13 lbs in 8 weeks - 9 lbs and 3 weeks to go!

Apr 26, 2006

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

Well I can't do this by myself, so I'm going to have to tell my story so I can get some encouragement and accountability.

I was, not really thin, but I looked good before I got pregnant with my first baby (in 2007). I gained 38 lbs with her, lost 10 when she was born and immediately gained it back. A year and a half later (doing Weight Watchers), I had lost 10 lbs. My doctor ran glucose tests, thyroid tests, everything and nothing is wrong with me. He concluded that breastfeeding was making me gain weight. I got pregnant with my second baby (my son Judah) while I was still nursing her, and gained a total of 35 lbs. After he was born I lost 20 lbs and have managed to keep it off. In January 2011 I started using caloriecount.com and I was determined to get down to my "pre-Judah" weight before our first cruise in May 2011. Well I made it!! I lost 13 lbs in four months And then over the course of July-August gained it all back plus one.

I spent August, September, October, November feeling defeated and disgusted with myself. It was so hard to force myself to go to the gym when I felt like it was useless. I just kept telling myself how much more weight would I be gaining if I wasn't working out? Then over Thanksgiving weekend, we found a great deal on a cruise at the end of January and booked it! Rather than feeling defeated, I started feeling like this was another opportunity to work towards a goal. I decided to lose 13 lbs in the 8 weeks I have left before the cruise. That will put me just 2 lbs above my "pre-Judah" weight, and I think it's a doable goal. Once I get there I will have 25 left to get all the way back down to my "pre-Katherine" weight, but I am not even considering that right now. It might never happen.

My plan: I have four nights a week I can go to the gym. I do 45-60 minutes of cardio, either on the treadmill or on the elliptical. Last week I went three times. I've decided I can miss 2 days without feeling like I've completely screwed up, but I have to go at least twice. Drink plenty of water - I now drink 16 oz of water first thing in the morning before I am allowed to have a cup of coffee or tea. I have replaced my morning coffee with tea (no creamer = less calories). When I lost weight the first time, I cut way back on the creamer. I measured it out and discovered I was eating about 600 calories a day just in Coffeemate! I cut it back so I was consuming about 200 cals a day in Coffeemate. That was one of the most discouraging things when I gained all my weight back, because I was still measuring out my creamer and being very careful about it. But now, tea instead of coffee at home. And if I do get a coffee at Starbucks (because I am a Starbucks addict!), talls instead of grandes. Continue to use caloriecount.com. Last week I missed logging my food on Friday and on Sunday. I can miss 2 days a week and not feel like I've completely screwed up.

As you can see, I've lost 3 lbs in the last week (actually 2.8 lbs). I know a big loss to begin with is not uncommon and I will probably see a smaller loss next week. But it's great to see my efforts paying off again. I will post my progress during the week and weigh in on Mondays. Encouragement is very much appreciated!!!

Edit: I was doing some weird rounding before, but I've decided to round up instead of down. I had exactly 12.8 lbs to lose when I started, so I'm saying 13. So far I have lost 2.8 but the ticker only goes by whole pounds.
Had a cup of coffee this morning since my 4 year old woke me up in the middle of the night. Yesterday I did 45 minutes on the treadmill - walked 10, ran 10, walked 10, ran 10.
I've had a good week so far - Monday and Tuesday went well diet-wise. I did the gym on Monday and did a 4-mile Walk Away The Pounds DVD (60 minutes) on Tuesday. Wednesdays is a no-gym day for me. I thought I would do great again today with food...but...the pollen is so high today that I nearly scratched my face off. I felt awful and didn't want to mess with dinner before church (which is why there is no gym on Wednesdays), so DH decided to be helpful and brought home McDonald's. I eat McDonald's maybe once every two months, but when I do it is a 10-piece nuggets and about half of a medium fries with sweet tea. I know McNuggets are frankenfood, but it is a childhood comfort food for me. Thankfully I had been feeling too awful to eat much more than hot tea all day, so even with my horrible dinner I still stayed within my calorie limit. However now I feel fatty and salty.
Today I want to give up. I'm not going to meet my goal. It doesn't matter what I do, I'm going to be fat forever. This morning is my weekly weigh-in and I gained 0.2 lbs. Puts me at an overall loss of 2.6 lbs with 10 lbs to go. I did all 4 of my work-outs this week, and even walked a mile (15 minutes) on a 5th day. I only went over my calorie goal (1600) on one day (which was last Monday). So see - it doesn't matter.
Don't give up!!! You can do it!! We can plan things all we want, but life will always throw a wrench into things. It is all in how you deal with the wrenchs!
On Thursdays I like to weigh in the morning just to check on how I am doing for the week, although I don't "count" it - I only count Monday weigh-ins. This morning I am +1.2 from my weigh-in on Monday. So that puts me at only -1.4 overall. Very very very upset. I already did 2 work outs this week, Wednesday is my night off, and I will do 2 more tonight and Friday. I've been staying within my 1600 calorie limit and drinking all my water. And yet I gain weight.
Well my weigh-in this morning went ok. I'm actually back to where I was on December 5, minus another 0.2. -3.2 overall, 9.6 to go. Which is really surprising because I did awful this week. When I last posted on Thursday I had been sticking to my plan. But then I didn't log my food on Thursday, and I missed my work-out. Friday I logged my food and did a work-out, and then Saturday and Sunday I did log at all, so I missed 3 days of food journal and 1 work-out. I did walk around Magic Kingdom on Friday and then Epcot on Saturday pushing my giant double stroller, but I don't count that as a work-out.

Anyway, I'm not giving up - yet. But I'm really discouraged and I wonder if I'm just going to keep yo-yoing around and never have any real progress.
I managed to get through 2 weeks of holidays losing 0.6 lb. I guess you can call that a success?? I have 3 weeks and 9 lbs to go, so it's pretty obvious that I will NOT be making this goal. Although if I can lose 4 more I won't feel like a complete failure.

Today my goals are - log my calories and go to the gym!


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