150 Club...care to join???

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I got up this morning and the scale did not budge an inch. :sad2: I did pretty good with the food intake and had such a good workout. Stayed on the WM for 37 min and ran 2.35 miles. It felt so good and I thought my scale would budge just a little today. For the rest of the day I just wanted to plow my head into a box of doughnuts.

It has been a rough couple of days here, DS2 started running a fever yesterday evening (103.5) and then today complained that his ear hurt. We took him to the doctor and confirmed that it is an ear infection. With him being sick it has been hard to get my exercise in and to stay with my diet. I did ok with my exercise, but my diet did not go so well today. Hopefully the medicine will kick in soon so I can get back on track. Friday is weigh-in day so hopefully I will see some success this week.

4togo - Step away from the doughnuts! They won't help the scales at all! Sometimes our bodies play tricks on us and tomorrow you might wake up with a big whoosh on the scales and you'll be so glad you didn't give in to temptation. Hang in there and the pounds will start dropping I promise. :hug:

Regina - I hope your son is feeling better soon! It must be hard to stay OP when you are taking care of sick little ones. ::yes:: Hang in there and do your best - he'll be feeling better soon and you can get back to your routine.

Lisa & Tara - Thanks so much for the encouragement. I know if I could just get in a routine some of my excuses would slip away but it's been quite the struggle to get to that point. I don't do well with videos - I take that back - I do good BUYING them just not USING them. :blush: I find it so hard to follow along with them for some reason. I am really going to consider working out in the morning it's something I've been wanting to try but just haven't figured out the logistics of getting to the gym and making it to work on time as they are in opposite directions. I'm going to think about that and see if I can make it work. Thanks again to you both. :goodvibes:

Keep up the great work everyone! Remember ever lb gone is a lb closer to 159!! :hyper:
YES!!! KAYE is soo right..STEP AWAY FROM THE DONUTS!!! Or better yet do a little jig on top of the box..then pour some bacon grease on them and trash them! :) Dontcha hate it when you have an AWESOME week of disciplined eating...manage to change your schedule to fit some powerful workouts in and the scale doesn't budge??? Well, here's the GOOD NEWS!!!! Those workouts create stronger muscle cells...they require LOTS of water and nutrients...for the first 6-8 weeks of steady exercise your body realizes this is not a trick..that you're doing this on purpose and it doesn't have to hold on to that water and extra nutrients..."Hey," says the muscle, "I can get some nutrients right here from this fat storage".....and then you become one efficient little machine....you'll find you can eat more (still good foods of course) and still lose weight! 2 months after I started walking 20 miles a week...I promise you I ate decently, even had a brownie or two and the weight still came off! So give yourself a pat on the back and realize your body's adjusting and will soon be paying off in spades!

Regina...oh I soo hope ds pulls through soon! It's very hard seeing them sick and I agree..near impossible to plan or accomplish much than keeping them comfortable. Drink your water and get some fruits in there with vitamin C to help keep your energy up...then try to get back on plan when he's well and you're well rested to add the exercise and get the right foods at the grocery. You'll do well, just stay strong!!!

Kaye, I'm right with you with the videos...that's why I packed all of them away although we haven't moved yet. I'm going to give it another shot...atleast until my hubby and I are in the same state and I can walk the sidewalks before he goes to work...it's so hard to make it to the gym, too...can you find a workout buddy there? Our YMCA has buddy systems that keep you going. I just prefer walking outdoors to treadmill or weights...ugh..more excuses!! :) We'll figure this out!! :)

Hi everyone.. I am joining in!! My end goal is 135 but I do need to get to 150 first!

I would love to be at 150 by August 1st. Then get to 135 by Dec 1st, out next trip to WDW.

I am working on drinking lots more water too. Minimum of 72 oz a day, goal of 96 oz a day. I have been doing it since the beginning of Feb. Feeling really good about it. It helps me not eat so much during the days.

Today I have already had my 72oz so only 3 more glasses to reach my goal!! I look forward to being a Great Big Loser with you all!

150.. here I come!!
Good ole Gal!!! Great to have you with us...we can surely get you to 150's by summer and wave so long as you head into the 130's!! :) That'll be one of the best good byes to give! :) I homeschool, too! Sometimes it's a struggle to fit in exercise (my husband is out of town until we move) so with our little ones (ages 9, 6, 5) it's hard to get it going...but seeing the scales move keeps me motivated and I've got to get this flabby feeling gone! :)

Welcome to the club and share your challenges and victories!! :) Just give us an update weekly and I'll post your progress!

Good Ole Gal, WELCOME :wave2: I'll hang with you I have a goal of 150 by the end of May and 130 by Christmas! You can do it!

Isn't it amazing what the water will do for you (besides the trips to the potty) it really cuts the cravings! Way to go!

Tara, :wave: hope you are having a good day! Thanks for being such a great encourager (is that a word?)!!
Sign me up. I need to loose 28 pounds to get to 150.
Got a WDW trip in May (daughter's band marching) and
would like to be well on my way to 150 and then my niece's
wedding in July and would love to be at 150.
I am new to this so do I just post weight loss here?
Sure!! You just post a weekly change (+ or -) and I'll update it on the front page..we'll be cheering everyone as they enter the 150's and hopefully for a few pass right on through! You will FEEL GREAT being fit and ready for those grand events this summer..glad you joined us so we can be inspired and encouraged by you!

Gang, I just did an hour of pilates...it's okay..never tried it before...I think it's great for lengthening your muscles and easy to do if you're not feeling raring to go...so I think I'll go buy a FIRM and use that most days and the Pilates 1-2x a week. But, hey, I actually did something and with a sore throat! :)

Call me pleased! :)
Now if I could just go drink a gallon of water...it's 5:30 and I haven't even had one glass!!! I've had 1/2 a diet coke and an orange...slap me!!! For food I did egg/sausage and turkey/cheese for lunch...where's my WATER!!! and veggies!!

Are y'all still taking members? I see some familiar folks here. I'm on my way to 135, but need to pass the 150s to get there.

I weighed 177 at the beginning of Jan, but, in starting to condition for half-marathon training, I was 174 at the beginning of Feb. That would mean 15 lbs to lose to get to 159 (that doesn't sound so bad!). I weigh daily 'cause I'm compulsive, but I only count Mondays.

I'd like to lose 20lbs or so by the time marathon training starts in Sept, then hopefully, the rest will soon follow!
Hi fellow losers,

Congradulations to all who lost this week, keep up the good work. Welcome to all of the new faces.

Today was weigh-in for me and I lost 3lbs :cheer2: :cheer2: . This week I managed to exercise everyday and drank 64oz of water 5 out of the 7 days.
One thing that helped me this week is to take short break at work a few times a day and walk the hall. The office building I work in is 1/4 mile from one end to the other and back, since I work at one end I get up and walk down and back at least 3 times a day.

Ds is feeling better and is back to his old self, unfortunatly I now have a cold. But I look at it this way, with a cold I drink more water since I have to breath through my mouth and I have to force myself to eat something the only thing suffering is my exercise.

After being so down yesterday, I read your emails and I felt so motivated again. I got back on the WM and ran for another 2.25 miles for 35 min. It felt so good and when I got back up on the scale this morning I lost 2.5 pds and I'm now at 174.5. :cool1:

You guys are the GREATEST! Tara! you keep us all going!

Good luck to everyone over the weekend. Hide out from the Superbowl snacks!
The water's warm and if you're not careful you might be kicked by a member doing water aerobics!! :) Humor is not my forte! :) You are doing GREAT!!!! 174 is AWESOME and sooo close to 150's!!! Just a breath into 160's and down you'll slide!!! That marathon training will whittle it off you in no time! :)

REGINA!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: wooweeeeeeee girl!!! 3 pounds is HUGE!!!! You are SOOO inspiring me to commit to an exercise daily...and your water is AWESOME!!! So glad to hear ds is doing better...but a little icky that now you're under the weather...just remember when we go through sickie days the scales can do some strange things so don't worry if they're acting up! But the water will help you and if you have a sore throat...an old biology professor at school told me to chew a zinc tablet and swallow orange juice and boy that zinc tastes AWFUL but it really takes away the sore throat!!! :) Much better than gargling salt water! :) STAY STRONG and be encouraged by your great efforts and discipline this week!!! :)

4togo!!!! :banana: :banana: :p I'll count the little pink face as half a pound....each pound gone is a banana!!! :) Your organs in your body and your bones are celebrating not having to nourish those 2.5 pounds of goo!!! :) You're gonna let that smooth muscle tissue SHINE THROUGH!!!! And thanks for the heads up on Superbowl...I had totally forgotten and my hubby will definitely want some snacks...wonder if he'll go for celery sticks?

I'm in there with Regina...sore throat and such...but I did manage the pilates...but tonight for dinner I was too tired to cook so I ordered pizza for the kids (didn't even tempt me) and I had some hot wings...but I made the mistake of ordering the Cinnastix...avoided those too...but couldn't help swiping the icing cup after I had poured it on them....aaagh!! That's how it starts with me...just an innocent little swig of sugar and I am eating cookie dough the next day...but I'm here to confess it and gain control before my cravings take over....no more sugar!!!! I need veggies and fruits!!! :)

Thanks guys!! You are all making me realize I can make it to the 150's...a week at a time!

Okay, Tara, you DIDN'T eat the pizza, and you DIDN'T eat the cinnastix, and you DIDN'T eat the whole cup of icing. I'd say that is FANTASTIC! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Today, you will drink (your water :cool1: ) 'til the cows come home and you will not crave the cookie dough. My DD's went out and bought cookie dough yesterday....luckily, it was chocolate chip, and if I'm going to waste calories on cookie dough, make it shortbread, please. :rotfl2:

I haven't lost weight this week, but I'm off for my third visit to Curves and this is the first week in months that I've done that. Yeah!

Tara, I really appreciate your posts! You are doing for this thread what Kath did 2 years ago for us. Just wanted to give you a big :hug: 'cause I know the difference something like this makes!

Stay strong. We WILL get there. . . .one step at a time.
WOW! Debbie!!! You sounded just like Katholyn! :) I so do miss her. You're right...I can't let one uninhibited swipe of icing sabotage 16 days of WAWOO discipline!!! That's the longest I've gone disciplined with my eating in probably a year! :) So, whatever the scales say today I'm gonna suck it up and get some walking in today and hopefully with my frantic Saturday morning cleaning I will burn some of that sugar off.

And, guys, you'll see me a lot here...encouraging and supporting all your successes and challenges makes me realize I'm not alone in this....that's been my number one reason for failure...I lack the support at home...some can do well independently but I work much better in a team than alone...so I rely on y'all to help me through this...any I've always felt that I could do anything while WISH'ing! :)

Debbie - Congratulations on making it to Curves 3 times this week, that is a huge step in the right direction.

Tara - Be strong, I can totally relate to one innocent little bite of sugar leading to eating more sweets.

The weather is suppose to be in the upper 40's today and Sunday, so today we are all going to take the dog for walk again. Then on Sunday, since DH doesn't watch football, we are going to take the kids to the zoo for the day.

Good Luck everyone on avoiding the Superbowl snacks.

Well, I am one step closer to the 150 club, I just entered the 200 club (208 this am) and am thrilled. I started out 3 weeks ago in the 220's, then down to the 210's so feeling one step closer to my goal is awesome! I can't wait to see that scale get down below 200-that will really be a great day! :)

Hope everyone has a terrific weekend! :flower:
Karen, we call that a ONEderful day! :goodvibes

Regina, I'm not a football fan, DH is a sports JUNKIE---anything to sit in front of the t.v. Enjoy your walks. It'll be fun. Isn't it wonderful to see the sun and to feel some kind of warmth? :sunny:

Tara, I miss Katholyn, too. I see that she is still on the boards, just not here so much. :sad2: That's funny how you referred to me/her, since that is EXACTLY what I see you doing! I know, too, how motivating it is to be the cheerleader on a thread. Keep up the good work! You're fantastic! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Curves was good, and I worked out HARD. Now, I'm off for a short walk. Gotta get back on the walking track. I miss it...Sh!! :earseek:
The 150's CLUB would like to announce a member "Dissing the 10's!!!"

GOODBYE 210's...HELLO 200's!!!!

As far as I can count...WE LOVE DIS...has been the first mover and shaker to break the barrier into a whole new 10's segment!!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

:banana: :banana: Not sure how many bananas to give you! But atleast 2 to get you to 208!!! We'll have a GRAND celebration when you enter Onederland!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Regina...have a GREAT time at the zoo...you can really walk off some butter sticks there! :) Everyone is doing great....stay strong and stay focused on getting fit!

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