1st timer photography tips?


I always thought I would get to WDW when pigs flew
Nov 28, 2005
This will be my first trip to DW. Any tips on what to take pics of ? I don't want to get home and go "I wish I would have thought to take a pic of that". I am a scrapbooker so usually I take pics of everything. What should I not miss? Also I have heard that I can transfer pics to disc while there. Where? and how much? Thanks so much!!!!
Well, as for what to take pictures of that is completely up to the individual. I know I spent ALOT of time takeing pictures in the AKL and AKP. But its all up to indiviual taste. If you like the parades then there is a perfect photo opp. Or maybe the different buildings in the diferent countries in Epcot, each showing a different arcitectural style. If you have kids then the characters interacting with your children is the way to go. Or, you could always just take a picture of everything you see :P But its ulitmitly up to you and your personal likes. As for haveing your images burned to cd I believe the hotels handle that. I don't shoot on digitol myself so I haven't really looked into the location to much. But I think most of the hotels do it. Someone else could give you better info on the locations.
Disney World has more things to shoot than can be listed! Our last trip we took over 850 pictures and I still look at them and wish I had taken more. All the obvious shots are good, ie the castle, the Tree of Life, etc.... The main thing I wish I'd done more of is handing my camera to someone else to get myself in the picture. They have a system where Disney employees take pictures of your whole family in various spots around the park. You get a card/number which you then give to the next Disney Photopass photographer you come to. The card links all your pictures together and later you can go online and look at and buy the pictures. The main thing is bring more memory/film than you think you'll need. You can transfer pictures to cd at the parks (around $15 per 120 pix) but it's time consuming.

To get an idea of what to shoot, look at this thread.
Yellow_Stitch said:
Disney World has more things to shoot than can be listed! Our last rip we took over 850 pictures and I still look at them and wish I had taken more. All the obvious shots are good, ie the castle, the Tree of Life, etc.... The main thing I wish I'd done more of is handing my camera to someone else to get myself in the picture. They have a system where Disney employees take pictures of your whole family in various spots around the park. You get a card/number which you then give to the next Disney Photopass photographer you come to. The card links all your pictures together and later you can go online and look at and buy the pictures. The main thing is bring more memory/film than you think you'll need. You can transfer pictures to cd at the parks (around $15 per 120 pix) but it's time consuming.

To get an idea of what to shoot, look at this thread.

It is very true that you couldn't list all the posibilitys to shoot. There is just so much. As for the photo's taken by the parks just remember one thing. They are copyrighted photos that you can not make copies of. Doing so is a federal crime. Not to mention that as stupid as it sounds there are groups of secret shoppers so to speak who go around either trying to copy copyrighted photos or seeing if other people are trying to do so. If you get cought you can be sued, the person helping you can be sued, and the store they work in can be sued, all for just one copy of one picture. K-Mart has been sued at least twice to my knoledge as well as some stores in NYC who have been shut down completely. I'm not trying to talk anyone out of those photos from the park as I myself have some that came out great. Just letting you know about the copying of those photos.
When I bought my first 35mm camera, a pro photographer gave me some sage advice: Don't be afraid to burn up some film! For every 20-30 pics yoiu shoot, you might get one good one.

With the cheaper cost of digital photography, I can finally follow through on this advice. I shoot anything and everything - people, places, attractions, restaurants, shows, you name it. I tend to forget to take pics of my food, since I'm usually hungry when it arrives, but many others here do so before digging in.

Shoot anything that you want to remember. Got kids? Shoot their faces as you get on or off the plane, check in to your hotel, and enter the parks for the first time. Shoot your spouse, too. Don't just shoot posed pics (stand there and smile!), shoot pics as your family meets characters, talks to CMs, gets on the monorail, or stands in line for the bathroom.

I even take pics of my hotel room (before I mess it up, of course) and my rental car on each trip, just so I can remember what they looked like years later.

Photos are memories. Just shoot anything you want to remember.

And once every 2nd day (at the most!), go to one of the camera shops, located at the front of each theme park, and get your pics downloaded to CD. Cost is $12.99 per CD, limit 120 pics per CD, and wait times vary depending on how busy they are.

Off-site (if you have a car) you can get your pics downloaded to CD at any of the local Walgreens stores for $3.99 per CD, for as many pics as the CD will hold.
You can take pictures of anything you want. Check out any thread on these boards that have pictures in them. Also check out the links that posters have in their signatures. Many of them have some great pictures that other people never think of taking pictures of. The more pictures you look at the more ideas you'll get for yourself. If you have a digital camera, buy a few extra media cards. My last trip I took 3 rolls of film and also filled a 512mg card and a 128mg card. About 500 pictures in all. Not including the ones I deleted that didn't come out. thats the best think about digital.
Thanks for the help everyone!! I have a 128 card and a 256 card but it sounds like maybe I should grab an extra.
I am not sure if it is me you are asking but, I have a Kodak Easy Share 4.0 . It is a very simple camera but it takes great photos. If I could just learn to use the dern thing to take shots of firework it would be perfect.
I shoot anything and everything - people, places, attractions, restaurants, shows, you name it.

Me too. Can never have too much and can always delete.

Shoot anything that you want to remember. Got kids? Shoot their faces as you get on or off the plane, check in to your hotel, and enter the parks for the first time.

Good idea; gotta remember that Willcad...

WillCAD is correct. The expression on my kid the first time she saw the castle is priceless (especially it was also our first real vacation ever... usually it's been vacation/business trip)
On my last trip to DWD, I always stopped at the Kodak picture spots and took pictures of the kids. These pictures had wonderful backgrounds. I hope the picture spots are still marked (my last trip was three years ago). One of my favorite pictures is a picture I took in AK with the kids in the foreground and the entireTree of Life in the background. I never would have noticed that spot if it wasn't marked as a Kodak picture spot. Of course my favorite shots are the candid shots I took of the kids at DWD, but I really enjoy the background in those pictures taken at the Kodak picture spots.
ndelaware, I'm glad to hear they still mark the Kodak picture spots. We're planning a trip in March, and I need all the help I can taking good photos!


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