150 Club...care to join???

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Good Morning Teammates!! :wave:

We are one cool team:cool1: that is going to keep moving until the scale shows us what we want :banana:

Love Sundays - it is a great day to renew, revive and recharge your commitment to seeing the 150's :cheer2:

Time for a group hug :grouphug:

Keep moving to your own beat :Pinkbounc - we each will get their under our own steam BUT with the help of others.

Rules of Engagement to worship and follow :worship: (please edit if I miss something)

1. Exercise :banana: :banana:
2. Drink your water :drinking:
3. Not only make healthy choices but PORTION CONTROL (a personal favorite)
4. When life is getting you down, :bored: :sad: :crazy2: :mad:
Don't turn to your fridge, pantry or kitchen cabinets - they can't help you only sabotage you - TURN TO US

We will always be there and are a fat free, sugar free and calorie free alternative!! :cool1:

If you can thing of another Rule of Engagement - share!!

Have a magical Disney Day!! :earboy2:

I am so blessed to have found you all.
Hi gang,
I am currently at 212, I weighed 223 on my scale at home when I started 2 weeks ago but I realize the weight is not going to always come off this easily. I've made some changes in my overall lifestyle and while I did it cold turkey I wouldn't recommend it for everyone else, it has been hard but worth it! :flower:
  • Drink at least 64 oz. water daily
  • Exercise 6 times per week
  • Eat 1500 calories a day and stick with low-fat foods
  • No eating after 7pm with certain planned "cheat" days-like Fri movie night at home
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night-hard to do when you get up at 4:45AM!
  • Start thinking more positively about myself, have a better self image. :)

I got to the gym (about 10 miles away) every weekday when they open at 5:30am and have to be back at home by 7am so DH can leave for work (can't leave DS alone!). While it is tough I keeping telling myself that if I could go there when it is -5 degrees, I can go when it is 25, etc...

I've been looking back to my WW days for some old food favorites like Laughing Cow cheese, Skinny corn chips, French Twist by Barry's Bakery and other things that help fill me up, not out!

My goal weight right now is 140, I'm 5'6, almost 5'7" so I know that falls in the "normal" range for that weight, at least according to my doc. It also depends on how much lean muscle I build over time as I am surprised at the trainers in my gym. My trainer told me she weighs 155, but is solid muscle (not the weird kind, if you KWIM?) and since a pounds of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat it is possible to be really lean and healthy at a higher weight.

We'll see how it all turns out, but I'm looking forward to the journey with my 150 friends!
Tara - Thanks again for doing this. I was glad just to get under 200 and then 190's, 180's, etc. 159 gives me a lot to shoot for.

At just under 5'4", I started out at 208 when I joined WW on August 24, 2004 and have been following the progam to a tee :teeth: I've lost 33 pounds so far, so I think I'm right on target. I think writing things down every day has been a huge help, reading labels more, drinking TONS of water (I usually drink over 100 ounces and I this is a HUGE help) and of course working out 5 days with weight training 3 days is also important. I focus on small goals (getting those pound clippies) and like Tara says, it took years for some of us to put the weight on, so it won't come and shouldn't come off too quickly. For my height, I should be between 116 and 145 pounds ( I can't even remember the last time I was in the 140's) I would like my final goal to be somewhere between 135 and 139 pounds (just to say I'm under 140 :earboy2:)

Lisa - You are an inspiration to the rest of us. Losing 95 pounds is HUGE and we all know with hard work and determination, it can be done. Congratulations on that and good luck getting to your final goal.
I've added you to our roster!! Kaye...YEAH FOR ONEDERLAND!!!!! Say goodbye to the 200's FOREVER!!!! :cheer2: You can do this and you're in a great cheering group that will help you get there! I'm just sooo pumped by the positive attitudes and support...that's half the battle!!! So glad you joined in and we'll help you stay on plan!!

Sunkissed! YEAH FOR YOU!!!! :cheer2: 10 pounds...come on you can be one of the charter members to make it to the 150's first and tell us what it's like!!! :) 10 pounds when you're so close to goal can be harder than 20 pounds when you're farther away from goal...but you've got what it takes and we're here to make it happen with you!

Aww...YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!! What great tips and ideas for keeping us on target! I've really got to work on the exercise end of things. I did complete my 60 minutes yesterday but today my hips and legs are sooo sore..I sure hope I can muster up the strength to get something done today. I have folded 6 loads of laundry...:)

Need to go refill my water!


I am so in on this one! Thanks for starting this thread. I am aiming for 150 then will re-evaluate to see how much after that! Three weeks ago I was 200lbs. this week I am at 185, well, that was until I bought a new scale which has me at 189. Don't think I haven't pouted at that development! :confused3 So, I am starting this challenge at 189.

Thanks for the motivation!
WOW!!! 11 or 15 pounds in 3 weeks!! Do share your success secrets!!! Don't keep them to yourself! :) And I'm soo glad that someone else has a bone to pick with their scale...I'm forced to use one that is 5 pounds more than my doctor's scale...but so beit...I'm slowly working it out and facing the music. Atleast a pound is a pound and it will show losses..so don't fear...you'll get to the 150's very soon! WELCOME!! And a little War Eagle out to ya! :thewave:

I'm trying to do low carb and just cut out potatoes and white flour products...but I'm running low on menu ideas...it seems everything I usually cooked had potatoes or white flour in it! :) Any good family dinner ideas that are low-carb friendly? I checked out the recipes up top but would love to hear some others.

Count me in please! I've lost 80.5 pounds since January 5th 2004 and my next bit goal is to get to ONEderland! And then 150 after that.

Congratulations to all of you for being such an inspiration. Keep up the good work.
WOWEEE!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: You are a definitely a loser and need to tell us how!!! 80+ pounds!!! That is WONDERFUL!!!! I just get excited thinking about what a transformation this has meant for you! You'll be in Onederland soon and it was a big hurdle for me...PLEASE SCREAM OUT when you get there so we can give you a HUGE Celebration!

We have some BIG LOSERS in this club...please share what's worked for you and/or what's been the hardest so far...learning through others is a great lesson!

Hi 150 gals!

I'm just checking in. Today is weigh in day for me and I'm down 1.5 pounds so that puts me at 4.5 pounds at the end of the January Lose 5 Pound Challenge that I started! I weigh 185 and am just tickled to death over it.

Tracy - Hi ya' girlie!!! It's nice to see you hear. We both can hit the 150's and then beyond! It's just like Firmin' we just have to do it!!

Teresa - Thanks so much for the encouragement. WISH has been such a big part of my success so far and these challenges are like mile markers along the way when you're on a long car trip. It helps to make the time past by so I love them and this one is right up my alley! Only 25 more pounds to go for me! We can all do this together!!

Tara - have you thought about the Firm work outs? I was doing them at my heaviest. The body sculpting system 1 is a bit less challenging than some of the later versions of the Firm work outs. I also love my new Cathe Friedrich beginner/intermediate work out. It's called Basic Step+Body Fusion. You can check out the Firm's website at www.firmdirect.com and Cathe's site is www.cathe.com - they are both great work outs and you'll see results quickly!
OH, I am *so* in! My goal is around 140, but this is close enough! I've got a looong way to go, but I'm chipping away in 10 pound increments. I'm just going to eat away at those little goals and watch them add up to the big one!

Welcome Pam!!!! You are doing the right thing!!!! 10 pound increments...they look alot better than all those single digit pass-bys! :) We're sooo glad you're joining the club...and we'll be thrilled to see you pass us right by into the 140's! You can do this...one day at a time...and keeping inspired to stay fit and healthy!!!!

Thanks so much Zeras! For the heads up on the FIRM workouts...I've seen it mentioned but never looked into them...I think it's just what I need...hope they have them at Wal-Mart...I'll go buy one tomorrow! I think I can wake up at 6am and get them knocked out before the kids rise for breakfast. I know the exercise will help HUGELY in my attitude and confidence in getting to 150.

Can't wait to try them out! Thanks again!!!!

Hi Everyone,
It looks like this is going to be a very large and successful group.

Today was a good day for me. My family (DH, DS4, DS2 and the family dog) and I were all able to get outside and go for a walk today. Living in Michigan, this is the 1st time in a few weeks that it has been warm enough to get outside for a walk with the kids. Just getting outside for a while sure helps me feel more alert and upbeat. I also had time to use my weight machine this evening. More good news for me, is that my mom bought a new treadmill and has offered me her old one. :Pinkbounc Next week we are going to pick it up and put it in the new family room in the basement, so I can start getting up earlier in the moring and exercise before work.

Tara - Thank you for the encouragement, I was feeling kinda frustrated with my knee and your encourangement was just what I needed to keep me from giving up. By the way I have 87 pounds to go to reach 159.

Good Morning Team Mates!! :cool1:

It is going to be 36 degrees in the Chicagoland area!! WOO HOO!! :banana: Hopefully we are done with the worst of winter.

Regina - how did you enjoy your walk outside? Was the sun shining?

How is the rest of the gang doing?

Got up this am and walked a mile on the TM at a pretty good clip. Felt pretty good. Have already drank a bottle of water and now am enjoying my coffee.

Today's plan is to stay OP with WW, get some more exercise in after work and pay some bills (now that is a depressing thought :rolleyes:

Anyway everyone have a HAPPY MONDAY!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Keep your eye on the goal of 150's - Once we start nothing can stop us but ourselves :grouphug:

Have a magical Disney Day!! :earboy2:
Regina! That is sooo great you went for a walk with the family! Especially with bad weather....you'd be walking every day in TN...so what's my excuse???? You're encouraging me to get out there!! I think we get spoiled...you wait for temperatures above freezing and I wait for the 50's! :)

I think I'll try and start every morning with just a short walk around the block with the kids...then work in an exercise video in the afternoons. That seems to be when I'm sooo tired...on mornings I can make myself get up at 6am I'll do it...I was supposed to get up this morning but my legs are still sooo sore from overdoing it at the YMCA on Saturday.

Chrismiss!! I wouldn't want to walk in those Chicago winds...but I bet it's great for building muscle tone! WOWEE! What a sweet mom! And way to go on the weight machine..that weight will come off faster with a lean body under it! :) Keep up the great work...

Am I the only one who has dreams about food? I dreamed last night I licked icing off some cookies my mother made and then all I could think of "is that enough sugar to throw me out of ketosis?" It's nuts I tell ya!

Oh! And I still weighed 196.5 for 3 days in a row...my legs are soo sore I"m hoping it's just water hanging on trying to heal the damage I did to myself...

I weigh on Thursdays and will update my progress on page one...whenever your weigh day or weigh month is (I know some may not be weighing) just post your weight change for your week and I'll change the front page to reflect the change...

Mornin', ladies! I hit the gym before work this morning and officially started my Couch to 5K plan. I'm using this as my preparation for marathon training (gotta get a Mickey Medal, ya know!)

I'm drinking my water and sticking to eating goals. By the time I turn 40 (in November) I'll be a brand new me!
OK, I am in!! As of today, I only need to lose 100 pounds to get into this club. Just got out of the 260's club with my 4 pound wieght loss last week!!! It is gonna be a long haul....but hey, I see others have started where I am at....and WOW!!! Lisa you are my inspiration!! Thanks for that!!

I too am gonna try that Couch to 5K thing. I have my fisrt 5K April 10th. This works out to be jut about perfect as I am going to do the first week for 2 weeks.....we will see how that all goes. I HATE running!! I am just starting to walk...can't imagine running. Of course I never imagined being OP for a month either.....so things are changing....and my new "diet" isreally becoming a lifestyle. I have lost 9 pounds this month and am feeling so much better about myself.

Anyway, I am all for the long haul and proud to be a part of such a great group!!!

Thanks for your encouragement!!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
zagafi said:
Mornin', ladies! I hit the gym before work this morning and officially started my Couch to 5K plan. I'm using this as my preparation for marathon training (gotta get a Mickey Medal, ya know!)

I'm drinking my water and sticking to eating goals. By the time I turn 40 (in November) I'll be a brand new me!

Zagafi, Are you my long lost twin? :wave: I also turn 40 in November, plan to be a brand new me by my birthday and I am looking into 5k's around my area to get ready for the 2007 marathon (I hope to be able to attend) for that Mickey Medal!
Good afternoon Club 150!! :cool1:

Usually, I try to get my exercise in in the morning, but today I was working on DH's taxes. (He is self-employed.) We are trying to get all of the information to the accountant by Friday so I may not exercise as much as usual.

I did make my goal of 1000 minutes of exercise in January though! :Pinkbounc I had to really kick it up a notch the past few days, but I did it and I am :teeth: about it!

Weigh-in is tomorrow so we shall see what has happened since my last weigh in on January 15th. When I sit down and make my February goals, that may include weighing myself more than twice a month so I can monitor progress better.

Have a wonderful day today! Go team!!! :cheer2:
clr1194 said:
Zagafi, Are you my long lost twin? :wave: I also turn 40 in November, plan to be a brand new me by my birthday and I am looking into 5k's around my area to get ready for the 2007 marathon (I hope to be able to attend) for that Mickey Medal!

If so I count my self a lucky girl! :cool1:
Liz!! You're in great company here....we've all had to struggle with weight...but now we can celebrate losing it! :) THAT IS OUTSTANDING to lose 9 pounds last month!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc And what a great goal to start a 5k in April...the tulips will be out and the birds will be singing..and you'll be on your way to a fit new you!!! Keep up the great work!!!

To the "twinkies". :sunny: ..I notice alot of us have similar weight stories...but having the same birthday and month is pretty cool!!!! WHAT A GREAT WAY to turn 40...by being fitter than you were in your 30's!!! Y'all will be an inspiration to me...can't wait to wish you both a Happy Birthday in or near 150's!!! :)

Toystory...good luck on the taxes! It must be a bear being self-employed and having to keep track of much! AND WAWOO on 1000 minutes of exercise!!! Do you realize that is AWESOME!!! And it's probably more exercise than I've done in 3 months! OUCH! But, count me in there with you...I passed on early am exercise tape for rest and soreness from working out Saturday...I really can't let that happen...I'll shoot for 1000 minutes with you for February and wouldn't it be great if we could be at 2/20 and be able to over do those minutes??? And February is a short month so we gotta get cracking! :) :dancer:

ON DOWN 150 CLUB!!! :)

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