2010 Tri Thread

Sweet! Nice job Richard. We had a few that felt the same way as you, just not right. Couple didn't finish including our strongest athlete so you need to be proud of finishing.

Heard the med tent was pretty full for this race. We even had one stay the night in the hospital.

First one under the belt. And yes I said FIRST one :)
Sweet! Nice job Richard. We had a few that felt the same way as you, just not right. Couple didn't finish including our strongest athlete so you need to be proud of finishing.

Heard the med tent was pretty full for this race. We even had one stay the night in the hospital.

First one under the belt. And yes I said FIRST one :)

It turned out that there was only about 7.5% drop rate for IMTX, but those who did drop did so spectacularly. The next day I found myself quite inadvertently using the term "first Ironman". I think I like the sound of it. I want to watch IMTX next year and root for all my friends, so maybe Florida or Arizona in late 2012, or IMTX 2013.

Did your guys all get back home OK?
Great job Richard.

I dropped the IMTX a while back due to real life issues. Seems like I am a "goto" guy and a short term high visibility project came my way - knocking me on my tail training wise. Actually, it was a tough decision - focus on what pays to play or focus on play that has little pay.

I bought a Harley a couple months back as a stress reliever and volunteered as a moto driver for IMTX. I went out with my ref with the 1:20-1:30 swimmers and looped the circuit once. Funny my ref needed to stop every 10 miles or so due to saddle pain....

I was going through envy for the races up to mile 50-60 when we hit the new stretch of blacktop. It was the first real into the wind stretch and for us the first time in sun. All three combined made the moto ride hot and miserable. I was actually feeling happy to have a few extra Hp under me rather than having the peddle home from there. I saw several friends on the bike and waited around for a couple that I had not seen in the bike once I finished my chores.

I am a little surprised that the same weekend was kept for 2012. I for one am not signing up for 2012 or any year that has a May date and Gulf Coast in common.

Anyway GREAT JOB getting 140.6 under summer like conditions!
Way to go Richard. I think all my peeps made it home, I'll find out for sure tomorrow night.

Even though I haven't completed my first yet I am planning on doing IMAZ in Nov 2012. Go figure.

Charles, at least you rode the course :)

Charles - Thanks for volunteering on the course. Funny how the ref had saddle pain! I knew the same weekend had already been selected for 2012. Maybe we'll see an April 2013 date roll around.

Duane - Maybe there will be a chance for a IMAZ meetup in 2012.

I have now posted my race report on my blog, feel free to read and comment.
Great report Richard. Loved it. You are an IRONMAN. One of my friends that raced already got an Ironman tattoo. Not for me but whatever she likes.

Nice job.
Great report Richard. Loved it. You are an IRONMAN. One of my friends that raced already got an Ironman tattoo. Not for me but whatever she likes.

Nice job.

Thanks! That's not my style either, but I know at least one guy with a new tattoo as well. I figure that if I did not get a tattoo during my years in the Marines then I am not going to start now.
Richard...way to get the job done!! Congratulations!!

It was so crazy hot and humid out there...I had issues just spectating...can't imagine doing the run (bike wouldn't have been too terrible).

Cool course set up...I've heard the swim was rough. I love how the run is spectator friendly. But like Charles, I don't see myself doing a late May race in that area.

As for me...33 days to go. My confidence is up and down like California Screamin' but I suppose I'll get from the start line to the finish line. Doing a sprint this weekend and a 70.3 the next, then another good week of training and then taper.. :cheer2:
Richard...way to get the job done!! Congratulations!!

It was so crazy hot and humid out there...I had issues just spectating...can't imagine doing the run (bike wouldn't have been too terrible).

Cool course set up...I've heard the swim was rough. I love how the run is spectator friendly. But like Charles, I don't see myself doing a late May race in that area.

As for me...33 days to go. My confidence is up and down like California Screamin' but I suppose I'll get from the start line to the finish line. Doing a sprint this weekend and a 70.3 the next, then another good week of training and then taper.. :cheer2:

That's a way to slow down Betsy. Sprint, 70.3, 2 week taper then full IM. I'm tired just reading that :)
That's a way to slow down Betsy. Sprint, 70.3, 2 week taper then full IM. I'm tired just reading that :)

Agreed!:rotfl: WTG Betsy!!!

As far as the weather at IMTX went, I saw some aid station workers with heat issues as well, but that weather was not out of the ordinary for the season--and I still enjoyed myself (or maybe that was just the heat getting to me!).
How did the 70.3 go? I don't have anything until a Sprint on July 17.

Just kicked off my IM plan this week. Actually less than I am currently doing but it will catch up to me pretty quickly.

I got a good lesson in pushing the bike too hard on Saturday. When we ride to the beach we usually do a few bridge repeats then continue on down the beach. Pretty big bridge going to the beach. Well after 7 of these I was pretty tuckerd out because I haven't been riding that much this last month. Well, when we got ready to go down the beach coach told me to keep up. So I hopped on to some of the better riders including our coach. I kept up for about 40 minutes, even pulled for a short time. Boy did I pay for it. When I finally fell off the back, I was shot. Nothing left.

After a short rest at the store I rode with some slower peeps on the way back, but still a push for me after the ride out (19 - 21 mph). Anyway, my brick run stunk! It was just a short one but I was totally shot. This was a bike training day so that was OK, but it really showed me what pushing too hard on the bike will do.

Guess my focus will be on bike these next few months

Duane, keep up the good work on the bike...it will pay off.

For some reason, I'm struggling on the bike this year. Riding slower than I used to. Not sure what's up with that, since I thought I was getting plenty of riding in per my schedule.

The sprint tri I did in June in Alaska was fun...500 yd pool swim, then out into the cold for a 12 mile bike and 5K run. Funny thing is that I saw some of the Alaskan triathletes putting on more clothes in transition for the bike than I did, toe covers, etc... not me, I just figured I could get through the 12 miles and only added arm warmers. Got 8th out of 29 in my AG, so happy with that, and of course, running was nice since I wasn't home where it's been hitting 100 degrees on a regular basis.

Boise 70.3: COLD water! 53 degrees! I wore a full wetsuit, hood, and booties, and was mentally prepared for the cold, so I actually turned out to be fine, if not a little slow, in the swim. The bike was a nice course, with a few hills, but nothing crazy, but I got some GI issues (bloating) along the way so didn't get all my nutrition in. That made for a terrible start to the run...well, I couldn't run. I could walk, cramp, walk. I tried everything to get some relief from my tummy, but still couldn't get much nutrition in. Finally, at about mile 5, I laid down on a park bench and let things settle down (and move some gas--sorry TMI). Also took some Pepto bismol tablets another athlete gave to me. Had a little meltdown when I saw my buddy at the end of the first loop, but got a hug, and some potato chips at an aid station, and then my tummy felt better and I was able to run the 2nd loop, for a 40 min negative split! Overall time was a terrible (for me) 8:03, but I finished, and let the race come back to me, even though I thought I was going to end up in medical earlier in the run.
also...Boise is a really cool town and I enjoyed the town and race course (but not the cold water). Pretty run along their river. Great volunteers.

Then...Ironman Austria!!
Again....didn't quite have the day I wanted, but it is such a great course. I had the shadows of a DNF at IM St. George last year (due to the very cold water), and a walkathon in the marathon at IM Canada in 2008 hanging over me. I wanted to be better than that.
Swim was a little slow, but good, in a gorgeous lake, finishing in a canal. Went 1:36, (wanted 1:30).
Bike is a good course, some flat parts, some gentle rollers, a few big climbs where you feel like you're in the Tour de France because of the crowds cheering, and some long fun descents. I was fine on nutrition and stuff, but just biked slower than last time I raced there by 22 minutes and my legs felt more fried. Age, not training the same, I don't know... Oh, well...I tried to have fun. Went 7:37 (goal was 7:05-7:15).
Run...since my legs were dead from the bike, I was worried I'd end up walking the darn marathon like at IMC before--where I couldn't run barely at all...literally walking the entire thing. But I just couldn't face that. And I had come to the realization that maybe me and Ironman just aren't right for each other and this may well be the last one (we'll see....people always say that). So I decided to run 2 min/walk 1 minute. It was a slow shuffle, but the crowds were awesome and inspiring, and I knew that was better than just walking. Kept up on nutrition and fluids, and tried to soak in the cheers and the experience. Had one little meltdown when I saw a friend who had come out with me....I think I just need at least one hug per long race...but pulled it together and kept going. I put on fresh socks at run special needs, just to make my feet feel fresher, and I was feeling better, so I upped my run/walk to a 3:1 ratio, and I was running not only longer, but faster, for the 2nd half. I did toy with the idea of running even more, but I was scared if I overshot it, I would end up walking more at the end, so I just stuck with the 3:1 for a 20 minute negative split...not bad for an Ironman marathon, even though I was still pretty slow overall. :) Time was 5:59 (goal was 5:20-5:30).
The finish line was amazing, as usual, and I danced my way across. Total time 15:29:00. About 8 minutes slower than the same race in 2007, so not too bad, and I feel good about how I managed the run. I was pretty shot, both emotionally and physically afterwards. So no big stuff coming up for a while....will do a few sprints to finish out 2011. This was Ironman number 7 for me (completed races).... :)

Thanks for the encouragement and support, y'all. :grouphug:
Wow! Great reports. Alaska, Boise and Austria, the farthest I've gone is New Orleans :)

Not sure if I could handle the 53 degree water. Actually don't think I even want to try. I am a sissy when it comes to cold water.

Anyone can have a great race when things go well. I really like how you overcame your issues and ended up with negative splits. The one thing I am worried about for IMFL is burning up the legs and having a horrible run. Luckily it's going to be flat. But you always worry in your first one, right?????

Thanks for giving us your report. Take it easy and enjoy the sprints :

As for me, I am stepping up the bike training. I signed up for some individual coaching with our tri coach for the next 4 months - gets me through to IMFL. Basically she just customizes the schedule to meet my goals, our schedule and really changes practice around to meet our needs going into Florida. Money well spent!

Another brutal ride with the same peeps this week. This time 75 miles. I WILL get stronger. I don't necessarily want to get stronger on the bike to get faster, but want to get strong enough that I don't kill my legs at 18 - 19 mph on the long ride. We did 19 - 21 last week for the 75 miles but I as spent so that wouldn't work for a race. The short run after was brutal!

I have a sprint this weekend then nothing until September.

53 degree water? I would be running from that! :scared1:

Duane, how was your race?

I'm doing a sprint next weekend. Xterra opened a little store here and I got a great deal on a sleeveless suit, but I can't decide if I want to use it for the race. The water will be about 72-74, so warm enough without the suit. I've done a few ows with it, but I'm not sure if the suit is for me. I have never used a wetsuit before now, so I do know that it takes time to get used to.

  • obvious more bouyancy
  • warmer in the water
  • my 1000m time was about 2 minutes faster with than without (a local resevoir sets up a 1000m course two days a week). I swam first with the suit and then did another 1000 without so it could be the second I was a little tired. With the suit I was at 17:55 without I was at 20 minutes.

  • So bouyant that my feet were felt like they were out of the water. I kick air, not water.
  • While the water temp is in the low - mid 70's, the first week of August is our warmest week of the year, historically. Will it be too warm waiting for my wave?
  • Comfort. I'm not sure I'm all that comfortable swimming in the suit. It feels restricting. Any tips on how to overcome that? The suit is a little big, actually, so it's not a tight constrictive, it's a mental one.

So, wet suit or no wet suit?

I know my run will be a wog (walk/jog) because I've only been able to run for about 3 weeks. My new bike is amazing, however! :yay:
monsterkitty - I'd love to hear more about your new bike and wetsuit experience.

I am coming off of an Olympic distance race this weekend (Houston Triathlon). I made my goals of a new PR (by 8:02) and getting under 3 hours for the first time with a 2:58:12 finish time. I posted a full race report on my blog if you want to read a looooong report, otherwise here is a short version:
It was a warm and humid morning, the swim seemed long to me (2 loop ITU style swim) and I was about 5 minutes over my swim goal. The bike was windy but I finished about 5 minutes under my goal time and the run was about what I expected it to be. I also had slightly quicker than expected transition times. In the end my race came together and everything worked out well for me (except maybe the swim).

I have a sprint tri on Oct 23 and a HIM on Nov 6 to round out my tri year.....and then I'll start on marathon prep for January, February (50 miler) and March before taking off a few weeks for the new tri season. :rotfl:

Other than that I have my eyes on a new Orbea Ordu tri bike at the local bike store that I may be purchasing soon. :yay:
Monsterkitty - I think it is too late to answer your question. But, the standard answer is if they let you wear a wet suit you wear a wet suit.

Richard, nice race. I like Olympics. Long enough for a challenge but you don't kill yourself.

Did the Captiva sprint 2 weeks ago. Nice race on the north end of Captiva Island. 2nd place in my age group! Nice showing for me.

Last weekend I did Augusta 70.3. Lot of fun but unseasonable hot. Posted my race report here:


Didn't break 6 hours but i also wasn't pushing it with IMFL in 5 weeks. Next year!

Let's all keep in touch. The week after IMFL I am going on a cruise - I'll need it! Nothing else planned for this year. Was going to do one of those obstacle races in December but decided not too.

A lot of the team will be doing San Juan 70.3 in March but I don't think I'll be doing that. Too much of a hassle and expense for a 70.3. Probably do the Florida 70.3 wherever they decide to have it as I hear it is not going to be at WDW next year.

Take care peeps,
Just enough time for a quick note while I am on lunch break....

I had a great time at a new local race this past weekend, the Oktoberfest Triathlon, west of Houston. It had some typical minor first year issues, but it should be a good event long term--and a lot of fun! I pushed myself the whole race and finished 9th in my Age Group and 22nd overall. :cool1: The overall finish especially surprised me as this was only the third tri were I have finished in the top half of my age group and 22nd overall was in the top 10 percent of the 269 finishers.

Also, I said previously that I wasn't going to do it--and I meant it--especially in light of all the otherwise free time it eats up. However, when it came down to the announcement that there were less than 70 spots left, I found myself suddenly "having" to do it again. The race in question here is Ironman Texas 2012, for which I am now registered. Here's to another effort and a new IM PR in my future!
Nice job Richard. Signed up for Texas again huh? Too hot that time of year for me.

I have 9 days until IMFL. Can't wait.
ok, there's no turning back now...i'm officially signed up for my first tri. of course i decide to dive in head first with an Olympic :lmao:

trying to figure out a good training plan that will get me across the finish line with embarrassing myself - but without giving up too much of my running base, either. the tri is july 8th, and i'm planning on running the nyc marathon on nov 6th - so i won't have too much time post-tri to rebuild my running base before hopping into marathon training. any suggestions?
That a way - jump right in. Here is a great site that has a lot of free plans. Take a look. http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/training/trainingplans-list.asp?l=0

Not sure the concern for NYC marathon. You'll have almost all of July, Aug, Sept, and most of October. Besides you won't be hurting your running base while getting ready for the tri. Yea, you'll replace a few runs but you won't stop running. You should be fine.

You'll do great!


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