12/22 Coaster Christmas USO


<font color=red>Proud Redhead<br><font color=peach
Sep 18, 2003
Got up early again and went down to the lobby wearing silk One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish pajamas covered with a PBH robe, Spongebob slippers with Santa hats and a Bullwinkle antlers Santa hat on my head. I felt like it was Halloween. This get up could do nothing but get smiles. I got some coffee and had valet bring the van around so I could get a swim suit to go to the gym and soak in the whirlpool.
We were a little late at the US gates but still had the FOTL wands. We did the usual tour. I got picked for the stuntman on Earthquake and broke a leg.
DD and DS won 4 more stuffed animals and 2 basketballs.
I beat DS all but once on MIB.
We saw Flyfly. Had a little excitement at BJ's.
We went to a full T2 theater and the 3 of us had to split up. They were setting up extra chairs.
We wasted a lot of time going to PBH for storytelling.
We had a good talk with Robert, a RPR Boat Pilot.
When we were walking to the parking garage through Citiwalk we got chastized for bouncing the basketballs by the guy driving the horse and carriage. He said it bothered the horse. He must have been a pet pychic.
FOTL worked like a charm. Can it be done without them? We'll find out tomorrow...
Okay forget the coaster pics I NEED to see the one of you grabbing coffee in that get up! What a sight...would have made anyones day.

Noticing how well you all listened to wife,mom about no more stuffed animals! Typical! Another DIS meet with Flyfly...cool!

We also had a nice chat with Robert on the boat...really great guy! So if basketballs werent meant for bouncing...what then?

A little confused here...why would the next day be w/o FOTL? Did you check out and into somewhere else? Wouldnt you still be entitled to FOTL anyway on check out day? Am I just slow? Splain, Lucy.

A little sad that I am heading to next and last report!
I must be special because when we had our mini meet he had his special hat! I got to see it in living color!:tongue:
Spidey and Jess-
You don't get pictures of yourself dressed like that! Think of the blackmail. After I shuffled out to the van and brightened the morning for the valet guys I got on the elevator with an older couple that tried to act like I wasn't there. This outfit begged for a comment either positive or "Gee you look stupid!" but to not say anything was too strange. I had to laugh when they got off.

no FOTL because we returned to DSD.
Robert remembers us because he's from Ft. Lauderdale and had a girlfriend in Naples. I turned him in for employee recognition in Sept. and asked him if anything came of it in Oct. He said "No" which is too bad. He got wrote up once for dropping PBH guests at HRH.
The basketball thing was too funny. I would bounce it and the guy would turn his head and give me one of those parental looks. We did this little dance over a 300'+ walk and he must have stared at me 5 times before he said anything.



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