2008 - C25K program :) WELCOME!!

I want to subscribe to the c25k podcast on iTune but can't find it....anyone have the info?
So much for starting on Monday. I was sooo tired yesterday that I could hardly stand myself.

Oh well. The plan is to do Week 1 Day 1 this evening.

Way to go everyone else!
hello everyone,
I am not a runner at all, but I want to do the 1/2 marathon next year.

I emailed WDW to check if I can walk it. They emailed me back today saying if i can walk it in16 min a mile then yes.

I have no problem walking on TM I do 2 miles a day in 30min/32min

I am thinking of starting the c25k program just to see if I can run.

Question...is the TM making it too easy as compared to outside traing?

suggestion on better shoes are welcome too..tiaprincess:
Just saying HI! I am on W1D2, just did it actually. I have never been a runner and have registered with my DH and our best friends for the 2009 Half at Disney so I am giving it my best shot. Today was pretty good. I can't wait for spring though. I'm in MA and while it is mild today (close to 40) I still had to dodge small mounds of snow here and there that have not melted yet.

Hi, everyone! I am just popping in to say that I am getting ready to do W3D1 tomorrow morning, and I am a little nervous about it! It seems like a lot of running to me - I had trouble with 90 seconds of running, I'm not sure how I'm going to do 2 minutes! Even with the walking in between, it is taxing for me. But I am determined to give it my best shot. It is working well for me, both in terms of conditioning and weight loss. I lost 6.4 pounds this week! And even better news - I am diabetic and my blood sugar levels have been somewhat elevated so my doctor suggested I go on a low carb diet and combine it with exercise for three months to see if I can get the levels down without having to take more medication. This morning my blood sugar was down 30 points! I am so excited! 30 more points and it will be normal! So C25K is doing more for me than just helping me run - it is helping me get healthier all the way around.

Congrats to everyone for their successes. I am enjoying reading about each person's C25K journey!

Have a good one!

I have one little complaint tonight...:rolleyes: about half way through the run/walk today the inside of my left ankle started hurting. I tried to stretch it but could not find anything that would really get that area. It is now really sore so I've been putting ice on it today hoping it is just a sore muscle. I didn't twist it or sprain it so I am a bit frustrated. Tomorrow I will take a total rest day (I have been doing an easy walk on my rest day) but will totally stay off of it instead tomorrow in hopes that it is better by Wed. I don't want anything to mess with my momentum! :sad2:

I hope it feels better soon! Keep it up. :cheer2:

I want to subscribe to the c25k podcast on iTune but can't find it....anyone have the info?

The podcasts are available here: http://www.ullreys.com/robert/Podcasts/podcasts/podcasts.html

They're really great because they allow you to focus on completing your run rather than watching the clock.
:thumbsup2 Congrats on finishing your first week!
:flower3: hope your feeling better and can finish out week 2.

Thank you! I really am going to try tomorrow to run/walk again but it's supposed to be cold and snowy here so I'll try the treadmill - maybe that will help my ankle as well. So frustrated but determined!

Hope that ankle is ok. You are right to take the day off. How cool that you met your man at WDW! You know he's gotta be a keeper! :love: Today was an off day for me as well, but I am having such great momentum that I hit the treadmill anyway and repeated W2D1! Love getting it done in the morning--can relax about it the rest of the day!

I am really hoping that taking it easy and doing nothing today will help. When I got out of bed this morning I was praying that there would be no soreness but there was. It's better now but not sure if the Advil is masking it or if now that I've been up and at work it is truly feeling better...Keeping my fingers crossed because when I'm on a roll I need to continue or I will become a slacker! :scared1: It was soooo cool to have met Mr. CA at WDW...long story but one that we laugh about often and will remember forever. I now have an annual PP to Disneyland!! The distance thing is not so much fun but I am fairly flexible in that I can work from home (or anywhere) and my daughter is in college in Arizona...so other then some family ties I could move to CA. We'll see after our first year anniversary...:cloud9:

I hope it feels better soon! Keep it up. :cheer2:

Thanks! :hug: I hope so too because I am determined to do this!
Hi, everyone! I am just popping in to say that I am getting ready to do W3D1 tomorrow morning, and I am a little nervous about it! It seems like a lot of running to me - I had trouble with 90 seconds of running, I'm not sure how I'm going to do 2 minutes! Even with the walking in between, it is taxing for me. But I am determined to give it my best shot. It is working well for me, both in terms of conditioning and weight loss. I lost 6.4 pounds this week! And even better news - I am diabetic and my blood sugar levels have been somewhat elevated so my doctor suggested I go on a low carb diet and combine it with exercise for three months to see if I can get the levels down without having to take more medication. This morning my blood sugar was down 30 points! I am so excited! 30 more points and it will be normal! So C25K is doing more for me than just helping me run - it is helping me get healthier all the way around.

Congrats to everyone for their successes. I am enjoying reading about each person's C25K journey!

Have a good one!


Hi Susan - Way to go! W3...:cool1: Let us know how it goes. I am looking forward to running for a longer time just to see if I can actually do it! I am on W2D2 (tomorrow if my pesky ankle will cooperate).

Congrats on the weight loss! I had lost 35lbs. last spring and have kept it off but I want to loose 10-20 more and I am hoping that running will help me to reach that goal but I've been really hungry since starting C25K hopefully my hunger pains will calm down soon! :scared1:
Welcome Flanigan and greenmyvalley! I love to hear the progress people are making.

Vicki: Take it easy with that ankle. I think the ideas of a rest day & ice are very sound.

3DisneyKids: It sounds like you're really loving the program. I'm hoping to get there, so I look forward to reading your posts.

Sabrina: You can do it!

39Cinderella: If you're already doing the 2 miles/day within sweep, I'm fairly sure you could train and be ready for the 1/2 in January as a walker if you don't want to run. Or you could do a combination of walking/running or running/walking; as I did for the Goofy. The TM isn't the same as outdoors, but I did all my LRs on one and still finished. I increased the incline & did intervals.

If you're looking for more tips about walking the 1/2, I suggest you pop over to the Events/Competition part of WISH. There's a Walkers thread there that will be able to answer your questions about shoes/pace. (Walking shoes are different from running shoes, and they'll be able to point you in the right direction.) Look for Windwalker (Panda) Dave. He's the master. And FWIW, I think C25K is HIGHLY doable if you want to transition to a run...just giving you some options.

Allyson: Hi! I've seen you on the Events forum--it's good to see you here!

Susan: What a great testament to the benefits of C25K! 6.4 pounds, 30 points, wow! I know it seems like a lot--and it's a significant jump--but I just know you can do it. Keep thinking about everything you've just said. And if you need to repeat a week, or create a step in between weeks, go for it. Remember, this is YOUR journey. Make it work for you!

As for me: XT today. It's the kind of thing I avoid, but the kind of thing I really need to do as I am prone to knee and ankle injuries. Plus, I need to have a stronger core so that my back doesn't hurt as much on longer r/w (soon to be runs! :woohoo:).

Keep up the good training!
I did W1D2 today. I wanted to quit halfway through but I pushed on. Afterwards, I felt great.
I like the podcasts but I wish he would be more encouraging. I ended up having to talk to myself to get to the end. If the man doing the podcast would really encourage people during the runs for atleast he first few weeks, I honestly believe it would be so helpful.
Thanks for the encouragement, Vicki and Debra. I did do the W3D1 this morning, and it was really hard, but I did it! I just kept pushing myself, even when I was winded and my legs were tired, and made myself finish the time before I stopped. Now, mind you, it was a R-E-A-L-L-Y S-L-O-W jog, but it was a jog nonetheless! So I am counting that as a success!

Hope everyone else has a great C25K day!

:woohoo: :cool1: :dance3: :banana: :woohoo: :cool1: :dance3: :banana:

We're all doing so well! Keep up the good work!

Maymom96: Congrats on completing W1D2! I could never get into the podcasts, partially because I couldn't stand the music. I set up my ipod to shift between walk & run songs. It's a bit of a pain for the first few weeks because you have to cut the music off, but it was better than his choices (IMO). Anyway, great way to stick with it.

Susan: Congrats on W3D1. A jog is a run by any other name, in my assessment. And I think the Penguin agrees with me. (That's John "The Penguin" Bingham, in case you're wondering. He's the man who inspires those of us slow runners/joggers/waddlers to "Waddle on, friends." I refer to myself as a tortoise, but I'll take the penguin compliment any day of the week.)

As for me: I completed W4D2. It was easier than the 1st day, in part because I knew the intervals. I started out with a slight cramp in my instep--I get them fairly often--but running the first 3-minute interval actually made it go away! :goodvibes
Sorry to be MIA, but things have been crazy :) Then again, what else is new in my life!!! Grad school has started up again full force and I am in practicum and we are going through the process for an AuPair too. So needless to say last week I was only able to do 2 days (5 miles) which was hard to do, but my knee really needed the rest :)

Well, last night I finally did w6d3...........and I was scared to death! But I did it:) I still don't consider myself a runner, but close to it :)

For everyone else: remember IT is OK to repeat the week or day if you don't think you accomplished it or if it did not feel comfortable. MY biggest mistake in the past (which is why I have never made it past wk4) is I was went too fast and never repeated when I knew my body could not handle it!!!

So Please listen to your body, the only person you can FAIL is yourself if you don't believe you CAN DO IT :)

Keep up the good, work...................................ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
remember IT is OK to repeat the week or day if you don't think you accomplished it or if it did not feel comfortable.

How do you know if you should repeat a week? Today was W1D2 for me and I kept wondering how I will do week 2. I don't know if I am thinking that because I am lazy, I'm afraid that I will quit if it becomes too much or my body needs another week. Do you try it and then go back to the previous week if it fails or do you just automatically repeat?
BTW, how many miles are you suppose to go your first week? I don't know how far I went the first day. Today I used the treadmill and went 1.77 miles in 30 minutes. I walked at 3.1 and ran at different speeds (started off at 6.1 and then went between 4.5 and 5.5).
How do you know if you should repeat a week? Today was W1D2 for me and I kept wondering how I will do week 2. I don't know if I am thinking that because I am lazy, I'm afraid that I will quit if it becomes too much or my body needs another week. Do you try it and then go back to the previous week if it fails or do you just automatically repeat?
BTW, how many miles are you suppose to go your first week? I don't know how far I went the first day. Today I used the treadmill and went 1.77 miles in 30 minutes. I walked at 3.1 and ran at different speeds (started off at 6.1 and then went between 4.5 and 5.5).

I have a TM, and you are going way too fast........SSSLLLOOOOWWW DOWN :)

It is OK to be a turtle! Why you may ask? Because you are not pushing your self! Remember NO ONE is chasing you! So take your time, you want to job NOT run!

Do the talk test to see how you are doing : see if you can carry on a conversation with a person while you are JOGGING, if you can you are fine otherwise you are going to fast!! Your speed will always get better with time, however once you become BURNTOUT...............it is over!

So please, repeat repeat and REPEAT until you are ok to move ahead otherwise you are risking injury!

You are doing great!!!
So I did my rest day yesterday with no activity and when I got up this morning my ankle felt 98% better so I decided to do W2D2 on the treadmill since it was cold outside. Well...my ankle started hurting right away but I was determined to finish the podcast training. What I thought was strange was that it hurt worse when I was walking and better when I was running.

I am so frustrated...I want to continue but I think I am going to have to wait until my ankle is 100% better. I only wish I knew what I did...I didn't twist it that I can remember so I am not sure if it is just a sore muscle or what. :confused3

Not happy at all tonight...:sad2:

I am very excited for all of you and your sucesses!
What I thought was strange was that it hurt worse when I was walking and better when I was running.

I am so frustrated...I want to continue but I think I am going to have to wait until my ankle is 100% better. I only wish I knew what I did...I didn't twist it that I can remember so I am not sure if it is just a sore muscle or what. :confused3


Sorry to hear about your ankle, as you know with my posts my knee was not the best either. I only did two days last week, and that just killed me knowing that I should have been doing something. But I decided REST is the best way to let things heal. I did week 6,day 3 which was not as bad as I thought........and my knee was tender but no pain!!

Give it a day or two and try again, or just restart with week 1. Maybe it was too much too fast? It could be you ran too fast, remember being a TURTLE is not bad...........because you will still finish :)

And speed will come with time, otherwise there is no room for improvement right??? :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :thumbsup2
W3D2 tomorrow... I'm looking forward to another couple of 3 min runs. Its not easy but I know I can do it...
I have a TM, and you are going way too fast........SSSLLLOOOOWWW DOWN :)

It is OK to be a turtle! Why you may ask? Because you are not pushing your self! Remember NO ONE is chasing you! So take your time, you want to job NOT run!

Do the talk test to see how you are doing : see if you can carry on a conversation with a person while you are JOGGING, if you can you are fine otherwise you are going to fast!! Your speed will always get better with time, however once you become BURNTOUT...............it is over!

So please, repeat repeat and REPEAT until you are ok to move ahead otherwise you are risking injury!

You are doing great!!!

To back up what swim-mom said, I've been a proud tortoise for a while now. I'm just looking to make the distance, not the speed. The speed will come--or not--I'm just looking to enjoy the journey. The conversation test is a good indication of effort as is the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).

Here's a quick link: http://www.sportfit.com/sportfitglossary/RPE.html for a definition. And here's another link that combines RPE with the conversation test: http://kinesiology.csun.edu/WellnessSite/Docs/RPE chart.pdf. I'd suggest going for no more than a 5 or 6 at first. Remember, you're trying to get used to a whole of lot things these first few weeks: running, intervals, breathing, paying attention to your body. Don't push too hard, too soon!

So I did my rest day yesterday with no activity and when I got up this morning my ankle felt 98% better so I decided to do W2D2 on the treadmill since it was cold outside. Well...my ankle started hurting right away but I was determined to finish the podcast training. What I thought was strange was that it hurt worse when I was walking and better when I was running.

I am so frustrated...I want to continue but I think I am going to have to wait until my ankle is 100% better. I only wish I knew what I did...I didn't twist it that I can remember so I am not sure if it is just a sore muscle or what. :confused3

I know it's frustrating, as I've experienced similar "setbacks" with my left knee & ankle (screwed up because of a long-ago car accident). But here's another vote for rest--you want to enjoy this, to complete in a happy and healthy way. Don't worry too much about the calendar; that's what derailed me the first time I tried C25K. I was wedded to the program & not listening to my body, which is ironic because I was doing the program FOR my body (and mind and spirit).

I don't know what to say about why the running feels better than the walking. That happens to me sometimes too. I assume it has something to do with their markedly different movements.

Flanigan: :thumbsup2 Sometimes I think, barring injuries (see above) the mental battle is harder than the physical one! I think it's hard to learn to listen to my body, for instance, and to be present in the running moment instead of focused solely on the time. I'm sure you can do it, though, as it sounds as if you're already conscious of such things.

As for me: XT today. I was tempted to do some running, but I'm taking this nice & slow this time around, making sure I'm ready for each new step. I'm proud to be a tortoise. (Useless trivia of the day: there is a running shop in Ann Arbor called the Tortoise & the Hare. Its mission statement, which I'm trying to live is: To bring out the athlete in everyone.)
I did W1D3 today. It was the first time using the podcast that goes with it and I loved it! I really thought it helped me. I think I may do W1 again just because I think I might be better off.


PS I can't WAIT for warmer weather here! Midway through I warmed up and took off my mittens but starting out it was COLD!


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