2017 WDW Marathon - a 5150 idea??

Following! Excited that you have the journal to follow along, but sad to hear about your puppy. Sending virtual hugs your way.

I always seem to not like running as much during the hot/humid weather and then suddenly I like running a ton more when things get a little more pleasant outside. Hoping that happens for you too!
I don't have any advice, but I just want to let you know that I know how you feel. This is something that I have been struggling with as well, and it's crappy.

With me, I was way too fixated on my pace, getting faster, wondering why I was (in my mind) not improving, etc. I think what it has come down to for me is that running is a way for me to get exercise, and I love doing Disney races...but I don't love feeling pressure to hit certain paces in workouts, or running races for PRs anymore. Coming to that realization, and telling myself that it is okay to feel that way, has made me enjoy running a LOT more.

I really hope things get better for you. :hug:

Thanks so much for commenting! Your words pretty much summed up how I am feeling. I just need to convince myself that it is okay to feel that way too. I am bad about putting pressure on myself in all areas of my life and feel like running should be something to use to de-stress and reduce some of that pressure. Right now I just aint feeling it! Sigh.
Following! Excited that you have the journal to follow along, but sad to hear about your puppy. Sending virtual hugs your way.

I always seem to not like running as much during the hot/humid weather and then suddenly I like running a ton more when things get a little more pleasant outside. Hoping that happens for you too!

Thanks for the hugs! I'm pretty much a big mess right now and will take all the hugs!

I think the hot/humid weather does play a big part in my feelings right now. It is forcing me to use my TM, which I hate! And it's difficult to make myself do something I hate. Hopefully this summer heat turns to lovely, cool fall weather soon!
Thanks so much for commenting! Your words pretty much summed up how I am feeling. I just need to convince myself that it is okay to feel that way too. I am bad about putting pressure on myself in all areas of my life and feel like running should be something to use to de-stress and reduce some of that pressure. Right now I just aint feeling it! Sigh.
Yeah, I'm the same with putting pressure on myself. And if running is normally your de-stressor and it's not doing that for you anymore, I can totally see how that is frustrating (again, that was/sometimes is happening with me as well). It sucks!
Thanks everyone! I'm hoping it gets a little easier every day.

Today is a scheduled rest day and my legs are very happy about that. I don't have any injuries but my upper thighs are very sore today. I'm sure it is from not being used to running without the walk breaks. I'm feeling so down about running and just life in general right now. Running isn't fun anymore. I need to really think about my priorities about why I am doing this and try to figure out what is best for me.

I think a lot of us have been in that place where running stops being fun. It usually hits me toward the middle of a long training season (like right now) and that is often in the heat of the summer and you just feel zapped. I was running this Saturday in brutal heat and having a really hard time and found myself beating myself up and just really questioning why I was doing this. So, I definitely feel your pain on that. I think like @Ariel484 said, the biggest thing that helps me is to just give myself permission to LET UP and give myself a break. Ya know, I'm not going to be winning any races. I'm doing this to feel better and have fun and most of my dissatisfaction comes from setting these arbitrary goals and then getting upset with myself when I don't reach them. It's really silly of me, but doesn't usually stop me from doing it. :) BUT, I'm trying to be better about that. This morning I was out running with my husband and another friend and it was hot and miserable and we were all talking about how much we were NOT enjoying this run. My friend reminded us that there's only about 2% of the population that is getting up and doing something like this and that just being out there and doing it was a BIG accomplishment that put us well ahead of many other people. That helped me to put into perspective my negativity about the run. It may not have been pretty and it may not have been fun, but I did it anyway and once it was done, I felt good about what I'd done. Anyway, blah blah blah - just wanted you to know I understand where you are coming from and wanted to say, be proud of what you are doing and nobody is going to be as harsh a judge of what you do than you are yourself - so give yourself a break and appreciate what you are accomplishing. :hug:
just wanted you to know I understand where you are coming from and wanted to say, be proud of what you are doing and nobody is going to be as harsh a judge of what you do than you are yourself - so give yourself a break and appreciate what you are accomplishing.

Thanks for that! I need to try and do that more, for sure! :)
After much internal debate, I have decided to switch my marathon training plan back to JG, with walk intervals. I had success using it for my half marathons. His plans call for Tue/Thur short runs with longer runs on Saturday. I have been running Tue/Wed/Thur for the past few weeks and feel like it is something I can keep doing, so I am going to do 3 miles each of those days, then whatever the plan calls for on Saturdays. I had thought about doing 4 miles each of those days but after my run last night I decided to cut it back to 3.

Last night's run I did 3 miles on the TM, 3:00 min at 3.8 mph then 1:00 at 3.3 mph. This was an easy run. I know I can increase my pace now, thanks to @DopeyBadger, but for this first run I wanted to make it something I wouldn't hate since I have been so down on running lately. And it worked! I felt really good while running and afterwards. My back is always a bit sore after running on the TM so I stretched a little bit afterwards, then grabbed a drink and sat outside with Poppy, a dog we rescued from my work last summer. He has been missing his buddy Hunter and I have been trying to give him lots of extra attention. Sitting outside for a few minutes made going back into the air conditioned house feel AWESOME! :)

Tonight my plan is to run another 3 miles on the TM. I've mentioned it on other threads but since I haven't put it in here yet, I don't run outside during the week due to 1. The HEAT/HUMIDITY! by the time I get off work it is 95+ usually with a heat index of over 100 (some days 110!) and 2. I don't run the streets around my house due to no shoulder, speedy cars, hills, wildlife, etc. I live in the country and too far to drive somewhere and run then drive back and shower before I would have to leave for work. So weekday runs in hot weather are all on the TM in the evenings. In the spring/fall/winter I can take my running stuff and run the streets at work after I get off, then drive home and shower. For my long runs, usually DH and I drive to a nearby state park and I run while he rides his bike with me. He will occasionally run but he has given it up for the summer. He works outside in the heat/humidity all week and has no desire to push himself on the weekends too. I run slow enough that it is an easy bike ride for him to keep even with me. :)

DH has offered to put a track around our property and I may take him up on it in the future, but right now I think I need to stick to flat surfaces to avoid injury. I have never done a trail run and that is basically what it would be. I think it is a good plan for the future though as the 3 acres around our house are pretty flat and mostly grassy.
Glad to hear the run last night went well and that you feel good about it. I'm also glad you are going to give yourself an opportunity to have some easy runs that are just enjoyable so you can get over the frustrations you've been having. Smart move!
Definitely a good idea to switch to a training plan that you think will work better for you, and in a format that has been successful for you in the past! :) And yay for hanging out with Poppy!
Glad to hear the run last night went well and that you feel good about it. I'm also glad you are going to give yourself an opportunity to have some easy runs that are just enjoyable so you can get over the frustrations you've been having. Smart move!

Thanks! Yeah, I thought I would wait a week before upping my speed on the TM. Plus I can always dial it back if it is too much. And was happy to see that the long run this week is a 3 mile run as there is a night time 5k this Saturday that I have been thinking about doing. And thanks! I like feeling smart. :)

Definitely a good idea to switch to a training plan that you think will work better for you, and in a format that has been successful for you in the past! :) And yay for hanging out with Poppy!

Yes, I am hopeful that things will just keep looking up on the running front! :) And Poppy is such a silly dog. He is totally allowed in the house but he won't come in any further than the kitchen. We put a doggie door into our backyard through the kitchen door and he hangs out in the kitchen or outside. I wish we could figure out how to get him into the rest of the house. He was abused and is very skittish so we can't pick him up (plus he is a lug, lol!). He has to be drugged to take him to the vet for shots.
Yes, I am hopeful that things will just keep looking up on the running front! :) And Poppy is such a silly dog. He is totally allowed in the house but he won't come in any further than the kitchen. We put a doggie door into our backyard through the kitchen door and he hangs out in the kitchen or outside. I wish we could figure out how to get him into the rest of the house. He was abused and is very skittish so we can't pick him up (plus he is a lug, lol!). He has to be drugged to take him to the vet for shots.
I'm sure running will get better! :)

Re: rescue dogs...our monster pup is a puppy mill rescue - I don't know for sure that he was abused, but I gather that he did not have the best start to life (we got him when he was 6 months old). When we first got him, we couldn't take him on walks...he didn't want to go beyond the driveway. He'd run away from us when we went to pet him. He'd work himself up on car rides and end up getting car sick. We've had him for a little over 6 years and he's a completely different dog - he's MUCH better in the car, he loves to go on walks and he loves snuggling with us - he's turned into a lap dog. He still doesn't like strangers very much and runs away if other people try to pet him, but he does have a few neighbors that he recognizes and likes. It definitely took time to get to this point. Hopefully Poppy just needs some time, too. :)
I'm sure running will get better! :)

Re: rescue dogs...our monster pup is a puppy mill rescue - I don't know for sure that he was abused, but I gather that he did not have the best start to life (we got him when he was 6 months old). When we first got him, we couldn't take him on walks...he didn't want to go beyond the driveway. He'd run away from us when we went to pet him. He'd work himself up on car rides and end up getting car sick. We've had him for a little over 6 years and he's a completely different dog - he's MUCH better in the car, he loves to go on walks and he loves snuggling with us - he's turned into a lap dog. He still doesn't like strangers very much and runs away if other people try to pet him, but he does have a few neighbors that he recognizes and likes. It definitely took time to get to this point. Hopefully Poppy just needs some time, too. :)

Yay for rescue dogs! :) Your monster pup is so cute! Poppy will never be a lap dog, he is a hound mix, about the size of a golden retriever. If we try to put a leash on him he thrashes around so much we are afraid he will break his neck! But he does get better all the time. Just this past week since Hunter died, he has let us pet him and hug him way more than we have ever been able too. :)
Last night's run started a little late, as I was watching a SF Giants game that I had DVR'd while I was at work. One thing after another made me keep pausing it, so we finally got done with it about 8:30. After changing clothes and getting all my stuff together (water, wireless headphones, etc.) I didn't get started running until about 8:45. I ended up running a little less than 3 miles. I think. I was doing intervals so I had the display set to show the elapsed time and after 45 minutes I accidentally reset it while getting a drink of water. :( At that point I just said enough and stopped running. I'm sure it was close to 3 miles as I was running 3/1 intervals at 4.8/3.3 mph. I really didn't (and still don't!) feel like doing the math to see exactly how far I ran! But it went very well. :)

In other news, I think I have talked DH into a 5k this Saturday night. It is called the Dam Night Run and is all flat and downhill. My scheduled long run this weekend is 3 miles so this would work out well. They have a band and ice cold watermelon at the finish. And I told him if we did the race he wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to ride his bike while I run Saturday morning. I think that is what won him over. :)
My run last night felt great! Maybe because I was listening to a new (to me)podcast, the time just flew by. Felt great when I got done, 3 miles in 44:00 on the TM. I did 1:30/:30 intervals to try something new and I really liked them. Time wise, it should be the same as 3:00/1:00 but it felt better?? Idk, but I liked it.

DH and I are running the 5k tomorrow night. I know this because I shelled out the money and registered us today. Funny that he is willing to pay $55 just to sleep in. :)

In other non-running (or slightly running related) related news, 6PM had a sale on the Croc slides I wear as recovery sandals. I think they were $17.99? I paid $21.95 with shipping which is really good for them. Here is a pic I am stealing from their website:

They are very comfy. The pair I have now has started squeaking in the right heel and it's embarrassing walking the halls at work. Yes, I wear them to work - I basically wear them everywhere. They are awesome Disney shoes too. :)
Well, I had yet another race cancelled due to lightning. :( DH was actually disappointed too. We sat in our truck at the start area while they sat out some storms, waiting till 7:00 pm to make a decision. It is a 5k where they bus everybody up to the top of a hill and we run down. So they couldn't just bus people up there and leave them in the lightning/rain. At 7:00 it actually got worse so they made the decision to cancel. Of course, at race time the weather was perfect. :/ And I had plans all day yesterday, so I will be running 3.1 miles tonight instead.
Last night's training run on the treadmill didn't happen. :( DH went into our bedroom to "lay down" after dinner and didn't get up until this morning. I guess he was really tired??:confused3 But the treadmill is in our room and I didn't want to wake him up so, no run. I brought my running stuff to work with me today and I will be running on the treadmill in our wellness center when I get off. I figure that way I won't go home and make excuses not to get my run in. The main thing I am dreading is once I finish my run I have to leave the extremely cold wellness center and drive home in the "96/feels like 108" heat with no air conditioner! :crazy2: "As the crow flies" I live about 1-2 miles from work. But it's across a lake and a dam, so I actually have to drive 10 miles/15-20 minutes on back roads around the lake to get to my house.

My new Croc's came and they were the wrong style. But 6pm.com has a horrible return process so I am just keeping them. They are a little tight. I probably would have gone up a size if I realized I wasn't getting the same style I already have. It is completely my fault. I should have gone into my last order of them on Amazon and checked the style name, instead of just relying in the picture. They will be fine for work but definitely not for recovery sandals. I told DH I am getting Oofos as soon as I have some spare money! :rotfl2:Seriously though, I am hoping for a promotion and a huge raise in the next few weeks! My boss promoted and she would have just hired me for her position but they completely restructured our departments and I don't work for her anymore. I now work for a department in Little Rock, even though I am not in Little Rock. I live/work about an hour away in a little town. But it's the state so I am sure they know what they are doing. :rotfl:ANYWAY, now I had to apply and will have to go to Little Rock to interview with people I don't know. But since I am already doing the job, I'm hoping I am the most qualified person they interview. So if ya'll would say a little prayer for me to get the job (or just to not be nervous in my interview!), I would greatly appreciate it! They are taking applications thru 8/7, then I am hoping they set up interviews for the week of 8/15.
I figure that way I won't go home and make excuses not to get my run in.
YES! This is like 90% of the reason why I do my runs in the morning before work. There's no way I'd work up the motivation to get them done once I get home later in the day!

That's crappy about your Crocs - I think Zulily has deal on Ooofos from time to time, so maybe that is something for you to watch for?

Fingers crossed for you for your interview!! :yay:


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