"24" Question


<font color=darkorchid>Really, this year there's n
Jul 6, 2000
How were the previous seasons of the TV show 24? Were the episodes as exciting as this year's? I just got into watching it about half way through this season and now it's my favorite show.

This is the third year it's been on, yes? Does anyone know if the first two seasons is available on video? I'd love to rent it and see what I missed.

BTW, The SciFi channel showed a couple of this year's episodes on Sunday. We watched them both!

I know at least the first season is on DVD as my son has been going through them. I think each Blockbuster rental contains maybe 4 or 6 episodes.
The first season was pretty darn good, the second season was alternately better or worse, depending on the episode. To the casual observer, this season was probably just as good. But as someone who never missed a single show (me), it didn't quite measure up. I think that once you've seen something enough times, it tends to be less unique and exciting. Still, I never missed it and won't miss a single thing in season 4!

I think season 1 is the only one out on DVD.
I agree with treesinger. Season 1 was better but 2 was good as well. Both 1 & 2 are out on DVD.
Originally posted by iluvdisney
I missed the last episode of season 3 - did anything dramatic happen?

Go here:

and click on Episode Guide. It will give you the minute by minute information on what happened in the last episode.



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