18 months! "He won't remember it"

We took our daughter to Disney when she was two years and one month old. She enjoyed swimming, meeting the characters, but she doesn't remember a single thing about it -- oddly enough, she just said to me an hour ago: "I've seen the pictures of me at Disney World, but I don't remember going."

We knew that she was too young to go, but WE wanted to go to Disney. We knew that we'd be "trying for" another child soon, and I didn't want to be pregnant during a Disney trip. We realized that the trip was FOR US, not for the child. We enjoyed the trip, but it wasn't the same as a trip with older children.
I have to disagreee that the trips are not for the younger kids. Yes they are also for the adults, but the little ones enjoy themselves while they are there. Who cars if they remember it in a few yrs. It it were a once and only trip, I'ld wait until 5 or so, but if not, I think WDW is good for any age.
BTW my 5 1/2 DD was just talking a day or 2 ago about WDW. We went in May when she was almost 5 and beofre that when she was 2 1/2. Well the 2nd trip we didn't make it to the Honey I shrunk the kids playground. She remembers play at HISTK on the first trip
My 2 greatest memories of WDW are when DD was 2 and Prince Charming asked her to dance the look in her eyes were worth any amount of money. She has no memory of it but I will never forget. then last year DS was 2 when he saw Buzz and Woody and ran under the ropes and hugged them my DW had tears the picture is my wallpaper for my computer. I always tell people that you go for your own memories and this is the time when everything is real to them. If I hear DD who is 8 now say its only a costume one more time I will burst.
I am so sick of this comment.... Why does everyone feel that we shouldn't go to WDW if our DS won't remember it?? It's OUR vacation too and WE WILL remember it.... Does anyone else get these comments....

oh yes, we got that last summer when we took our (then) 8 month old daughter, again when we took her at 10 months, and once more when we took her around her first birthday. She might not remember it, but WE do....I can also tell you that Anna loves WDW. the colors, the people, the music, some of the rides...she loves it! when we went back in October (it had been 2 months since she had been there) we walked onto Main St. and she waved at the castle and said "hi" just as if it was waiting for her to come back :) now, I know that she will not remember that day, but I always will....

she will be back for her 2nd birthday as well...

for a once in a lifetime trip, I would certainly advise going later, but if you know you'll be back...enjoy each age as they grow.

who can't wait until October!
Maybe when people say you should wait until they can remember it, they are thinking that this is going to be a one time thing. Many people cannot afford to go to Disney World every couple of years. They may only be able to go once in a ten year time period, or once period. If so, it would be better to go when the child is older so that they can enjoy more rides and remember more. However, if you can afford to go more often, I think it is great to take the little ones!
We heard the same thing the first time we took our DS (then 14 months). It really upset me when I 1st heard this. As others have said, they are my memories too! DS looks at those pictures almost daily - we've wove them into a Disney story for him. During our trip last week (DS now 2 yo) I think he fell in love with Minnie Mouse. DH & I watched him hug and kiss her and blow her kisses, say HI to her from across the room, wave frantically to get her attention...it was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. Also on this last trip, DS got down on the floor & played with Pluto (who was acting like the dog he is :D ) - he kept kissing Pluto on the nose...more memories...all captured on film. Memories to share again & again & again with DS.

And while he may not remember anything specific at all from these trips, I believe the feelings of togetherness with his family, the love we all have for each other, the delight his parents show at his antics -- all shape who he is becoming. Not that we don't have those things in our day to day lives, we do - but they just seem intensified when at Disney.

Oh, I need to go look at my pictures now!
I hate this comment too! We heard it all the time when we planned out first trip with her at 22 months old. I don't think she remembers a lot of it, but I know at almost three she recalls the oddest things about that trip at times, things that really happened.

We're taking her again this year and she's so excited. She keeps asking "When we go see Poohy?"

We have great memories of the first time she saw the Pooh gang. And when I watch the videos I see how she was just so filled with wonder at seeing all the things she did.

My teens first trip was at 5 and she already knew the characters we people in costumes (thanks to a trip to the mall to see the Easter Bunny), and that really took away from that first meeting with Mickey. I swore I would never wait that long with my second child and I didn't and it was worth it!!

I simply tell these folks that I'll have the memories and that's what counts!

I too have gotten the comments. My DD has been to Disney at 7 months, 16 months, 20 months and will be there again at 2.9 yrs. I have tons of beautiful pictures of her that will last with her her whole life
My daughter was 10 mos her first time. I love the wonderful memeories I got from this trip. I looked at Disney a whole new way...thru the eyes of a child. The best part...my daughter said her first words " what's that? " while we were on " It's A Small World". I guess we were alll saying " Look Chloe...what's that? " so much she said it too. I will never forget that minute. She will never know but we do. Oh, she also walked the last day of our trip. Talk about magic:)
Why don't we just lock up our kids for the first 3 years anyway since we all don't remember that time. Anyone think that just might mess a few of them up? Evrything thing we do with our children shapes their lives and bonds a family. Why is what AGE we do it at any significance? I find the people saying it are with people that don't have children or people that never thought about how wonderful a vacation is for everyone no matter what the age and somehow didn't want to "waste" money on the kids if they would remember and apprciate it. (this were the people I experienced anyway).

My son is almost 3 now, and we're going to be going on our first trip with him in Dec. We were going to have gone last Dec but we had to cancel. Turns out...he would have TOTALLY loved it. He LOVES Camp Snoopy when we go every couple of months and ever since he saw a few commercials and a planning video he's been MICKEY obessed!!!!! He keeps talking about going and keeps putting on his jacket to go. It's going to be a LONG year!!!! I can't wait. We're going in a small group. We ALL love Nick! I can just see it now, we will each have to take turns on rides with the only child going... OURS, to see how much he loves it and savor the look on his face at every new ride, every new experience! (what's that deal about the parent swap?) Oh wait...that's right, I'm supposed to lock him up and not take him anywhere that costs money since he can't possible appreciate what it costs to go!


Sorry it was so long! But I agree with the frustration.
It's gonna be a LONG 8 1/2 months!
I have to admit that I used to think small kids were too young, and waited to take my kids when they were 14 and 10. While I was there, I noticed how much fun all the toddlers and preschoolers were having and wished that I had not waited so long to take my kids. We just joined DVC and will be going at least every other year for the next 40 years. And when anyone asks me if I think their kids are too young, I tell them "You're never too young or too old to go to Disney". It's just about the only place in the world that caters to young children and families.

It doesn't matter that they can't remember it. They will enjoy it, as will their parents watching them enjoy it. And when they are older and look at the pictures and videos , they'll "remember".

Our kids are older, but we got negative comments when we took them to Hawaii 4 years ago. A friend thought it was awful because "Hawaii is for couples, your kids won't have anything to do there".
Boy, was she wrong! We enjoyed it so much we repeated the trip the next year. I had planned to do WDW, but the kids picked Hawaii (much to my shock). The second trip we did all the things we didn't have time for the first time!
The most valuable aspect of a family vacation is the time spent together. It's impossible for someone else to measure the value of your trip for your family. Go and enjoy!!
I, too, do not understand this reasoning.

In fact, I don't remember much of my first trip to WDW and I was 11 years old. (I'm in my mid-30s now.) But I'm sure glad I went because it was the beginning of my love for WDW. And the only trip I got to share with my grandmother before she passed away.

My thinking is that if I don't give my son experiences b/c he won't remember them, then why do we bother to celebrate his birthday or other holidays.

I think special occasions, including vacations build a wonderful foundation of memories for a family (parents, children, grandchildren, etc). We've included all of our extended family on many of our trips, just as we do for birthdays. Our son won't remember his first trip to WDW, but the experiences we share during these special occasions certainly help our family's sense of togetherness. Do you need to go to WDW to accomplish this? Certainly not. But I don't think being able to remember is a good reason not to make the journey.

I only hope that he still wants to travel with us when he is old enough to have lasting memories! LOL!!
We took our DD to Disney Land when she was 16 months old. She is 5 yrs old now. She had a wonderful time!!! And we enjoyed every minute with her!! It was so great to see her meeting all the characters and getting their signatures and pictures with them. She doesn't remember much of it.

It's not about what she remembers. It's about our family having a great time together and sharing an awesome experience. We have wonderful stories to tell her with great pictures to show her.

She loves hearing about that vacation!!:) :)

And she has been on many vacations since, all over the country!
More than I ever had taken as a child her age. And boy do I envy her for that.;)
We love the time we get to share with each other on vacations, no matter where they be.

And now we will be taking our baby, he's 8 months old now, to WDW at Christmas. He'll be 17 months old when we go, just one more month older than our DD was for her first Disney trip!!:) She can't wait to show him everything!!!:) :)
I personally want to continue to travel and don't want to leave my kids at home - so, my only option is to take them with. We took our daughter at 10 months and at 4 and are going back for her 6th birthday. Son has gone at 2 1/2 and will be going at 3 1/2. I also think that the more you travel with your kids, the better travelers they become. I want to form a tradition of traveling with my kids and this is how they get good at it.
I think one of the greatest things in life is seeing the world through my child. I don't care if he remembers it or not....he enjoys it at the moment and I enjoy watching him have fun. That is what joy truly is and what makes a vacation magical.


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