20050305 - DFW meet - TLinden16 and iluvdisney are coming to town! Woo Hoo!!

Sorry Krista...I can't go today :sad2:
Steve has a "errand" to run...I'll fill you in later ;)

I haven't been on in awhile. Busy trying to get our church discussion board up & running. Nice to "see" everyone again. Maybe next meet...
"Ya'll have fun now, here." (Needs to be read in a thick southern accent)
I am actually not going to be able to make it either.

This has just been a bad week, and I have way to much to do this weekend.

I am sorry, Ihope everyone has fun!
Add 3 more to mine.
The 2 M's and Bill are coming too.
Yay, Coral! It'll be great to see you somewhere other than on Gerault Road! :teeth:

Maci and celluloidgal- we'll look forward to seeing you next time, when life's not so hectic. :)
We had so much fun at the meet today. ::yes::

Oh, and it looks like Ian has found himself a DISney-lovin' girlfriend. ;)

Yes, a good time was had by all. We enjoyed the meet and were happy to see all of you. BTW, Ian is precious.

:sad1: I heard I missed a chance to meet Ian, I would have loved to see the babies. Hopefully next time. They are adorable :)
janette said:
:sad1: I heard I missed a chance to meet Ian, I would have loved to see the babies. Hopefully next time. They are adorable :)
Ummm, he wanted to meet you too, he even wore the shirt you sent him (where is a guilt-trip smilie when you need one?) Seriously, we all had a great time. I have but one regret, Nephosaurus was short one Wonka Bar... but that is another story...All of us (Dragons included) had a great time...

janette, we can get together some other time, TagBabyIan will be happy to meet you. If you are nice (and aren't sick), RRBB might even let you hold him... He might even give you a gift... He is a good shot when he urps up... :rolleyes:

This sound (and looks) like everyone had a great time. Did anyone go to Pete's after? I was sad not to make it. Hopefully next time.

We look forward to another chance to meet you soon. :) We had a great time at the meet at La Hacienda.

A few of us did go to Pete's after. It was fun, but PACKED. Like sardines. :teeth: If we try Pete's again, maybe it'll be on a Friday instead of a Saturday. I wonder if the Ft. Worth location is a little less mobbed?
It was really nice to meet everyone yesterday! I sure had a great time.

I was very impressed by the Texas hospitality over at Pete's. I was just sitting on a bar stool, enjoying the evening, and I got groped twice. The first time I thought it was an accident, but when it happened a second time...

I think that's how Texans just say "Hi!" ;)
Had a wonderful time as always! What a great group of people!

Too funny "Who has the Disney Credit Card?" 20 people in unison "I do!" That poor girl had the funniest look on her face after that :rotfl2:
RRBB said:
Oh, and it looks like Ian has found himself a DISney-lovin' girlfriend. ;)


Li'l April just can't resist a man with fuzzy feet :earboy2:
mommystieg said:
Li'l April just can't resist a man with fuzzy feet :earboy2:
And Ian seems to have a thing for older "women". ;)
Hi everyone! I'm back in Boston. It's a balmy 45 degrees here right now, and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. Wonder if I can get a flight back to Texas before it hits ;)

Thanks for coming to the meet everyone! I had a great time meet everyone, and seeing all of the beautiful and well behaved children! There is a great group of DISers in the DFW area, and I'm glad I got to meet you!

Hi y'all!

I arrived back in windy and freezing Michigan late last night along with body aches and pains (the RSD and arthritis havekicked in big time). I had a great time seeing everyone and listening to all the wdw stories - it was great to meet you all! Texas sure does know how to throw a great meet! I don't think I've ever seen so many DISers in one place except for WDW, of course.

It was great spending time with you again Karen and Kathy - thanks for letting me drop in.

And, Krista, it was a lot of fun - and I was so happy to be able to meet all the Texan DISers - what fun I had! :wave2:
Mary and Karen,

Glad you got home safely. It is sunny and supposed to be nice and warm here today. Time to come back!!

TLinden16 said:
Hi everyone! I'm back in Boston. It's a balmy 45 degrees here right now, and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. Wonder if I can get a flight back to Texas before it hits ;)

Thanks for coming to the meet everyone! I had a great time meet everyone, and seeing all of the beautiful and well behaved children! There is a great group of DISers in the DFW area, and I'm glad I got to meet you!


Karen- Glad you got home ok. It sure was fun meeting, dining and visiting w/ you and Mary.
I am going to say a special thanks for the comment about the well behaved kids. Since you were across from my 2 I am going to hope you mean mine as well as the other nice kids.

Come see us again, Ya' hear!


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