13 + [ Habbo Hotel ]


Earning My Ears
Aug 31, 2006
I was wondering if anyone from VMK, plays habbo. Remember this game is for people above the age of 13. So, if not your above the age of 13, I would not recommend you joining but anyways.

Does anyone play Habbo?

Put your VMK NAME and Habbo Name

Habbo List:

VMK Name: StitchFanIAm
Habbo Name: OmgItsLuis
Join the group on habbo..

Vmkers Group

I liked the game in the beginning. But then the perverts and rudes game along lol
Me and Narnia tried it, there are also too many racist people on there....

Theres this gang of people.. who in habbo, and met up in VMK, decided to block the exits.. It's their favorite thing to do. They wore afros, black clothing, and made their skin black.

They were the rudest people I ever met.
Oh, I played it... and I kept getting messages from guys asking me to....*gulp* do stuff with them.... :0 :0 :0 They also had very inappropriate rooms and those guys with the afros were super annoying -_-
I just tried Hobbo and I was shocked at what they allow in there!

If you are not a big fan of "Taken" and "Family" in VMK then Hobbo is NOT for you because that is pretty much all that is on there.
Furthermore the guest room list included Strip clubs and lets meet on C.A.M. rooms.
The one room I entered was so vulgar I had to leave, kids are sharing their Email addresses and Myspace pages left and right and asking each other to "Show off" on web cam for them

This place is a pedophile's DREAM! I will NOT be returning nor would I EVER recomend it to anyone. JUST SICK.:confused3
Wow. I like Habbo now.

I guess when I was like .. 11 I didn't know what people were saying or doing, so I thought it was bad.. Now that I know.. I can just ignore it.

__ hard to explain lol. anywayy...

I like the more choice of clothing for free they give you, and how they sell habbo cards at target! I'm going to buy some tomorrow for furniture for my room! :D
I played habbo so I could be with my friends when we were away from school. It was like boombang, kinda like that but you dont really do as much but there are the same, pervs and rude people bugging everyone.
Theres this gang of people.. who in habbo, and met up in VMK, decided to block the exits.. It's their favorite thing to do. They wore afros, black clothing, and made their skin black.

They were the rudest people I ever met.

Ah! Those people! I saw them when I went to enter a cafe. I was the ONLY PERSON in the exit and they wouldn't let me in....So Rude. Oh well, I dont play anymore. Much bad language and gross things on there...definitly 13 and older. Once again, not a "family friendly" game. :)


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