best movie ever", they just went running out of there, the middle one was still crying. I didn't care about the noise they were making, I just cared about them, and the parents didn't seem evil, the kids weren't being yelled at (or hissed at), but the option to leave wasn't given in any way...I just didn't understand why they were standing their ground to stay for a movie that none of the kids were interested in and 2/3 were scared by)

(I also couldn't figure out how to suggest earplugs for the boys, but I sure wish I could have, because their arms must have been so tired by the end of the movie!)
The food comment, by the way, reminded me of the movie, because I heard it in my head as "fooooood" like "Suuuuuusan". :3dglasses
I love those E pictures with Pooh and Mickey, although I was laughing aloud at the comment about being in Mickey's pants!! It's true! I saw that border, if I recall, the last time I went onto the PhotoPass site (for my December pictures) and that was one of the few I did not use because it seemed odd to me! It made no sense! But those pictures are too cute - I love the matching shirts with Pooh and that is Steamboat Willie Mickey, right?

No, not a Mensa member - though I never even tried to get in. I am probably one of those weird people who has a freakish memory but an IQ too low for Mensa or something, I am guessing....

I love Oregon - I want to get back there one day - the forests and lakes are so pretty! My great aunt used ot have a house right on the edge of what was called Merlin's Forest. Huge carpenter ants running around on the ground, and scorpions and things, but beautiful territory and deer would just randomly wander into the backyard.

Seth Rogen is in one of my all-time favorite comedies, the very UN-Disney, "40-Year-Old-Virgin." Love that! I also love "Elf." Really cute movie. Have you ever seen "Love Actually"? I wonder if you would like it. It's one of my favorite 'holiday' movies, even though the holidays are really just a backdrop for all the goings on!
Oh Sherry Sherry, that's just our all time favorite movie!!!!!

It came out shortly after we got married. If we'd seen it BEFORE we got married, Robert would have gone along with my idea to buy the guys all gorgeous silk ties...he thought it was odd, but once he saw the wedding scene with the groom and best man with those colorful ties he realized what a fool he'd been.

But we didn't see it until holiday-ish-time in 2004, when Eamon was just a mite and he would sleep in my arms, have a milky snack, sleep some more, etc etc. I watched so many movies and read so many books during that time. And all the milk-making made me very very calm and relaxed (though I was also doing heavy emotional work at the time, but that was usually when E was sleeping out of my arms), so it's like a Dream Time, thinking back... Somehow we found Love Actually, and as you well know, it's super-easy to just burst into tears halfway into Hugh's commentary at the very beginning. Not many movies have you in tears inside of 5 minutes!!!!!

The whole thing, beginning to end, is spectacular. We love that movie.

A friend of mine knew that I always cried, but I was always crying anyway (content yet emotional), and I told her that the movie was great BUT she needed to watch it *with someone*, because she was separated from her husband who had cheated on her in a very stereotypical way (his law secretary) and she NEEDED someone there. I didn't spell it out, I just said there were some things that might "trigger" her. She didn' tlisten, she called at one point with a big mea culpa, that she realized what I was trying to do, but she just thougt I was exaggerating...but yeah, that one character doing what he did (or almost? it's never spelled out, is it?), and then of course the other character finding out and listening to that music...omg I have to watch it!!!!

If you own it, have you watched the special features with the deleted scenes before Liam and the boy (who could be E's brother, seriously, and that got to us too, how much we guessed E was going to look like that boy (who is a cousin of Hugh Grant's)) sit and talk about what's bothering the boy? Oh if you haven't, watch it! It adds such depth and wonderfulness to that scene....and it is HILARIOUS as well.

You didn't realize what you were getting yourself into! NOw I want to visit you and watch LA with you, it's such a wonderful movie even though it makes you burst into tears repeatedly.

I love...."easy question" and "just in cases"...

Oh and of course now Colin Firth...again with a white shirt on, right? mmmmm.

OK so anyway, yes, steamboat mickey, the black white and grey just in that room was so neat. Of course you never know what version of Mickey you will meet after that long wait in his House, and it was so exciting for me to see that version, even though I'm not a character person! I would love to know how the decided on those shades, because it actually felt for a minute like the world had gone black and white.

Elf....."Santa???!!!!!! I know him!!!!!!!" Oh too funny.

I saw 40 year old virgin but barely remember it, how sad is that? Have you seen how much weight Seth R has lost recently? He's, like...hot now. Before it was the voice and attitude, but now, yummy. Obviously I don't have a huge hangup with guys who carry a bit extra weight, but still, he-llo.
Seth Rogen said on the Howard Stern show that he was losing all the weight because he is starring in a superhero movie - I forget which one. The Green Hornet, maybe? Not sure. Anyway, that's why he dropped the weight.

The guy who plays the department store Santa in "Elf" is a regular on the Howard Stern show.

Oh it would be so fun to watch "Love Actually together" - I think Jasmine (WazowksiLOVER) also said she loves that movie too. It is a real gem.

No, I have not seen the deleted scenes of LA, sadly. I have seen the movie countless times but I do not own it yet. I need to have that in my collection at some point. Yes, I guess I can see that Liam's little boy (Sam) in the movie is Eamon-esque. They do look similar.

I like that Love Actually does not explain everything away neatly. For example, as you said, we never know FOR SURE if the Alan Rickman character has the affair with the secretary or not. We just know he buys and gives her the necklace (and that scene in the department store is so hilarious, when the guy is packing up the necklace with the cinnamon sprigs and all the jazzy wrapping stuff), Emma Thompson finds the necklace and then sobs to the Joni Mitchell music later on! We also never really find out what happens to the relationship between Emma and Alan, as we only see her greeting him awkwardly at the airport in the last scene, and is he still workign with the secretary? We ALSO never find out what exactly the relationship is between Emma and Liam's characters. Did you notice that? They do not appear to be related or inlaws, they are not co-workers, and her brother in the film is Hugh's character, so I was guessing that maybe Liam and Emma were possibly supposed to be an ex-couple of some kind who stayed friends.

Anyway, yes, Love Actually is a great movie - it works as a romantic comedy/drama and it works as a holiday movie. I think it was done by the same people who did "Notting Hill" and "Four Weddings and a Funeral," if I recall.

The only problem with that Steamboat Willie Mickey is that his clothes and body are in black and white, but his head is in color. That looks odd to me, because wasn't his head black and white in the cartoon? But you are right - you never know which Mickey you will get. I have not been through his house in so long. The last Mickeys I got were Bandleader Mickey and plain ol' tuxedo pants and jacket Mickey. I am darn tempted to go through Mickey's house on my birthday to get a picture. I love getting in character pictures, but the trouble is that it is usually so crowded when we are there that it is hard to get my friend to stop and stand in for pictures. We missed the whole 'winter sweater' contingent of Donald, Mickey, Minnie and someone else in December (all PhotoPass ops, by the way) because she didn't want to stop. She will get in pictures if there is next to no line, but if she sees a line, she just keeps walking. I keep telling her that it is HIGHLY unlikely that we ever will find characters just standing around DL or DCA, twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do and no line of people in front of them. There will always be some kind of crowd gathering. So I have passed a lot of them by in the past, but I may have to stop on my birthday and grab some characters for photos. My friend ALWAYS enjoys the photos when she sees them later on and wants copies, but she grumbles in the moment! See, I am thinking more along the lines of the future, and how fun it will be to look back and see festive photos of past trips when we are old and gray more than I am thinking about how annoying it is to wait in a line for Daisy Duck now. I see the bigger picture, as it were! I am a visionary like that!:lmao::lmao::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl2:
thoughts inside the quotes!

Oh, and huge massive SPOILERS for Love Actually, do NOT read if you haven't seen it.

I like that Love Actually does not explain everything away neatly.

We love that too. You can watch it a million times and find little hints. There's actually something that they were *going to do*, but changed...originally, Colin's cheating girlfriend (seriously? cheating on Colin?) was actually going to be Alan's secretary!!! Can you even imagine? Now I don't know who the actor would have been (both are so perfect for the roles they ended up in, even though we boo and hiss Alan's secretary) but it would have been so interesting. And of course the secretary combines over to the adorable heartbroken best man, b/c they are friends b/c he owns the art gallery where they have the xmas party. Oh wait, do they show that in the movie-movie? Or is that in the deleteds?

(and that scene in the department store is so hilarious, when the guy is packing up the necklace with the cinnamon sprigs and all the jazzy wrapping stuff)

I remember reading an idea, and LOVING the idea, that that character is sort of an "angel". Because his nonsense with the necklace saves Alan from getting the necklace earlier, which probably saves him from *giving* the necklace earlier, which keeps him from being "thanked". As it is, I'm not totally sure that he was "thanked" for the necklace, perhaps the thanks is deferred to a time that never happens, because they are pretty busy with the big recital and all. And then later, he appears magically just in time to not be able to find his boarding pass, which allows Sam (thank you) to get back there. And you'll notice the little look he gives Liam...like he did it on purpose. It's like he's an angel, just popping in when he's very needed...

We ALSO never find out what exactly the relationship is between Emma and Liam's characters. Did you notice that? They do not appear to be related or inlaws, they are not co-workers, and her brother in the film is Hugh's character, so I was guessing that maybe Liam and Emma were possibly supposed to be an ex-couple of some kind who stayed friends.

Now that is an idea we never thought of! We've even watched the recital scene, how they are sitting behind Liam... We figured that maybe Emma was the friend of Joanna the elder (not Sam's beloved), but then we could NOT figure out why she would say such a relatively cold thing about no one being, you know, interested in Liam if he cried all the time...if my best friend passed away I wouldn't be joking with her boyfriend about that, you know? It wouldn't even occur to me. But if they are exes, yeah, they might think of it, so it could be! Such a good thought.

OK then I just thought about the character Colin and how hilarious he is! Oh, and the stand-ins for the movie? So many people think it's a naughty movie, but no, it can't be! First, what naughty movie has that budget for where they are filming???? And naughty movie aren't going to have an AD (Colin's friend, of course) chatting with stand-ins, they aren't checking light and color, heck, they aren't going to have stand-ins! And he was a stand-in for Brad Pitt, so he says, so he's totally mainstream....no, that movie that they are working on is a mainstream movie with a big budget...but there are so many who think, just b/c of the scenes they show, that it's naughty. And those two! How INNOCENT they are???!!!! I mean, to be so happy about a 1st date being accepted, with the backdrop of what they are doing? So cute. I'd never seen that actor until LA, then I saw Hitchhiker's Guide and it added a whole different dimension to the movie for me b/c of him.

My friend ALWAYS enjoys the photos when she sees them later on and wants copies, but she grumbles in the moment! See, I am thinking more along the lines of the future, and how fun it will be to look back and see festive photos of past trips when we are old and gray more than I am thinking about how annoying it is to wait in a line for Daisy Duck now. I see the bigger picture, as it were! I am a visionary like that!:lmao::lmao::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl2:

See? Totally Mensa-smart. Seeing the bigger picture. Kinda sounds like you just need to tell her what you're going to do, maybe? This doesn't totally relate, but I remember reading trip reports from micechat's Gumball Rally, and also the thing that mouseplanet does, and groups that had a great time had the philosophy that if they made a decision, they committed totally. No questioning the line-waiting once you decide to wait in that line. So just tell her you're getting in the line, and no questioning that while waiting.

I am really really really tired of the COLOR thing not working in posts...I know just enough code that I can just type it out, but just being able to use the simple color names I can think of is getting ollllld.:3dglasses
We have pretty much talked ourselves out of what I'm about to talk about.

Though when I first thought about it I thought it was this year and almost talked us into it, but then found out it's NEXT year, and December to boot, which makes it so much easier...

Anyway, today I accidentally got to the podcast page, and noticed them talking about a cruise. I hadn't really noticed it before because I don't really listen to the podcasts (I have this whole *thing* about people that I know performing, acting, singing, etc..I don't want to see or hear them...it helped to destroy a friendship...I've only powered through it for two people, and one of those people was only the narrator of a singing thing...I just couldn't bring myself to go the years she was actually singing...it's not a good thing, especially because I'd actually quite like to BE an actor or voiceover person!!!!).

I clicked on the link to dreams unlimited, and OMG the prices for that cruise are so good.

First I was confused, which helped me think the prices are good, in that I got the categories wrong. Thought Category 4 was the LOWEST. And since category 4 was 2691.76 for 3 people on a 4 day Bahamas cruise...and I didn't think that was sickening...when I realized that that was the high category, I went WOW! Turns out the lowest category is "only" 1531.76!

So I got to thinking, when I still thought it was '09...

Then I finally figured it out and was glad because saving to the cut-off date for full payment in later '10 makes it easier...alas...enough time had passed that I thought "oh but what is RCCL at that time?" And then, stupidly, I checked...4 days, leaving a day later, same port, same Nassau, RCCL's cay instead of DLC's cay...could get a Junior Suite with a balcony for just over the cost of the second lowest (interior room) category on DCL. :rolleyes:


That was my Disney trip related story for this post. :)

Aughhhhh I was going to post more thoughts about Love Actually but I forgot what I was going to say!!!!!!!!!

more spoilers!!!!!!!

Oh wait, I remember! The girl-Joanna! Is she incredible or what? In the Commentary, which has Hugh, the director (who yes did Notting Hill and 4 Weddings), the kid who plays Sam, and maybe another person talking, they mention that they actually had to add tiny errors to her singing in that scene, because she is so perfect. That no one would believe a 12 year old is THAT good, so they made it less perfect.

Now remembering that when we first saw it I had my little dude in arms. Link
to picture of little dude back then. And I was projecting forward to when he's Sam's age, and his story just pulled at my heartstrings. So when she points AT him and sings all I want is you, my heart sang and I started to cry happy tears. Then when she points AWAY from him, continuing the "show", seeing his little face get all frowny b/c he doesn't understand that she's just performing, oh man oh man...cry cry cry.

Of course we'd also seen that movie before POTC2 came out, so Bill Nighy was unknown. We hadn't seen Kiera, either, *I think*. Oh no, we must have seen her in POTC...and of course we'd seen her in parts of Phantom Menace as Amidala's body double but who knew who she was THEN??? It's interesting how they all interrelate...Kiera and Bill in POTC, then seeing the guy who plays Boostrap Bill playing Bill Andersen in Mamma Mia...etc etc etc.

Why yes I DO do well in the Trivial Pursuit Entertainment questions, I do indeed! :rotfl:
I am sorry to see this thread end. The baby picture of E is so cute.
Hey, as long as Sherry-the-moderator is still posting in here, she's not going to let it get closed. :goodvibes:lmao::rotfl2:

Maybe I'll turn it into one of those never-ending multiple-trip continue-to-forever threads like, hmm, who has one of those...oh yeah, that's right, SHERRY has.....:laughing::3dglasses

So y'all know, I edited that last post's first part for more clarity. My brain wasn't working, in case it made no sense. Should make more sense now...in case you didn't see it after the edit.
Hey, as long as Sherry-the-moderator is still posting in here, she's not going to let it get closed. :goodvibes:lmao::rotfl2:

Maybe I'll turn it into one of those never-ending multiple-trip continue-to-forever threads like, hmm, who has one of those...oh yeah, that's right, SHERRY has.....:laughing::3dglasses

So y'all know, I edited that last post's first part for more clarity. My brain wasn't working, in case it made no sense. Should make more sense now...in case you didn't see it after the edit.

There are a few of us who have the never-ending forever, epic Trip Reports going (Prettyprincessbelle, WazowskiLOVER, Belle Ella, etc.) - it keeps everything neat and tidy, in one place. So yes, do that! Just continue on.

I have to go back and read your Love Actually commentary stuff in a hot minute. This stupid computer is moving at a snail's pace. Or maybe it is just the board in general that is moving slowly! Arrrrgggghhh.
There are a few of us who have the never-ending forever, epic Trip Reports going (Prettyprincessbelle, WazowskiLOVER, Belle Ella, etc.) - it keeps everything neat and tidy, in one place. So yes, do that! Just continue on.

Yeah yeah yeah...but they aren't the people with the power to shut it down:wizard:, now are they? :goodvibes

Here's what I miss. I miss my online journal at a different site. Not LJ, but another site that uses the same basic format as the Dis. I was there after weddingchannel's forums got too ridiculous, and one of the women on WC said "this is dumb, I'll start my own!" And it's still going. I miss the format of the life journal there...where you just talk about your stuff and only the length of the journal gets it closed, then you start another.

That's what I miss. And the biggest part is...even though other parts of the forum were contentious, you didn't bring it into the journals. You felt safe inside your journal, all cozy and warm. I miss that. Not that I don't feel relatively safe here (though honestly with my rep I don't really ever feel safe on the Dis, LOL, I'm just not mainstream enough and am loud about it), but still...

I had to leave it behind when some cyber-turned-reallife friends turned on me, and I was too sad to be there. Coincidentally, it was during the time that I started planning our big 2007 trip! I got really focused on the Dis, interestingly, and learning about DLR, and all the stuff over there just didn't seem important anymore. And I *hate* the format of LJ so I don't want to go back there, either...

Have I mentioned that E learned to whistle while we were in San Diego? He finally figured out that he has to move his mouth to cover the spaces created from the two teeth he had taken out at 2.5, and once he did that, he could whistle! Now he's working on different notes, thank goodness. :laughing:
All this talk has caused us to watch the movie tonight. Of course I'm over here in the dining room on the computer, and I'm missing it all, so I'm signing off.
He was quite a cutie, and quite unexpected in appearance! I think it took probably 2 months for me to really get used to how different he looked from what we expected...Robert's sister had kids with a guy with my basic ethnic backgrounds, and those girls look MORE Korean than their mom (and their mom looks disturbingly like her brother aka Robert). At the very least I expected black hair. Korean babies don't have blue eyes at birth. etc etc.

When I saw a blue eyed Ronald McDonald...I was...shocked. Robert took it in stride, it didn't weird him out at all, but for some reason I took a long time to get used to it!

Crazy hair baby after a kitchen sink bath. Toaster behind him was unplugged.

Pic taken after waking up from a nap, funky angle due to me having taken a nap too, and I was lying down while taking the pic.

OK I could post these all night but I'll stop myself after this one.

OH wait, one more, because you guys havent' seen him when his hair was long. We intended to keep it long b/c it was such awesome hair, but an unfortunate front-of-hair trim became a cut and no one has ever wanted to deal with him growing it out again.

His 2nd birthday.
He was quite a cutie, and quite unexpected in appearance! I think it took probably 2 months for me to really get used to how different he looked from what we expected...Robert's sister had kids with a guy with my basic ethnic backgrounds, and those girls look MORE Korean than their mom (and their mom looks disturbingly like her brother aka Robert). At the very least I expected black hair. Korean babies don't have blue eyes at birth. etc etc.

When I saw a blue eyed Ronald McDonald...I was...shocked. Robert took it in stride, it didn't weird him out at all, but for some reason I took a long time to get used to it!

Crazy hair baby after a kitchen sink bath. Toaster behind him was unplugged.

Pic taken after waking up from a nap, funky angle due to me having taken a nap too, and I was lying down while taking the pic.

OK I could post these all night but I'll stop myself after this one.

OH wait, one more, because you guys havent' seen him when his hair was long. We intended to keep it long b/c it was such awesome hair, but an unfortunate front-of-hair trim became a cut and no one has ever wanted to deal with him growing it out again.

His 2nd birthday.

Oh my goodness. What beautiful curls.
We love that too. You can watch it a million times and find little hints. There's actually something that they were *going to do*, but changed...originally, Colin's cheating girlfriend (seriously? cheating on Colin?) was actually going to be Alan's secretary!!! Can you even imagine? Now I don't know who the actor would have been (both are so perfect for the roles they ended up in, even though we boo and hiss Alan's secretary) but it would have been so interesting. And of course the secretary combines over to the adorable heartbroken best man, b/c they are friends b/c he owns the art gallery where they have the xmas party. Oh wait, do they show that in the movie-movie? Or is that in the deleteds?

I remember reading an idea, and LOVING the idea, that that character is sort of an "angel". Because his nonsense with the necklace saves Alan from getting the necklace earlier, which probably saves him from *giving* the necklace earlier, which keeps him from being "thanked". As it is, I'm not totally sure that he was "thanked" for the necklace, perhaps the thanks is deferred to a time that never happens, because they are pretty busy with the big recital and all. And then later, he appears magically just in time to not be able to find his boarding pass, which allows Sam (thank you) to get back there. And you'll notice the little look he gives Liam...like he did it on purpose. It's like he's an angel, just popping in when he's very needed...

Now that is an idea we never thought of! We've even watched the recital scene, how they are sitting behind Liam... We figured that maybe Emma was the friend of Joanna the elder (not Sam's beloved), but then we could NOT figure out why she would say such a relatively cold thing about no one being, you know, interested in Liam if he cried all the time...if my best friend passed away I wouldn't be joking with her boyfriend about that, you know? It wouldn't even occur to me. But if they are exes, yeah, they might think of it, so it could be! Such a good thought.

OK then I just thought about the character Colin and how hilarious he is! Oh, and the stand-ins for the movie? So many people think it's a naughty movie, but no, it can't be! First, what naughty movie has that budget for where they are filming???? And naughty movie aren't going to have an AD (Colin's friend, of course) chatting with stand-ins, they aren't checking light and color, heck, they aren't going to have stand-ins! And he was a stand-in for Brad Pitt, so he says, so he's totally mainstream....no, that movie that they are working on is a mainstream movie with a big budget...but there are so many who think, just b/c of the scenes they show, that it's naughty. And those two! How INNOCENT they are???!!!! I mean, to be so happy about a 1st date being accepted, with the backdrop of what they are doing? So cute. I'd never seen that actor until LA, then I saw Hitchhiker's Guide and it added a whole different dimension to the movie for me b/c of him.

See? Totally Mensa-smart. Seeing the bigger picture. Kinda sounds like you just need to tell her what you're going to do, maybe? This doesn't totally relate, but I remember reading trip reports from micechat's Gumball Rally, and also the thing that mouseplanet does, and groups that had a great time had the philosophy that if they made a decision, they committed totally. No questioning the line-waiting once you decide to wait in that line. So just tell her you're getting in the line, and no questioning that while waiting.

Yes, I have to be the one to say, "Look! There is Pooh! I am getting in the line." And Shawn may go and sit off by herself, but she will probably eventually get up and join me,

Oh wait, I remember! The girl-Joanna! Is she incredible or what? In the Commentary, which has Hugh, the director (who yes did Notting Hill and 4 Weddings), the kid who plays Sam, and maybe another person talking, they mention that they actually had to add tiny errors to her singing in that scene, because she is so perfect. That no one would believe a 12 year old is THAT good, so they made it less perfect.

Now remembering that when we first saw it I had my little dude in arms. Link
to picture of little dude back then. And I was projecting forward to when he's Sam's age, and his story just pulled at my heartstrings. So when she points AT him and sings all I want is you, my heart sang and I started to cry happy tears. Then when she points AWAY from him, continuing the "show", seeing his little face get all frowny b/c he doesn't understand that she's just performing, oh man oh man...cry cry cry.

Of course we'd also seen that movie before POTC2 came out, so Bill Nighy was unknown. We hadn't seen Kiera, either, *I think*. Oh no, we must have seen her in POTC...and of course we'd seen her in parts of Phantom Menace as Amidala's body double but who knew who she was THEN??? It's interesting how they all interrelate...Kiera and Bill in POTC, then seeing the guy who plays Boostrap Bill playing Bill Andersen in Mamma Mia...etc etc etc.

Why yes I DO do well in the Trivial Pursuit Entertainment questions, I do indeed! :rotfl:

What a sweet picture of E as a baby! Another movie you may want to see IF you have not already seen it is "Sliding Doors." It is not quite as charming as "Love Actually," "Notting Hill" and "Four Weddings..." but it's a very clever movie anyway. I don't only like British romantic comedies - I am also a huge fan of Sex and the City - but those four movies are really great!

I like the idea of Rowan Atkinson being an angel. When I saw him in the airport scene at the end, I was thnking he should have popped in here and there throughout the movie....I didn't know that Alan Rickman's secretary was supposed to have been Colin's girlfriend or that the one who did play the secretary was friends with the heartbroken best man - but it all doesn't surprise me, as all the stories and characters seem to be interwoven in some way. One of the saddest stories in a movie all about the different kinds of love is the one with Laura Linney and her brother, and how she will never really be able to have a real life because she has to look out for her brother....I also thought the character Colin was hilarious, and loved how he thought that his Mecca for scoring chicks was going to be Wisconsin. he didn't aim for NYC or for Los Angeles or Miami - he was determined to get to Wisconsin!! Such a great movie - even though I want to own it, I look forward to when it airs on cable around Christmas and Valentine's Day!

Hey, as long as Sherry-the-moderator is still posting in here, she's not going to let it get closed. :goodvibes:lmao::rotfl2:

Maybe I'll turn it into one of those never-ending multiple-trip continue-to-forever threads like, hmm, who has one of those...oh yeah, that's right, SHERRY has.....:laughing::3dglasses

So y'all know, I edited that last post's first part for more clarity. My brain wasn't working, in case it made no sense. Should make more sense now...in case you didn't see it after the edit.

Yeah yeah yeah...but they aren't the people with the power to shut it down:wizard:, now are they? :goodvibes

Here's what I miss. I miss my online journal at a different site. Not LJ, but another site that uses the same basic format as the Dis. I was there after weddingchannel's forums got too ridiculous, and one of the women on WC said "this is dumb, I'll start my own!" And it's still going. I miss the format of the life journal there...where you just talk about your stuff and only the length of the journal gets it closed, then you start another.

That's what I miss. And the biggest part is...even though other parts of the forum were contentious, you didn't bring it into the journals. You felt safe inside your journal, all cozy and warm. I miss that. Not that I don't feel relatively safe here (though honestly with my rep I don't really ever feel safe on the Dis, LOL, I'm just not mainstream enough and am loud about it), but still...

I had to leave it behind when some cyber-turned-reallife friends turned on me, and I was too sad to be there. Coincidentally, it was during the time that I started planning our big 2007 trip! I got really focused on the Dis, interestingly, and learning about DLR, and all the stuff over there just didn't seem important anymore. And I *hate* the format of LJ so I don't want to go back there, either...

Have I mentioned that E learned to whistle while we were in San Diego? He finally figured out that he has to move his mouth to cover the spaces created from the two teeth he had taken out at 2.5, and once he did that, he could whistle! Now he's working on different notes, thank goodness. :laughing:

No, I would never let your thread get closed - have threads been closed here for any reason other than taking a turn for the ugly (like the one I had to lock the other day - which was headed in a bad direction and no good would come of it at all!) or because it had reached its 250-page lmit? I think there is a 250-page limit. Have you seen other threads get locked? If they have been, I didn't know about it or am not sure why. I am unaware of any limits other than the page limit. But I think as long as that Snowball keeps a-rollin', this is always considered a Pre-Trip Report or a Trip Report in the making!

All this talk has caused us to watch the movie tonight. Of course I'm over here in the dining room on the computer, and I'm missing it all, so I'm signing off.

Did you watch it all the way through again? I also love the aging rock star/manager storyline. Again, it is a movie about all kinds of love, in all forms, all different relationships, so even though many of the plots are not fully fleshed out, they say so much in their brief time.
answers inside!

One of the saddest stories in a movie all about the different kinds of love is the one with Laura Linney and her brother, and how she will never really be able to have a real life because she has to look out for her brother....

Oh yes...while watching I was remembering all the things I'd forgotten to talk about. When she's there after the xmas party and he suddenly lunges for her, but she deals with it so firmly and so lovingly, oh man oh man...I have 3 brothers who don't have any problems or issues like that, but I could only HOPE that I would be so awesome to them if something happened. I have a sister too and I hope I'd be awesome to her, too (since she's the "flyer" on her cheer squad, she's actually the most likely to be injured, but I doubt that would put her on the type of ward he's on).

The other *no resolution* character (beyond Laura's "Carl" of course) is the Best Man, but you at least see him decide he's had enough of it. And of course you can't help but hope he and Laura meet again, right?

I also thought the character Colin was hilarious, and loved how he thought that his Mecca for scoring chicks was going to be Wisconsin. he didn't aim for NYC or for Los Angeles or Miami - he was determined to get to Wisconsin!!

Well he certainly did, ahem, score! We *love* that scene. We do want to know what those women do for a living, but besides that, they are SO funny. "And he's a Christian!" just cracks me up... Not sure why he didn't pick one of those original three to bring home, and another one of them for his friend...but then, I'm not a big fan of the actresses who play the two he brings home to begin with. When the second one comes through (trying to retain some mystique for those who haven't seen it, LOL) we always yell "psycho!" at the screen. Oh we're mean.

No, I would never let your thread get closed - have threads been closed here for any reason other than taking a turn for the ugly (like the one I had to lock the other day - which was headed in a bad direction and no good would come of it at all!) or because it had reached its 250-page lmit? I think there is a 250-page limit. Have you seen other threads get locked? If they have been, I didn't know about it or am not sure why. I am unaware of any limits other than the page limit.

OH sorry, my words and thoughts were jumbled...it was the other place, that I miss so much, that would close journals at a certain number of pages. And FWIW the WDW trip report section seems to be quite a bit more strict on TRs, and I've been concerned that the mods here would catch on and start...oh drat, now I've told one! ...you didn't hear thattttt, you didn't hearrrrrr thatttttttt.......

Did you watch it all the way through again? I also love the aging rock star/manager storyline. Again, it is a movie about all kinds of love, in all forms, all different relationships, so even though many of the plots are not fully fleshed out, they say so much in their brief time.

I did indeed, and I get so confused during that scene...this is one time tha tRobert has it right (he loves his manager as a dear friend and is simply expressing that), but I can't help but think "wait...IS he really in LOVE with him? I mean, he says he's the love of his life, and those are some powerful words! So I get all confused about it, which is silly because I know it's not that, but I continue to feel the wonder.

Today we went out looking at apartments. Saw two of the most opposite places, with both places being perfectly decent and not yucky/scary, that you could find. We like both. One, however, could allow us to save almost half of the rent we're paying now, which would seriously add up. The other is only 100 or so less than what we're paying now but has other benefits.

We will be seeing more more more in the next few weeks. Our main reason for moving is to get lower rent, but in reality, once Robert and I get the itch to move on...we want to move on.

Saving almost half of what we're paying right now would be so nice.......decisions decisions!


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