22 yr old Disers???


Jul 4, 2008
Hey guys, I normally don't do these kinda things but I love it on here and I love Disney! So I was just wondering, are there any 22 yr olds (or around 22) guys on here?? I'm just curious...just wanted to see if there is anyone out there who loves Disney just like me who is around my age..haha!:goodvibes
Hey goofygirl0415! I'm 22, too, just graduated from college and about to start med school...but you know what, I still love Disney! My mom, sister (18) and I are going together this summer and cannot wait!! We've gotten some weird looks from people when we say we're going (like we're too old) but I think it's a really fun vacation b/c it's a chance just to have fun with your family. Go WDW! hehe :wizard:
Ahh...I just realized you were looking for 22-year-old guys. We'll I'm not a guy so sorry about that (kinda embarressing). I just got too excited for WDW. Anyways good luck with your search. lol
Girls are fine too! I actually would love to just meet some new people! Thats awesome you are going to med school! I just graduated in August from X-ray school and I work in a big level 1 trauma center hospital in my area doing xray in the OR. I am actually probably going to go back to school in about a year for either PA or nursing! Nice to hear from you!! Good luck!

Im actually going to Disney in Sept. with just my mom and I. We have gone the past 3 yrs just the two of us. It is so much more fun to go with just girls and not have to worry about my older brothers complaining! Have fun!!:goodvibes
Hey! I know exactly what you mean about older brothers...my mom, sis and I don't bring him along any more! (also, he doesn't exactly want to come with us haha).

It's so interesting your in the healthcare world, too! Good luck with your decision on school- PA and nursing are great careers. My friend just graduated from PA school and is loving it. She says that they do the same thing as the docs almost.

Take care!
hey there.

im a 22 year old guy from the NEPA area. I am a senior in college, graduating in may, and moving to the DC area. im a big fan of disney, haven't been there since 2001 though. Just starting to get into posting on dis. definetely nice to meet someone around the age group on here. itd be fun to talk if you want.
Hey! So where in PA are you from? I live about an hour north of Harrisburg in a small little town. Congrats on graduating this year. Thats awesome you have a job lined up too...I know how hard it can be right now to find one! Yeah I love Disney. I have gone a couple times with my whole family when we were younger and now my mom and I just make it a tradition to go, we have gone the last 3 years. Well maybe we can chat some more later!
im from a small town outside of Wilkes Barre. im excited i was able to get a job not too far away from home. i looked a lot around the Philly area, but I am more and more excited for DC. I'm planning on making my return to Disney soon. The last time I was there was when my sister played in the jazz band at Disney, and afterwards my parents had had enough of disney, so that was the end of our trips. Once I get some money in the bank, it'll be a priority. Are you getting excited for your trip?
Yeah thats the thing, it can be expensive to go to Disney every year. I am actually paying for this trip though. Since I have a full time job now I figured I could pay for it! I am getting super excited! I have been counting down the days since before we booked!
ill be 22 in may :) went to DL for the first time over this past spring break and went to WDW for the 4th christmas 2008 :cutie:
I'll be 22 for the second time in may.... does that count?
my fiance and i are both 22 years old and we'll be going to wdw on may 20th! :) it'll be my third trip to the world and his first, so we're both pretty excited.
I thought I was a youngin' on these boards...

but I'm also 26... :cheer2:

It is nice to find young adults who are psyched about heading to Disney, though! :thumbsup2
Hi! I'm not 22 or a guy, but I AM 26 and a girl lol :-)goodvibes: to the single guys). holla lol
I just turned 24...hey to all the other 20-something DISers, guy or girl! :wave2:
Hey goofygirl, I am a 22 year old guy from the Jersey Shore. Thats so cool that you are a X Ray nurse, its not very often you see a 22 year old in radiology, let alone a high level trauma center. I am actually working towards my MBA degree from Seton Hall Univ. (Go Pirates) and planning my next trip to WDW for May. It's good to finally meet or speak to another dis'er my age. Hope to talk to ya soon.
23 here, 24 in july. never considered going solo, but now that I am newly single and craving disney, it might be a reality!


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