11/29/03 Easterners......it's been 9 days back in reality.....what are you doing???


<font color=blue>DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>
Jan 13, 2003
Well, it was a great cruise, and we had a great thread going before we left.....so what are you doing now???
It has certainly been eventful for us beginning on Friday night. My DD10 became ill Friday afternoon on the ship with vomiting and fever. Saturday morning it continued, I got some medication from the ship health center and just wanted to get home.

We went to the airport, were able to get an earlier flight, but then missed the connection due to the bad weather up north. Then our next flight was delayed and we did not arrive home until 10pm, then had a one hour drive.

By this time, DD is extremely ill, dehydrated and starting to hallucinate. Went straight to emergency room where she was then transported to our Children's Hospital Intensive Care Unit. Got a complete workup including spinal tap.

She is home now and doing fine. Hopefully she will be back to school tomorrow. We did not sleep in our own beds until Tuesday.

She did make me promise that we would not sail during "cold and flu season" again. She had been reading all the signs, and I was like a crazy person with the purell. Just goes to show sometimes all the precautions do not work.

Her final diagnosis was influenza A. Two other children from our party have similiar symptoms but not as severe. I know this is not any fault of DCL, I really was impressed with the cleanliness of the ship, the signs posted about handwashing, etc.

Overall though, we really had a great time up until the end. I am just now catching up on Laundry, email, etc.
I'm sitting at home nursing a flu bug that started with my daughter in law and grandson from california. They brought it with them, and we have manged to pass it through much of our group, no matter how much Durell we used! Even with the bug, and 20 foot waves, it was a great trip! Four of our families signed up for the same cruise next year, with everyone agreeing we want to try all 22 of us in two years (let a couple of the kids get past the terrible twos)!

Momof4princesses - saw you had Sunny and Johnny for late seating - we had them for early! They were great - best of all seven cruises!

Its cold and raining in florida- but not as cold as sailaway- next time I'll leave the weather predictions with the weather Channel.

Til we meet again!
I just returned home yesterday! I got to enjoy WDW for four days! We went to the Candlelight Proc and the Christmas Party! Yes, it was a little chilly saturday but after that it was nice weather! We had a great time on both the cruise and at WDW! My DH got seasick on thursday but he was fine after he took a nap! He played bingo on thurdsay and I guess there was a little girl that threw up 3 times before the mother took her out of the theater! And my DH does not do well with smells, that made him very ill for the afternoon.
I am very happy we had nice weather on the islands!

We LOVED the catamaran we did on St. Maarten! The island they took us to was awesome!

OH...and we got upgraded from a Cat 11 to a Cat 7 and found out the night before sailing, that was a nice surprise!

I did get a new diamond ring! Merry Christmas to me!

WDW was great! The parks weren't crowded at all! I think the longest we waited for anything was 20 minutes and that was for the Rock n' Roller Coaster!

Wishes was spectacular! We loved Mission Space and Mickey's PhilharMagic!

We did a lot in 4 days! I am exhausted but that is ok, because I am "Disney" tired!

We are going to book the western for next year! I am ready to go back now!

DS had stomach Ache on Friday Night late. Gave him a dramamine and he went back to sleep, but he wouldn't do Breakfast Saturday morning (He had no shoes either and that was part of it. They got packed by mistake, poor guy walked off the boat in his socks). He got sick once on the ride home and a couple of hours later was hungry. He ate Chicken Nuggets and a Cheesburger both from McDonalds during the 14hour drive. However, he probably slept a good 12 of those hours. He went to school on Monday with no problems. I had visions of a trip like Momof4princesses had, but we got lucky and you have my sympothies and I'm glad everyone is doing ok now. DW (Crazy Momma) has it now. Was sick last night hasn't been sick today, but been asleep most of the day. I guess I'm next.

We where all healthy long enough to take care of the Car problem Monday night. Bought a new 2004 Ford Expedition to replace the wife's car that died the day we left. 0 percent financing is nice.

Izzy I'm going to tell the DW it is all your fault she and DS are/where sick. You passed those germs over from your table to ours. (Spent 2 or 3 days sitting next to Izzy's clan before he and Amanda recognized DS and Favorite Auntie's Nephew from the pictures on the Web site)

We where talking to one of the Slide Guardians on Friday night and if makes anyone feel better he said a good portion of the crew was feeling sick on Thursday too. He called the conditioned caused by the weather 'Protien Spills' they had in excess of 30 of them by 10AM. DS was quesy then too, but was fine for Castaway Cay so I don't think it was related. I never did go check any weather pages, but word I got from friends and family was that we where on the edge of a late season tropical storm. I'm just glad we had such a great day on Friday at Castaway Cay. I bit my tongue everytime I thought to say out loud 'I wonder if we will be able to dock tomorrow'. I didn't say it so it didn't come true :).
Great meeting your family! Tell your wife to stay off the computer. don't want anymore "viruses". Believe it or not, we did survive our baggage pick up fiasco. Hope you don't get this crud!!!
ALL RIGHT!!!! I knew somehow we could keep this group together!!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Well, we made it to Orlando air port at 10:15am and couldn't check our bags 'till 11. (We had a 2:53 flight) DW wasn't happy about leaving sunny Florida. No one has been sick, (knock on wood).
Momof4princesses......sorry about the illnesses I had that last year when we were leaving and I NEVER get sick!!!(alcohol kills germs....right Bob?LOL)
Bob......yes, I think you had better leave the weather to the weather channel!!! But, you were only one day off!! Hope you all feel better.
Princess Gina.......I do believe to were on the Catamaran with us (I was the one drinking all the lite beer on the way home!!!LOL)
LostboyinVA.......You will LOVE the Expedition. That's what DW has (Eddie Bauer 04) it's our 2nd Expedition and we love it!!!

Has anyone heard from TChrist05??? I'm still blaming his "black cloud".........All kidding aside, we had a WONDERFUL or should I say "MAGICAL" time. From the checkin at POR to the checkout on the ship. Everything was perfect........except the fact that they ran out of miller lite on tap at Plutos and Signals by thursday...... don't know how that could have happened!!!! For those of you we met you all were great and for all of you I think I saw and those I didn't it WAS a great sailing and a cool feeling knowing there were people on the ship I actually knew!!!!

Oh ya Bob, we do have a deposit on the 10 dayer' but now DW is thinking of the Western 11/20/04......that would save some $$$$. See ya all Ron
We had a blast meeting everyone that we did!! And my Rams won while on board!!! We're going again next year--same week. Can't wait!!! None of us (dd,dh,myself) have the flu--thank goodness!! Keeping Addison away from the rest of the family right now--it's cycling it's way thru their households!! Anyway--hope everyone has a great holiday season!! Till we meet again..........Amanda:)
I believe I suggested the disshop shirts or other items and posted the site approx a month or so before the cruise but no one paid attention. :o(

You might remember my dad as the one who hung out by the bar the ENTIRE time! He was very loud and was singing alot! My mom was the bigger lady who sat in the middle of the catamaran where the seats were, and my husband helped hoist the sail and was also a little tipsy coming back, he was very loud as well!! Me, I was just enjoying the ride!

Did anyone else get an upgrade at the last minute?

We are thinking of doing the Western the first of October!

Gina ::MinnieMo
Yes, I did suggest the Disshop. It is on Page 20 of our thread! See, we were too caught up on the cruise to think of anything else. LOL!


Gina...........yep, I remember. I hoisted the mast also. We (myself and DDs 13 and 11) sat starboard....foreward. (See Bob I learned something!!!)

Gassmandy.....DD 13 Jessica came home from school yesterday with the flu. She is home today. Well at least it should make its rounds by x-mas.
Hi everyone. Doesn't it stink to be back in the real world. That first week back at work was LLLLLOOONNNNNGGGG.

My DS4 survived the rockin' and rollin' without a problem (DH and I take bonine so we were okay). But we went to WDW on Saturday and he got sick (vomiting) that night at Epcot. Poor little guy - but he was a real trooper. By Tuesday he was back to normal. Then DH got it. I am hoping that is just ignores me!!!

I guess we're all very lucky that it didn't strike earlier during our cruise.

Welcome home everyone and HAPPY HOLIDAYS

I haven't been on the boards in a while. Great idea for this thread! Bobby (DN) and I got a cold after we got off the ship...but nothing like the rest of you are talking about! YIKES! We had a fabulous time. CrazyMomma and Lostboyinva were great tablemates. Bobby had a blast with Matthew!

We had a fabulous cruise. We booked for next year too while on board! We will be on the 11/13/04 Eastern. The beginning of the month is tough for me since it is monthend and we start to get financials together.

Next year I will be traveling with my parents again, Bobby little sister Danielle (she will be three by then) My sister (WDWDCLFAN) and her two little girls (4 and 6 at sailaway) I hope we have as good a time next time as we did this time!



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