20081209- The "Unofficial", "Unauthorized", and "Unabridged" Dec 9 M

Well - we tried ...:confused3

We made it to Ariel's Grotto around 8:55 and hung out for about 10 minutes - but didn't recognize anyone ... :sad2: so we moved on ...

The MK was just too crowded - my guess is most of you got stuck after the parade??

We managed to take in all the shows except Christmas with Belle, and rode iasm (with the DD asleep on my shoulder) and Pooh - and the DW did Space Mtn while the DD and I rode the TTA ...

Nice to do the MVMCP - but I don't think I'd do it again (at least not for a while ...)

The Castle was incredible all lit up!! :cheer2:
I was there with you guys in spirit, even if I couldn't get over to you. It was an eventful day: I planned a Gifts of a Lifetime event for my parents. Went well, except at the end. We were posing right in front of the castle for a picture, when my DS ran away from me and up the steps onto the platform in front of the castle. I ran after him and fell on the top step, injuring my L knee and R ring finger. I ended up needing a wheelchair, so my DH tortured me by making me pose for photopass in front of the castle later.

By the time I got back to the MK, we got stuck near Main St during the parade & couldn't get back to Ariel's in time to find anyone.

I honestly don't think the MVMCP was worth the extra $$. Way too crowded for me, even if I wasn't injured. Hope anyone who attended has a fun time though. Would love to see pictures if anyone has any.
We were there for about 20 minutes but it was so crowded and dd wanted to ride dumbo, I was in line there. The step sisters and evil step mother were very funny, though!
We were there, too, for about 10 min while we drank our hot cocoa. Had to run to find a spot for Wishes which ended up not be a great viewing spot. I liked the party atmosphere but was way too crowded. Don't think I would pay the extra $$ again. Saw that our party was sold out but Friday's wasn't when we were there in the morning. Maybe we picked the wrong night.:confused3
I was there too around 8:30. It was packed. The evil stepmother and sisters were there, but I didn't recognize anyone either and moved on.
We attended the MVMCP on the 9th also and our night was definitely not what we had hoped for. Was very disappointed.
We got there only to try and wade through the crowd on Main street that had lined up to watch the parade this was mostly people that had not let the park yet and were not paying for the MVMCP. By the time we got though to try and get to the shows they were already full. We would try and get to the next one only to hear the same thing.
We didn't go to ride the rides we went to do the 5 listed Christmas Events and didn't get to do any of them except see alittle of the second parade through peoples arm pits(I'm short and to heavy for DH to put on his shoulders):confused3
We got stuck on the bridgeway for almost an hour with non moving traffic.
Got my foot ran over by a motorized scooter and my heel rammed by a stroller. I actually had bruises from all the elbows I was poked with.I also have a medical device unit in my right hip similar to that of a pace maker and it was constantly being hit.
It looked like a convention for wheelchair/stroller/scooter users.Please don't hate on me for that statement I am a nurse and work with the elderly and handicapped but that was just too much.
We did get to try the hot chocolate and a cookie.Not worth the 50 + $$ for it.
We too had bought these tickets a long time ahead or we would have known what to maybe expect and would have changes our date.
I had really looked forward to this for 5 years (we were in Disney at Christmas time 5 years ago when I had just had cancer surgery and didn't know what the future held DH made me the commitment to return on my 5 year mark). At that time I wasn't up to seeing alot of the Christmas festivities.

I will say that the rest of our trip was wonderful. And am looking forward to spending many more Holidays at Disney...just not doing MVMCP

Thanks for letting me vent.


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