2012? No Problem...but when?

Latest on trip planning...I have ordered the party tickets and they should be her next week. The only person joining us will be the Grand Princess! I can't wait to start planning that!

Now, back to work!

You would think that turning off the automatic updates on your computer would be enough to have random restarts...but no. Once again, my computer restarted instead of posting... As I saw that it was attempting to restart I tried to copy the post, but no luck.


Let's talk about ONE of my obsessions today...Packing.

First, I make a master list. Then I make a list for each member of the family. I pull the luggage out at LEAST 6 weeks before we leave. I think this trip it might have been at the 2 month mark. The luggage gets a thorough cleaning and a fresh fabric softener sheet (It gets the same cleaning and sheet when it is packed away...but I have this thing about spiders...)

Each person's list goes in their appropriate bag, and the bags are set out on the dining room table (affectionately known as Packing Central!) Since I make new shirts each trip, these shirts are packed once they are finished. And amazingly I finished ahead of schedule this year on that! Of course I now believe that mine are not going to be fitting me!

I am also compulsive about a few other things, so I purchase new socks and underwear for each trip. These are also put into the bags once they come into the house.

At about the same time I get the luggage out, I start purchasing new short and/or jeans each payday. These go directly into the appropriate bag.

I have several Disney boxes that are brought into Packing Central. One is for items we need for the room, things for the park, things for breakfast, things for the car...that sort of thing. Each of these boxes get a good inventory and shopping lists are made. As I purchase the new item, the old item is taken out and replaced.

Do you see a pattern here?

My goal is to NOT have to worry about getting that last load of laundry done before we leave. If all goes according to plan, no matter what is forgotten in that last minute rush we can do without.

Usually the day before we leave, each piece of luggage is inventoried once more and if all is right, it moves to the Staging Area ... ready for loading.

This is where the change happened this year. I am getting the house ready for Christmas. I will have only 10 days to get my house ready for after we get back. That means a lot of moving furniture, a lot of cleaning...a lot of work! LOL

This past weekend I moved (and cleaned) my desk so there was room for our ginormous tree. (which the florist will have waiting for us when we get back!). I now have a big blank spot in my living room...so I decided that could become the staging area!

All of the Disney boxes are now in the staging area! I am starting to get my dining room back!

Now in case you noticed, I did not ever get around to working on my last minute projects.

As I started down, I remembered I needed to start the chili in the crock pot. While I was doing that I realized I had neglected my kitchen terribly! So I started straightening the kitchen as I was working...then I started doing a mental tick list of things I needed to get done for Christmas, then I started thinking about the menu. I remembered a couple of items I wanted to try and went to the desk to look for a pen...then I realized the computer was on, and I needed to update some people about how Miss Mia's doctor appointment went...then I sat down to write the update on FB...then had to run to make sure the chili was ready to start... by this time a couple hours had passed, and Husband was home from work! (he works nights!)

So of course I have to make him breakfast, where we discuss some Disney stuff..and somehow that transferred to me checking out the luggage and starting the move to the staging area. Husband took the van to get the oil change, and by the time he got back it was time for me to get lunch done...of course, THAT means it is almost time to go get Mr D from school!

So basically I got nothing finished yesterday! But I did get a lot of stuff started!

So now I will give you the update on Miss Mia.

She had her doctor appointment on Tuesday. They are very lucky that the pediatrician they use is also in practice with a pediatric GI, who is on staff at the Children's hospital they took Miss Mia to last week. He had already reviewed Miss Mia's tests, and after a quick visit was able to rule out anything serious! He did have a name for it...but I can not remember...and could not find it on a computer/internet search! But basically, her intestines are a wee bit small. (more than likely because she was early) Since she was nursed there was no way to realize this until she started solid food. Once she started solid food the process of stretching all her insides started. This is a slow process that can cause a lack of poop, because it has to get full before it will create the sensation of needing to empty. This sensation was new to her and she did not like it!

Anyway...she is on a modified solid food schedule now. She is to increase the time of nursing and decrease the frequency. She currently likes to have a gazillion small snacks instead of large meals! This should help to stretch her insides! After they get that accomplished they will start to reintroduce solid foods.

The first week they will give only one tablespoon of food a day, then after a week try a different food, still only one tablespoon a day for another week. And continue this each week. After the first of the year she will have some more tests done to continue to rule out any problems. Once that test comes back with no problems, then we know that there is nothing to worry about!

Miss Mia also has learned to roll over (which she did for a video but then decided there was no more need to bother with it!), she can now sit (which she LOVES!) and can say Mama, Dada and BaBa...as well as her Nigh Nigh. You would think that Baba was for bottle...except she does not use one...that is actually for Baby...that is what her Daddy calls her! And Nigh Nigh is not for Night night...it is for she wants to be nursed!

She also understand several signs...she does not sign then, but she grabs your hands if she wants what you are signing!

OK...enough of a ramble...I need to get the kids up for school. I have already managed to waste an hour!

I love hearing about your packing madness... I do a lot of the same things you do.

Everyone gets new socks/underwear... I wash them right away and pack them in ziplocs.

We don't get all new clothes - but there is usually a good assortment of new stuff... Usually a few new shirts. This last trip - I think all of my tank tops were new, I had been purchasing them through out the spring/summer and by the time our trip came - I realized I had quite the stack. But that's not normal.

I stage everything on the ottoman in our bedroom, then about a week or two out - I start dividing it up... Each of us works off of the same list. Last time- I had a bag of supplies for each of the girls to save room for in their own luggage (hairspray/sunscreen n' such). But otherwise - they are old enough to pack their own stuff, they did pretty good this time.

I usually don't bring it downstairs until the day before we leave.

I am getting very excited for you - your trip is coming so fast! But I am so proud of you that you have everything done early! That is awesome!

I am relieved that Miss Mia is OK... It's so sad that she has been is so much pain, but I am relieved that it's nothing serious. Hopefully her insides stretch soon and she can enjoy being a happy baby. :)

I hope you manage to accomplish something today. LOL

i love reading about others packing. Lately mine has been big piles and the mad rush the day before. I need to get more organized.
You are a packing machine!! I haven't even started my packing lists yet. Seems like everytime I go to start my list something else takes precedent.

So glad to hear Mia is OK. Will keep praying that things continue that way!
Thank you for saying such nice things about the bags I make, it's so nice of you Nini. :lovestruk

I am sooooo happy you get to go to MVMCP!!! How exciting!!!! Yay for securing that lunch ADR!

I can't believe your trip is soooo close!


I am so ready to go! We have a CD (well it is on iTunes actually) of the Disney park songs...not the one you had but another one.. we listen to it every day in the car. Mr d likes to try and guess what the attraction is and where it is. He is really pretty good at it...I am convinced if they put advanced calculus in a song he could learn it! I have to put it on shuffle now because he knows what is coming next before it starts!

yeah that is awesome about the Christmas Party aDR that is awesome.

I have spent a good many hours working on a plan for the party. Somehow the one I did last year is missing 3 of the 4 pages! LOL.

I love hearing about your packing madness... I do a lot of the same things you do.

Everyone gets new socks/underwear... I wash them right away and pack them in ziplocs.

We don't get all new clothes - but there is usually a good assortment of new stuff... Usually a few new shirts. This last trip - I think all of my tank tops were new, I had been purchasing them through out the spring/summer and by the time our trip came - I realized I had quite the stack. But that's not normal.

I stage everything on the ottoman in our bedroom, then about a week or two out - I start dividing it up... Each of us works off of the same list. Last time- I had a bag of supplies for each of the girls to save room for in their own luggage (hairspray/sunscreen n' such). But otherwise - they are old enough to pack their own stuff, they did pretty good this time.

I usually don't bring it downstairs until the day before we leave.

I am getting very excited for you - your trip is coming so fast! But I am so proud of you that you have everything done early! That is awesome!

I am relieved that Miss Mia is OK... It's so sad that she has been is so much pain, but I am relieved that it's nothing serious. Hopefully her insides stretch soon and she can enjoy being a happy baby. :)

I hope you manage to accomplish something today. LOL


Don't forget...I was a military wife for 20 years...when you move around as much as we did you learn how to be effective in your packing! LOL!

i love reading about others packing. Lately mine has been big piles and the mad rush the day before. I need to get more organized.

When we were between kids (meaning my older ones were in college and we didn't have the younger ones full time) We traveled every other weekend. Beach, mountains, somewhere. I kept our luggage always packed and ready. I would leave work at noon on Friday and we would be on the road by 2. (it was an hour and a half drive home) I had one bag packed for the beach and one bag packed for the mountains. I had another bag with stuff for someplace else. I would call my husband, confirm where we were heading and tell him which bag to put in the car.

When we came home I washed and repacked. My older boys were boy scouts...Always prepared! LOL!

You are a packing machine!! I haven't even started my packing lists yet. Seems like everytime I go to start my list something else takes precedent.

So glad to hear Mia is OK. Will keep praying that things continue that way!

Don't you just hate it when life gets in the way!

We are all pretty happy about Miss Mia...and she gets to come and spend part of the day with me on Saturday...of course she is bringing her mommy and daddy along..but that is ok!

Today I had an interesting thing with my internet. To those who are friends with me on FB...sorry for the repeat!

We have had out current setup with Dish, phone and internet for a little over 4 years. About a year into it we had to get our number changed and made unlisted. It seems some inmate got a hold of our number and was using it to place expensive calls. We were not sure if it was from my younger two kids bio dad (who was in prison)or from someone who my husband had locked up (he is a police officer).

We got a court order to have it done.

So we have had this number for 3 years. Right about the time we got it we started having strange calls. They were generally bill collectors looking for some one named Maurice. They used a variety of different last names, but always the same first name. It was strange, but what could you do? We had it checked and this was a brand new number ...it had never been given to anyone before.

We never were able to get it to stop... so we now use that line for the fax.

Today, my internet went out. It does this a lot. I usually just turn off the computer and go do something else and come back in an hour or so and it works fine. At first I thought it was a modem problem, but my IT guy, my son in law, thought it may be my router that was the problem. A few weeks back we finally got the new router...and it was better. Not great, but better.

Today, after 2 hours we still did not have internet. I finally called Windstream... well it seems there were three names associated with our account...one was Britain something...and the other one disappeared as I was talking to the tech. She deleted the Britain...but the internet was still having problems. As we were talking she asked me who Maurice was...I told her I had no idea. she put me on hold.

A long while later, she came back and said her supervisor had successfully deleted the Maurice character. And he was blocked, and they had put a flag on our account.

We can not be sure, but the theory is that our account was cloned.

So now, my internet is blazing fast! And Mr Maurice is on his own!

Oh wow Nini!!! That is CRay-zeee!!! I am so glad it was figured out, but Mr. Maurice better find his own phone/internet.

FWIW... Our home phone is hooked to our fax machine too. ;) I sometimes chuckle when it rings during the day - you know that solicitor has the nice beeping his their ears... Although, now-a-days, it's almost always computer generated. :/

so glad your internet is blazing fast now.

I think my goal this weekend is to hang up the customs from the last trip.
Oh wow Nini!!! That is CRay-zeee!!! I am so glad it was figured out, but Mr. Maurice better find his own phone/internet.

FWIW... Our home phone is hooked to our fax machine too. ;) I sometimes chuckle when it rings during the day - you know that solicitor has the nice beeping his their ears... Although, now-a-days, it's almost always computer generated. :/



Of course, now the internet is not as fast as it was (but faster than previously) I will have my IT guy, AKA son in law and daddy to Miss Mia, look at it this afternoon when he comes over to watch the game.

On the trip front...grrrr....I had planned on making a quick runt o Joann's yesterday. I need only a couple of items to be able to finish off the rest of my projects for Disney as well as a couple of Christmas projects. I finished all three of the ear bud cases... using fabric from our bags (or at lest matching our bags.) They were very quick and easy. It is funny, I HATE to put zipper in things...but I love to use zippers for in the hoop projects! But if I keep making zippered in the hoop things I have to start purchasing my zippers in bulk! I used scraps for every thing I made the other day, but spent almost $2 per zipper at Walmart!

Anyway, back to yesterday... I got up at 4 ish...like normal. I was surprised to see Mr D sitting on the love seat while Daddy was on the sofa and they were watching cartoons on Netflix!

Seems that Mr D started getting sick about 2 am and decided to sit in the living room while Dad was washing his sheets. While I am very glad that dad took the night shift, I knew that taking the day shift was going to put a halt in my shopping trip. Husband and I had decided that I would also take a detour (since I had to go to Snellville anyway) and pick up a few Christmas presents. He had even filled up my van in gas because I HATE to spend money on gas!

So, yesterday was spent sitting on the sofa watching Netflix (until my eyes bugged out and I went to the bedroom to watch something there!)

At least his school is being really good with this. I sent an email to his teacher, she responded with there were two kids that went home the day before sick and they had cleaned the classroom with bleach that night. Tow more kids were out yesterday, and they sent the other two students home (one is a medically fragile child) so that they could give the room another thorough cleaning.

Then she sent another note to me at lunch time and another after school checking to see how Mr D was. THAT is the way teachers should be in special ed! Anyway...he was mad at me for making him stay home and is fine now...a very uneventful night...so hoping no one else gets sick in the next 13 days!

Today Miss Mia and her family comes over to watch the football game and cook hot dogs on the grill (?). And a short note about Miss Mia...she is definitely saying Mama now. She used to cry when she woke up in the middle of the night..now she just lays there calling "Mama...mama...MAMA!" Of course, Mama likes to sit and watch the baby monitor while she is doing that...I told her to enjoy it...it will get OLD very quickly!

Then, tomorrow is church and then Monday is a free day...Tuesday is Therapy day, Wednesday is hair day, Thursday is ...well I don't have my calendar handy but there is something happening on Thursday...Friday is Special Olympics bowling day and the last day of school before Thanksgiving!

So, I have a busy week coming up. Just the way I like it! LOl

OH no! Glad Mr. D is feeling better - let's pray that no one else gets sick before the trip!

I am very curious about these "in the hoop" projects??? I've never paid much attention to them, becuase I have never had a hoop before. I will need to do some research.

LOL about little Mia... She is so cute! All these little girl babies around here - I hate to say that it give me the "itch"... Did I just say that out loud?

I hope you are able to get everything done that you need to do today! And hopefully Mr. D stays better.

I have to read more about in the hoop projects to. I generally just glance over them. I do have some free standing lace ornaments I want to get done.

Glad to hear Mr. D is feeling better. Stomach bugs are not fun.
I casually went over to check the dining situation...and there was a Tony's available for lunch on the 3rd! I get to go to the Christmas Party!!!

:Santa: So excited that you were able to get an ADR for Tony's and that your tickets for the Christmas party are on way to your house.

Let's talk about ONE of my obsessions today...Packing.

Love hearing about your packing strategy. It does sound like a military operation. I had to go out of town a few days before our trip and I hadn't really started my packing yet (we still needed most of the clothes we would be bringing on our trip) but I was grateful that I had my lists and all of the shirts for our trip already finished. After we got back I finally followed your advice and got a "Disney Box". I had been keeping all of our Disney travel stuff in my closet but it wasn't very organized. The only problem is I think my box is too small!

I am so glad to hear that Mia is doing better and that the doctors know what is making her uncomfortable. It sounds like they have a great plan to get her on track. How fun that she can roll over (if she wants), sit up and "talk".

Your internet story is very odd. Who would have thought that was possible and that was most likely the reason for all your internet issues. I hope everything is finally resolved on that front.

Glad Mr. D is feeling better.

Your trip is getting so close and with your busy schedule your days will fly by. :cool1: I know you will have a FABULOUS time and the Christmas events and decorations will be amazing.

I do enjoy a good ITH project but sometimes when I finish I think I could have done that faster on my regular machine. Although it does usually require less thinking on my part which is always a good thing. LOL. I did buy a bunch of zippers from "zip-it" on etsy about a year ago and still have a stash. You can customize your order and mix and match the colors you want. I bought a bunch of white and black and then did a mixed that included a bunch of beige zippers. I bought the 12" size because for the ITH projects you can use what ever size you have.
OH no! Glad Mr. D is feeling better - let's pray that no one else gets sick before the trip!

I am very curious about these "in the hoop" projects??? I've never paid much attention to them, becuase I have never had a hoop before. I will need to do some research.

LOL about little Mia... She is so cute! All these little girl babies around here - I hate to say that it give me the "itch"... Did I just say that out loud?

I hope you are able to get everything done that you need to do today! And hopefully Mr. D stays better.


Yup Mr D is feeling GREAT! He got up at 5 am so he could make sure he had time to take a bath before school! (and for those who know Mr D this is a BIG DEAL! We have spent 8 years working on personal hygiene...and part of it is his being a boy and part is the brain injury...but he is no closer to being able to do it himself than he was after the accident!)

Of course, last night, Miss B started it!

I guess my errands for this morning are not going to be getting done either... which is why I am so far ahead of the game! There is ALWAYS something that keeps me from getting my last minute stuff done. At least the only things left that HAS to be done before the trip is to make my pillowcase and to get my hair done...I can whip up a pillowcase in less than an hour and can always do my own hair if I run out of time!

I have to read more about in the hoop projects to. I generally just glance over them. I do have some free standing lace ornaments I want to get done.

Glad to hear Mr. D is feeling better. Stomach bugs are not fun.

Yes...see above...

In the Hoop projects are a BLAST! My favorite part is the fact that I don't have to worry about my zippers! They are 99.99% perfect with the in the hoop method.

:Santa: So excited that you were able to get an ADR for Tony's and that your tickets for the Christmas party are on way to your house.

Love hearing about your packing strategy. It does sound like a military operation. I had to go out of town a few days before our trip and I hadn't really started my packing yet (we still needed most of the clothes we would be bringing on our trip) but I was grateful that I had my lists and all of the shirts for our trip already finished. After we got back I finally followed your advice and got a "Disney Box". I had been keeping all of our Disney travel stuff in my closet but it wasn't very organized. The only problem is I think my box is too small!

I am so glad to hear that Mia is doing better and that the doctors know what is making her uncomfortable. It sounds like they have a great plan to get her on track. How fun that she can roll over (if she wants), sit up and "talk".

Your internet story is very odd. Who would have thought that was possible and that was most likely the reason for all your internet issues. I hope everything is finally resolved on that front.

Glad Mr. D is feeling better.

Your trip is getting so close and with your busy schedule your days will fly by. :cool1: I know you will have a FABULOUS time and the Christmas events and decorations will be amazing.

I do enjoy a good ITH project but sometimes when I finish I think I could have done that faster on my regular machine. Although it does usually require less thinking on my part which is always a good thing. LOL. I did buy a bunch of zippers from "zip-it" on etsy about a year ago and still have a stash. You can customize your order and mix and match the colors you want. I bought a bunch of white and black and then did a mixed that included a bunch of beige zippers. I bought the 12" size because for the ITH projects you can use what ever size you have.

LOL... I actually have an order pending with Zip-it! My biggest problem is I hate to waste all that zipper... cutting off the excess just seems so ...wrong! LOL I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger...

I have to say...having that Disney Box has made things so ooo ooo much easier!

My son in law looked at my computer again on Saturday and said I really need a new modem. While the clone is no longer there....he said he could see evidence that it was there. I never knew before then that you could clone a house phone or internet connection...I thought you could only do it with a cell phone...so I guess that was my new thing to learn that day!


My computer just decided it did not like what I had written about the coyotes...so I will now retype it for your viewing pleasure!

There is a new subdivision that was built next to a nature preserve. Suddenly, the people who live there are complaining about the coyotes invading their neighborhood! Seriously? THIS is what the local news stations lead with this morning?

The coyotes did not 'just' move into the area. It was their home long before the builders decided it would make nice wooded home lots!

When we moved back to GA, we lived in a rental home that was in the middle of a 40 acre field. I used to sit on my back deck and have my coffee while watching the deer and coyotes enjoy the back field. There was another 40 wooded acres behind us.

At about the same time, they built a new high school beside our field. The gym was frequently visited by the baby coyotes. It was not unusual to see the babies inside the gym on the sides watching the kids play. It was a regular spring occurrence.

Sorry for the rant....

On the trip front...

I am yet again waiting on a package shipped via FedEx then USPS. According to the online tracking, the package is supposed to be delivered today. Of course the USPS has no record of it yet...

My guaranteed delivery date is this Friday. I would not be so concerned it it weren't for the fact that this method of shipping has NEVER worked for me! And the fact that it is my party tickets.

If they are not here by Friday I have to call and cancel the order and to the e-ticket option and just print them off. Which is probably what I should have done anyway...

I can officially say I am going to Disney NEXT week. My husband keeps saying I am wrong...that it is 2 weeks...I can not convince him otherwise. LOL... I even got the calendar and showed him that there is THIS week, and then NEXT week. We go at the END of NEXT week...so therefore I can say we go to Disney next week!

So, regardless of what HE says... I'm going to Disney NEXT week!

As you have probably heard me say over and over...we are hosting Christmas dinner 10 days after we get back! Now, first of all it will take me more than 10 days to get the house clean...and it usually takes me AT LEAST 2 weeks to decorate the house. So this is cutting it a bit close...add to that the fact that I am making some of the Christmas gifts this year (and do not have a single one finished!) and you can see why I have several projects that are not actually FOR the trip, but are for right AFTER the trip!

Every year I make 'something' to use as place cards. This year I decided to go simple and make some semi-custom ornaments ...very simple. You take the clear glass ornaments, put some paint on the inside swirl it around a bit to give the inside a fake marble look, turn them upside down to drain and dry, then use a gold leaf pen to put the name and year on them. Easy Peasy. Takes about an hour to do 12 and then you ignore them until you are ready to put the names on...

....EXCEPT, I can't find the clear glass ornaments in a price I choose to pay! I like to use the large ornaments...and I need at least 12...actually 20 would be better, but I can make do with 12. I found them at Joann's 6 for $9.99.
The problem is I never spend more than a couple of dollars for a box of 10! I buy these almost every year. They make great teacher and therapist gifts. Then this year I discovered I can use some items I already have to make them glitter on the inside...perfect!

This is a project that should have been done last week.

I now have to go back to town to the Michael's and Hobby Lobby, looking for these infernal glass ornaments!

I was supposed to have my hair done today...but they are closed on Monday! Don't they know Monday is the only day I have available for this? LOL...so they are trying to fit me in either on Wednesday or Thursday. If not, I save the $150 and do it myself! I won't have to spend all day there and it will only cost me a couple dollars for the box of hair color! LOL!

Speaking of showers...it is my turn!


Ok - first off - Zip-it... Highly recommend. That is where I order ALL of my zippers through - they are THE BEST zippers at the best price. I used to get them from JoAnns - and half they time they were crap. Zip-it only sells the YKK zippers, and they are awesome. Speaking of which - I need to order too... I am running low.

I sure hope your item gets to you in time - I am very nervous about this for you. Please keep us updated.

I know you have so much on your plate for now and when you return from your trip - breathe... It will all get done. Just remember to prioritize, and know that if somethings aren't finished - it will be OK.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Disney is NEXT week! You are right! LOL


Ok - first off - Zip-it... Highly recommend. That is where I order ALL of my zippers through - they are THE BEST zippers at the best price. I used to get them from JoAnns - and half they time they were crap. Zip-it only sells the YKK zippers, and they are awesome. Speaking of which - I need to order too... I am running low.

I sure hope your item gets to you in time - I am very nervous about this for you. Please keep us updated.

I know you have so much on your plate for now and when you return from your trip - breathe... It will all get done. Just remember to prioritize, and know that if somethings aren't finished - it will be OK.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Disney is NEXT week! You are right! LOL


LOL... I seriously think I am not happy unless I have tons of stuff to do at once. It probably goes back to my days in insurance as an underwriter and supervisor. Every thing we touched was time sensitive. Deadlines were a way of life. If you missed your deadlines you did not have a job very long! I am still addicted to my Franklin Planner, it is just not as crowded as it used to be! LOL...I actually have blank pages in it!

Well, my party tickets came in yesterday! No one was more shocked than I was to come home from picking up Mr D and see them on the front porch! I will say, our last two tickets at least looked Christmasy...these were just the standard Disney characters on the standard card.... meh...BUT they are Party Tickets!

I attempted to make a pillowcase for me to collect autographs this trip. I had it all mapped out in my mind and it was going to be gorgeous! Would have been if I had not put the applique upside down on the main panel! With zero way to fix it, well, I have a choice of taking an upside down pillowcase (I am sure none of the characters would notice, since I will hand it to them ready to sign, but I will) or finding time and fabric to make another one. I was really loving the fabric I chose.....

I had hoped that Miss B would be going to school today, but she started again last night. I have gone through a gallon and a half of bleach since Friday....I figure it will be the day we get there when I get sick....that is the way it usually works for me! I AM going to Disney...even if I end up spending the whole trip in my room! (and here is the only place I will admit to feeling a bit queasy this morning...probably more to do with hypochondria than actually being sick!)

I can't wait for the salon to open later and find out if they were able to fit me in this week. If not I will be stopping by the store on my way home from Therapy to get my youth in a box...otherwise known as hair dye to cover the gray! Then I will whack on my hair tonight!

I don't know if I mentioned it or not, and I am too lazy to look... but with the changes in Magic Kingdom hours, my son and daughter in law are going to take an extra date night to go to see the night time parades etc....My daughter in law said she would NOT have a baby after she turned 30...she turns 30 this January. She is getting baby fever really badly! First with Miss Mia and now her best friend is 3 months along...well she is really, really wanting another! I told them I want a souvenir...not just any souvenir...but a really special one!

My son said he would give me a new coffee mug...

Sorry to hear Miss B is sick again. I hope this is the last strike at your house. We have had about everything you can imagine in the last 2 weeks. I am hoping its the last for us too.

Hope the Salon was able to get you in. At least if not, you have a backup plan.

I can't believe how close things are getting for us!!!
So relieved that your party tickets came - I am a bit shocked too.

Bummer about the pillow case - you could cheat like I did and just go buy a pkg of two and sew a cute border on it... I really liked how V's turned out and I am glad I didn't try to over think it.

I know how you feel about the salon - trust me - I have not had my hair done since before our trip. I played it safe during the government shutdown and cancelled my appointment... I am trying to make it to my next one (Dec 10) - trust me - I am about to whack it off myself. I am counting the minutes. I hope you were able to get into the salon.

Awww... I hope Miss B is feeling better today. Let's get it out of the way now so that everyone is healthy in Disney.

I hope you have a fantastic day today Nini!

I told them I want a souvenir...not just any souvenir...but a really special one!

My son said he would give me a new coffee mug...


Sorry to hear about your pillowcase. Can you save the applique and the "back" of the pillowcase fabric and reuse it? I saw this tutorial yesterday and thought it was a cute idea with the two different fabrics.


So glad to hear your party tickets have shown up. YES - you are going next week!

I knew you were hosting Christmas but I think I blocked that it would be only 10 days after you got home from your trip. I'm still adding borders to my photopass pictures and we have been back for almost a month. I have until Thanksgiving Day to place my order. The "new" site is a little easier/faster but it is still a long process.

Hope Miss B is feeling better soon.
Sorry to hear Miss B is sick again. I hope this is the last strike at your house. We have had about everything you can imagine in the last 2 weeks. I am hoping its the last for us too.

Hope the Salon was able to get you in. At least if not, you have a backup plan.

I can't believe how close things are getting for us!!!

So close ...and yet so far away! LOL I am starting to stress that all the extra things people have decided I need to do before the trip will still be left undone!

I have sent emails for the past year to everyone going...my daughter in law has ignored each and every one.

Now she wants me to do daily cards for her. This would not be an issue if I had known she wanted them when I worked on mine. I asked her three times if she wanted them...no response. Last night at dinner she asked where hers were...

And I had planned on spending this weekend making sure all last minute things were packed and ready...and now I find out my Grand Princess is going to be visiting us this weekend...and her wonderful Granpa has decided to take a trip to the Disney store... to use the Disney gift card that her mommy and daddy gave ME to pay for HER ticket. Evidently Grandpa thinks it should all be spent on her...

So relieved that your party tickets came - I am a bit shocked too.

Bummer about the pillow case - you could cheat like I did and just go buy a pkg of two and sew a cute border on it... I really liked how V's turned out and I am glad I didn't try to over think it.

I know how you feel about the salon - trust me - I have not had my hair done since before our trip. I played it safe during the government shutdown and cancelled my appointment... I am trying to make it to my next one (Dec 10) - trust me - I am about to whack it off myself. I am counting the minutes. I hope you were able to get into the salon.

Awww... I hope Miss B is feeling better today. Let's get it out of the way now so that everyone is healthy in Disney.

I hope you have a fantastic day today Nini!


Miss B went to school today! Yesterday, halfway through our therapy appointments I realized something. She had eaten NOTHING all day Monday...there is NO WAY she was throwing up all night Monday night!

I went into her room and explained my theory and said that unless she had something to offer that told me I was wrong she had 10 minutes to get dressed and go with us to the last therapy appointment...she got dressed in 8 minutes!

This is her first time having to dress out for PE...and she HATES it. I have a sneaky suspicion that this is why she tried to make her illness a day extra...


Sorry to hear about your pillowcase. Can you save the applique and the "back" of the pillowcase fabric and reuse it? I saw this tutorial yesterday and thought it was a cute idea with the two different fabrics.


So glad to hear your party tickets have shown up. YES - you are going next week!

I knew you were hosting Christmas but I think I blocked that it would be only 10 days after you got home from your trip. I'm still adding borders to my photopass pictures and we have been back for almost a month. I have until Thanksgiving Day to place my order. The "new" site is a little easier/faster but it is still a long process.

Hope Miss B is feeling better soon.

Funny...Miss B has now realized that the 2 days she missed of school have given her way too much work to turn in! She is now worried about how much make up work she will have for the trip! I doubt she will be wanting to miss any more school for a while!

The pillowcase has been put on the back burner for a while. I don't see it getting finished for this trip... I do have an old autograph book from our first trip that I can use if I don't have time to finish...

Christmas is really starting to stress me out.... Husband has decided to go overboard on Christmas presents for the kids...He has already bought each of them a new TV/DVD combo...and now Miss B is getting an iPod Touch...even though I do not think she needs to have one. He is spending more on her in those two gifts...than we normally spend on BOTH kids!

We don't normally get expensive gifts for Christmas...we usually do smaller gifts and one expensive family gift. I have no idea how he is planning on matching this for Mr D!


I had my hair appointment today! YAY!

I was there for over 4 hours...BOOO!

She had a ton of problems getting my hair color right. It came out too red. The first try it was actually sort of burgundy on the ends...but the roots were the exact color I wanted. The second try it came out closer, but still too red. The third try we stopped, because I had to go get Mr D from school and had not eaten all day!

She did not cut it short enough..but I am fine with it.. While she cut off 3 inches in the back and gave me long layers...the front is about the same length as before so you really can't tell it is cut! Since my hair grows so fast I will need another cut by the time we get back!

Mr D informed me I looked the same. He thought I would look like a 'new mom'. I think he was disappointed!

While I am over all happy...sitting still for so long has made my neck hurt...(I sure am a whinny baby tonight!) So I will be going to bed shortly. Tomorrow is the last day I will be alone before the trip! Anything I want to get done without the kids will have to be done tomorrow...

Nini (who is going to stop complaining and go to bed!)


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